Removing mis-guided fix for bug 3117. The bug is fixed by the fix for bug 2979, though they aren't duplicates.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\smpsoak\t_smpsoak.h
#if (!defined __T_SMPSOAK_H__)
#define __T_SMPSOAK_H__
#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
// EPOC includes
#include <e32test.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32math.h>
// User Includes
#include "d_smpsoak.h"
TBool TestSilent = EFalse;
TBool Period = EFalse;
TBool timeout = EFalse;
TBool ThreadPriorityLow = EFalse;
TBuf<25> gCmdLine;
_LIT(KCmdLineProcess, "%s");
_LIT(KCmdLineBackground, "-b %s");
_LIT(KCmdLinePeriod, "-p %d %s");
TUint gPeriod = 10000;
#define PRINT(args)\
if (!TestSilent)\
test.Printf args
//Global Literals
_LIT(KGlobalWriteSem, "GlobalWriteSem");
_LIT(KGlobalReadSem, "GlobalReadSem");
_LIT(KGlobalWRChunk, "GlobalWRChunk");
_LIT(KSessionPath, "?:\\SMPSOAK-TST\\");
_LIT(KDir, "Dir%d\\");
_LIT(KFile, "\\SMPSOAK-TST\\Dir%d\\File%d.txt");
const TUint8* pattern = (TText8*)("A11$$222BCDEUVWXY££££$$$Z");
//Global's used between the process
const TUint32 KCpuAffinityAny=0xffffffffu;
static RSemaphore gWriteSem;
static RSemaphore gReadSem;
static RChunk gChunk;
static volatile TBool gAbort = EFalse; // Set true when escape key pressed
static RSMPSoak gSMPStressDrv;
static RSemaphore gSwitchSem;
//Chunk Allocation IPC Read/Write operations
static const TInt KChunkMaxSize = 0x01000000; //16 MB
static const TInt KChunkSize = 0x400000; //4MB
TBuf8<KChunkSize> memData;
//Heap Allocations for OOM Threads
const TInt KHeapMaxiSize = 0x200000; //2MB
const TInt KHeapReserveSize = 0x100000; //1MB
RSemaphore ooMemSem;
//For Thread Creation
const TInt KHeapMinSize= 0x1000;
const TInt KHeapMaxSize= 0x1000;
const TInt KTimerPeriod = 10000;
const TInt KRandSeed= 1234;
//Used by File thread's
const TInt KFileNameLength = 100;
const TInt KPriorityOrder = 4;
static RTest test(_L("T_SMPSoak"));
//Enum's for Memory Thread Operations
//Process Priority
//Memory table structure for Memory thread
struct TMemory
TPtrC globalChunkName;
TInt chunkType;
TInt initialBottom;
TInt initialTop;
TInt maxSize;
struct TChunkInfo
RChunk chunk;
TInt lastBottom;
TInt lastTop;
KNumThreads = 7,
KNumProcess = 4,
KNumFileThreads = 4,
KNumTimerThreads = 2,
KNumOOMThreads = 4,
KNumChunks = 13
TInt NumProcess = KNumProcess;
//Device information for device thread
_LIT(KDevLdd5Name, "Usbc");
//Thread data for each thread
struct TThreadData
TInt threadPriorities[4];
TInt threadPriorityChange;
TUint32 cpuAffinity;
TInt delayTime;
TInt numThreads;
TAny *listPtr;
TInt dirID;
TInt numFile;
struct TThread
TPtrC threadName;
TThreadFunction threadFunction;
TThreadData threadData;
struct TProcess
TPtrC processFileName;
TPtrC operation;
TUint32 cpuAffinity;
inline void ShowHelp()
PRINT(_L("The following are immediate commands\n"));
PRINT(_L("-l run includes Out of Memory thread tests \n"));
PRINT(_L("-b run in silent mode\n"));
PRINT(_L("-t nn test run with timeout in seconds\n"));
PRINT(_L("-p nnnn period for each thread to sleep in iteration\n"));
PRINT(_L("-h show this help\n"));
PRINT(_L("Esc to shutdown\n"));
#endif /* __T_SMPSOAK_H__ */