1) Swapping to c++ instead of assembly implementations of several kernel APIs to avoid calling probably broken implementations of __EH_FRAME_?? macros
2) Commenting out otherwise unavoidable calls to __EH_FRAME_?? macros in uc_exe.cia. This is a temporary hack.
Both changes to see if they get past an early kernel panic in the Syborg ROM from the current build:
EH ERROR: no exception descriptor for address 0x801eb277
Thread efile.exe::Main Panic USER-EXEC 3
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#if !defined(__F32FILE_PRIVATE_H__)
#define __F32FILE_PRIVATE_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32ldr.h>
#include <e32ldr_private.h>
Bit mask used when evaluating whether or not a session gets notified of a
debug event.
@see DebugNotifySessions
const TUint KDebugNotifyMask=0xFF000000; // Reserved for debug notification
The default blocksize value.
This value is returned when you query the blocksize for a media type that does not
support the concept of 'block' (e.g. NOR flash media).
@see TVolumeIOParamInfo
const TUint KDefaultVolumeBlockSize = 512;
Indicates that a TIpcArg slot 0 contains a descriptor.
This shall be ORed with the file server request aFunction.
Server should read from the location accordingly.
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TUint KIpcArgSlot0Desc = 0x00010000;
Indicates that a TIpcArg slot 1 contains a descriptor.
This shall be ORed with the file server request aFunction.
Server should read from the location accordingly.
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TUint KIpcArgSlot1Desc = 0x00020000;
Indicates that a TIpcArg slot 2 contains a descriptor.
This shall be ORed with the file server request aFunction.
Server should read from the location accordingly.
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TUint KIpcArgSlot2Desc = 0x00040000;
Flag to indicate that the Adopt request is from RFile::Adopt or from RFile::AdoptFromXXX functions
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TInt KFileAdopt32 = 0;
Flag to indicates that the Adopt request is from RFile::Duplicate.
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TInt KFileDuplicate = 1;
Flag to indicates that the Adopt request is from RFile64::AdoptFromXXX functions
@note This constant is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
const TInt KFileAdopt64 = 2;
enum TStartupConfigurationCmd
Command used to set file server configuration at startup.
@see RFs::SetStartupConfiguration()
Set loader thread priority
Set TDrive flags. Value should be ETrue or EFalse
Command upper boundary
Local drive mapping list - passed as argument to RFs::SetLocalDriveMapping().
class TLocalDriveMappingInfo
enum TDrvMapOperation {EWriteMappingsAndSet=0,EWriteMappingsNoSet=1,ESwapIntMappingAndSet=2};
TInt iDriveMapping[KMaxLocalDrives];
TDrvMapOperation iOperation;
@note This class is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
typedef TPckgBuf<TLocalDriveMappingInfo> TLocalDriveMappingInfoBuf;
Client side plugin API.
class RPlugin : public RSubSessionBase
IMPORT_C TInt Open(RFs& aFs, TInt aPos);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo,TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDes8& a1) const;
IMPORT_C void DoRequest(TInt aReqNo,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TDes8& a1,TDes8& a2) const;
IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction) const;
IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction,TDes8& a1) const;
IMPORT_C TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction,TDes8& a1,TDes8& a2) const;
IMPORT_C void DoCancel(TUint aReqMask) const;
Specifies that a plugin should determine for itself which drives it attaches to.
@see RFs::MountPlugin
@see RFs::DismountPlugin
const TInt KPluginAutoAttach = 0x19;
Specifies that a plugin should mount on drive Z.
@see RFs::MountPlugin
@see RFs::DismountPlugin
const TInt KPluginMountDriveZ = 0x1A;
Specifies that a plugin should be mounted on all drives.
@see RFs::MountPlugin
@see RFs::DismountPlugin
const TInt KPluginSupportAllDrives = 0x3FFFFFF; //All 26 bits (each corrosponding to a drive) are set to one.
Used to determine if a plugin is of version 2, meaning it can support drive Z.
const TInt KPluginVersionTwo = 0x4000000; //bit 27 is set to one.
Specifies that a plugin should determine its own position in the plugin stack.
@see RFs::MountPlugin
@see RFs::DismountPlugin
const TInt KPluginAutoLocate = 0xC8;
enum TSessionFlags
A set of session specific configuration flags.
@note This enum definition is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
Notify the user or write failures
EFsSessionNotifyUser = KBit0,
Notify clients registered for change notification
EFsSessionNotifyChange = KBit1,
Enables all session flags
EFsSessionFlagsAll = KSet32,
@note This structure is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
struct SBlockMapArgs
TInt64 iStartPos;
TInt64 iEndPos;
Validates the mask used to match drive attributes.
@note This function is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
@see RFs::DriveList
@see TFindFile::SetFindMask
TInt ValidateMatchMask( TUint aMask);
Returns the entire size of the TEntry, including the valid portion of the name string.
The returned value is aligned to 4-byte boundary.
@param aPacked If ETrue, returns the length including packed iSizeHigh and iReserved.
If EFalse, returns the length including only the name.
@note This function is intended for use inside Kernel and Hardware Services only.
inline TInt EntrySize(const TEntry& anEntry, TBool aPacked = EFalse)
return(sizeof(TUint)+sizeof(TInt)+sizeof(TTime)+sizeof(TInt)+sizeof(TUidType)+Align4(anEntry.iName.Size()) + (aPacked ? (2*sizeof(TInt)) : 0));
#endif //__F32FILE_PRIVATE_H__