Merge Compiler Compatibility fixes onto default branch.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// template\template_variant\inc\iolines.h
// Variant layer header for Template Platform
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#ifndef __V32TEMPLATEV1_H__
#define __V32TEMPLATEV1_H__
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <kernel/kpower.h>
// Variant-specific constants: use #define if constant dependencies are not
// declared within this file (this breaks the dependency on other header files)
// Examples of what goes in here include:
// - General-purpose I/O allocation such as
// #define KtVariantGpio32KHzClkOut KHtGpioPort1
// #define KtVariantGpioRClkOut KHtGpioPort0
// #define KmVariantPinDirectionIn Sleep 0
// - Memory constants (type, geometry, wait states, etc) such as:
// #define KwVariantRom0Type TTemplate::ERomTypeBurst4Rom
// #define KwVariantRom0Width TTemplate::ERomWidth32
// const TUint KwVariantRom0WaitNs = 150;
// const TUint KwVariantRom0PageNs = 30;
// const TUint KwVariantRom0RecoverNs = 55;
// - Specific Peripherals (Keyboard, LCD, CODECS, Serial Ports) such as
// const TUint KwVariantKeyColLshift = 7;
// #define KwVariantLcdBpp TTemplate::ELcd8BitsPerPixel
// const TUint KwVariantLcdMaxColors = 4096;
// const TUint KwVariantCodecMaxVolume = 0;
// - Off-chip hardware control blocks (addresses, register make-up)
// - Interrupts (second-level Interrupt controller base address, register make-up):
const TUint32 KHwVariantPhysBase = 0x40000000;
const TUint32 KHoVariantRegSpacing = 0x200;
const TUint32 KHoBaseIntCont = 0x0B*KHoVariantRegSpacing;
const TUint32 KHoIntContEnable = 0x00; // offsets from KHwVariantPhysBase+KHoBaseIntCont
const TUint32 KHoIntContPending = 0x04;
// other Variant and external blocks Base adrress offsets to KHwVariantPhysBase
// TO DO: (optional)
// Enumerate here all Variant (2nd level) interrupt sources. It could be a good idea to enumerate them in a way that
// facilitates operating on the corresponding interrupt controller registers (e.g using their value as a shift count)
enum TTemplateInterruptId
// the top-level bit is set to distinguish from first level (ASSP) Interrupts
// ...
// TO DO: (optional)
// Define here some commonly used Variant (2nd level) interrupts
const TInt KIntIdKeyboard=EXIntIdB;
class Variant
// below is a selection of functions usually implemented at this level. This do not constitute a mandatory
// set and it might not be relevant for your hardware...
* initialisation
static void Init3();
* Returns the Linear Base address of the Variant Hardware
IMPORT_C static TUint BaseLinAddress();
* When invoked, turns off all power supplies
IMPORT_C static void PowerReset();
* When invoked, it marks the Serial port used for outputting debug strings as requiring re-initialisation
* As in, for example, the serial port was used by a device driver or the system is coming back from Standby
IMPORT_C static void MarkDebugPortOff();
* When invoked, initialises the Serial Port hardware for the serial port used to output Debug strings
* Called by Template::DebugInit()
IMPORT_C static void UartInit();
* When invoked, read the state of on-board switches
* @return A bitmask with the state of on-board switches
IMPORT_C static TUint Switches();
// other functions to access hardware not covered by specific device-drivres, which may be called from drivers
// or platform-specifc code
// ...
static TUint32 iBaseAddress;
// (optional): May need to have a follower variable to store the value of a read only register initialised at boot time
// static TUint aFollower;