// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\inc\f32dbg.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#if !defined(__F32DBG_H__)
#define __F32DBG_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
file system code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KFSYS 0x0001
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
file server code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KFSERV 0x0002
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
the loader code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KFLDR 0x0004
A bit value indicating that the number of (simulated) allocation
failures to complete a given function is to be printed, when set
through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister() in _DEBUG or _DEBUG_RELEASE mode.
#define KALLOC 0x0008
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
LFFS code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KLFFS 0x0010
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
ISO9660 code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KISO9660 0x0020
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
NTFS code, when set through a call to RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KNTFS 0x0040
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
ROFS code, when set through a call to the function RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KROFS 0x0080
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
concurrent file system code, when set through a call to the function RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KTHRD 0x0100
#define KCACHE 0x0200
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
COMPFS code, when set through a call to the function RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KCOMPFS 0x0400
A bit value indicating that tracing is to be active in
file server plugin support code, when set through a call
to the function RFs::SetDebugRegister()
#define KPLUGIN 0x0800
// #define _DEBUG_RELEASE
const TInt KAllocFailureOn=0;
const TInt KAllocFailureOff=-1;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
const TInt KControlIoCancelNCNotifier=KMaxTInt-1;
const TInt KControlIoNCDebugNotifierOn=KMaxTInt-2;
const TInt KControlIoNCDebugNotifierOff=KMaxTInt-3;
const TInt KControlIoGetCorruptLogRecord=KMaxTInt-4;
const TInt KControlIoGetNumberOfCorruptLogRecords=KMaxTInt-5;
const TInt KControlIoGetCorruptListFile=KMaxTInt-6;
const TInt KControlIoCorruptLogRecordReset=KMaxTInt-7;
const TInt KControlIoCacheCount=KMaxTInt-8;
const TInt KControlIoGetLocalDriveNumber=KMaxTInt-9;
const TInt KControlIoCancelDeferredDismount=KMaxTInt-10;
const TInt KControlIoFileCacheFlagsWrite=KMaxTInt-11;
const TInt KControlIoFileCacheStats=KMaxTInt-12;
const TInt KControlIoFlushClosedFiles=KMaxTInt-13;
const TInt KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode=KMaxTInt-14;
const TInt KControlIoFileCacheDump=KMaxTInt-15;
const TInt KControlIoAllocateMaxSegments=KMaxTInt-16;
const TInt KControlIoDisableFatUtilityFunctions=KMaxTInt-17;
const TInt KControlIoEnableFatUtilityFunctions=KMaxTInt-18;
const TInt KControlIoFileCacheConfig=KMaxTInt-19;
const TInt KControlIoSimulateFileCacheWriteFailure=KMaxTInt-20;
const TInt KControlIoSessionCount=KMaxTInt-21;
const TInt KControlIoObjectCount=KMaxTInt-22;
const TInt KControlIoIsFileSequential=KMaxTInt-23;
const TInt KControlIoGlobalCacheConfig=KMaxTInt-24;
const TInt KControlIoGlobalCacheInfo=KMaxTInt-25;
const TInt KControlIoDirCacheConfig=KMaxTInt-26;
const TInt KControlIoDirCacheInfo=KMaxTInt-27;
const TInt KControlIoSimulateMemoryLow=KMaxTInt-28;
const TInt KControlIoStopSimulateMemoryLow=KMaxTInt-29;
const TInt KControlIoHeapCellCount=KMaxTInt-30;
const TInt KNCDebugNotifierValue=-500000; // between 0 and 1 second
GLREF_D TInt DebugNCNotifier;
class TIOCacheValues
TInt iFreeCount; // current number of requests on free queue
TInt iCloseCount; // current number of requests on close queue
TInt iAllocated; // no longer used
TInt iTotalCount; // current number of requests
TInt iRequestCountPeak; // peak number of requests, i.e. peak value reached by iTotalCount
// the same again but for the OperationAllocator
TInt iOpFreeCount;
TInt iOpRequestCount;
TInt iOpRequestCountPeak;
class TFileCacheStats
TInt iFreeCount;
TInt iUsedCount;
TInt iLockedSegmentCount;
TInt iAllocatedSegmentCount;
TInt iFileCount;
TInt iFilesOnClosedQueue;
TInt iHoleCount;
TInt iUncachedPacketsRead;
TInt iUncachedBytesRead;
TInt iUncachedPacketsWritten;
TInt iUncachedBytesWritten;
TInt iCommitFailureCount;
TInt iLockFailureCount;
TInt iWriteThroughWithDirtyDataCount;
class TFileCacheConfig
TInt iDrive;
TInt iFlags;
TBool iFileCacheReadAsync;
TInt32 iFairSchedulingLen; // in bytes
TInt32 iCacheSize; // in bytes
TInt32 iMaxReadAheadLen; // in bytes
TInt32 iClosedFileKeepAliveTime; // in microseconds
TInt32 iDirtyDataFlushTime; // in microseconds
struct TFsDebugCorruptLogRecord
TFileName iProcessName;
TFileName iFileName;
TInt iError;
typedef TPckgBuf <TFsDebugCorruptLogRecord> TFsDebugCorruptLogRecordBuf;
extern TBool EnableFatUtilityFunctions;
class TGlobalCacheConfig
TInt32 iGlobalCacheSizeInBytes; // in bytes
TInt32 iGlobalLowMemoryThreshold; // in percentage
class TGlobalCacheInfo
TInt32 iGlobalCacheSizeInBytes; // in bytes
TInt32 iGlobalLowMemoryThreshold; // in percentage
class TDirCacheConfig
TInt iDrive;
TInt32 iLeafDirCacheSize; // in number of most recently visited leaf directories
TInt32 iDirCacheSizeMin; // in bytes
TInt32 iDirCacheSizeMax; // in bytes
class TDirCacheInfo
TInt iDrive;
Segment size in bytes. A memory segment is the smallest memory unit that Kernel manages through RChunk.
TInt32 iMemorySegmentSize;
Size of memory a page occupies, in bytes.
Note: following restrictions may result a difference between page size in memory & page size in data:
1. page size can not be smaller than segment size
2. one page can not contain data from two different clusters
TInt32 iPageSizeInMemory;
Size of actual data a page contains, in bytes.
Note: following restrictions may result a difference between page size in memory & page size in data:
1. page size can not be smaller than segment size
2. one page can not contain data from two different clusters
TInt32 iPageSizeInData;
The minimum number of pages that the cache can contain, even under low memory conditions.
TInt32 iMinCacheSizeInPages;
The maximum number of pages that the cache can contain, when there is enough free memory in the system.
TInt32 iMaxCacheSizeInPages;
The minimum cache size in memory. In bytes.
TInt32 iMinCacheSizeInMemory;
The maximum cache size in memroy. In bytes.
TInt32 iMaxCacheSizeInMemory;
Current count of the locked pages.
TInt32 iLockedPageNumber;
Current count of the unlocked pages.
TInt32 iUnlockedPageNumber;
enum TLoaderDebugFunction
enum TFsDebugFunction