// Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// SCSI Protocol layer for USB Mass Storage
#ifndef __SCSIPROT_H__
#define __SCSIPROT_H__
// Header files
#include "drivemanager.h"
// Define MSDC_MULTITHREADED to use Mass Storage multi-threaded (Double-buffering) disk read/writes.
// smassstorage_db.mmp defines this macro.
class CWriteDriveThread;
class CReadDriveThread;
// Display time taken to write data to disk
// Display time taken to read data from disk
// Maximum size for SCSI Read10 Write10 and Verify10 commands
// Windows requests size of 64K whereas MAC requests size of 128K
static const TUint32 KMaxBufSize = 128 * 1024;
// Write to media when data is available
static const TUint32 KDefaultMediaWriteSize = 4 * 1024;
// Use in the HS case a write size of 64KB
static const TUint32 KHsMediaWriteSize = 64 * 1024;
Sense Info
class TSenseInfo
// Spec: SCSI Primary Commands 3 (SPC-3)
// Section 4.5.6 Sense key and sense code defintions
// Table 27 - Sense key descriptions
enum TSenseCode
ENoSense = 0,
ERecoveredError = 1,
ENotReady = 2,
EMediumError = 3,
EHardwareError = 4,
EIllegalRequest = 5,
EUnitAttention = 6,
EDataProtection = 7,
EBlankCheck = 8,
EVendorSpecific = 9,
ECopyAborted = 10,
EAbortedCommand = 11,
EDataOverflow = 13,
EMisCompare = 14
// Table 28 - ASC and ASQ assignments
enum TAdditionalCode
EAscNull = 0x00,
EAscLogicalUnitNotReady = 0x04,
EAscLogicalUnitDoesNotRespondToSelection = 0x05,
EInvalidCmdCode = 0x20,
ELbaOutOfRange = 0x21,
EInvalidFieldInCdb = 0x24,
ELuNotSupported = 0x25,
EWriteProtected = 0x27,
ENotReadyToReadyChange = 0x28,
EMediaNotPresent = 0x3A,
EInsufficientRes = 0x55
enum TAdditionalSenseCodeQualifier
EAscqNull = 0x00,
EAscqLogicalUnitIsInProcessOfBecomingReady = 0x01
void SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode);
void SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode,
TAdditionalCode aAdditional);
void SetSense(TSenseCode aSenseCode,
TAdditionalCode aAdditional,
TAdditionalSenseCodeQualifier aQualifier);
TBool SenseOk();
TUint8 iSenseCode;
TUint8 iAdditional;
TUint8 iQualifier;
Returns EFalse if a sense code has been set.
Note that ENoSense indicates that there is no specific sense key infotmation
to be reported and the command was successful.
inline TBool TSenseInfo::SenseOk()
return (iSenseCode == ENoSense);
const TUint KModeSense6CommandLength = 4;
const TUint KModeSense10CommandLength = 8;
const TUint KReadCapacityCommandLength = 8;
const TUint KReadFormatCapacitiesCommandLength = 12;
const TUint KRequestSenseCommandLength = 18;
const TUint KInquiryCommandLength = 36;
The CScsiProtocol is responsible for interpreting the data received from the Transpor layer
and where appropriate routing specific requests through to the appropriate drive unit.
class CScsiProtocol : public CBase, public MProtocolBase
enum TCommand
ETestUnitReady = 0x00,
ERequestSense = 0x03,
EInquiry = 0x12,
EModeSense6 = 0x1A,
EStartStopUnit = 0x1B,
EPreventMediaRemoval = 0x1E,
EReadFormatCapacities = 0x23,
EReadCapacity = 0x25,
ERead10 = 0x28,
EWrite10 = 0x2A,
EVerify10 = 0x2f,
EModeSense10 = 0x5A,
EUndefinedCommand = 0xFF
static CScsiProtocol* NewL(CDriveManager& aDriveManager);
void RegisterTransport(MTransportBase* aTransport);
void ReportHighSpeedDevice();
TBool DecodePacket(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TInt ReadComplete(TInt aError);
TInt SetScsiParameters(TMassStorageConfig aConfig);
TInt Cancel();
void InitializeBufferPointers(TPtr8& aDes1, TPtr8& aDes2);
static void ProcessWriteComplete (TUint8* aAddress, TAny* aPtr); //todo const
CScsiProtocol(CDriveManager& aDriveManager);
void ConstructL();
CMassStorageDrive* GetCheckDrive(TUint aLun);
TBool HandleUnitReady(TUint aLun);
TBool HandleRequestSense(TPtrC8& aData);
TBool HandleInquiry(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleStartStopUnit(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandlePreventMediaRemoval(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleReadCapacity(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleRead10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleWrite10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleVerify10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleModeSense6(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleModeSense10(TPtrC8& aData, TUint aLun);
TBool HandleReadFormatCapacities(TUint aLun);
/** Configuration data for INQUIRY command*/
TMassStorageConfig iConfig;
/** reference to the Drive Manager */
CDriveManager& iDriveManager;
/** pointer to the transport level */
MTransportBase* iTransport;
/** Sense Info */
TSenseInfo iSenseInfo;
/** Sense Info */
TSenseInfo iDeferredSenseInfo;
/** Start offset (in bytes) for Write/Verify */
TInt64 iOffset;
/** Last command for SetupRead (Write or Verify) */
TUint8 iLastCommand;
/** LUN for SetupRead */
TUint iLastLun;
#ifdef SIMDISK
CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>* iSimDisk;
/** The number of bytes remaining to be read from the host for write operations */
TUint32 iBytesRemain;
/** Write to the media when this amount of data is available */
TUint32 iMediaWriteSize;
/** Ptr to Write Thread instance */
CWriteDriveThread* iWriteDriveThread;
/** Ptr to Read Thread instance */
CReadDriveThread* iReadDriveThread;
Publish and subscribe properties for tracking data transfer volume
CUsbWriteTransferPublisher* iWriteTransferPublisher;
CUsbReadTransferPublisher* iReadTransferPublisher;
Cumulative bytes read
TFixedArray<TInt64, KUsbMsMaxDrives> iBytesRead;
Cumulative bytes written
TFixedArray<TInt64, KUsbMsMaxDrives> iBytesWritten;
Publish and subscribe properties for tracking data transfer volume
CDriveWriteTransferPublisher* iWriteTransferPublisher;
CDriveReadTransferPublisher* iReadTransferPublisher;
#endif // __SCSIPROT_H__