Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\drivers\pccard.inl
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without noticed. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
// Class DPcCardSocket
inline TInt DPcCardSocket::CardFuncCount()
inline TBool DPcCardSocket::IsValidCardFunc(TInt aCardFunc)
inline TBool DPcCardSocket::IsVerified()
inline TBool DPcCardSocket::IsMultiFuncCard()
// Class TPcCardFunction
inline void TPcCardFunction::SetConfigBaseAddr(TUint32 anAddr)
inline void TPcCardFunction::SetConfigRegMask(TInt aMask)
inline void TPcCardFunction::SetFuncType(TPccdFuncType aType)
inline TPccdFuncType TPcCardFunction::FuncType()
inline TInt TPcCardFunction::ConfigOption()
inline TBool TPcCardFunction::IsConfigured()
inline TBool TPcCardFunction::IsConfiguredByClient(DBase *aClientID)
inline TBool TPcCardFunction::IsRestorableConfig()
inline TUint32 TPcCardFunction::InitCisOffset()
inline TPccdMemType TPcCardFunction::InitCisMemType()
// Class DPcCardVcc
inline void DPcCardVcc::SetVoltage(TPccdSocketVcc aVoltage)
inline TPccdSocketVcc DPcCardVcc::VoltageSetting()
// Class DPccdChunkBase
inline TUint32 DPccdChunkBase::BaseAddr()
// Class RPccdWindow
inline TInt RPccdWindow::Read(TInt aPos,TAny *aPtr,TInt aLength)
inline TInt RPccdWindow::Write(TInt aPos,const TAny *aPtr,TInt aLength)
inline TInt RPccdWindow::ReadByteMultiple(TInt aPos,TAny *aPtr,TInt aCount)
inline TInt RPccdWindow::WriteByteMultiple(TInt aPos,const TAny *aPtr,TInt aCount)
inline TInt RPccdWindow::ReadHWordMultiple(TInt aPos,TAny *aPtr,TInt aCount)
inline TInt RPccdWindow::WriteHWordMultiple(TInt aPos,const TAny *aPtr,TInt aCount)
inline TUint RPccdWindow::Read8(TInt aPos)
{return iChunk->Read8(aPos);}
inline void RPccdWindow::Write8(TInt aPos, TUint aValue)
inline void RPccdWindow::SetAccessSpeed(TPccdAccessSpeed aSpeed)
inline TBool RPccdWindow::IsPermanent()
inline TBool RPccdWindow::IsShareable()
inline TBool RPccdWindow::IsSystemOwned()