Adjusted EPOCROOT handling so that in the context of Raptor invocation,
it also updates the environment variable so that other modules (such as can also work without changes.
// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\common\arm\cheap.cia
#include <e32cia.h>
#include "../common.h"
#if defined(__HEAP_MACHINE_CODED__) && !defined(_DEBUG)
GLREF_C void RHeap_PanicBadAllocatedCellSize();
GLREF_C void RHeap_PanicBadNextCell();
GLREF_C void RHeap_PanicBadPrevCell();
GLREF_C void RHeap_PanicBadCellAddress();
IMPORT_D extern const TInt KHeapShrinkHysRatio;
__NAKED__ RHeap::SCell* RHeap::DoAlloc(TInt /*aSize*/, SCell*& /*aLastFree*/)
// Allocate a cell.
asm("stmfd sp!, {r4,r5,lr} ");
asm("mov r4, r0 "); // r4=this
asm("add r3, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iFree)); // r3=pP=&iFree
asm("ldr r0, [r3, #4] "); // r0=pC=pP->next
asm("cmp r0, #0 ");
asm("beq 0f "); // if no free cells, alloc failed
// optimised unfolded scanning loop
asm("2: ");
asm("ldmia r0, {r12,r14} "); // r12=pC->size, r14=pC->next
asm("cmp r1, r12 "); // compare aSize to size
asm("movhi r3, r0 "); // if aSize>size, pP=pC
asm("movhis r0, r14 "); // and pC=pC->next
#ifndef __CPU_ARMV6 // don't unroll on armv6
asm("ldmhiia r0, {r12,r14} "); // r12=pC->size, r14=pC->next
asm("cmphi r1, r12 "); // compare aSize to size
asm("movhi r3, r0 "); // if aSize>size, pP=pC
asm("movhis r0, r14 "); // and pC=pC->next
asm("bhi 2b "); // branch back if scan not finished
asm("1: ");
asm("subs r5, r12, r1 "); // r5 = pC->len - aSize
asm("ldrhs r2, [r4, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iMinCell)); // if big enough, r2=iMinCell
asm("blo 0f "); // branch if no free cell was big enough
asm("cmp r5, r2 "); // leftover big enough?
asm("movlo r1, r12 "); // if not, aSize=pC->len ...
asm("strlo r14, [r3, #4] "); // ... and pP->next = pC->next
asm("addhs r2, r0, r1 "); // else r2 = pE = address of new free cell ...
asm("stmhsia r2, {r5, r14} "); // ... pE->len = pC->len - aSize, pE->next = pC->next ...
asm("strhs r2, [r3, #4] "); // ... and pP->next = pE
asm("str r1, [r0] "); // pC->len = aSize
__POPRET("r4,r5,"); // restore and exit, return pC
asm("0: ");
asm("str r3, [r2] "); // alloc failed - aLastFree=pP
asm("mov r0, #0 "); // return NULL
__NAKED__ void RHeap::DoFree(SCell* /*pC*/)
// Free a cell.
asm("add r2, r0, #%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iFree)); // r2=pP=&iFree
asm("ldr r3, [r2, #4] "); // r3=pE=pP->next
asm("stmfd sp!, {r4, r5} ");
asm("1: ");
asm("cmp r3, #0 "); // check if pE=NULL
asm("cmphi r1, r3 "); // if not, check if pC>pE
asm("movhi r2, r3 "); // if so, pP=pE
asm("ldrhi r3, [r3, #4] "); // and pE=pE->next
#ifndef __CPU_ARMV6 // don't unroll on armv6
asm("cmphi r3, #0 "); // check if pE=NULL
asm("cmphi r1, r3 "); // if not, check if pC>pE
asm("movhi r2, r3 "); // if so, pP=pE
asm("ldrhi r3, [r3, #4] "); // and pE=pE->next
asm("bhi 1b "); // loop if free cell position not found
asm("ldr r4, [r1, #0] "); // r4=pC->len
asm("cmp r3, #0 "); // is there a following free cell ?
asm("streq r3, [r1, #4] "); // if not, pC->next=NULL
asm("beq 2f "); // and skip next section
asm("add r5, r1, r4 "); // r5=pN=pC + pC->len (cell after pC)
asm("cmp r5, r3 "); // compare pN with pE
asm("ldmeqia r3, {r5, r12} "); // if pN==pE, r5=pE->len, r12=pE->next
asm("bhi " CSM_Z22RHeap_PanicBadNextCellv ); // if pN>pE, panic
asm("strne r3, [r1, #4] "); // if pN<pE, pC->next=pE
asm("addeq r4, r4, r5 "); // if pN==pE r4 = pC->len + pE->len
asm("stmeqia r1, {r4,r12} "); // if pN==pE pC->len+=pE->len, pC->next=pE->next
asm("2: ");
asm("ldr r3, [r2, #0] "); // r3=pP->len
asm("sub r5, r1, r2 "); // r5=pC-pP (gap between preceding free cell and this one)
asm("cmp r5, r3 "); // compare gap with predecessor length
asm("ldreq r12, [r1, #4] "); // if predecessor is adjacent, r12=pC->next
asm("blo RHeap_PanicBadPrevCell__Fv "); // if predecessor overlaps, panic
asm("addeq r4, r4, r3 "); // if predecessor is adjacent, r4=pC->len + pP->len
asm("stmeqia r2, {r4,r12} "); // if predecessor is adjacent, pP->len+=pC->len, pP->next=pC->next
asm("strne r1, [r2, #4] "); // else pP->next = pC
asm("moveq r1, r2 "); // if predecessor is adjacent, pC=pP (final amalgamated free cell)
asm("3: ");
asm("ldr r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iTop)); // r12=iTop
asm("add r3, r1, r4 "); // end of amalgamated free cell
asm("cmp r3, r12 "); // end of amalgamated free cell = iTop ?
asm("ldmneia sp!, {r4,r5} "); // restore registers
__JUMP(ne,lr); // if not, finished
asm("ldr r12, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iFlags)); // r12=iFlags
asm("tst r12, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)RAllocator::EFixedSize)); // check fixed size flag
asm("ldmneia sp!, {r4,r5} "); // restore registers
__JUMP(ne,lr); // if set, finished
asm("ldr r2, [r0, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(RHeap,iGrowBy)); // r2=iGrowBy
asm("mov r3, r2, LSR #8"); // r3=iGrowBy>>8
asm("ldr r2, const_addr"); // r2=&KHeapShrinkHysRatio
asm("ldr r5, [r2]"); // r5=KHeapShrinkHysRatio
asm("mul r2, r5, r3"); // r2=KHeapShrinkHysRatio*(iGrowBy>>8) - low order bits
asm("cmp r4, r2"); // compare len(r4) to (iGrowBy>>8)*KHeapShrinkHysRatio(r2)
asm("ldmia sp!, {r4,r5} "); // restore registers
__JUMP(lo,lr); // if less, finished
asm("b Reduce__5RHeapPQ25RHeap5SCell "); // else reduce heap
asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&KHeapShrinkHysRatio));