1) Revised fix for Bug 2975 - [GCCE] Illegal inline assembler in kernel/eka/drivers/debug/rmdebug/d_rmd_stepping.cpp.
Should have conditionally different code for __ARMCC__ and __GCCE_
2) Fix for Bug 2976 - [GCCE] Overlapping naked function bodies break exception-handling.
3) Fix an incidental "impossible constraint in asm" gripe.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# hal\halcfg.pl
# Check arguments and open files
my $nargs=scalar(@ARGV);
my $xmode=0;
if ($nargs==0) {
elsif ($nargs!=3 and $nargs!=4) {
die "Invalid number of arguments. Run with no arguments for help on usage.\n";
my $arg=0;
if ($nargs==4) {
if ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-x') {
} elsif ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-s') {
} elsif ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-h') {
} else {
die "Invalid 1st argument $ARGV[0]\n";
my $headerFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
my @hdr = &read_file_strip_comments($headerFileName);
my $inputFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
my @input = &read_file_strip_comments($inputFileName);
my $outputFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
# Parse the header file
my $line=0;
my $state=0;
my $enumName;
my %enumValues=();
my $nextValue=0;
my $bitmask=0;
my %enumList=();
foreach (@hdr) {
next if (/^\s*\#/); # ignore preprocessor directives
next if (/^\s*\/\//); # ignore comments starting with //
next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore blank lines
if ($state==0) {
if (/^\s*class\s+HALData\s*$/) {
if (/^\s*class\s+HALData\s*{/) {
if ($state==1) {
if (/^\s*{/) {
if ($state==2) {
if (/^\s*};/) {
if (/^\s*enum\s+(\w+)(.*)/) {
if ($2=~/^\s+{/) {
} else {
if (/^\s*bitmask\s+(\w+)(.*)/) {
if ($2=~/^\s+{/) {
} else {
if ($state==4) {
if (/^\s*{/) {
if ($state==5) {
if (/^\s*(\w+)(.*)/) {
my $tag=$1;
my $val=0;
my $rest=$2;
# print "$tag\n$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^\s*,/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*\=\s*(\d\w*)\s*\,/) {
unless ($val=~/^\d*$/) {
if ($val=~/^0x(\w+)$/i) {
$val=hex $1;
} else {
undef $val;
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*$/) { # ignore last one
} else {
undef $val;
unless (defined $val) {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $headerFileName\n";
# print "$tag=$val\n";
} elsif (/^\s*};/) {
if ($bitmask) {
my %temp=%enumValues;
if ($state!=3) {
die "Unexpected end of file in $headerFileName\n";
# my @keys=keys %enumList;
# foreach(@keys) {
# print "enum $_\n\t{\n";
# my $ref=$enumList{$_};
# my @tags=keys(%$ref);
# foreach(@tags) {
# my $value=$$ref{$_};
# print "\t$_=$value\n";
# }
# print "\t};\n";
# }
# Build a list of properties for each attribute
my $attribref=$enumList{'TAttribute'};
unless ($attribref) {
die "No TAttribute enum defined\n";
my @attribs=keys %$attribref;
my %attribList;
foreach (@attribs) {
my %properties;
my $enum=$_;
$enum=~s/^E/T/; # change initial E to T
if (defined $enumList{$enum}) {
my $enumRef=$enumList{$enum};
if (defined $$enumRef{'__bitmask__'}) {
my $attpropref=$enumList{'TAttributeProperty'};
my %PropTable;
if ($xmode) {
unless ($attpropref) {
die "No TAttributeProperty enum defined\n";
my @attprops=keys(%$attpropref);
foreach (@attprops) {
if (/^E(\w+)$/) {
my $propname=lc $1;
} else {
die "Invalid attribute property $_\n";
my @PropTableKeys=keys %PropTable;
# Parse the input file
foreach (@input) {
next if (/^\s*\/\//); # ignore comments starting with //
next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore blank lines
if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $attrib=$1;
my $rest=$2;
my $propRef=$attribList{$attrib};
unless (defined $propRef) {
die "Unrecognised attribute at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# print "$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^\:\s*(.*)/) { # attribute properties follow
if (!$xmode) {
die "Line $line: Properties not permitted without -x option\n";
# print "$rest\n";
while ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $prop=lc $1;
# print "$rest\n";
my $error=matchabbrev(\$prop, \@PropTableKeys);
if ($error) {
die "$error property $prop at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
if ($rest=~/^,\s*(.*)/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^=\s*(.*)/) {
} else {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif ($rest=~/^=\s*(.*)/) {
$rest=$1 # attribute value follows
} else {
die "Invalid attribute specification at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# print "$rest\n";
if ($xmode) {
# print "$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^((\w|:)+)/) {
} else {
die "Invalid function name $rest at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif (defined $$propRef{'bitmask'}) { # bitmask value
my $enumRef=$$propRef{'enum'};
my @keys=keys %$enumRef;
my $val=0;
while ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $bitmaskKey=$1;
if ($bitmaskKey eq '0' or lc($bitmaskKey) eq 'none') {
last if ($val==0);
die "Inconsistent bit mask values at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
my $error=matchabbrev(\$bitmaskKey,\@keys);
if ($error) {
die "$error bit value $bitmaskKey at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
$val |= $$enumRef{$bitmaskKey};
if ($rest=~/^\+\s*(.*)/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*$/) {
} else {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif (defined $$propRef{'enum'} and $rest!~/^\d/) { # enum value
my $enumRef=$$propRef{'enum'};
my @keys=keys %$enumRef;
if ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*$/) {
my $enumKey=$1;
my $error=matchabbrev(\$enumKey,\@keys);
if ($error) {
die "$error enumeration value $enumKey at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else {
die "Invalid enum value $rest at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif ($rest=~/^(\-?\d\w*)\s*$/) { # numeric value (decimal or hex) with optional -ve sign
my $val=$1;
unless ($val=~/^(\-?\d)\d*$/) { # First character should be an optional -ve sign followed by only digits
if ($val=~/^(\-?)0x(\w+)$/i) { # First character should be an optional -ve sign followed by only alphanumerics
my $sign=$1;
$val=hex $2;
if ($sign eq '-') {
} else {
undef $val;
unless (defined $val) {
die "Invalid attribute value $1 at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else { # invalid
die "Invalid attribute value at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else {
die "Unrecognised attribute at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# foreach (@attribs) {
# my $propRef=$attribList{$_};
# if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
# print "Attribute $_:\n";
# my @keys=keys %$propRef;
# foreach (@keys) {
# print "\t$_=$$propRef{$_}\n";
# }
# }
# }
# Sort attributes by ordinal
my @AttribsByOrdinal;
foreach (@attribs) {
my $propRef=$attribList{$_};
my $ordinal=$$propRef{'ordinal'};
my $nAttribs=scalar(@AttribsByOrdinal);
# Generate the output file
open OUT, ">$outputFileName" or die "Cannot open output file $outputFileName\n";
# binmode OUT;
# my $i=0;
# while ($i<$nAttribs) {
# my $value=0x80000000;
# my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
# if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
# $value=$$propRef{'value'};
# }
# ++$i;
# my $b3=($value>>24)&0xff;
# my $b2=($value>>16)&0xff;
# my $b1=($value>>8)&0xff;
# my $b0=$value&0xff;
# my $b0123=chr $b0;
# $b0123.=chr $b1;
# $b0123.=chr $b2;
# $b0123.=chr $b3;
# my $writeres=syswrite OUT, $b0123, 4;
# if ($writeres != 4) {
# die "Error writing output file $outputFileName\n";
# }
# }
# exit;
my @splitName=split /(:|\\)/, $outputFileName;
my $rootName=pop @splitName;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
#print "\n$hour:$min:$sec $mday-$mon-$year wday=$wday, yday=$yday, isdst=$isdst\n\n";
print OUT "// $rootName\n";
print OUT "//\n";
print OUT "// Copyright (c) 1999-$year Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).";
print OUT "// All rights reserved.\n";
print OUT "//\n";
if ($xmode!=2) {
print OUT "//\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#include <kernel/hal_int.h>\n";
if ($xmode==0) {
print OUT <<EOF;
#ifdef __CW32__
// CodeWarrior requires EXPORT_C on the definiton here, as well as the declaration (in hal_int.h)
EXPORT_C const TInt HalInternal::InitialValue[]=
EXPORT_D const TInt HalInternal::InitialValue[]=
my $i=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $value=0;
if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
print OUT "\t$value$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
} elsif ($xmode==1) {
print OUT "\n";
my $i=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "GLREF_C TInt $imp(TInt, TInt, TBool, TAny*);\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "const TUint8 HalInternal::Properties[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $properties="";
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
my @keys=keys(%$propRef);
foreach (@keys) {
my $pConst=$PropTable{$_};
if (defined $pConst) {
if ($properties=~/^\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$properties$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
print OUT "\n#if 0\n";
print OUT "const TInt HalInternal::Offset[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
my $memOffset=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$memOffset$separator\t\t// $name\n";
} else {
print OUT "\t-1$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
print OUT "\n#endif\n";
print OUT "const TInt HalInternal::HalDataSize=$memOffset;\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "const THalImplementation HalInternal::Implementation[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if (!defined $imp or $imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$imp$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
} elsif ($xmode==2) {
print OUT "\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
my $setarg=' /*aSet*/';
if (defined $$propRef{'settable'}) {
$setarg=' aSet';
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "// $name\n";
print OUT "TInt $imp(TInt /*aDeviceNumber*/, TInt /*aAttrib*/, TBool$setarg, TAny* aInOut)\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
print OUT "\treturn KErrNone;\n";
print OUT "\t}\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\n";
} elsif ($xmode==3) {
my $hdrprot='__'.uc $rootName.'__';
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#ifndef $hdrprot\n";
print OUT "#define $hdrprot\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "GLREF_C TInt $imp(TInt, TInt, TBool, TAny*);\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#endif\n";
print OUT "\n";
sub matchabbrev($$) {
my ($inref, $lref)=@_;
my @matches=grep(/$$inref/i,@$lref);
my $nmatches=scalar(@matches);
if ($nmatches==0) {
return "Unknown";
} elsif ($nmatches>1) {
my @xmatches=grep(/^$$inref$/i,@matches);
if (scalar(@xmatches)!=1) {
return "Ambiguous";
} else {
return undef;
} else {
return undef;
sub read_file_strip_comments($) {
my ($filename) = @_;
open IN, $filename or die "Cannot read file $filename\n";
my $in;
while (<IN>) {
$in .= $_;
close IN;
# Strip comments
$in =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\//\n/gms;
$in =~ s/\/\/(.*?)\n/\n/gms;
return split(/(\n)/, $in);
sub usage() {
"halcfg.pl is a perl script that is used by the build system to generate the\n",
"C++ source files from the Config and Values files.\n",
"There are four modes in which the Perl script halcfg.pl can be used.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl hal_data.h values.hda values.cpp\"\n",
"takes the values.hda text file and generates a table of initial values for\n",
"items stored by the HAL.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -x hal_data.h config.hcf config.cpp\"\n",
"generates three tables:\n",
" - the properties, i.e. whether valid and/or writable, for each item\n",
" - the offset of each item within the DllGlobal block\n",
" - the function implementing each item, for derived attributes. ie. those\n",
" attributes that are not simply stored by the HAL.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -s hal_data.h config.hcf source.cpp\"\n",
"generates a source file containing skeleton code for the implementation of the\n",
"accessor function for each derived attribute\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -h hal_data.h config.hcf header.h\"\n",
"generates a header file containing prototypes for the accessor functions for\n",
"each derived attribute\n",
"Note that the header file hal_data.h containing the attributes and values used\n",
"by the HAL is passed on all calls to the perl script.\n";