Fix for Bug 3159 - #include <rom\include\compsupp.iby> breaks linux GCCE builds in user.iby
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\nkernsmp\nk_priv.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#ifndef __NK_PRIV_H__
#define __NK_PRIV_H__
#include <cpudefs.h>
#include <nkern.h>
#define __USE_BTRACE_LOCK__
class Monitor;
const TInt KNumPriClasses = 4;
extern const TUint8 KClassFromPriority[KNumPriorities];
struct SLbInfo
TUint64 i__Dummy;
* Schedulable = thread or thread group
Base class for a nanokernel thread or group
class NThreadGroup;
class NSchedulable : public TPriListLink
enum NReadyFlags
enum NEventState
enum NLbState
ELbState_Inactive = 0x00u, // not currently involved in load balancing
ELbState_Global = 0x01u, // flag indicating this is on global load balance list
ELbState_Temp = 0x02u, // flag indicating this is on a temporary load balance list
ELbState_CpuMask = 0x1Fu, // mask of bits indicating CPU if on per-CPU list
ELbState_PerCpu = 0x20u, // flag indicating this is on per-CPU load balance list
ELbState_ExtraRef = 0x40u, // flag indicating extra reference has been taken after thread/group died
ELbState_Generation = 0x80u, // 1 bit generation number
enum NCpuStatsSelect
E_AllStats = 0x3fu
struct SCpuStats
TUint64 iRunTime; // total run time
TUint64 iRunTimeDelta; // run time since we last asked
TUint64 iActiveTime; // total active time
TUint64 iActiveTimeDelta; // active time since we last asked
TUint64 iLastRunTime; // how long ago this last ran
TUint64 iLastActiveTime; // how long ago this was last active
NSchedulable(); /**< @internalComponent */
void AcqSLock(); /**< @internalComponent */
void RelSLock(); /**< @internalComponent */
void LAcqSLock(); /**< @internalComponent */
void RelSLockU(); /**< @internalComponent */
void ReadyT(TUint aMode); /**< @internalComponent */ // make ready, assumes lock held
TInt BeginTiedEvent(); /**< @internalComponent */
void EndTiedEvent(); /**< @internalComponent */
TInt AddTiedEvent(NEventHandler* aEvent); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool TiedEventReadyInterlock(TInt aCpu); /**< @internalComponent */
void UnPauseT(); /**< @internalComponent */ // decrement pause count and make ready if necessary
static void DeferredReadyIDfcFn(TAny*); /**< @internalComponent */
void DetachTiedEvents(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool TakeRef(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool DropRef(); /**< @internalComponent */
void LbUnlink(); /**< @internalComponent */
void LbTransfer(SDblQue& aDestQ); /**< @internalComponent */
void RemoveFromEnumerateList(); /**< @internalComponent */
void GetCpuStats(TUint aMask, SCpuStats& aOut); /**< @internalComponent */
void GetCpuStatsT(TUint aMask, SCpuStats& aOut); /**< @internalComponent */
void GetLbStats(TUint64 aTime); /**< @internalComponent */
void LbDone(TUint aFlags); /**< @internalComponent */
TUint32 SetCpuAffinityT(TUint32 aAffinity); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool ShouldMigrate(TInt aCpu); /**< @internalComponent */
void InitLbInfo(); /**< @internalComponent */
void NominalPriorityChanged(); /**< @internalComponent */
void AddToEnumerateList(); /**< @internalComponent */
void SetEventCpu(); /**< @internalComponent */
static TUint32 PreprocessCpuAffinity(TUint32 aAffinity); /**< @internalComponent */
inline TBool IsGroup() {return !iParent;} /**< @internalComponent */
inline TBool IsLoneThread() {return iParent==this;} /**< @internalComponent */
inline TBool IsGroupThread() {return iParent && iParent!=this;} /**< @internalComponent */
// TUint8 iReady; /**< @internalComponent */ // flag indicating thread on ready list = cpu number | EReadyOffset
// TUint8 iCurrent; /**< @internalComponent */ // flag indicating thread is running
// TUint8 iLastCpu; /**< @internalComponent */ // CPU on which this thread last ran
TUint8 iPauseCount; /**< @internalComponent */ // count of externally requested pauses extending a voluntary wait
TUint8 iSuspended; /**< @internalComponent */ // flag indicating active external suspend (Not used for groups)
TUint8 iACount; /**< @internalComponent */ // access count
TUint8 iPreferredCpu; /**< @internalComponent */
TInt iActiveState; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 i_NSchedulable_Spare2; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iForcedCpu; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iTransientCpu; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iLbState; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iCpuChange; /**< @internalComponent */ // flag showing CPU migration outstanding
TUint8 iStopping; /**< @internalComponent */ // thread is exiting, thread group is being destroyed
TUint16 iFreezeCpu; /**< @internalComponent */ // flag set if CPU frozen - count for groups
NSchedulable* iParent; /**< @internalComponent */ // Pointer to group containing thread, =this for normal thread, =0 for group
TUint32 iCpuAffinity; /**< @internalComponent */
volatile TUint32 iEventState; /**< @internalComponent */ // bits 16-31=count, 0-4=event CPU, 5-9=thread CPU, 10=defer, 11=parent
TSpinLock iSSpinLock; /**< @internalComponent */
SDblQue iEvents; /**< @internalComponent */ // doubly-linked list of tied events
TUint32 i_IDfcMem[sizeof(TDfc)/sizeof(TUint32)]; /**< @internalComponent */ // IDFC used to make thread ready after last tied event completes
// TDfc iDeferredReadyIDfc; /**< @internalComponent */ // IDFC used to make thread ready after last tied event completes
union {
TUint64HL iRunCount; /**< @internalComponent */ // number of times this thread has run
TUint64HL iLastStartTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // last start time for groups
TUint64HL iLastRunTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // time when this thread last ran
TUint64HL iTotalCpuTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // total CPU time used by this thread
TUint64HL iLastActivationTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // time when this thread last became active
TUint64HL iTotalActiveTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // total time this thread has been active
TUint64HL iSavedCpuTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // Total CPU time used at last check
TUint64HL iSavedActiveTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // Total active time at last check
SDblQueLink iLbLink; /**< @internalComponent */ // Link into queue of tasks requiring load balancing
SIterDQLink iEnumerateLink; /**< @internalComponent */
enum {EMaxLbInfoSize = 48}; /**< @internalComponent */
union {
TUint64 i__Dummy[EMaxLbInfoSize/sizeof(TUint64)]; /**< @internalComponent */
SLbInfo iLbInfo; /**< @internalComponent */
__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(SLbInfo) <= NSchedulable::EMaxLbInfoSize);
inline TBool TDfc::IsValid()
if (iHType < KNumDfcPriorities)
return TRUE;
if (iHType != EEventHandlerIDFC)
return FALSE;
return !iTied || !iTied->iStopping;
* Thread
class NThreadWaitState
enum TWtStFlags
EWtStWaitPending =0x01u, // thread is about to wait
EWtStWaitActive =0x02u, // thread is actually blocked
EWtStTimeout =0x04u, // timeout is active on this wait
EWtStObstructed =0x08u, // wait is due to obstruction (e.g. mutex) rather than lack of work to do
EWtStDead =0x80u, // thread is dead
void SetUpWait(TUint aType, TUint aFlags, TAny* aWaitObj);
void SetUpWait(TUint aType, TUint aFlags, TAny* aWaitObj, TUint32 aTimeout);
void SetDead(TDfc* aKillDfc);
void CancelWait();
TInt DoWait();
static void TimerExpired(TAny*);
TInt UnBlockT(TUint aType, TAny* aWaitObj, TInt aReturnValue);
TUint32 ReleaseT(TAny*& aWaitObj, TInt aReturnValue);
void CancelTimerT();
inline NThreadBase* Thread();
inline TBool WaitPending()
{ return iWtC.iWtStFlags & (EWtStWaitPending|EWtStDead); }
inline TBool ThreadIsBlocked()
{ return iWtC.iWtStFlags & (EWtStWaitActive|EWtStDead); }
inline TBool ThreadIsDead()
{ return iWtC.iWtStFlags & EWtStDead; }
struct S
volatile TUint8 iWtStFlags;
volatile TUint8 iWtObjType;
volatile TUint8 iWtStSpare1;
volatile TUint8 iWtStSpare2;
TAny* volatile iWtObj;
volatile TInt iRetVal;
TDfc* volatile iKillDfc;
S iWtC;
volatile TUint32 iWtSt32[2];
volatile TUint64 iWtSt64;
NTimer iTimer;
friend class NSchedulable;
friend class NThreadBase;
friend class NThread;
friend class TScheduler;
friend class TSubScheduler;
friend class TDfc;
friend class TDfcQue;
friend class NFastSemaphore;
friend class NFastMutex;
friend class NTimer;
friend class NTimerQ;
friend class NKern;
friend class Monitor;
friend class NKTest;
Base class for a nanokernel thread.
class TSubScheduler;
class NThreadBase : public NSchedulable
Defines the possible types of wait object
enum NThreadWaitType
enum NThreadCSFunction
enum NThreadTimeoutOp
TInt Create(SNThreadCreateInfo& anInfo, TBool aInitial); /**< @internalComponent */
void UnReadyT(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool SuspendOrKill(TInt aCount); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool DoSuspendOrKillT(TInt aCount, TSubScheduler* aS); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool CancelTimerT(); /**< @internalComponent */
void DoReleaseT(TInt aReturnCode, TUint aMode); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool CheckFastMutexDefer(); /**< @internalComponent */
void DoCsFunctionT(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool Resume(TBool aForce); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C TBool Suspend(TInt aCount); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C TBool Resume(); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C TBool ForceResume(); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C void Release(TInt aReturnCode, TUint aMode); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C void RequestSignal(); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C void SetPriority(TInt aPriority); /**< @internalComponent */
void SetNominalPriority(TInt aPriority); /**< @internalComponent */
void SetMutexPriority(NFastMutex* aMutex); /**< @internalComponent */
void LoseInheritedPriorityT(); /**< @internalComponent */
void ChangeReadyThreadPriority(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool TiedEventLeaveInterlock(); /**< @internalComponent */
TBool TiedEventJoinInterlock(); /**< @internalComponent */
IMPORT_C void Kill(); /**< @internalComponent */
void Exit(); /**< @internalComponent */
// hooks for platform-specific code
void OnKill(); /**< @internalComponent */
void OnExit(); /**< @internalComponent */
static void TimerExpired(TAny* aPtr); /**< @internalComponent */
/** @internalComponent */
inline void UnknownState(TInt aOp, TInt aParam)
{ (*iHandlers->iStateHandler)((NThread*)this,aOp,aParam); }
/** @internalComponent */
inline TUint8 Attributes()
{ return i_ThrdAttr; }
/** @internalComponent */
inline TUint8 SetAttributes(TUint8 aNewAtt)
{ return __e32_atomic_swp_ord8(&i_ThrdAttr, aNewAtt); }
/** @internalComponent */
inline TUint8 ModifyAttributes(TUint8 aClearMask, TUint8 aSetMask)
{ return __e32_atomic_axo_ord8(&i_ThrdAttr, (TUint8)~(aClearMask|aSetMask), aSetMask); }
/** @internalComponent */
inline void SetAddressSpace(TAny* a)
{ iAddressSpace=a; }
/** @internalComponent */
inline void SetExtraContext(TAny* a, TInt aSize)
{ iExtraContext = a; iExtraContextSize = aSize; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TBool IsDead()
{ return iWaitState.ThreadIsDead(); }
TPriListLink iWaitLink; /**< @internalComponent */ // used to link thread into a wait queue
// TUint8 iBasePri; /**< @internalComponent */ // priority with no fast mutex held
// TUint8 iMutexPri; /**< @internalComponent */ // priority from held fast mutex
// TUint8 iNominalPri; /**< @internalComponent */ // nominal priority of thread (excluding effect of higher level inheritance)
TUint8 iLinkedObjType;
TUint8 i_ThrdAttr; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iInitial; /**< @internalComponent */ // TRUE if this is an initial thread
TUint8 iFastMutexDefer; /**< @internalComponent */
NFastSemaphore iRequestSemaphore; /**< @internalComponent */
TInt iTime; /**< @internalComponent */ // time remaining, 0 if expired
TInt iTimeslice; /**< @internalComponent */ // timeslice for this thread, -ve = no timeslicing
TLinAddr iSavedSP; /**< @internalComponent */
TAny* iAddressSpace; /**< @internalComponent */
NFastMutex* volatile iHeldFastMutex; /**< @internalComponent */ // fast mutex held by this thread
TUserModeCallback* volatile iUserModeCallbacks; /**< @internalComponent */ // Head of singly-linked list of callbacks
TAny* volatile iLinkedObj; /**< @internalComponent */ // object to which this thread is linked
NThreadGroup* iNewParent; /**< @internalComponent */ // group to join
const SFastExecTable* iFastExecTable; /**< @internalComponent */
const SSlowExecEntry* iSlowExecTable; /**< @internalComponent */ // points to first entry iEntries[0]
volatile TInt iCsCount; /**< @internalComponent */ // critical section count
volatile TInt iCsFunction; /**< @internalComponent */ // what to do on leaving CS: +n=suspend n times, 0=nothing, -1=exit
NThreadWaitState iWaitState; /**< @internalComponent */
const SNThreadHandlers* iHandlers; /**< @internalComponent */ // additional thread event handlers
TInt iSuspendCount; /**< @internalComponent */ // -how many times we have been suspended
TLinAddr iStackBase; /**< @internalComponent */
TInt iStackSize; /**< @internalComponent */
TAny* iExtraContext; /**< @internalComponent */ // parent FPSCR value (iExtraContextSize == -1), coprocessor context (iExtraContextSize > 0) or NULL
TInt iExtraContextSize; /**< @internalComponent */ // +ve=dynamically allocated, 0=none, -1=iExtraContext stores parent FPSCR value
TUint8 iCoreCycling; /**< @internalComponent */ // this thread is currently cycling through all active cores
TUint8 iRebalanceAttr; /**< @internalComponent */ // behaviour of load balancing wrt this thread
TUint8 iNThreadBaseSpare4c; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint8 iNThreadBaseSpare4d; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint32 iNThreadBaseSpare5; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint32 iNThreadBaseSpare6; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint32 iNThreadBaseSpare7; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint32 iNThreadBaseSpare8; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
TUint32 iNThreadBaseSpare9; /**< @internalComponent */ // spare to allow growth while preserving BC
#define iReady iSpare1 /**< @internalComponent */
#define iCurrent iSpare2 /**< @internalComponent */
#define iLastCpu iSpare3 /**< @internalComponent */
#define iBasePri iWaitLink.iSpare1 /**< @internalComponent */
#define iMutexPri iWaitLink.iSpare2 /**< @internalComponent */
#define iNominalPri iWaitLink.iSpare3 /**< @internalComponent */
#define i_NThread_Initial iInitial /**< @internalComponent */
/** @internalComponent */
#define i_NThread_BasePri iWaitLink.iSpare1
#define i_NThread_NominalPri iWaitLink.iSpare3
/** @internalComponent */
/** @internalComponent */
inline NThreadBase* NThreadWaitState::Thread()
{ return _LOFF(this, NThreadBase, iWaitState); }
* Thread group
Base class for a nanokernel thread or group
class NThreadGroup : public NSchedulable
TInt iThreadCount; /**< @internalComponent */
TDfc* iDestructionDfc; /**< @internalComponent */
TPriList<NThreadBase, KNumPriorities> iNThreadList; /**< @internalComponent */
* Scheduler
#include <nk_plat.h>
class TScheduler;
class NThread;
class NIrqHandler;
struct SIdlePullThread;
class TSubScheduler
void QueueDfcs();
void RotateReadyList(TInt aPriority);
NThread* SelectNextThread();
TInt QueueEvent(NEventHandler* aEvent);
void QueueEventAndKick(NEventHandler* aEvent);
void SaveTimesliceTimer(NThreadBase* aThread);
void UpdateThreadTimes(NThreadBase* aOld, NThreadBase* aNew);
void SSAddEntry(NSchedulable* aEntry);
void SSAddEntryHead(NSchedulable* aEntry);
void SSRemoveEntry(NSchedulable* aEntry);
void SSChgEntryP(NSchedulable* aEntry, TInt aNewPriority);
void IdlePullSearch(SIdlePullThread& a, TSubScheduler* aDest);
void GetLbThreads(SDblQue& aQ);
TBool Detached(); // platform specific
inline TInt HighestPriority()
{ return iSSList.HighestPriority(); }
inline NSchedulable* EntryAtPriority(TInt aPri)
{ return (NSchedulable*)iSSList.iQueue[aPri]; }
TPriList<NSchedulable, KNumPriorities> iSSList;
TSpinLock iExIDfcLock; // lock to protect exogenous IDFC queue
SDblQue iExIDfcs; // list of pending exogenous IDFCs (i.e. ones punted over from another CPU)
SDblQue iDfcs; // normal IDFC/DFC pending queue (only accessed by this CPU)
TDfc* volatile iCurrentIDFC; // pointer to IDFC currently running on this CPU
NThread* iCurrentThread; // the thread currently running on this CPU
TUint32 iCpuNum;
TUint32 iCpuMask;
TSpinLock iReadyListLock;
volatile TUint8 iRescheduleNeededFlag; // TRUE if a thread reschedule is pending
TUint8 iSubSchedulerSBZ1; // always zero
volatile TUint8 iDfcPendingFlag; // TRUE if a normal IDFC is pending
volatile TUint8 iExIDfcPendingFlag; // TRUE if an exogenous IDFC is pending
TInt iKernLockCount; // how many times the current CPU has locked the kernel
TUint8 iInIDFC; // TRUE if IDFCs are currently being run on this CPU
volatile TUint8 iEventHandlersPending; // TRUE if an event handler is pending on this CPU
TUint8 iCCSyncPending;
TUint8 iLbCounter;
TAny* iAddressSpace;
TUint32 iReschedIPIs;
TScheduler* iScheduler;
TInt iDeferShutdown; // counts reasons why this CPU can't shut down
TInt iRdyThreadCount; // number of ready threads excluding idle thread
TUint16 iPriClassThreadCount[KNumPriClasses];
TUint64HL iLastTimestamp; // timestamp at which last reschedule occurred
TUint64HL iReschedCount;
TGenericIPI* iNextIPI; // next generic IPI to run on this CPU
NThread* iInitialThread; // Initial (idle) thread on this CPU
TSpinLock iEventHandlerLock; // lock to protect event handler queue
SDblQue iEventHandlers; // queue of pending event handlers on this CPU
TUint64 iSpinLockOrderCheck; // bitmask showing which spinlock orders currently held
TSubSchedulerX iSSX; // platform specific extras
volatile TAny* iUncached; // points to platform specific uncached data structure
TUint iMadeReadyCounter; // Number of times this core made a thread ready.
TUint iMadeUnReadyCounter; // Number of times this core made a thread unready.
TUint iTimeSliceExpireCounter; // Number of times this core hass reschedualed due to time slice exireation.
TUint32 iSubSchedulerPadding[70];
SDblQue iLbQ; // threads to be considered by subsequent periodic load balance
TAny* iSubSchedScratch[16]; // For use by code outside NKern
const TInt KSubSchedulerShift = 10; // log2(sizeof(TSubScheduler))
__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TSubScheduler)==(1<<KSubSchedulerShift)); // make it a nice power of 2 size for easy indexing
struct SCoreControlAction;
class TScheduler
static void Reschedule();
IMPORT_C static TScheduler* Ptr();
inline void SetProcessHandler(TLinAddr aHandler) {iProcessHandler=aHandler;}
void PeriodicBalance();
TBool ReBalance(SDblQue& aQ, TBool aCC);
void CCReactivate(TUint32 aMore);
void CCIpiReactivate();
void CCRequest();
void GetLbThreads(SDblQue& aQ);
void CCUnDefer();
void ChangeThreadAcceptCpus(TUint32 aNewMask);
TUint32 ReschedInactiveCpus(TUint32 aMask);
void InitCCAction(SCoreControlAction& aA);
TUint32 ModifyCCState(TUint32 aAnd, TUint32 aXor);
TUint32 CpuShuttingDown(TSubScheduler& aSS);
void AllCpusIdle();
void FirstBackFromIdle();
void InitLB();
void StartRebalanceTimer(TBool aRestart);
void StopRebalanceTimer(TBool aTemp);
static void BalanceTimerExpired(TAny*);
static void StartPeriodicBalancing();
static void CCSyncDone(TAny*);
static void CCReactivateDfcFn(TAny*);
static void CCRequestDfcFn(TAny*);
static void CCIpiReactivateFn(TAny*);
static TDfcQue* RebalanceDfcQ();
static NThread* LBThread();
static TBool CoreControlSupported();
static void CCInitiatePowerUp(TUint32 aCores);
static void CCIndirectPowerDown(TAny*);
TLinAddr iMonitorExceptionHandler;
TLinAddr iProcessHandler;
volatile TUint32 iThreadAcceptCpus; // bit n set if CPU n is accepting unlocked threads
volatile TUint32 iIpiAcceptCpus; // bit n set if CPU n is accepting generic IPIs
volatile TUint32 iCpusComingUp; // bit n set if CPU n is in the process of powering up
volatile TUint32 iCpusGoingDown; // bit n set if CPU n is in the process of powering down and is no longer accepting IPIs
volatile TInt iCCDeferCount; // >0 means CPUs on the way down will stop just before the 'point of no return'
volatile TUint32 iCCSyncCpus; // bit n set if CPU n has not yet observed a change to iThreadAcceptCpus
volatile TUint32 iCCReactivateCpus;
volatile TUint32 iCCState;
TInt iNumCpus; // number of CPUs under the kernel's control
TLinAddr iRescheduleHook;
SDblQue iGenIPIList; // list of active generic IPIs
TSpinLock iGenIPILock; // spin lock protects iGenIPIList, also iIpiAcceptCpus, iCpusComingUp, iCpusGoingDown, iCCDeferCount
TSubScheduler* iSub[KMaxCpus]; // one subscheduler per CPU
TAny* iSchedScratch[16]; // for use by code outside NKern
TSchedulerX iSX; // platform specific extras
NFastMutex iLock; // the 'system lock' fast mutex
TSpinLock iIdleBalanceLock;
TSpinLock iIdleSpinLock; // lock to protect list of DFCs to be run on idle
SDblQue iIdleDfcs; // list of DFCs to run when all CPUs go idle
TUint32 iCpusNotIdle; // bitmask - Bit n set => CPU n is not idle
TUint8 iIdleGeneration; // Toggles between 0 and 1 each time iIdleDfcs list is spilled to a CPU IDFC queue
TUint8 iIdleSpillCpu; // Which CPU last spilled the iIdleDfcs list to its IDFC queue
TUint8 iLbCounter;
volatile TUint8 iNeedBal;
TUint32 iIdleGenerationCount; // Incremented each time iIdleDfcs list is spilled to a CPU IDFC queue
TDfcQue* iRebalanceDfcQ;
TSpinLock iEnumerateLock; // lock to protect iAllThreads, iAllGroups
SIterDQ iAllThreads; // list of all nanokernel threads in order of creation
SIterDQ iAllGroups; // list of all thread groups in order of creation
TSpinLock iBalanceListLock; // lock to protect iBalanceList
TUint64 iLastBalanceTime; // time at which last rebalance occurred
SDblQue iBalanceList; // list of threads/groups for load balancing
NTimer iBalanceTimer; // triggers periodic rebalancing
TDfc iCCSyncIDFC; // runs when a change to iThreadAcceptCpus has been observed by all CPUs
TDfc iCCReactivateDfc; // runs when a reschedule IPI is targeted to an inactive CPU
TUint32 iCCRequestLevel; // Number of active cores last requested
volatile TUint32 iCCIpiReactivate; // Cores to be woken up because of IPIs
TDfc iCCRequestDfc; // runs when a request is made to change the number of active cores
TDfc iCCPowerDownDfc; // runs when indirect power down of core(s) is required
TDfc iCCIpiReactIDFC; // runs when an IPI needs to wake up a core
TSubScheduler* iPoweringOff; // CPU last to power off
TUint32 iDetachCount; // detach count before power off
TUint32 i_Scheduler_Padding[54];
extern TScheduler TheScheduler;
extern TSubScheduler TheSubSchedulers[KMaxCpus];
#ifdef __USE_BTRACE_LOCK__
extern TSpinLock BTraceLock;
#define __ACQUIRE_BTRACE_LOCK() TInt _btrace_irq = BTraceLock.LockIrqSave()
#define __RELEASE_BTRACE_LOCK() BTraceLock.UnlockIrqRestore(_btrace_irq)
extern "C" TSubScheduler& SubScheduler();
extern "C" void send_resched_ipi(TInt aCpu);
extern "C" void send_resched_ipi_and_wait(TInt aCpu);
Call with kernel locked
inline void RescheduleNeeded()
{ SubScheduler().iRescheduleNeededFlag = 1; }
#define NCurrentThread() NKern::CurrentThread()
/** Optimised current thread function which can only be called from places where
CPU migration is not possible - i.e. with interrupts disabled or preemption
extern "C" NThread* NCurrentThreadL();
/** @internalComponent */
inline TBool CheckCpuAgainstAffinity(TInt aCpu, TUint32 aAffinity)
return aAffinity & (1<<aCpu);
return aAffinity==(TUint32)aCpu;
/** @internalComponent */
inline TBool CheckCpuAgainstAffinity(TInt aCpu, TUint32 aAffinity, TUint32 aActive)
return aActive & aAffinity & (1<<aCpu);
return (aAffinity==(TUint32)aCpu) && (aActive & (1<<aCpu));
/** @internalComponent */
inline TUint32 AffinityToMask(TUint32 aAffinity)
return (aAffinity & NTHREADBASE_CPU_AFFINITY_MASK) ? (aAffinity & ~NTHREADBASE_CPU_AFFINITY_MASK) : (1u<<aAffinity);
#define __NK_ASSERT_UNLOCKED __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!NKern::KernelLocked())
#define __NK_ASSERT_LOCKED __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(NKern::KernelLocked())
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __ASSERT_NO_FAST_MUTEX __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!NKern::HeldFastMutex());
#define __ASSERT_FAST_MUTEX(m) __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG((m)->HeldByCurrentThread());
#define __ASSERT_SYSTEM_LOCK __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(TScheduler::Ptr()->iLock.HeldByCurrentThread());
#define __ASSERT_NOT_ISR __NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(NKern::CurrentContext()!=NKern::EInterrupt)
#define __ASSERT_FAST_MUTEX(m)
#define __ASSERT_NOT_ISR
* System timer queue
class NTimerQ
friend class NTimer;
typedef void (*TDebugFn)(TAny* aPtr, TInt aPos); /**< @internalComponent */
enum { ETimerQMask=31, ENumTimerQueues=32 }; /**< @internalComponent */ // these are not easily modifiable
/** @internalComponent */
struct STimerQ
SDblQue iIntQ;
SDblQue iDfcQ;
static void Init1(TInt aTickPeriod);
static void Init3(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
IMPORT_C static TAny* TimerAddress();
IMPORT_C void Tick();
IMPORT_C static TInt IdleTime();
IMPORT_C static void Advance(TInt aTicks);
static void DfcFn(TAny* aPtr);
void Dfc();
void Add(NTimer* aTimer);
void AddFinal(NTimer* aTimer);
STimerQ iTickQ[ENumTimerQueues]; /**< @internalComponent */ // NOTE: the order of member data is important
TUint32 iPresent; /**< @internalComponent */ // The assembler code relies on it
This member is intended for use by ASSP/variant interrupt code as a convenient
location to store the value of a free running counter at the point where the
system tick is started.
TUint32 iFRCOffset;
union {
TUint32 iMsCount; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint64 iMsCount64; /**< @internalComponent */
SDblQue iHoldingQ; /**< @internalComponent */
SDblQue iOrderedQ; /**< @internalComponent */
SDblQue iCompletedQ; /**< @internalComponent */
TDfc iDfc; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iTransferringCancelled; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iCriticalCancelled; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iPad1; /**< @internalComponent */
TUint8 iPad2; /**< @internalComponent */
TDebugFn iDebugFn; /**< @internalComponent */
TAny* iDebugPtr; /**< @internalComponent */
TInt iTickPeriod; /**< @internalComponent */ // in microseconds
This member is intended for use by ASSP/variant interrupt code as a convenient
location to store rounding error information where hardware interrupts are not
exactly one millisecond. The Symbian kernel does not make any use of this member.
TInt iRounding;
TInt iDfcCompleteCount; /**< @internalComponent */
TSpinLock iTimerSpinLock; /**< @internalComponent */
GLREF_D NTimerQ TheTimerQ;
inline TUint32 NTickCount()
{return TheTimerQ.iMsCount;}
inline TInt NTickPeriod()
{return TheTimerQ.iTickPeriod;}
extern "C" {
extern void NKCrashHandler(TInt aPhase, const TAny* a0, TInt a1);
extern TUint32 CrashState;
class TCancelIPI : public TGenericIPI
void Send(TDfc* aDfc, TInt aCpu);
static void Isr(TGenericIPI*);
TDfc* volatile iDfc;
TBool InterruptsStatus(TBool aRequest);
//declarations for the checking of kernel preconditions
so is outside the #ifdef _DEBUG.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MASK_NO_FAST_MUTEX 0x1
#define MASK_CRITICAL 0x2
#define MASK_NO_CRITICAL 0x4
#define MASK_SYSTEM_LOCKED 0x100
#define MASK_NOT_ISR 0x400
#define MASK_NOT_IDFC 0x800
#define MASK_NOT_THREAD 0x1000
#define MASK_ALWAYS_FAIL 0x4000
#define MASK_NO_RESCHED 0x8000
#define MASK_NO_KILL_OR_SUSPEND 0x10000
#define CHECK_PRECONDITIONS(mask,function)
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_DEBUG(cond,message,function)
extern "C" TInt CheckPreconditions(TUint32 aConditionMask, const char* aFunction, TLinAddr aAddr);
#define CHECK_PRECONDITIONS(mask,function) CheckPreconditions(mask,function,PRECOND_FUNCTION_CALLER)
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_DEBUG(cond,message,function) \
__ASSERT_DEBUG( (cond), ( \
DEBUGPRINT("Assertion failed: %s\nFunction: %s; called from: %08x\n",message,function,PRECOND_FUNCTION_CALLER),\
NKFault(function, 0)))
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_DEBUG(cond,message,function) \
__ASSERT_DEBUG( (cond), \
DEBUGPRINT("Assertion failed: %s\nFunction: %s; called from: %08x\n",message,function,PRECOND_FUNCTION_CALLER))
#else//if !DEBUG
#define CHECK_PRECONDITIONS(mask,function)
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_DEBUG(cond,message,function )
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_ALWAYS(cond,message,function )
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_ALWAYS(cond,message,function) \
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (cond), ( \
DEBUGPRINT("Assertion failed: %s\nFunction: %s; called from: %08x\n",message,function,PRECOND_FUNCTION_CALLER),\
NKFault(function, 0)))
#define __ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE_ALWAYS(cond,message,function) \
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (cond), \
DEBUGPRINT("Assertion failed: %s\nFunction: %s; called from: %08x\n",message,function,PRECOND_FUNCTION_CALLER))