Adjusted EPOCROOT handling so that in the context of Raptor invocation,
it also updates the environment variable so that other modules (such as can also work without changes.
?GetDomainSpecs@DmPolicy@@SAPBUTDmDomainSpec@@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; public: static struct TDmDomainSpec const * __cdecl DmPolicy::GetDomainSpecs(void)
?Release@DmPolicy@@SAXPBUTDmDomainSpec@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; public: static void __cdecl DmPolicy::Release(struct TDmDomainSpec const *)
?GetPolicy@DmPolicy@@SAHAAVTDmHierarchyPolicy@@@Z @ 3 NONAME ; public: static int __cdecl DmPolicy::GetPolicy(class TDmHierarchyPolicy &)