Removing mis-guided fix for bug 3117. The bug is fixed by the fix for bug 2979, though they aren't duplicates.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\pccd_ifc.h
#ifndef __PCCD_IFC_H__
#define __PCCD_IFC_H__
#include <pccard.h>
#include <drivers/locmedia.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <assp.h>
const TInt KMemConfigByteAccess=1;
class PccdIfc
static DPcCardSocket* NewSocket(TInt aSocketNum);
static DPcCardMediaChange* NewMediaChange(TInt aMcId);
static DPcCardVcc* NewVcc(TInt aVccNum, TInt aMcId);
static DPccdChunkBase* NewChunk(TPccdMemType aType);
A base class that defines a Pc Card controller interface.
class TPcCardControllerInterface
Allocate any resources. Only done once on kernel initialization so don't worry about cleanup if it fails.
@return KErrNone if successful in allocating memory for the Pc Card. otherwise return KErrNoMemory.
IMPORT_C TInt Create();
Gets the physical address of Pc Card memory.
@param aCard A Pc Card whose physical address to be returned.
@param aType Memory type of the Pc Card whose physical address to be returned.
@return Physical address of Pc Card for the given memory type.
@see TPccdMemType
virtual TUint32 MemPhysicalAddress(TInt aCard,TPccdMemType aType)=0;
Sets the Pc Card controller h/w.
Initialise the Pc Card Controller h/w.
@return KErrNone if Pc Card contorller h/w is initialised.
virtual TInt Init()=0;
Gets the current settings for the Pc Card.
@param aCard A Pc Card whose signals to be indicated.
@param anInd Has current settings for the PC Card indicator signals into 'anInd' for the specified aCard.
@return KErrNone if successful.
@see TSocketIndicators.
virtual TInt Indicators(TInt aCard,TSocketIndicators &anInd)=0;
Enables the Pc Card Interface.
@param aCard A Pc Card whose interface to be enabled.
virtual void InterfaceOn(TInt aCard)=0;
Disables the Pc Card Interface.
@param aCard A PC Card whose interface to be disabled.
virtual void InterfaceOff(TInt aCard)=0;
To Apply/remove h/w reset.
@param aCard A Pc Card which has to be h/w reseted.
@param anAssert To make the h/w reset guarented.
virtual void CardReset(TInt aCard,TBool anAssert)=0;
Gets Pc Card Rdy/Bsy status.
@param aCard Pc Card whose status to be returned.
@return True if the card is ready.
virtual TBool CardReady(TInt aCard)=0;
Configure memory configuration options.
@param aCard Pc Card whose memory to be configured.
@param aMemType Type of memory to be configured.
@param aSpeed Access speed of the memory involved.
@param aWaitSig This WaitSig should never checked since repeated accesses to MECR seem to crash the system
in mysterious ways.
@param aFlag To modify the memory configuration attributes by ORing with memory chunk setup flags pKPccdBusWidth32 and KPccdDisableWaitStateCntrl ,
@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if unsuccessful.
@see TPccdMemType.
@see TPccdAccessSpeed.
virtual TInt MemConfig(TInt aCard,TPccdMemType aMemType,TPccdAccessSpeed aSpeed,TBool aWaitSig,TUint aFlag)=0;
Gets the information of the socket.
@param aSocket Socket whose information to be retrieved.
@param anInfo Gets the socket information in anInfo.
@see TPcCardSocketInfo.
virtual void SocketInfo(TSocket aSocket,TPcCardSocketInfo& anInfo)=0;
Checks the specified socket contains a card (and the media door for the socket is closed).
@param anInfo Has the socket information.
@param aCard Socket for which a card presence is checked.
@return True if the socket contians a card (and the media door for the socket is closed).
virtual TBool CardIsPresent(TInt aCard)=0;
Gets the changed state of the specified media (ex,removed,inserted..)
@param aMediaChangeId stores the state of the specified media change
@return Mediastate when change to media takes place.
@see TMediaState.
virtual TMediaState MediaState(TInt aMediaChangeId)=0;
// Pc Card PSUs
Sets Vcc information for the Pc Card.
@param aPsu Power supply unit value supplied for the Pc Card.
@param aninfo Object of TPBusPsuInfo type passed to store the PSU information.
@see TPBusPsuInfo.
virtual void VccInfo(TInt aPsu,TPBusPsuInfo &aninfo)=0;
Sets Pc Card Vcc power supply OFF.
@param aPsu Power supply unit for the Pc Card.
virtual void VccOff(TInt aPsu)=0;
Sets Pc Card Vcc power supply ON.
@param aPsu Power supply unit for the Pc Card.
@param aVoltageSetting A voltage to power on Pc Card which is defined in enum TPccdSocketVcc.
@see TPccdSocketVcc
virtual void VccOnFull(TInt aPsu,TPccdSocketVcc aVoltageSetting)=0;
Sets Pc Card Vcc power supply ON with current limit.
@param aPsu Power supply unit for the Pc Card.
@param aVoltageSetting A voltage of current limt to power on Pc Card which is defined in enum TPccdSocketVcc.
@see TPccdSocketVcc
virtual void VccOnCurrentLimit(TInt aPsu,TPccdSocketVcc aVoltageSetting)=0;
Sets Pc Card Vcc level (normally ADC reading). Return KErrNotReady if the voltage check isn't complete.
@param aPsu Power supply unit for the Pc Card.
virtual TInt VccInMilliVolts(TInt aPsu)=0;
Gets Pc Card Vcc voltage status.
An alternative to using ADC, when voltage checking is performed using a comparator arrangement.
@param aPsu Power supply unit for the Pc Card.
@return KErrNone if successful, KErrGeneral if failed.
virtual TInt VccVoltCheck(TInt aPsu)=0;
// interrupts
Gets a interrupt Id for Pc card.
@param aCard Pc Card to which interrupts Id is requested.
@return InterruptId of the Pc Card.
virtual TInt IntIdIReq(TInt aCard)=0;
Gets ready interrupt Id when ready signal is asserted on Pc Card.
@param aCard Pc Card which is interrupted through a ready signal.
@return Ready interrupt Id for the Pc Card.
virtual TInt IntIdRdyC(TInt aCard)=0;
Gets interrupt status Id when status of Pc Card changes.
@param aCard Pc Card which is interrupted through a change in state.
@return Interrupt status Id, for the Pc Card.
virtual TInt IntIdStsC(TInt aCard)=0;
Gets Mediachange interrupt Id when media changes, i,e when media door is Opend/Closed.
@param aMediaChangeId An media chagne Id which tells whether media door is closed / Opened.
@return Media change interrupt id, when a change in media takes place.
virtual TInt IntIdMediaChange(TInt aMediaChangeId)=0;
Acknowledge the media change interrupt.
@param aMediaChangeId An media change Id which tells whether a door is closed / Opened.
virtual void ClearMediaChange(TInt aMediaChangeId)=0;
// machine configuration
@param aSocket the socket ID.
@param aMediaDeviceInfo , Media information of the scoket which has to be checked.
@return True if Pc Card is present in the secified socket.
virtual TBool IsPcCardSocket(TInt aSocket,SMediaDeviceInfo& aMediaDeviceInfo)=0;
Gets information about from which socket does the media change took place.
@param aSocket the socket ID.
@return socket from which socket does the media change took place.
virtual TInt MediaChangeFromSocket(TInt aSocket)=0;
Gets from which socket does the Vcc signal is generated.
@param aSocket the socket ID.
@return socket Id from which Vcc signal is generated.
virtual TInt VccFromSocket(TInt aSocket)=0;
GLREF_D TPcCardControllerInterface* ThePccdCntrlInterface;