Fix for Bug 2980 - "#include <OpenSystemTrace.h>" is a case-violation on Linux. This is not a GCCE compatibility bug but I need it fixed because I'm building on Linux
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Kernel Performance Logger test
// Uses helper LDD for performing actual logging from the kernel side.
// See
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include "t_perflogger.h"
#include "t_perflogger_drv.h"
//-- logging subcategoty test tags
const TUint8 KLogSubCat_UserThread = 0x11;
const TUint8 KLogSubCat_KernelThread = 0x12;
const TUint8 KLogSubCat_ISR = 0x13;
const TUint8 KLogSubCat_IDFC = 0x14;
RTest test(_L("T_PerfLogger"));
TInt64 rndSeed;
Print out the logging record.
@param aTraceLayout unrolled trace record structure
void PrintTraceRecord(const TTraceLayout& aTraceLayout)
TBuf<256> printBuf;
printBuf.Format(_L("Record: Size:%d, Flags:0x%02x, Cat:%d, SubCat:%d "), aTraceLayout.iSize, aTraceLayout.iFlags, aTraceLayout.iCategory, aTraceLayout.iSubCategory);
TUint flags = aTraceLayout.iFlags;
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Header2:0x%08x "), aTraceLayout.iHeader2);
if(flags & (BTrace::ETimestampPresent))
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Timestamp:0x%x "), aTraceLayout.iTimestamp);
if(flags & (BTrace::ETimestamp2Present))
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Timestamp2:0x%x "), aTraceLayout.iTimestamp2);
if(flags & (BTrace::EContextIdPresent))
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Context:0x%08x "), aTraceLayout.iContext);
if(flags & (BTrace::EPcPresent))
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("PC: 0x%08x "), aTraceLayout.iPC);
if(flags & (BTrace::EExtraPresent))
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L("Extra: 0x%08x "), aTraceLayout.iExtra);
printBuf.Append(_L("| "));
for(TInt i=0; i< aTraceLayout.iDataWords; ++i)
printBuf.AppendFormat(_L(" 0x%08x"), aTraceLayout.ipData[i]);
Get logging trace from the kernel trace engine and optionally check if it corresponds to the
TTestLogCtrl structure fields. Actually, the logging trace in our case shall be the result of the
test helper LDD worr, that in turn, is controlled by the data in TTestLogCtrl structure.
@param aTrace ref. to the kernel trace engine LDD.
@param apControlStruct if not NULL obtained trace fields checked against fields of this structure.
void GetParseRecordData(RBTrace& aTrace, const TTestLogCtrl* apControlStruct = NULL)
TUint8* record;
TTraceLayout traceLayout;
TInt nRecords = 0;
for(TInt i=0; ;++i)
//-- get raw trace record
TInt dataSize = aTrace.GetData(record);
if(i != 0 && !dataSize)
break; //-- no more data
//-- check if we get log data at all at the very beginning
if(i == 0 && !dataSize)
{//-- it's ok, no check
{//-- panic if there is no log data, but we are required to get some.
if(apControlStruct->iLogsNum > 0)
test.Printf(_L("GetParseRecordData() No trace data found!\n"));
TUint8* end = record+dataSize;
TUint8* currPos = record;
TUint nBytes = 0;
//-- parser the record, print out fields and optionally check the correspondence to the fields of the control structure.
for(; currPos<end; currPos+=nBytes)
nBytes = ParseTraceRecord(currPos ,traceLayout);
test(nBytes >0 );
//-- skip possible loggings that we didn't make
if(traceLayout.iCategory != BTrace::EKernPerfLog)
//-- print the record out
//-- check the obtained record structure
test(traceLayout.iCategory == apControlStruct->iCategory);
test(traceLayout.iSubCategory == apControlStruct->iSubCategory);
if(traceLayout.iDataWords > 1) //-- we have at least 1 word of user data (1 is for TickCount)
test(traceLayout.ipData[0] == apControlStruct->iUserData);
if(traceLayout.iDataWords > 2) //-- we have 2 words of user data (1 is for TickCount)
test(traceLayout.ipData[1] == apControlStruct->iUserData2);
//-- release data buffer.
//-- check number of trace records obtained
test(nRecords == apControlStruct->iLogsNum);
Parse logging record, converting it from the raw representation to the unrolled data
@param apRecord points to the buffer with the raw trace record
@param aTraceLayout here parsed record will bre returned
@return sise of the record, bytes
TUint ParseTraceRecord(const TUint8* apRecord, TTraceLayout& aTraceLayout)
aTraceLayout.iSize = apRecord[BTrace::ESizeIndex];
aTraceLayout.iFlags = apRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex];
aTraceLayout.iCategory = apRecord[BTrace::ECategoryIndex];
aTraceLayout.iSubCategory = apRecord[BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex];
const TUint flags= aTraceLayout.iFlags;
TInt size = aTraceLayout.iSize;
const TUint32* pData = (const TUint32*)(apRecord+4);
size -= 4; //-- count header
//-- process header flags and appropriate fields of the record
aTraceLayout.iHeader2 = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
if(flags & (BTrace::ETimestampPresent))
aTraceLayout.iTimestamp = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
if(flags & (BTrace::ETimestamp2Present))
aTraceLayout.iTimestamp2 = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
if(flags & (BTrace::EContextIdPresent))
aTraceLayout.iContext = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
if(flags & (BTrace::EPcPresent))
aTraceLayout.iPC = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
if(flags & (BTrace::EExtraPresent))
aTraceLayout.iExtra = *pData++;
size -= sizeof(TUint32);
test(size >= 0);
//-- process user data if present
test(size >= 0);
test(size % sizeof(TUint32) == 0);
aTraceLayout.iDataWords = size / sizeof(TUint32);
aTraceLayout.ipData = (aTraceLayout.iDataWords!=0) ? pData : NULL;
return aTraceLayout.iSize;
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests logging from different contexts: user thread, ISR, Kernel thread and IDFC.
//! The main functionality is performed by test heller LDD, "d_perflogger_test" that acually calls the logging function from different contexts
//! following the commands from user application.
//! @SYMTestActions 0 setup the data structures that specify the logging parameters.
//! 1 call RKPLoggerTestHelper::MakeLogFromUserThread() this is a synchronous operation. Performs logging from the user thread context.
//! 1.1 Parse the log record data and ensure that the logged information matches the data we passed to the helper LDD.
//! 2 call RKPLoggerTestHelper::MakeLogFromISR() this is asynchronous operation. Performs logging from the ISR context.
//! 2.1 Wait for operation to complete, validate the completion status.
//! 2.2 Parse the log record data and ensure that the logged information matches the data we passed to the helper LDD.
//! 3 call RKPLoggerTestHelper::MakeLogFromDFC() this is asynchronous operation. Performs logging from the Kernel thread context (DFC).
//! 3.1 Wait for operation to complete, validate the completion status.
//! 3.2 Parse the log record data and ensure that the logged information matches the data we passed to the helper LDD.
//! 4 call RKPLoggerTestHelper::MakeLogFromIDFC() this is asynchronous operation. Performs logging from the IDFC.
//! 4.1 Wait for operation to complete, validate the completion status.
//! 4.2 Parse the log record data and ensure that the logged information matches the data we passed to the helper LDD.
//! 5. Make scattered overlapped logging from ISR, DFC & IDFC simultaneously, ensure that this work.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults return if the performace logger behaves as expected, panic otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void TestPerfLogger(RBTrace &aTrace)
TInt nRes;
const TUint32 KLogUserData = 0xBAAABEEF; //-- just for testing
const TUint32 KLogUserData2 = 0x11FFDDCC; //-- just for testing
test.Next(_L("testing kernel performance logger functionality\n"));
RKPLoggerTestHelper testHelperLDD; //-- helper test driver
nRes = testHelperLDD.Open(TVersion(1,0,1)); //-- open test helper ldd for a logger
test(nRes == KErrNone);
TTestLogCtrl logCtrl_UserThread;
TTestLogCtrl logCtrl_ISR;
TTestLogCtrl logCtrl_DFC;
TTestLogCtrl logCtrl_IDFC;
TRequestStatus rqStatLogFromISR;
TRequestStatus rqStatLogFromDFC;
TRequestStatus rqStatLogFromIDFC;
//-- setup log control structures
logCtrl_UserThread.iLogsNum = 3;
logCtrl_UserThread.iCategory = BTrace::EKernPerfLog;
logCtrl_UserThread.iSubCategory = KLogSubCat_UserThread;
logCtrl_UserThread.iUserData = KLogUserData;
logCtrl_UserThread.iUserData2 = KLogUserData2;
logCtrl_ISR.iLogsNum = 3;
logCtrl_ISR.iCategory = BTrace::EKernPerfLog;
logCtrl_ISR.iSubCategory = KLogSubCat_ISR;
logCtrl_ISR.iUserData = KLogUserData;
logCtrl_ISR.iUserData2 = KLogUserData2;
logCtrl_DFC.iLogsNum = 3;
logCtrl_DFC.iCategory = BTrace::EKernPerfLog;
logCtrl_DFC.iSubCategory = KLogSubCat_KernelThread;
logCtrl_DFC.iUserData = KLogUserData;
logCtrl_DFC.iUserData2 = KLogUserData2;
logCtrl_IDFC.iLogsNum = 3;
logCtrl_IDFC.iCategory = BTrace::EKernPerfLog;
logCtrl_IDFC.iSubCategory = KLogSubCat_IDFC;
logCtrl_IDFC.iUserData = KLogUserData;
logCtrl_IDFC.iUserData2 = KLogUserData2;
test.Printf(_L("Testing logging from user thread\n"));
//-- 1. make logging from user thread, this is a synchronous operation
nRes = testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromUserThread(logCtrl_UserThread);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
//-- 1.1 check the results
GetParseRecordData(aTrace, &logCtrl_UserThread);
test.Printf(_L("Testing logging from ISR\n"));
//-- 2. make logging from ISR, this is asynchronous operation
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromISR(rqStatLogFromISR, logCtrl_ISR);
test(rqStatLogFromISR.Int() == KErrNone);
//-- 2.1 check the results
GetParseRecordData(aTrace, &logCtrl_ISR);
test.Printf(_L("Testing logging from DFC\n"));
//-- 3. make logging from DFC kennel thread, this is asynchronous operation
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromDFC(rqStatLogFromDFC, logCtrl_DFC);
test(rqStatLogFromDFC.Int() == KErrNone);
//-- 3.1 check the results
GetParseRecordData(aTrace, &logCtrl_DFC);
test.Printf(_L("Testing logging from IDFC\n"));
//-- 4. make logging from IDFC, this is asynchronous operation
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromIDFC(rqStatLogFromIDFC, logCtrl_IDFC);
test(rqStatLogFromIDFC.Int() == KErrNone);
//-- 4.1 check the results
GetParseRecordData(aTrace, &logCtrl_IDFC);
test.Printf(_L("Testing overlapped logging from ISR, DFC & IDFC\n"));
//-- 5. make logging from ISR, DFC and IDFC simultaneously
//-- use random numbers for number and period of loggings
logCtrl_ISR.iLogsNum = URnd(16)+1;
logCtrl_ISR.iLogPeriodTick = URnd(20)+1;
logCtrl_DFC.iLogsNum = URnd(16)+1;
logCtrl_DFC.iLogPeriodTick = URnd(20)+1;
logCtrl_IDFC.iLogsNum = URnd(16)+1;
logCtrl_IDFC.iLogPeriodTick = URnd(20)+1;
//-- start logging
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromISR(rqStatLogFromISR, logCtrl_ISR);
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromDFC(rqStatLogFromDFC, logCtrl_DFC);
testHelperLDD.MakeLogFromIDFC(rqStatLogFromIDFC, logCtrl_IDFC);
//-- wait for logging to finish
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //-- testHelperLDD
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test of PERF_LOG0, PERF_LOG1, PERF_LOG macros performed by helper LDD
//! @SYMTestActions Calls helper LDD API that in turn implies using PERF_LOG0, PERF_LOG1, PERF_LOG macros by helper LDD
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults return if the performace logger behaves as expected, panic otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void TestMacros(RBTrace &aTrace)
TInt nRes;
const TUint32 KLogUserData = 0xBAAABEEF; //-- just for testing
const TUint32 KLogUserData2 = 0x11FFDDCC; //-- just for testing
test.Next(_L("Unit test for different macros\n"));
RKPLoggerTestHelper testHelperLDD; //-- helper test driver
nRes = testHelperLDD.Open(TVersion(1,0,1)); //-- open test helper ldd for a logger
test(nRes == KErrNone);
TTestLogCtrl logCtrl;
//-- setup log control structures
logCtrl.iLogsNum = 1;
logCtrl.iCategory = BTrace::EKernPerfLog;
logCtrl.iSubCategory = KLogSubCat_UserThread;
logCtrl.iUserData = KLogUserData;
logCtrl.iUserData2 = KLogUserData2;
//-- make logging from user thread using different macros, PERF_LOG0, PERF_LOG1, PERF_LOG
//-- see the helper driver
nRes = testHelperLDD.TestDifferentMacros(logCtrl);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
//-- print out the results
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //-- testHelperLDD
void MainL(void)
test.Start(_L("Kern Perf Logger tests"));
RBTrace trace;
TInt error = trace.Open();
test(error == KErrNone);
//-- actually, for hardware platforms, the testing category and trace enabling
//-- may be set up in appropriate "header.iby" file
trace.SetFilter(BTrace::EKernPerfLog, ETrue);
//-- unit-test for PERF_LOG macros
//-- functionality test
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Load test helper LDD and check the result
//! @SYMTestActions load specified LDD by calling User::LoadLogicalDevice()
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults return if helper LDD is loaded OK, panic otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void Initialise()
rndSeed = Math::Random();
//-- load device drivers
TInt nRes;
test.Printf(_L("Loading test helper LDD...\n"));
nRes = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KPLoggerHelperTestDrv);
test(nRes == KErrNone || nRes == KErrAlreadyExists);
/** Finalise environment */
void Finalise(void)
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New() ; // get clean-up stack
delete cleanup ; // destroy clean-up stack
return r;
TUint URnd(TUint aMin, TUint aMax)
test(aMin < aMax);
TUint uRes;
uRes = Math::Rand(rndSeed) % aMax;
}while(uRes < aMin);
return uRes;
TUint URnd(TUint aMax)
return Math::Rand(rndSeed) % aMax;