Adding place holder for symc exec implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\nkernsmp\x86\vectors.cia
#include <x86.h>
#include <apic.h>
#include "vectors.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __CHECK_LOCK_STATE__
void __X86VectorIrq();
void __X86VectorExc();
void __X86ExcFault(TAny*);
#ifdef __GCC32__
#define DECLARE_X86_INT(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0"); asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorIrq)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_NOERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0"); asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorExc)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_ERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { asm("push 0x"#n); asm("jmp %a0" : : "i" (&__X86VectorExc)); }
#define DECLARE_X86_INT(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0 _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorIrq }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_NOERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0 _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorExc }
#define DECLARE_X86_EXC_ERR(n) GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector##n() { _asm push 0x##n _asm jmp __X86VectorExc }
const TLinAddr NKern_WaitForAnyRequest = (TLinAddr)&NKern::WaitForAnyRequest;
const TLinAddr NKern_Lock = (TLinAddr)&NKern::Lock;
const TLinAddr NKern_LockSystem = (TLinAddr)&NKern::LockSystem;
const TLinAddr NKern_UnlockSystem = (TLinAddr)&NKern::UnlockSystem;
const TLinAddr NKern_Unlock = (TLinAddr)&NKern::Unlock;
const TLinAddr NKern_ThreadLeaveCS = (TLinAddr)&NKern::ThreadLeaveCS;
const TLinAddr TScheduler_Reschedule = (TLinAddr)&TScheduler::Reschedule;
const TLinAddr addressof_TheScheduler = (TLinAddr)&TheScheduler;
const TLinAddr addressof_CrashState = (TLinAddr)&::CrashState;
extern "C" void send_resched_ipis(TUint32 aMask);
extern "C" void run_user_mode_callbacks();
* Check that the kernel is unlocked, no fast mutex is held and the thread
* is not in a critical section when returning to user mode.
extern "C" __NAKED__ void check_lock_state()
asm("pushfd ");
asm("cli "); // so we don't migrate between reading APIC ID and thread pointer
asm("mov edx, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr edx, 24 ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("mov esi, [edx*4+%0]" : : "i"(&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jnz short bad_lock_state1 ");
asm("mov ecx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread));
asm("cmp dword ptr [ecx+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iHeldFastMutex));
asm("jne short bad_lock_state2 ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [ecx+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iCsCount));
asm("jne short bad_lock_state3 ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("popfd ");
asm("ret ");
asm("bad_lock_state1: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("bad_lock_state2: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("bad_lock_state3: ");
asm("int 0xff ");
* Int 20h Handler - Fast Executive Calls
* Enter with:
* Call number in EAX
* Parameter in ECX if any
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector20()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push 0 "); // error code
asm("push 0x20 "); // vector number
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov cx, ds ");
asm("mov dx, ss ");
asm("mov ds, dx ");
asm("mov gs, cx ");
asm("mov es, dx ");
asm("mov ecx, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr ecx, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [ecx*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread));
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("je short wait_for_any_request ");
asm("mov edx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iFastExecTable));
asm("cmp eax, [edx] ");
asm("jae short fast_exec_invalid ");
asm("call [edx][eax*4] ");
asm("fast_exec_exit: ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short fast_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
// don't need to check for user mode callbacks here since
// we couldn't have rescheduled
asm("fast_exec_exit2: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("iretd ");
asm("wait_for_any_request: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_WaitForAnyRequest));
asm("cli ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short fast_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short fast_exec_exit2 ");
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("jmp short fast_exec_exit2 ");
asm("fast_exec_invalid: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("mov esi, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iSlowExecTable)); // esi=slow exec table base
asm("call [esi-8] "); // call invalid exec handler
asm("cli ");
asm("jmp short fast_exec_exit ");
* Int 21h Handler - Slow Executive Calls
* Enter with:
* Call number in EAX
* Parameters in ECX, EDX, EBX, ESI in that order
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* Must preserve EBX, EBP, ESI, EDI
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86Vector21()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push 0 "); // error code
asm("push 0x21 "); // vector number
asm("sub esp, 32 "); // reserve space for additional arguments
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov cx, ds ");
asm("mov dx, ss ");
asm("mov ds, dx ");
asm("mov gs, cx ");
asm("mov es, dx ");
asm("mov edi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr edi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [edi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentThread)); // edi=TheCurrentThread
asm("mov esi, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase, iSlowExecTable)); // esi=slow exec table base
asm("lea ebp, [esi][eax*8] "); // ebp points to exec table entry
asm("cmp eax, [esi-12] ");
asm("jae short slow_exec_invalid ");
asm("mov ebx, [ebp] "); // ebx=flags
asm("test ebx, 0x1c000000 "); // additional arguments required?
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_extra_args ");
asm("mov edx, [esp+8] "); // edx points to additional args
asm("lea eax, [esp+44] "); // address of copied additional arguments
asm("mov [esp+8], eax "); // replace supplied address
asm("mov ecx, ebx ");
asm("shr ecx, 26 ");
asm("and cl, 7 "); // ecx=number of additional arguments-1
asm("test edx, edx ");
asm("jnz short slow_exec_extra_args_present "); // if arg ptr not NULL, copy args
asm("slow_exec_zero_args: ");
asm("mov [esp+ecx*4+44], edx "); // else zero args
asm("dec ecx ");
asm("jns short slow_exec_zero_args ");
asm("jmp short slow_exec_no_extra_args ");
asm("slow_exec_extra_args_present: ");
asm("slow_exec_copy_args: ");
asm("mov eax, gs:[edx+ecx*4] "); // get argument
asm("mov [esp+ecx*4+44], eax "); // copy it
asm("dec ecx ");
asm("jns short slow_exec_copy_args ");
asm("test ebx, 0x80000000 "); // test EClaim
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_claim ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_LockSystem)); // trashes eax, ecx, edx
asm("slow_exec_no_claim: ");
asm("test ebx, 0x20000000 "); // test EPreprocess
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_preprocess ");
asm("mov eax, [esi-4] "); // preprocess handler address
asm("mov esi, edi "); // save NThread pointer in ESI, also leave it in EDI
asm("call eax "); // trashes eax, ecx, edx, edi
asm("mov edi, esi "); // NThread pointer back into EDI
asm("slow_exec_no_preprocess: ");
asm("call [ebp+4] "); // call exec function
asm("mov [esp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadSlowExecStack, iEax)); // save return value
asm("test ebx, 0x40000000 "); // test ERelease
asm("jz short slow_exec_no_release ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_UnlockSystem)); // trashes eax, ecx, edx
asm("slow_exec_no_release: ");
asm("slow_exec_exit: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadSlowExecStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short slow_exec_exit2 "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short slow_exec_exit2 ");
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("slow_exec_exit2: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 40 ");
asm("iretd ");
asm("slow_exec_invalid: ");
asm("call [esi-8] "); // call invalid exec handler
asm("jmp short slow_exec_exit ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 __tr()
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("str ax ");
asm("ret ");
extern "C" void _irqdebug(TUint a);
extern "C" void generic_ipi_isr(TSubScheduler* aS);
extern "C" void run_event_handlers(TSubScheduler* aS);
extern "C" void IrqStartTrace(TUint32 aVector);
extern "C" void IrqEndTrace();
* IRQ Preamble/Postamble Common Code
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = vector number
* [ESP+4] = error code (=0)
* [ESP+8] = return EIP
* [ESP+12] = return CS
* [ESP+16] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+20] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+24] = return SS if privilege change occurred
__NAKED__ void __X86VectorIrq()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov ds, ax ");
asm("mov es, ax ");
asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr eax, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
asm("mov edi, esp "); // edi points to saved stuff
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+36+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // increment i_IrqCount
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // nest count starts at -1, iExtras[13]
asm("jnz short nested_irq_entry ");
asm("mov esp, [esi+56+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // iExtras[14] = irq stack top
asm("push edi ");
asm("nested_irq_entry: ");
asm("mov edx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuMask));
asm("lock or [%a0], edx" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iCpusNotIdle));
asm("mov ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iVector));
asm("cmp byte ptr %a0, 0" : : "i" (&BTraceData.iFilter[4/*BTrace::ECpuUsage*/]));
asm("jz short no_trace ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (IrqStartTrace));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("no_trace: ");
#ifdef _DEBUG
asm("push ebx ");
asm("call %a0 ": :"i" (&_irqdebug));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("cmp ebx, 0x30 ");
asm("jb short kernel_ipi ");
asm("mov ecx, ebx ");
asm("call [%a0]" : : "i" (&X86_IrqHandler));
asm("jmp short postamble ");
asm("kernel_ipi: ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (SPURIOUS_INTERRUPT_VECTOR));
asm("je short postamble ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ds:[%0], eax" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_EOI));
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (TRANSFERRED_IRQ_VECTOR));
asm("je short postamble");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (RESCHED_IPI_VECTOR));
asm("je short resched_ipi ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (TIMESLICE_VECTOR));
asm("jne short generic_ipi ");
asm("resched_ipi: ");
asm("mov byte ptr [esi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iRescheduleNeededFlag));
asm("jmp short postamble ");
asm("cmp ebx, %0" : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR));
asm("jne short postamble ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&generic_ipi_isr));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
// Postamble. Interrupts disabled here.
asm("postamble: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("dec dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("jns short nested_irq_exit ");
// Check for deferred/transferred IRQs
asm("cmp byte ptr [esi+%0], 0 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iEventHandlersPending));
asm("je short no_event_handlers ");
// increment i_IrqNestCount again since we are going to run more ISRs
asm("inc dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("push esi ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (run_event_handlers));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("dec dword ptr [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("no_event_handlers: ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("mov esp, eax ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jne short irq_kernel_locked_exit ");
// asm("cmp dword ptr [esi]TSubScheduler.iRescheduleNeededFlag, 0 VC6 ignores the "dword ptr"
asm("lea eax, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iRescheduleNeededFlag));
asm("cmp dword ptr [eax], 0 ");
asm("je short irq_kernel_locked_exit ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("sti ");
asm("push 2 ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (TScheduler_Reschedule)); // returns with EDI -> current thread
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("lock xchg eax, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iReschedIPIs));
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("jz short irq_user_check ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&send_resched_ipis));
asm("add esp, 4 ");
asm("irq_user_check: ");
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short irq_exit "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short irq_exit "); // no callbacks so just return
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("jmp short irq_exit ");
asm("irq_kernel_locked_exit: ");
asm("nested_irq_exit: ");
asm("cmp byte ptr %a0, 0" : : "i" (&BTraceData.iFilter[4/*BTrace::ECpuUsage*/]));
asm("jz short no_trace2 ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (IrqEndTrace));
asm("no_trace2: ");
asm("irq_exit: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("iretd ");
* General Exception Handler
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = vector number
* [ESP+4] = error code (filled with 0 for exceptions without error codes)
* [ESP+8] = return EIP
* [ESP+12] = return CS
* [ESP+16] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+20] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+24] = return SS if privilege change occurred
GLDEF_C __NAKED__ void __X86VectorExc()
// Interrupts disabled on entry
asm("cld ");
asm("push gs ");
asm("push fs ");
asm("push es ");
asm("push ds ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("push edx ");
asm("push ecx ");
asm("mov bp, ss ");
asm("mov ds, bp ");
asm("mov es, bp ");
asm("mov eax, cr2 ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("sub esp, 8 ");
asm("mov ebp, esp "); // ebp points to exception info frame
asm("mov esi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr esi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [esi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCurrentThread)); // edi -> current thread
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov [ebp+4], eax "); // SS
asm("lea eax, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iEsp3)); // EAX = ESP at point of exception if ring 0
asm("test dword ptr [ebp+%0], 3 " : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iCs)); // check if we came from kernel mode
asm("jz short ring0_exception ");
asm("add eax, 8 "); // EAX = ESP at point of exception if ring 3
asm("mov cx, %0" : : "i" (KRing0DS));
asm("mov gs, cx "); // exception in user mode -> GS = user mode DS
asm("ring0_exception: ");
asm("mov [ebp], eax ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+52+%0], -1 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("jnz short fatal_exception_irq ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [esi+%0], 0 " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iKernLockCount));
asm("jnz short fatal_exception_locked ");
asm("sti ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [ebp+%0], 7 " : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo, iExcId)); // check for device not available
asm("jne short not_fpu ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_Lock));
asm("clts ");
asm("frstor [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThread,iCoprocessorState));
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_Unlock));
asm("jmp short proceed ");
asm("not_fpu: ");
asm("mov eax, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iHandlers));
asm("push edi "); // pass current thread parameter
asm("push ebp "); // pass frame address
asm("call [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SNThreadHandlers,iExceptionHandler));
asm("add esp, 8 "); // remove parameters
asm("cli ");
asm("add esp, 12 "); // skip iEsp, iSs, iFaultAddress
asm("test dword ptr [esp+%0], 3" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iCs)); // returning to user mode?
asm("jz short exc_exit "); // no so just return
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&check_lock_state));
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 4" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("jb short exc_exit "); // no callbacks so just return
asm("call run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("exc_exit: ");
asm("pop ecx ");
asm("pop edx ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("pop es ");
asm("pop fs ");
asm("pop gs ");
asm("add esp, 8 "); // skip vector number and error code
asm("iretd ");
asm("fatal_exception_irq: ");
asm("fatal_exception_locked: ");
asm("mov eax, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheScheduler));
asm("lea eax, [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TScheduler,iMonitorExceptionHandler));
asm("mov eax, [eax] ");
asm("test eax, eax ");
asm("jnz short monitor_exception ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (&__X86ExcFault)); // doesn't return
asm("monitor_exception: ");
asm("jmp eax ");
* NMI Interrupt handler
* Used to halt other CPUs when one CPU detects a fault
* On entry SS:ESP references current threads supervisor stack
* [ESP+0] = return EIP
* [ESP+4] = return CS
* [ESP+8] = return EFLAGS
* [ESP+12] = return ESP if privilege change occurred
* [ESP+16] = return SS if privilege change occurred
extern "C" __NAKED__ void __X86Vector02()
asm("push ds ");
asm("push ebp ");
asm("push esi ");
asm("push edi ");
asm("mov bp, ss ");
asm("mov ds, bp ");
asm("mov esi, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr esi, 24 ");
asm("mov esi, [esi*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov ebp, [esi+44+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras));
asm("cmp ebp, 16 ");
asm("jae nmihook ");
asm("mov ebp, [esi+60+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // points to SCpuData
asm("mov edi, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheScheduler));
asm("lea ebp, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SCpuData, iRegs));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEax));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], ebx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEbx));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], ecx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEcx));
asm("mov [ebp+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEdx));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEdi));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsi));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEbp));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iDs));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEip));
asm("pop edx "); // return CS
asm("mov [ebp+%0], edx" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iCs));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEflags));
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("mov ax, es ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEs));
asm("mov ax, fs ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iFs));
asm("mov ax, gs ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iGs));
asm("lea ebx, [esi+52+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // points to i_IrqNestCount
asm("mov eax, 0x80000000 ");
asm("lock xchg eax, [ebx] ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iIrqNestCount));
asm("test dl, 3 ");
asm("jnz short priv_change ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], esp" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsp));
asm("mov ax, ss ");
asm("mov [ebp+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iSs));
asm("jmp short got_regs ");
asm("priv_change: ");
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iEsp));
asm("pop dword ptr [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SFullX86RegSet, iSs));
asm("got_regs: ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esi+44+%0], 2" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // flag that this CPU is done
asm("nmi_halt: ");
asm("cli ");
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKCrashHandler));
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("pop eax ");
asm("mov eax, [esi+%0] " : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCpuMask));
asm("not eax ");
asm("mov edx, %0": :"i" (addressof_CrashState));
asm("lock and [edx+2], ax ");
asm("pushfd ");
asm("push cs ");
asm("lea eax, nmi_halt2 ");
asm("push eax ");
asm("iretd "); // return to next instruction, allowing further NMIs
asm("nmi_halt2: ");
asm("hlt ");
asm("jmp short nmi_halt2 ");
asm("nmihook: ");
asm("mov edi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iCpuNum));
asm("call ebp ");
asm("pop edi ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("pop ebp ");
asm("pop ds ");
asm("iret ");
extern "C" __NAKED__ void __X86Vector27()
asm("jmp %a0": : "i"(&__X86Vector02));
* Exception Handlers
* Interrupt Handlers
// IPIs
// External interrupts
// /*const*/ PFV TheExcVectors[64]=
const PFV TheExcVectors[80]=
__X86Vector00, __X86Vector01, __X86Vector02, __X86Vector03,
__X86Vector04, __X86Vector05, __X86Vector06, __X86Vector07,
__X86Vector08, __X86Vector09, __X86Vector0A, __X86Vector0B,
__X86Vector0C, __X86Vector0D, __X86Vector0E, __X86Vector0F,
__X86Vector10, __X86Vector11, __X86Vector12, __X86Vector13,
__X86Vector14, __X86Vector15, __X86Vector16, __X86Vector17,
__X86Vector18, __X86Vector19, __X86Vector1A, __X86Vector1B,
__X86Vector1C, __X86Vector1D, __X86Vector1E, __X86Vector1F,
__X86Vector20, __X86Vector21, NULL, NULL,
NULL, NULL, NULL, __X86Vector27,
__X86Vector28, __X86Vector29, __X86Vector2A, __X86Vector2B,
__X86Vector2C, __X86Vector2D, __X86Vector2E, __X86Vector2F,
__X86Vector30, __X86Vector31, __X86Vector32, __X86Vector33,
__X86Vector34, __X86Vector35, __X86Vector36, __X86Vector37,
__X86Vector38, __X86Vector39, __X86Vector3A, __X86Vector3B,
__X86Vector3C, __X86Vector3D, __X86Vector3E, __X86Vector3F,
__X86Vector40, __X86Vector41, __X86Vector42, __X86Vector43,
__X86Vector44, __X86Vector45, __X86Vector46, __X86Vector47,
__X86Vector48, __X86Vector49, __X86Vector4A, __X86Vector4B,
__X86Vector4C, __X86Vector4D, __X86Vector4E, __X86Vector4F
// Call from ISR
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TLinAddr X86::IrqReturnAddress()
asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
asm("shr eax, 24 ");
asm("mov eax, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable)); // esi -> subscheduler
asm("mov eax, [eax+56+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // eax = i_IrqStackTop
asm("mov eax, [eax-4] "); // saved supervisor stack pointer
asm("mov eax, [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadExcStack, iEip)); // saved return address from original interrupt
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_cr0()
asm("mov eax, cr0 ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_cr3()
asm("mov eax, cr3 ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 get_esp()
asm("mov eax, esp ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ void __ltr(TInt /*aSelector*/)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("ltr ax ");
asm("ret ");
__NAKED__ void __lidt(SX86Des* /*aTable*/, TInt /*aLimit*/)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("mov ecx, [esp+8] ");
asm("shl ecx, 3 ");
asm("sub ecx, 1 ");
asm("sub esp, 8 ");
asm("mov word ptr [esp], cx ");
asm("mov dword ptr [esp+2], eax ");
asm("lidt [esp] ");
asm("add esp, 8 ");
asm("ret ");
const TLinAddr addressof_TheSubSchedulers = (TLinAddr)&(TheSubSchedulers[0]);
const TInt sss = sizeof(TSubScheduler);
// Called with interrupts off
extern "C" __NAKED__ void send_generic_ipis(TUint32)
asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
asm("shl eax, 24 "); // CPUs mask into bits 24-31
asm("jz short sgi0 "); // no CPUs, so nothing to do
asm("mov edx, %0 " : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR | 0x4800));
asm("mov ds:[%0], eax " : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRH));
asm("mov ds:[%0], edx " : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRL));
asm("sgi0: ");
asm("mov edx, %0" : : "i" (GENERIC_IPI_VECTOR | 0x4000));
asm("push esi ");
asm("push ebx ");
asm("mov esi, %0" : : "i" (addressof_TheSubSchedulers));
asm("mov ebx, %0" : : "i" (sss));
asm("shr eax, 1 ");
asm("jnc short sgi1 ");
asm("sgi2: ");
asm("mov ecx, [esi+48+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler, iExtras)); // ss.i_APICID
asm("mov ds:[%0], ecx" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRH));
asm("mov ds:[%0], edx" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ICRL));
asm("sgi1: ");
asm("add esi, ebx ");
asm("shr eax, 1 ");
asm("jc short sgi2 ");
asm("jnz short sgi1 ");
asm("sgi0: ");
asm("pop ebx ");
asm("pop esi ");
asm("ret ");
* Run TUserModeCallbacks when a thread is about to return to user mode
* On entry:
* Interrupts disabled, kernel unlocked, thread not in CS
* EDI points to current NThread
* We know there is at least one callback on the list
* On return:
* Interrupts disabled, kernel unlocked, thread not in CS
* No TUserModeCallbacks outstanding at the point where interrupts were
* disabled.
* EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX modified
extern "C" __NAKED__ void run_user_mode_callbacks()
#ifdef __GNUC__
asm(".global run_user_mode_callbacks ");
asm("run_user_mode_callbacks: ");
asm("cmp dword ptr [edi+%0], 0" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("jz short rumc0 ");
asm("int 0xff ");
asm("rumc0: ");
asm("sti ");
// EnterCS() - not in CS to start with
asm("mov dword ptr [edi+%0], 1" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("rumc1: ");
asm("xor ebx, ebx ");
asm("lock xchg ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks));
asm("rumc2: ");
asm("mov ecx, [ebx+4] "); // ecx = callback->iFunc
asm("mov eax, ebx "); // eax = pointer to callback
asm("mov ebx, 1 ");
asm("lock xchg ebx, [eax] "); // ebx = callback->iNext, callback->iNext=KUserModeCallbackUnqueued, memory barrier
asm("push %0" : : "i" (EUserModeCallbackRun));
asm("push eax ");
asm("call ecx "); /* (*callback->iFunc)(callback, EUserModeCallbackRun); */
asm("add esp, 8 "); // remove parameters
asm("cmp ebx, 0 "); // any more callbacks to do?
asm("jnz short rumc2 "); // loop if there are
asm("rumc3: ");
asm("cli "); // turn off interrupts
asm("lock add [esp], ebx ");
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsFunction));
asm("jnz short rumc5 "); /* jump to slow path if anything to do in ThreadLeaveCS() */
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks)); // any more callbacks queued?
asm("jnz short rumc4 "); // loop if there are
// no more callbacks, no CsFunction so just ThreadLeaveCS() and return
asm("mov [edi+%0], ebx" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iCsCount));
asm("ret ");
// more callbacks have been queued so loop round and do them
asm("rumc4: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("jmp short rumc1 ");
// CsFunction outstanding so do it
asm("rumc5: ");
asm("sti ");
asm("call %a0" : : "i" (NKern_ThreadLeaveCS));
asm("cli ");
asm("lock add [esp], ebx ");
asm("cmp ebx, [edi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(NThreadBase,iUserModeCallbacks)); // any more callbacks queued?
asm("jnz short rumc0 "); // loop if there are
asm("ret ");