Removing mis-guided fix for bug 3117. The bug is fixed by the fix for bug 2979, though they aren't duplicates.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// template\Template_Variant\Specific\xyin.cpp
// Implementation of a digitiser (touch-screen) driver.
// This code assumes that an interrupt is generated on pen-down and pen-up events.
// This file is part of the Template Base port
// We use this driver to exemplify the usage of Resource Management for shared resources, Peripheral "Sleep"
// and detection and notification of Wakeup events
#include <assp.h>
#include <template_assp.h>
#include <videodriver.h>
#include "mconf.h"
#include <drivers/xyin.h>
#include "template_power.h"
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Define the following constants that describe the digitiser position & dimensions
// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
// digitiser origin & size in pixels
const TUint KConfigXyOffsetX = 0; // digitiser origin - same as display area
const TUint KConfigXyOffsetY = 0;
const TUint KConfigXyWidth = 640; // 640 pixels per line
const TUint KConfigXyHeight = 480; // 480 lines per panel
// digitiser dimensions in digitiser co-ordinates
const TInt KConfigXyBitsX = 12;
const TInt KConfigXyBitsY = 12;
const TInt KConfigXySpreadX = 1 << KConfigXyBitsX; // maximum valid X spread
const TInt KConfigXySpreadY = 1 << KConfigXyBitsY; // maximum valid Y spread
const TInt KConfigXyMinX = 0; // minimum valid X value
const TInt KConfigXyMinY = 0; // minimum valid Y value
const TInt KConfigXyMaxX = KConfigXySpreadX - 1; // maximum valid X value
const TInt KConfigXyMaxY = KConfigXySpreadY - 1; // maximum valid Y value
// Define a 2x2 matrix and two constants Tx and Ty to convert digitiser co-ordinates
// to pixels such that
// (X<<16 Y<<16) = (x y) x (R11 R12) + (Tx Ty)
// (R21 R22)
// or :
// X = (x*R11 + y*R21 + TX) >> 16;
// Y = (x*R12 + y*R22 + TY) >> 16;
// where x,y are digitiser coordinates, Tx,Ty are constant offsets and X,Y are screen
// coordinates. Left shifting by 16 bits is used so as not to lose precision.
// These are default values to be used before calibration has taken place
// These are best set by observation.
// The example values given below are for a digitiser whose origin is at bottom left
// (the screen origin is at top left)
const TInt KConfigXyR11 = (KConfigXyWidth << 16) / KConfigXySpreadX; // 10240
const TInt KConfigXyR12 = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyR21 = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyR22 = - ((KConfigXyHeight << 16) / KConfigXySpreadY); // -7680
const TInt KConfigXyTx = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyTy = (KConfigXyHeight << 16) / KConfigXySpreadY;
// TO DO: (optional)
// Define the following constants that describe the digitiser behaviour
// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
// After taking a sample, wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks (normally 1 ms)
// before taking the next sample
const TInt KInterSampleTime = 1;
// After a group of samples has been processed by the DDigitiser::ProcessRawSample() DFC,
// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
const TInt KInterGroupTime = 1;
// After a pen-down interrupt,
// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
const TInt KPenDownDelayTime = 2;
// If powering up the device with the pen down,
// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before taking the next sample
const TInt KPenUpPollTime = 30;
// After a pen-up interrupt,
// wait for the specified number of nano-kernel ticks before calling PenUp()
const TInt KPenUpDebounceTime = 10;
// number of samples to discard on pen-down
const TInt KConfigXyPenDownDiscard = 1;
// number of samples to discard on pen-up
const TInt KConfigXyPenUpDiscard = 1;
// offset in pixels to cause movement in X direction
const TInt KConfigXyAccThresholdX = 12;
// offset in pixels to cause movement in Y direction
const TInt KConfigXyAccThresholdY = 12;
// number of samples to average - MUST be <= KMaxXYSamples
const TInt KConfigXyNumXYSamples = 2;
// disregard extremal values in each 4-sample group
const TBool KConfigXyDisregardMinMax= EFalse;
// obsolete constants :
const TInt KConfigXyDriveXRise = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyDriveYRise = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyMaxJumpX = 0;
const TInt KConfigXyMaxJumpY = 0;
* Main Digitiser Class
// TO DO: (optional)
// Add any private functions and data you require
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DTemplateDigitiser) : public DDigitiser
enum TState
// from DDigitiser - initialisation
virtual TInt DoCreate();
void SetDefaultConfig();
// from DDigitiser - signals to hardware-dependent code
virtual void WaitForPenDown();
virtual void WaitForPenUp();
virtual void WaitForPenUpDebounce();
virtual void DigitiserOn();
virtual void DigitiserOff();
virtual void FilterPenMove(const TPoint& aPoint);
virtual void ResetPenMoveFilter();
// from DDigitiser - machine-configuration related things
virtual TInt DigitiserToScreen(const TPoint& aDigitiserPoint, TPoint& aScreenPoint);
virtual void ScreenToDigitiser(TInt& aX, TInt& aY);
virtual TInt SetXYInputCalibration(const TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration);
virtual TInt CalibrationPoints(TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration);
virtual TInt SaveXYInputCalibration();
virtual TInt RestoreXYInputCalibration(TDigitizerCalibrationType aType);
virtual void DigitiserInfo(TDigitiserInfoV01& aInfo);
// from DPowerHandler
virtual void PowerDown(TPowerState);
virtual void PowerUp();
// implementation
void TakeSample();
void PenInterrupt();
void DigitiserPowerUp();
void PowerUpDfc();
NTimer iTimer;
NTimer iTimerInt;
TDfc iTakeReadingDfc;
TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
TInt iSamplesCount;
TState iState;
TUint8 iPoweringDown;
TSize iScreenSize;
TActualMachineConfig& iMachineConfig;
* Digitiser main code
Sample timer callback
Schedules a DFC to take a sample
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void timerExpired(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
Debounce timer callback
schedules a DFC to process a pen-down interrupt
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void timerIntExpired(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
// clear xy interrupt -> re-triggers the interrupt mechanism to catch the next IRQ
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
Pen-up/down interrupt handler
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void penInterrupt(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
DFC for taking a sample
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void takeReading(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
DFC for powering down the device
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void powerDownDfc(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
DFC for powering up the device
@param aPtr a pointer to DTemplateDigitiser
LOCAL_C void powerUpDfc(TAny* aPtr)
DTemplateDigitiser* pD=(DTemplateDigitiser*)aPtr;
Creates a new instance of DDigitiser.
Called by extension entry point (PIL) to create a DDigitiser-derived object.
@return a pointer to a DTemplateDigitiser object
DDigitiser* DDigitiser::New()
return new DTemplateDigitiser;
Default constructor
DTemplateDigitiser::DTemplateDigitiser() :
iDfcQ = Kern::DfcQue0();
Perform hardware-dependent initialisation
Called by platform independent layer
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::DoCreate()
if (Kern::ColdStart())
__KTRACE_OPT(KEXTENSION,Kern::Printf("Resetting digitiser calibration"));
// Emergency digitiser calibration values
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11 = KConfigXyR11;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12 = KConfigXyR12;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21 = KConfigXyR21;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22 = KConfigXyR22;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx = KConfigXyTx;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy = KConfigXyTy;
// register power handler
// bind to the pen-up/down interrupt
TInt r=Interrupt::Bind(KIntIdDigitiser, penInterrupt, this);
if (r!=KErrNone)
return r;
// set up the default configuration
return r;
Initialise the DDigitiser::iCfg structure
void DTemplateDigitiser::SetDefaultConfig()
iCfg.iPenDownDiscard = KConfigXyPenDownDiscard; // number of samples to discard on pen-down
iCfg.iPenUpDiscard = KConfigXyPenUpDiscard; // number of samples to discard on pen-up
iCfg.iDriveXRise = KConfigXyDriveXRise; // number of milliseconds to wait when driving horizontal edges
iCfg.iDriveYRise = KConfigXyDriveYRise; // number of milliseconds to wait when driving vertical edges
iCfg.iMinX = KConfigXyMinX; // minimum valid X value
iCfg.iMaxX = KConfigXyMaxX; // maximum valid X value
iCfg.iSpreadX = KConfigXySpreadX; // maximum valid X spread
iCfg.iMinY = KConfigXyMinY; // minimum valid Y value
iCfg.iMaxY = KConfigXyMaxY; // maximum valid Y value
iCfg.iSpreadY = KConfigXySpreadY; // maximum valid Y spread
iCfg.iMaxJumpX = KConfigXyMaxJumpX; // maximum X movement per sample (pixels)
iCfg.iMaxJumpY = KConfigXyMaxJumpY; // maximum Y movement per sample (pixels)
iCfg.iAccThresholdX = KConfigXyAccThresholdX; // offset in pixels to cause movement in X direction
iCfg.iAccThresholdY = KConfigXyAccThresholdY; // offset in pixels to cause movement in Y direction
iCfg.iNumXYSamples = KConfigXyNumXYSamples; // number of samples to average
iCfg.iDisregardMinMax = KConfigXyDisregardMinMax; // disregard extremal values in each 4-sample group
Takes a sample from the digitiser.
Called in the context of a DFC thread.
void DTemplateDigitiser::TakeSample()
TTemplatePowerController::WakeupEvent(); // notify of pendown (wakeup event) and let the power controller sort
// out if it needs propagation
TBool penDown = EFalse;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Read from appropriate hardware register to determine whether digitiser panel is being touched
// Set penDown to ETrue if touched or EFalse if not touched.
__KTRACE_OPT(KHARDWARE,Kern::Printf("TS: S%d PD%d Sp%d", (TInt)iState, penDown?1:0, iSamplesCount));
if (iState==E_HW_PowerUp)
// waiting for pen to go up after switch on due to pen down or through the HAL
// coverity[dead_error_condition]
// The next line should be reachable when this template file is edited for use
if (!penDown) // pen has gone up -> transition to new state
iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
Interrupt::Enable(KIntIdDigitiser); // enable pen-down interrupt
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to enable the digitiser interrupt
else // pen is still down, wait a bit longer in this state
if (!penDown)
if (iState==E_HW_PenUpDebounce)
iState=E_HW_CollectSample; // back to initial state, no samples collected
iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
// Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
// since PenUp() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
PenUp(); // adds DFC
else // iState=E_HW_CollectSample
iTimer.OneShot(KPenUpDebounceTime); // wait a bit to make sure pen still up
else if (iState==E_HW_PenUpDebounce) // pen down
// false alarm - pen is down again
iState=E_HW_CollectSample; // take a new set of samples
iSamplesCount=0; // reset sample buffer
// default: pen down and iState=E_HW_CollectSample
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Read from appropriate hardware register to get the current digitiser coordinates
// of the point that is being touched. Set aResults accordingly.
// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
TPoint aResults;
// X axis
iX[iSamplesCount] = aResults.iX;
// Y axis
iY[iSamplesCount] = aResults.iY;
__KTRACE_OPT(KHARDWARE,Kern::Printf("Raw: X=%d Y=%d",iX[iSamplesCount],iY[iSamplesCount]));
// Put the hardware back into pen-detect mode
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
// count samples collected - if it's less than minimum,
// schedule the reading of another sample
if (++iSamplesCount < iCfg.iNumXYSamples) // iX[] and iY[] are 4 levels deep in xyin.h...
if(KInterSampleTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
iTimer.OneShot(KInterSampleTime); // haven't got a complete group yet, so queue timer to sample again
// Have a complete group of samples so pass up to processing layer (PIL)
// Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
// since RawSampleValid() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
RawSampleValid(); // adds DFC
Request for an interrupt to be generated when the pen is next down
Called by PIL at startup or when pen leaves digitiser after pen-up event issued
void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenDown()
// Called at startup or when pen leaves digitiser after pen-up event issued
__KTRACE_OPT(KHARDWARE,Kern::Printf("WD: PowerDownMask %x",iPoweringDown));
if (iPoweringDown)
// powering down
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched and wakes up the system if in standby
// TO DO: (optional)
// Relinquish request on power resources
// This will place the peripheral hardware in a low power "Sleep" mode which is Interrupt detection capable
TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 50 /* a percentage */);
aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Release();
iPoweringDown = EFalse;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
if ((iTimer.iState == NTimer::EIdle) && (iTimerInt.iState == NTimer::EIdle))
Interrupt::Enable(KIntIdDigitiser); // enable pen-down interrupt
Called by PIL after it has processed a group of raw samples while pen is down.
Used to indicate that the iX, iY buffers may be re-used
void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenUp()
iState = E_HW_CollectSample;
iSamplesCount = 0; // reset sample buffer
if(KInterGroupTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
Called by PIL if the group of samples collected is not good enough
Used to indicate that the iX, iY buffers may be re-used
void DTemplateDigitiser::WaitForPenUpDebounce()
iState = E_HW_CollectSample;
iSamplesCount = 0; // reset sample buffer
if(KInterGroupTime > 0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
Pen up/down interrupt service routine (ISR)
void DTemplateDigitiser::PenInterrupt()
Interrupt::Clear(KIntIdDigitiser); // should already have been cleared
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Read from appropriate hardware register to determine whether digitiser panel is being touched
// Set penDown to ETrue if touched or EFalse if not touched.
// This is only example code... you need to modify it for your hardware
TBool penDown = EFalse;
// coverity[dead_error_condition]
if(!penDown) // pen up
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
return; // ... and exit!
Interrupt::Disable(KIntIdDigitiser); // do NOT disable the capability to generate interrupts at the source
// Add the timing of pen interrupts as entropy data for the RNG
if (KPenDownDelayTime>0) // need to check this config param as it might be zero!
iTimerInt.OneShot(KPenDownDelayTime); // start a debounce timer which will queue a DFC to process the interrupt
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
// This will re-trigger the interrupt mechanism to catch the next interrupt...
DPowerHandler pure virtual
void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUp()
iPowerUpDfc.Enque(); // queue a DFC in this driver's context
Called by power up DFC
void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUpDfc()
__KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER, Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::PowerUpDfc()"));
PowerUpDone(); // must be called from a different thread than PowerUp()
Turn the digitiser on
May be called as a result of a power transition or from the HAL
If called from HAL, then the digitiser may be already be on (iPointerOn == ETrue)
void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOn()
__KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOn() iPointerOn=%d", iPointerOn));
if (!iPointerOn) // may have been powered up already
Power-up the digitiser. Assumes digitiser is off.
void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserPowerUp()
__KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER, Kern::Printf("DigitiserPowerUp"));
iPointerOn = ETrue; // now turned on
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to clear the digitiser interrupt
// TO DO: (optional)
// Reassert request on power resources
// This will move the peripheral hardware out of low power "Sleep" mode back to fully operational
TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 100 /* a percentage */);
aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Use();
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched
iState = E_HW_PowerUp; // so we wait for pen up if necessary
DPowerHandler pure virtual
@param aPowerState the current power state
void DTemplateDigitiser::PowerDown(TPowerState /*aPowerState*/)
iPoweringDown = ETrue;
iPowerDownDfc.Enque(); // queue a DFC in this driver's context
Turn the digitiser off
May be called as a result of a power transition or from the HAL
If called from Power Manager, then the digitiser may be already be off (iPointerOn == EFalse)
if the platform is in silent running mode
void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOff()
__KTRACE_OPT(KPOWER,Kern::Printf("DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserOff() iPointerOn=%d", iPointerOn));
if (iPointerOn) // can have been powered down from HAL
iPointerOn = EFalse;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register to disable the digitiser interrupt
if (iState != E_HW_CollectSample)
// Need to lock the kernel to simulate ISR context and thus defer preemption,
// since PenUp() expects an ISR context and calls TDfc::Add().
PenUp(); // adds DFC (will call WaitForPenDown)
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to allow the hardware
// to detect when the digitizer panel is touched and wakes up the system if in standby
// TO DO: (optional)
// Relinquish request on power resources as we are being powered down
// This will place the peripheral hardware in a low power "Sleep" mode which is Interrupt detection capable
TemplateResourceManager* aManager = TTemplatePowerController::ResourceManager();
aManager -> ModifyToLevel(TemplateResourceManager::AsynchMlResourceUsedByXOnly, 0 /* a percentage */);
aManager -> SharedBResource1() -> Release();
if (iPoweringDown) // came here through PowerDown
iPoweringDown = EFalse;
else // already powered down (by HAL)
if (iPoweringDown) // came here through PowerDown
iPoweringDown = EFalse;
Convert digitiser coordinates to screen coordinates
@param aDigitiserPoint the digitiser coordinates
@param aScreenPoint A TPoint supplied by the caller.
On return, set to the converted screen coordinates in pixels.
@return KErrNone if successful
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserToScreen(const TPoint& aDigitiserPoint, TPoint& aScreenPoint)
TInt R11 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11;
TInt R12 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12;
TInt R21 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21;
TInt R22 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22;
TInt TX = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx;
TInt TY = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy;
TInt X = aDigitiserPoint.iX;
TInt Y = aDigitiserPoint.iY;
aScreenPoint.iX = (X*R11 + Y*R21 + TX) >> 16;
aScreenPoint.iY = (X*R12 + Y*R22 + TY) >> 16;
__KTRACE_OPT(KHARDWARE,Kern::Printf("DtS: Dp.x %d, Dp.y %d, Sp.x %d, Sp.y %d", X,Y,aScreenPoint.iX,aScreenPoint.iY));
return KErrNone;
Convert screen coordinates back into digitiser coordinates
using the current constants from the superpage
@param aX The screen X coordinate in pixels; On return, set to the digitiser X coordinate.
@param aY The screen Y coordinate in pixels; On return, set to the digitiser Y coordinate.
void DTemplateDigitiser::ScreenToDigitiser(TInt& aX, TInt& aY)
Int64 R11 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11;
Int64 R12 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12;
Int64 R21 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21;
Int64 R22 = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22;
Int64 TX = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx;
Int64 TY = iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy;
Int64 X = aX;
Int64 Y = aY;
// Xd=(Xs<<16)*R22-(Ys<<16)*R21-(TX*R22)+(TY*R21)
// -------------------------------------------
// (R22*R11)-(R21*R12)
// Yd=(Xs<<16)*R12-(Ys<<16)*R11-(TX*R12)+(TY*R11)
// -------------------------------------------
// (R21*R12)-(R22*R11)
// where Xd and Yd are digitiser coordinates
// Xs and Ys are supplied screen coordinates
Int64 d=Int64(R21)*Int64(R12)-Int64(R22)*Int64(R11);
Int64 r=(X*R12)-(Y*R11)-(TX*R12)+(TY*R11);
Calculate values for R11, R12, R21, R22, TX and TY
@param aCalibration the screen coordinates of points touched
@return KErrNone if successful
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::SetXYInputCalibration(const TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration)
TInt R11,R12,R21,R22,TX,TY;
// Get coords of expected points
TDigitizerCalibration cal;
TInt ret=CalibrationPoints(cal);
if (ret!=KErrNone)
return ret;
TInt Xp1=cal.iTl.iX;
TInt Yp1=cal.iTl.iY;
TInt Xp2=cal.iBl.iX;
TInt Yp2=cal.iBl.iY;
TInt Xp3=cal.iBr.iX;
TInt Yp3=cal.iBr.iY;
// Get coords of points touched in screen coordinates
TInt X1=aCalibration.iTl.iX;
TInt Y1=aCalibration.iTl.iY;
TInt X2=aCalibration.iBl.iX;
TInt Y2=aCalibration.iBl.iY;
TInt X3=aCalibration.iBr.iX;
TInt Y3=aCalibration.iBr.iY;
// Convert back to raw digitiser coordinates
// (Y1-Y2)(Xp1-Xp3) - (Y1-Y3)(Xp1-Xp2)
// ----------------------------------- = R11
// (Y1-Y2)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X1-X2)
Int64 r=((Int64(Y1-Y2)*Int64(Xp1-Xp3))-(Int64(Y1-Y3)*Int64(Xp1-Xp2)));
// (Y1-Y2)(Yp1-Yp3) - (Y1-Y3)(Yp1-Yp2)
// ----------------------------------- = R12
// (Y1-Y2)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X1-X2)
// (X1-X3)(Xp2-Xp3) - (X2-X3)(Xp1-Xp3)
// ----------------------------------- = R21
// (Y2-Y3)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X2-X3)
// (X1-X3)(Yp2-Yp3) - (X2-X3)(Yp1-Yp3)
// ----------------------------------- = R22
// (Y2-Y3)(X1-X3) - (Y1-Y3)(X2-X3)
// TX = Xp1 - X1*R11 - Y1*R21
// TY = Yp1 - X1*R12 - Y1*R22
// Write new values into the superpage
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR11 = R11;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR12 = R12;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR21 = R21;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iR22 = R22;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTx = TX;
iMachineConfig.iCalibration.iTy = TY;
Informs the user-side calibration application where to draw
the cross-hairs on the screen
@param aCalibration On return contains the for points on the screen (in screen coordinates)
where the cross-hairs should be drawn
@return KErrNone if succcessful
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::CalibrationPoints(TDigitizerCalibration& aCalibration)
TVideoInfoV01Buf buf;
TVideoInfoV01& vidinfo=buf();
TInt r = Kern::HalFunction(EHalGroupDisplay, EDisplayHalCurrentModeInfo, (TAny*)&buf, NULL);
if (r!=KErrNone)
return r;
aCalibration.iBl.iX = aCalibration.iTl.iX = iScreenSize.iWidth/10;
aCalibration.iTr.iY = aCalibration.iTl.iY = iScreenSize.iHeight/10;
aCalibration.iBr.iY = aCalibration.iBl.iY = iScreenSize.iHeight-iScreenSize.iHeight/10;
aCalibration.iTr.iX = aCalibration.iBr.iX = iScreenSize.iWidth-iScreenSize.iWidth/10;
return r;
Saves the digitiser calibration to the persistent machine configuration area
so that it can be restored after a power-down/up
@return KErrNone if succcessful
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::SaveXYInputCalibration()
iMachineConfig.iCalibrationSaved = iMachineConfig.iCalibration;
Restores the digitiser calibration from the persistent machine configuration area
following a power-up
@param aType indicates whether to restore factory or saved settings
@return KErrNone if succcessful
TInt DTemplateDigitiser::RestoreXYInputCalibration(TDigitizerCalibrationType aType)
TInt r=KErrNone;
switch (aType)
case EFactory:
case ESaved:
return r;
Gets the digitiser configuration information
@param aInfo On return, contains information about the digitiser's dimensions etc.
void DTemplateDigitiser::DigitiserInfo(TDigitiserInfoV01& aInfo)
Issues a pen move event if the distance from the last point is greater than the threshold
@param aPoint the pen position in screen coordinates
void DTemplateDigitiser::FilterPenMove(const TPoint& aPoint)
TPoint offset=aPoint;
if (Abs(offset.iX)>=iCfg.iAccThresholdX || Abs(offset.iY)>=iCfg.iAccThresholdY)
Reset the pen move filter
void DTemplateDigitiser::ResetPenMoveFilter()