author John Imhofe <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 16:14:42 +0000
changeset 15 4122176ea935
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 36 538db54a451d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200948 + Removing redundant base integration tests and fixing build errors Kit: 200948

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <kernel/kernel.h>

const TInt KErrUsbRequestsPending			= -6640;
const TInt KErrUsbBadAddress				= -6641;
const TInt KErrUsbNoAddress					= -6642;
const TInt KErrUsbSetAddrFailed				= -6643;
const TInt KErrUsbNoPower					= -6644;
const TInt KErrUsbTooDeep					= -6645;
const TInt KErrUsbIOError					= -6646;
const TInt KErrUsbNotConfigured				= -6647;
const TInt KErrUsbTimeout					= -6648;
const TInt KErrUsbStalled					= -6649;
const TInt KErrUsbTestFailure				= -6650;
const TInt KErrUsbBadState					= -6651;
const TInt KErrUsbDeviceSuspended			= -6652;

This error is returned when it is discovered that a bundle of USB descriptors
has a malformed topological layout.
const TInt KErrUsbBadDescriptorTopology		= -6653;

// Errors from DevMon events
const TInt KErrUsbDeviceRejected			= -6654;	// Should never happen -- the device has been rejected by the stack
const TInt KErrUsbDeviceFailed				= -6655;	// The device failed to be configured
const TInt KErrUsbBadDevice					= -6656;	// Hardware fault on device, eg. no Ep0
const TInt KErrUsbBadHubPosition			= -6657;	// Hub too deep, or bus powered attached to bus powered.
const TInt KErrUsbBadHub					= -6658;	// Hardware fault on hub, eg. no Ep0
const TInt KErrUsbEventOverflow				= -6659;	// Too many bus events undrained -- one or more events lost

// Inform caller of API Misuse
const TInt KErrUsbRemoteWakeupAlreadyEnabled  = -6660;
const TInt KErrUsbRemoteWakeupAlreadyDisabled = -6661;
const TInt KErrUsbAlreadyResumed              = -6662;

namespace UsbdiPanics
	_LIT(KUsbHubDriverPanicCat, "USBHubDriver");
	enum TUsbHubDriverPanics
		EUsbHubDriverNoRollBackAfterFailedDeviceOpen		= 0,
		EUsbHubDriverRequestMadeWhileClosed					= 1,
		EUsbHubDriverInsufficientSizeToHoldStringDescriptor	= 2,
		EUsbHubDriverMultipleNotificationRequests			= 3,
		EUsbHubDriverTooManyDeviceHandles					= 4,
		EUsbHubDriverAlreadyOpened                          = 5,

	_LIT(KUsbdiPanicCat, "USBDI");
	enum TUsbdiPanics
		ERequestAlreadyPending							= 0,
		ETooManyPipeHandles								= 1,
		EOutOfBoundsOfLengthArray						= 2,
		EBadIsocTransferDescriptorHandle				= 3,
		EBadIsocTransferDescriptorWriteHandle			= 4,
		EBadIntrTransferDescriptorHandle				= 5,
		EBadBulkTransferDescriptorHandle				= 6,
		ETransferDescriptorAlignmentOverPageBoundary	= 7,
		ETransferDescriptorAlignmentNotPowerOfTwo		= 8,
		ETransferDescriptorNoPacketsRequested			= 9,
		ETransferDescriptorSavedToMuchData				= 10,
		ETransferDescriptorNoPacketsToSave				= 11,
		ETransferDescriptorInvalidSaveCall				= 12,
		ETransferDescriptorSavedTooManyPackets			= 13,
		ETransferDescriptorSavingTooLargeAPacket		= 14,
		ETransferDescriptorReceivedTooLargeAPacket		= 15,
		ETransferDescriptorPacketNotInBounds			= 16,
		ETransferDescriptorTooFewPacketsRequested		= 17,
		ETransferDescriptorTooManyPacketsRequested		= 18,
		ETransferDescriptorFlagsBadZlp					= 19,
		ENoChunkAllocatedForInterface					= 20,
		EChunkAlreadyAllocatedForInterface				= 21,
		ETransferWrongDescriptorType					= 22,
		EIntrBulkTransferBadLength						= 23,
		EIsocTransferWrongDescriptorType				= 24,
		EIsocTransferNoPacketsRequested					= 25,
		EIsocTransferTooManyPackets						= 26,
		EIsocTransferPacketTooBig						= 27,
		EInterfaceSettingChangeWithPipeOpen				= 28,
		EUsbDeviceDeviceStateCancelledWithNoThread		= 29,
		ECpuPageSizeIsNotMulipleOfHcdPageSize			= 30,
		EPageListRegionSelectionUnderflow				= 31,
		EPageListRegionSelectionOverflow				= 32,
		EIsocTransferRequestCrossesPageBoundary			= 33,
		EIsocTransferResultCrossesPageBoundary			= 34,
		EPipeInvalidType								= 35,
		ETransferDescriptorRequestedLengthDiffers		= 36,
		ETransferDescriptorsAlreadyRegistered			= 37,
		EOutOfBoundsOfResultArray						= 38,
		EPipeRequestMadeWhileClosed						= 39,
		EBadInterfaceHandle                             = 40,
		EUsbDeviceMultipleNotificationRequests			= 41,

	_LIT(KUsbDescPanicCat, "USBDesc");
	enum TUsbDescPanics
		This panic is raised when the newly created TUsbGenericDescriptor object 
		created during parsing has not set the pointer fields iParent, iFirstChild
		and iNextPeer to NULL.
		EUsbDescNonNullPointersAfterParsing	= 0,
		This panic is raised when attempting to retrieve a wLangId from String
		Descriptor Zero using a negative index.
		EUsbDescNegativeIndexToLangId		= 1,

namespace UsbdiFaults
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
	_LIT(KUsbdiFaultCat, "USBDI-Fault");
#else // __KERNEL_MODE__
	static const char* const KUsbdiFaultCat = "USBDI-Fault";
#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
	enum TUsbdiFaults
		EUsbPipeCloseFailed								= 0,
		EUsbDeviceLingeringInterfacesOnDestroy			= 1,
		EUsbDeviceLingeringStateNotifyOnDestroy			= 2,
		EUsbDeviceCannotDestroySuspendTask				= 3,
		EUsbDeviceUnexpectedStateOnStateChange			= 4,
		EUsbDeviceUnexpectedSuspensionIssued			= 5,
		EUsbDeviceUnexpectedResumeIssued				= 6,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorBadHandle					= 7,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorBadWriteHandle			= 8,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorBadAlignment				= 9,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorNoPacketsLeftToStore		= 10,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorLengthsArrayBadAlignment	= 11,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorIncompleteInitialisation	= 12,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorInvalidHeaderOffset		= 13,
		EUsbPipeNoHandleOnCancel						= 14,
		EUsbPipeTransferCompleteWithoutTransfer			= 15,
		EUsbPipeTransferWithoutPageList					= 16,
		EUsbPipeFreeTransferHandleFailedAddToPool		= 17,
		EUsbPipeTransferCompleteNoThreadForRequest		= 18,
		EUsbPipeChannelRequestMadeWithoutChannel		= 19,
		EUsbHubDriverSuccessfulAttachButNoDevice		= 20,
		EUsbHubDriverPendingEventsAndPendingEventRequest= 21,
		EUsbDeviceNoThreadProvided						= 22,
		EUsbPageListGoneBeyondHcdPageListBounds			= 23,
		EUsbTransferRequestNoThreadProvided				= 24,
		EUsbTransferRequestNoRequestProvided			= 25,
		EUsbTransferRequestDeletedWhileOutstanding		= 26,
		EUsbTransferRequestDeletedWithoutCompleting		= 27,
		EUsbTransferRequestFinalisedTwice				= 28,
		EUsbTransferRequestCompletedWithoutFinalising	= 29,
		EUsbPipeNoTransferRequestForTransfer			= 30,
		EUsbDeviceStateChangeRequestButNoThread			= 31,
		EUsbPageListInvalidRegion						= 32,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorUnexpectedEndOfIsocList	= 33,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorUnfillableElement			= 34,
		EUsbHubDriverPendingNoneEvent					= 35,
		EUsbTransferDescriptorResultsArrayBadAlignment	= 36,
		EUsbDeviceTooManyDevicesSignallingInactivity	= 37,
		EUsbHubDriverQueuedBusEventNotDeviceAttach		= 38,
		EUsbPipeHasHandleButNoInterface					= 39,
		EUsbDeviceHasHandleButNoHubDriver				= 40,
		EUsbDevMonDeviceAttachDenied					= 41,
		EUsbHubDriverZeroInterfaceTokenProduced			= 42,
		EUsbInterfaceSuccessfulPipeOpenWithNoPipe		= 43,

	_LIT(KUsbDescFaultCat, "USBDesc-Fault");
	enum TUsbDescFaults
		EUsbDescSuccessButDataLeftUnparsed	= 0,
		EUsbDescTreePointersAlreadySet		= 1,
		EUsbDescNoTopLevelDescriptorFound	= 2,
		EUsbDescRunOffTree					= 3,
		EUsbDescTreeMemberHasNoParent		= 4,

#endif // D32USBDI_ERRORS_H