Fix for Bug 2980 - "#include <OpenSystemTrace.h>" is a case-violation on Linux. This is not a GCCE compatibility bug but I need it fixed because I'm building on Linux
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# \f32test\loader\
# Generate header and build files for one or more trees
# of DLLs and EXEs according to a description file.
require Cwd;
my $dllbasename='dllt';
my $dllext='.dll';
my $exebasename='exet';
my $exeext='.exe';
my $mmpext='.mmp';
my $defext='.def';
my $libext='.lib';
my $source0ext='.cpp';
my $source1ext='.cia';
my $xippath="sys\\bin\\";
my $nonxippath="sys\\bin\\";
my $hostpath="\\Epoc32\\Release\\##MAIN##\\##BUILD##\\";
my $flag_value_exe=1;
my $flag_value_fixed=2;
my $flag_value_data=4;
my $flag_value_xip=8;
my $flag_value_dll_in_cycle=16;
my $flag_value_data_in_tree=32;
my $flag_value_xip_data_in_tree=64;
my $flag_value_exports=128;
my $flag_value_pagedcode=256;
my $flag_value_unpagedcode=512;
my $flag_value_idrive=1024;
my $flag_value_vdrive=2048;
my $flag_value_bytepair=4096;
my $flag_value_uncompressed=8192;
my $flag_value_targetonly=16384;
my $flag_value_pageddata=32768;
my $flag_value_unpageddata=65536;
my $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime;
my $copy_end=$year+1900;
my $argc=scalar(@ARGV);
($argc==1 or $argc==2 or $argc==3) or die "Usage: perl <filename> <dir> [-allowbad]\n";
my $infile=$ARGV[0];
open IN, $infile or die "Cannot open input file $infile\n";
my @in;
while (<IN>) {
push @in, $_;
close IN;
my $destdir='';
if ($argc>=2) {
unless (-d $destdir) {
mkdir $destdir, 0777 or die "Can't create directory $destdir\n";
chdir $destdir or die "Can't chdir to directory $destdir\n";
my $allowbad;
if ($argc==3) {
if ($ARGV[2] eq '-allowbad') {
$allowbad = 1;
if ($destpath=~/^\w\:(.*)/) {
unless ($destpath=~/^(.*?)\\$/) {
#print "$cwd\n";
#print "$destpath\n";
my @modules;
my @testcases;
my $line=0;
my $modnum=0;
my $state=0;
my $concat;
foreach (@in) {
next if (/^\s*$/ or /^\s*\#/);
if ($state==0) {
if (/^\!TESTCASES/) {
my @moddesc=split;
my $modname=shift @moddesc;
if (grep {lc($$_{name}) eq lc($modname)} @modules) {
die "Duplicate module specification at line $line\n";
my %module;
$module{nclients}=0; # number of modules which import from this one
while (scalar(@moddesc)) {
my $att=shift @moddesc;
if ($att=~/^\:$/) {
} elsif ($att=~/^X$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^F$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^D$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^P$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^PD$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^B$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^U$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^I$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^V$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^N$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^T$/i) {
} elsif ($att=~/^R(.*?)$/i) {
my $attp=$1;
if ($attp=~/^\,(.*?)$/) {
} elsif (!($attp=~/^\s*$/)) {
die "Garbage following R attribute at line $line\n";
if ($module{fixed} && !$module{exe}) {
die "Can't have FIXED without EXE at line $line\n";
if ($module{pagedcode} && $module{xip}) {
die "Can't have PAGEDCODE with XIP at line $line\n";
# makmake won't support paged binaries which aren't bytepair or uncompressed.
# However, P can be specified without them in dlltree.txt. This program generates
# an MMP file with neither flag. The flag is added when the files are copied to
# internal media by T_LDRTST. (It would be pointless to copy the files to removable
# media and then edit them because removable media doesn't support paging.)
my $bothCodePageFlags = $module{pagedcode} && $module{unpagedcode};
if ($bothCodePageFlags && !$module{idrive}) {
die "Can't have PAGEDCODE and UNPAGEDCODE without INTERNAL DRIVE at line $line\n";
if ($module{unpagedcode} && $module{xip}) {
die "Can't have UNPAGEDCODE with XIP at line $line\n";
if ($module{pageddata} && !$module{exe}) {
die "Can't have PAGEDDATA without EXE at line $line\n";
if ($module{idrive} && $module{xip}) {
die "Can't have INTERNAL DRIVE with XIP at line $line\n";
if ($module{vdrive} && $module{xip}) {
die "Can't have REMOVABLE DRIVE with XIP at line $line\n";
if ($module{idrive} && $module{vdrive}) {
die "Can't have INTERNAL DRIVE with REMOVABLE DRIVE at line $line\n";
if ($module{bytepair} && $module{uncompressed}) {
die "Can't have BYTEPAIR with UNCOMPRESSED at line $line\n";
if ($module{exe}) {
if ($module{attpname}) {
warn "Attach process with EXE ignored at line $line\n";
delete $module{attpname};
} else {
$module{depnames}=\@moddesc; # dependency names are left over
push @modules, \%module;
} elsif ($state<=2) {
if ($state==1) {
die "Syntax error at line $line\n" unless (/^(\w+)\:/);
if (/^(.*?)\\$/) {
$concat.=' ';
} else {
my @modlist=split(/\s+/, $concat);
my $tcname=shift @modlist;
$tcname=~/^(.*?)\:$/ or die "???\n";
my %tc;
push @testcases, \%tc;
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $moddepref=$$modref{depnames};
my @deps;
foreach (@$moddepref) {
my $depname=lc($_);
my @match=grep {lc($$_{name}) eq $depname} @modules;
if (scalar(@match)==0) {
die "Unknown dependent module $depname at line $$modref{line}\n";
my $depref=$match[0];
if ($$modref{xip} and !$$depref{xip}) {
die "Illegal dependency: $$modref{name} (XIP) on $$depref{name} (non-XIP)\n";
push @deps, $$depref{num};
my $attpname=$$modref{attpname};
if ($attpname) {
my @match=grep {lc($$_{name}) eq lc($attpname)} @modules;
if (scalar(@match)==0) {
die "Unknown attach process $attpname at line $$modref{line}\n";
my $attpref=$match[0];
if (!$$attpref{exe}) {
die "Specified attach process is not EXE at line $$modref{line}\n";
} elsif (!$$attpref{xip}) {
die "Specified attach process is not XIP at line $$modref{line}\n";
foreach $tcref (@testcases) {
my $modlistref=$$tcref{mod_names};
my @modnums;
foreach $modname (@$modlistref) {
next if ($modname=~/^\s*$/);
my @match=grep {lc($$_{name}) eq lc($modname)} @modules;
if (scalar(@match)==0) {
die "Unknown module $modname in test case $$tcref{name}\n";
push @modnums, $match[0]->{num};
my $next_mark=0;
foreach $modref (@modules) {
if ($$modref{nclients}==0 and $$modref{exe}) {
# EXE with no exports
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
my @tcdeps;
calc_tc(\@tcdeps, \@modules, $modref, $next_mark);
if (grep {$_==$modnum} @tcdeps) {
my @exes=grep {$modules[$_]->{exe}} @tcdeps;
my $nexes=scalar(@exes);
unless ($allowbad) {
if ($nexes>1) {
die "Module $$modref{name} links to more than one EXE\n";
} elsif ($nexes==1) {
my $exeref=$modules[$exes[0]];
if ($$modref{exe}) {
if ($$exeref{num}!=$modnum) {
die "EXE $modref{name} links to another EXE\n";
} else {
if ($$modref{attp} and $$exeref{num}!=$modref->{attp}->{num}) {
die "DLL $$modref{name} ($modnum) incompatible attach process\n";
if (!$$modref{attp}) {
if ($$modref{exe}) {
foreach $depnum (@tcdeps) {
my $depref=$modules[$depnum];
my $depattpref=$depref->{attp};
if ($depattpref and $depattpref->{num}!=$modnum) {
die "DEP DLL $$depref{name} ($$depref{num}) incompatible attach process\n";
# if (!$depattpref) {
# $$depref{attp}=$modref;
# }
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my @total_deps;
my $tcdepref=$$modref{tcdeps};
push @total_deps, @$tcdepref;
my $linkexe=$$modref{linkexe};
if ($linkexe) {
my $exetcdepref=$$linkexe{tcdeps};
push @total_deps, @$exetcdepref;
push @total_deps, $$modref{num};
my $data=scalar(grep {$modules[$_]->{data}} @total_deps);
if ($data!=0) {
my $xipdata=scalar(grep {$modules[$_]->{data} and $modules[$_]->{xip}} @total_deps);
if ($xipdata!=0) {
#foreach $modref (@modules) {
# print "Module $$modref{num}:\n";
# print "\tName: $$modref{name}\n";
# print "\tFilename: $$modref{filename}\n";
# my $depref=$$modref{deps};
# my $ndeps=scalar(@$depref);
# print "\t#Deps: $ndeps\n";
# print "\tDeps: ",join(',',@$depref),"\n";
my @bldinf;
my $bldname='dlltree.inf';
push @bldinf, "// $destpath$bldname\n";
push @bldinf, "//\n";
push @bldinf, "// Copyright (c) 2000-$copy_end Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.\n";
push @bldinf, "//\n";
push @bldinf, "\n";
push @bldinf, "PRJ_PLATFORMS\n";
push @bldinf, "BASEUSERDEFAULT\n";
push @bldinf, "\n";
push @bldinf, "PRJ_TESTMMPFILES\n";
push @bldinf, "\n";
my @dlltree;
my $dlltreename='dlltree.h';
push @dlltree, "// $destpath$dlltreename\n";
push @dlltree, "//\n";
push @dlltree, "// Copyright (c) 2000-$copy_end Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.\n";
push @dlltree, "//\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "#ifndef __DLLTREE_H__\n";
push @dlltree, "#define __DLLTREE_H__\n";
push @dlltree, "#include <e32std.h>\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "class MDllList;\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
my $ibyname='ldrtest.iby';
my @iby;
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my @mmp;
my $num=$$modref{num};
my $mmpname=$$modref{basefilename}.$mmpext;
my $defname=$$modref{basefilename}.$defext;
my $depsref=$$modref{deps};
my $ndeps=scalar(@$depsref);
push @mmp, "// $destpath$mmpname\n";
push @mmp, "//\n";
push @mmp, "// Copyright (c) 2000-$copy_end Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.\n";
push @mmp, "//\n";
push @mmp, "// Generated from $$modref{name}\n";
push @mmp, "\n";
push @mmp, "macro __DLLNUM$num\n";
push @mmp, "target $$modref{filename}\n";
push @mmp, "targettype $$modref{trgtype}\n";
push @mmp, "sourcepath .\n";
push @mmp, "source $$modref{source0} $$modref{source1}\n";
push @mmp, "library euser.lib efsrv.lib\n";
push @mmp, "Capability NONE\n";
foreach (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$modules[$_];
push @mmp, "library $$depref{lib}\n";
if ($$modref{exports}) {
push @mmp, "deffile ./$defname\n";
push @mmp, "nostrictdef\n";
push @mmp, "systeminclude ../../../e32test/mmu \n";
push @mmp, "userinclude . \n";
if ($$modref{fixed}) {
push @mmp, "epocfixedprocess\n";
# if both paged flags are set or the compression is not pageable then print neither.
# T_LDRTST will add the required flags when it copies the file to internal media.
my $bothCodePageFlags = $$modref{pagedcode} && $$modref{unpagedcode};
my $pageableCompression = $$modref{bytepair} || $$modref{uncompressed};
if (!$bothCodePageFlags && $pageableCompression) {
push @mmp, "pagedcode\n" if $$modref{pagedcode};
push @mmp, "unpagedcode\n" if $$modref{unpagedcode};
if ($$modref{exe}) {
# make exes unpageddata by default
if (!$$modref{pageddata}) {
if ($$modref{pageddata}) {
push @mmp, "pageddata\n";
if ($$modref{unpageddata}) {
push @mmp, "unpageddata\n";
if ($$modref{bytepair}) {
push @mmp, "bytepaircompresstarget\n";
if ($$modref{uncompressed}) {
push @mmp, "nocompresstarget\n";
if ($$modref{data} && !$$modref{exe}) {
push @mmp, "epocallowdlldata\n";
push @mmp, sprintf("uid 0x00000000 0x%08x\n", $num+256);
push @mmp, "SMPSAFE\n";
if ($$modref{exports}) {
my @def;
push @def, "EXPORTS\n";
if ($$modref{exe}) {
push @def, "\tRegisterConstructorCall @ 1 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tRegisterInitCall @ 2 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tRegisterDestructorCall @ 3 NONAME\n";
} else {
push @def, "\tInit$num @ 1 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tChkC$num @ 2 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tBlkI$num @ 3 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tGetGeneration @ 4 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tRBlkI$num @ 5 NONAME\n";
push @def, "\tSetCloseLib @ 6 NONAME\n";
push @bldinf, "$$modref{basefilename}\t\tsupport\n";
if ($num==0) {
push @dlltree, "#if defined(__DLLNUM$num)\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, "#elif defined(__DLLNUM$num)\n";
push @dlltree, "#define DLLNUM $num\n";
if ($$modref{exe}) {
push @dlltree, "#define EXENUM $num\n";
push @dlltree, "_LIT(KServerName, \"$$modref{name}\");\n";
push @dlltree, "#define INITFUNC Init$num\n";
push @dlltree, "#define CHKCFUNC ChkC$num\n";
push @dlltree, "#define BLKIFUNC BlkI$num\n";
push @dlltree, "#define RBLKIFUNC RBlkI$num\n";
push @dlltree, "#define CHKDEPS(r) (\\\n";
foreach (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$modules[$_];
unless ($$depref{exe}) {
my $func="ChkC$_";
push @dlltree, "\t((r)=$func())!=0 ||\\\n";
push @dlltree, "\t((r)=0)!=0 )\n";
push @dlltree, "#define INITDEPS(r,l) (\\\n";
foreach (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$modules[$_];
unless ($$depref{exe}) {
my $func="Init$_";
push @dlltree, "\t((r)=$func(l))!=0 ||\\\n";
push @dlltree, "\t((r)=0)!=0 )\n";
my $link_to_exe;
push @dlltree, "#define RBLKIFUNC_DEPS(i,g) {\\\n";
foreach (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$modules[$_];
if ($$depref{exe}) {
} else {
my $func="RBlkI$_";
push @dlltree, "\t(i)=$func(i,g);\\\n";
push @dlltree, "\t}\n";
if ($link_to_exe) {
push @dlltree, "#define __DLL_LINK_TO_EXE\n";
if ($$modref{cycle}) {
push @dlltree, "#define __DLL_IN_CYCLE\n";
if ($$modref{data}) {
push @dlltree, "#define __MODULE_HAS_DATA\n";
if ($$modref{exports}) {
push @dlltree, "#define __MODULE_EXPORT\t\tEXPORT_C\n";
push @dlltree, "#define __MODULE_IMPORT\t\tIMPORT_C\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, "#define __MODULE_EXPORT\n";
push @dlltree, "#define __MODULE_IMPORT\n";
foreach (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$modules[$_];
if ($$depref{exe}) {
} else {
push @dlltree, "extern \"C\" IMPORT_C TInt Init$_(MDllList&);\n";
push @dlltree, "extern \"C\" IMPORT_C TInt ChkC$_();\n";
push @dlltree, "extern \"C\" IMPORT_C TInt RBlkI$_(TInt, TInt);\n";
my $hostfullpathname=$hostpath.$$modref{filename};
if ($$modref{xip}) {
my $epocfullpathname=$xippath.$$modref{filename};
my $flags;
if ($$modref{attp}) {
$flags='process '.$modref->{attp}->{filename};
push @iby, "file=$hostfullpathname\t\t$epocfullpathname\t\t$flags\n";
} else {
my $epocfullpathname=$nonxippath.$$modref{filename};
push @iby, "data=$hostfullpathname\t\t$epocfullpathname\n";
#push @dlltree, "#else\n";
#push @dlltree, "#error No __DLLNUM macro defined\n";
push @dlltree, "#endif\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
my $module_count=scalar(@modules);
push @dlltree, "const TInt KNumModules=$module_count;\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "#ifdef __INCLUDE_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH\n";
push @dlltree, "static const TText* const ModuleName[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $string="\t(const TText*)L\"$$modref{name}\"";
unless ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, $string;
my $pad=41-length($string);
push @dlltree, "\t"x$pad, "\/*", $$modref{num}, "*\/\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "#define MODULE_NAME(n) TPtrC(ModuleName[n])\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "static const TText* const ModuleFileName[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
if ($$modref{idrive} || $$modref{vdrive}) {
my $fn = $$modref{filename};
my $used_nxip_path = "?:\\$nonxippath$fn";
$used_nxip_path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # double backslashes
substr($used_nxip_path,0,1) = $$modref{idrive} ? "0" : "1";
push @dlltree, "\t(const TText*)L\"$used_nxip_path\"";
} else {
push @dlltree, "\t(const TText*)L\"$$modref{filename}\"";
if ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, "\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, ",\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "#define MODULE_FILENAME(n) TPtrC(ModuleFileName[n])\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
my $tcdepsref=$$modref{tcdeps};
my $numdeps=scalar(@$tcdepsref);
push @dlltree, "static const TInt Module$modnum","Deps[] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{$numdeps";
if ($numdeps) {
push @dlltree, ",", join(',',@$tcdepsref)
push @dlltree, "\};\n";
push @dlltree, "static const TInt* const ModuleDependencies[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
push @dlltree, "\tModule$modnum","Deps";
if ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, "\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, ",\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagExe=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_exe;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagFixed=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_fixed;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagData=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_data;
#push @dlltree, "#ifdef __EPOC32__\n";
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagXIP=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_xip;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagPagedCode=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_pagedcode;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagUnpagedCode=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_unpagedcode;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagIDrive=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_idrive;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagVDrive=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_vdrive;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagBytePair=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_bytepair;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagUncompressed=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_uncompressed;
#push @dlltree, "#else\n";
#push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagXIP=0x%04x;\n", 0; # no XIPs on emulator
#push @dlltree, "#endif\n";
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagDllInCycle=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_dll_in_cycle;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagDataInTree=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_data_in_tree;
#push @dlltree, "#ifdef __EPOC32__\n";
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagXIPDataInTree=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_xip_data_in_tree;
#push @dlltree, "#else\n";
#push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagXIPDataInTree=0x%04x;\n", 0;
#push @dlltree, "#endif\n";
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagExports=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_exports;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagTargetOnly=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_targetonly;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagPagedData=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_pageddata;
push @dlltree, sprintf "const TInt KModuleFlagUnpagedData=0x%04x;\n", $flag_value_unpageddata;
push @dlltree, "static const TInt ModuleFlags[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $flags=0;
my @flagNames = ();
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagExe" if ($$modref{exe});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagFixed" if ($$modref{fixed});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagData" if ($$modref{data});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagXIP" if ($$modref{xip});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagPagedCode" if ($$modref{pagedcode});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagUnpagedCode" if ($$modref{unpagedcode});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagPagedData" if ($$modref{pageddata});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagUnpagedData" if (!$$modref{pageddata});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagIDrive" if ($$modref{idrive});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagVDrive" if ($$modref{vdrive});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagBytePair" if ($$modref{bytepair});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagDllInCycle" if ($$modref{cycle});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagDataInTree" if ($$modref{dataintree});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagXIPDataInTree" if ($$modref{xipdataintree});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagExports" if ($$modref{exports});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagUncompressed" if ($$modref{uncompressed});
push @flagNames, "KModuleFlagTargetOnly" if ($$modref{targetonly});
@flagNames = qw(0) if (scalar(@flagNames) == 0);
my $flagString = "/\* " . $$modref{num} . " \*/\t" . join(' | ', @flagNames);
unless ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, $flagString . "\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
my @rblki;
calc_rblki(\@rblki, \@modules, $modref, $next_mark);
my $rblki_count=scalar(@rblki);
my $rblki_sum=0;
foreach (@rblki) {
$rblki_sum += $_;
push @dlltree, "static const TInt Module$modnum","RBlkIParams[2] = \{ $rblki_count, $rblki_sum \};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "static const TInt* const ModuleRBlkIParams[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
push @dlltree, "\tModule$modnum","RBlkIParams";
if ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, "\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, ",\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
my $mod_attp=$modnum;
my $mod_linkp=$modnum;
unless ($$modref{exe}) {
$mod_attp = ($$modref{attp}) ? ($modref->{attp}->{num}) : -1;
$mod_linkp = ($$modref{linkexe}) ? ($modref->{linkexe}->{num}) : -1;
push @dlltree, "static const TInt Module$modnum","ExeInfo[2] = \{ $mod_attp, $mod_linkp \};\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "static const TInt* const ModuleExeInfo[KNumModules] =\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\{\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $modnum=$$modref{num};
push @dlltree, "\tModule$modnum","ExeInfo";
if ($$modref{num}==$module_count-1) {
push @dlltree, "\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, ",\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
foreach $tcref (@testcases) {
push @dlltree, "\n";
my $modlistref=$$tcref{modules};
my $count=$$tcref{count};
my $arraysize=$count+1;
push @dlltree, "static const TInt TC_$$tcref{name}\[$arraysize\]=\n\t\{\n";
if ($count==0) {
push @dlltree, "\t$count\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, "\t$count\,\n";
foreach (@$modlistref) {
if ($count==0) {
push @dlltree, "\t$_\n";
} else {
push @dlltree, "\t$_\,\n";
push @dlltree, "\t\};\n";
push @dlltree, "#endif\n";
push @dlltree, "\n";
push @dlltree, "#endif\n";
foreach $modref (@modules) {
my $mmpname=$$modref{basefilename}.$mmpext;
my $mmpref=$$modref{mmp};
open OUT, ">$mmpname" or die "Could not open $mmpname for output\n";
print OUT @$mmpref;
close OUT;
if ($$modref{exports}) {
my $defname=$$modref{basefilename}.$defext;
my $defref=$$modref{def};
open OUT, ">$defname" or die "Could not open $defname for output\n";
print OUT @$defref;
close OUT;
if (!$allowbad) {
push @bldinf, "t_ldrtst\n";
open OUT, ">$bldname" or die "Could not open $bldname for output\n";
print OUT @bldinf;
close OUT;
open OUT, ">$dlltreename" or die "Could not open $dlltreename for output\n";
print OUT @dlltree;
close OUT;
my $testbatch = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\build";
$destpath =~ s/\//\\/go;
$testbatch.="\\" unless ($destpath =~ /^\\/);
if (!$allowbad) {
push @iby, "data=$testbatch\t\ttest\\\n";
open OUT, ">$ibyname" or die "Could not open $ibyname for output\n";
print OUT @iby;
close OUT;
# Accumulate list of dependency numbers
# 1st arg = \output list
# 2nd arg = \module list
# 3rd arg = \module to start from
# 4th arg = mark value to use
sub calc_tc($$$$) {
my ($out, $mods, $modref, $mark)=@_;
my $depsref=$$modref{deps};
foreach $dep (@$depsref) {
my $depref=$$mods[$dep];
if ($$depref{mark} != $mark) {
unless ($$depref{exe}) {
calc_tc($out, $mods, $depref, $mark);
push @$out, $dep;
# Accumulate RBlkI parameters
# 1st arg = \output list
# 2nd arg = \module list
# 3rd arg = \module to start from
# 4th arg = mark value to use
sub calc_rblki($$$$) {
my ($out, $mods, $modref, $mark)=@_;
if ($$modref{mark} != $mark) {
if (!$$modref{exe} and $$modref{data}) {
push @$out, $$modref{num};
my $depsref=$$modref{deps};
foreach $dep (@$depsref) {
calc_rblki($out, $mods, $$mods[$dep], $mark);