author Mike Kinghan <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 08:40:05 +0100
changeset 209 6035754ebf88
parent 36 538db54a451d
child 130 c30940f6d922
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 3291 - [GCCE] armcc build equated with armv5 build in f32test

// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\dmav2\d_dma2.h
// User-side API for LDD used to test DMAv2 framework.

#ifndef __D_DMA2_H__
#define __D_DMA2_H__

#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <drivers/dmadefs.h>

#define ARRAY_LENGTH(ARRAY) sizeof(ARRAY)/sizeof(ARRAY[0])

#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
	#include <nkern.h>
	#include <kernel.h>
	#define TEST_FAULT FAULT();
	#define PRINT(N) Kern::Printf("%s = 0x%08x (%d)", #N, (N), (N))
	#include <e32std.h>
	#include <e32debug.h>
	#define TEST_FAULT RDebug::Printf("Assertion failure in %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); User::Invariant()
	#define PRINT(N) RDebug::Printf("%s = 0x%08x (%d)", #N, (N), (N))

#define TEST_ASSERT(C) if(!(C)) {TEST_FAULT;}

const TUint KPhysAddrInvalidUser=0xFFFFFFFFu; // KPhysAddrInvalid is not defined on the user side
#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
//if this fails then KPhysAddrInvalidUser must be updated to match
__ASSERT_COMPILE(KPhysAddrInvalidUser == KPhysAddrInvalid);

_LIT(KTestDmaLddName, "TestDmaV2");

inline TVersion TestDmaLddVersion() { return TVersion(1, 0, 1); }

TInt Log2(TInt aNum);

Indicates the number of each type of call back received
and their context

TODO as yet, it does not indicate the context of each callback, only
the final one
const TInt KNumberOfCallbacks = 12;

class TCallbackRecord
	enum TCbContext
		{ EInvalid, EThread, EIsr };

			TCbContext aContext = EThread,
			TInt aReq = 0,
			TInt aReqSrc = 0,
			TInt aReqDst = 0,

			TInt aDes = 0,
			TInt aDesSrc = 0,
			TInt aDesDst = 0,

			TInt aFrame = 0,
			TInt aFrameSrc = 0,
			TInt aFrameDst = 0,

			TInt aPause = 0,
			TInt aPauseSrc = 0,
			TInt aPauseDst = 0,
			TDmaResult aResult = EDmaResultOK

	static TCallbackRecord Empty();

	void Reset();

	Allows 2 callback records to be compared
	TBool operator == (const TCallbackRecord aOther) const;
	void Print() const;

	Get the number of callbacks for callback aCbType
	TInt GetCount(TDmaCallbackType aCbType) const;

	void SetCount(TDmaCallbackType aCbType, TInt aCount);

	Set the result (expected or actual) from
	inline TCallbackRecord& IsrRedoResult(TInt aResult) {iIsrRedoRequestResult = aResult; return *this;}

	Reports the context in which the callback occurred.
	inline TCbContext GetContext()
		{return iContext;}

	Updates data based on callback mask aCallbackMask
	@param aCallbackMask Bitmask of callback events @see TDmaCallbackType
	@oaram aResult The result reported by the current callback
	void ProcessCallback(TUint aCallbackMask, TDmaResult aResultaContext);

	static void SelfTest();

	// The below methods are setters, which may be chained together
	// ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
	// @see
	TCallbackRecord& Context(TCbContext aContext) {iContext = aContext; return *this;}

	TInt BitToIndex(TDmaCallbackType aCbType) const;

	TCbContext CurrentContext() const;

	TInt iCallbackLog[KNumberOfCallbacks];

	TDmaResult iResult;
	TCbContext iContext;
	/** Result of the most recent redo request call */
	TInt iIsrRedoRequestResult;

Extends SDmacCaps to contain the DMA PIL
version being used
struct TDmacTestCaps : public SDmacCaps
	TDmacTestCaps(const SDmacCaps& aDmacCaps, TInt aVersion = 2);

	TInt iPILVersion;

class TDmaChannel;

struct TAddrRange
	TAddrRange(TUint aStart, TUint aLength);
	inline TUint End() const {return (iStart + iLength -1);}
	inline TUint Start() const {return iStart;}

	inline TBool Contains(TUint aValue) const {return Rng(iStart, aValue, End());}
	TBool Contains(TAddrRange aRange) const;

	TBool Overlaps(const TAddrRange& aRange) const;
	static void SelfTest();

	TUint iStart;
	TUint iLength;

struct TAddressParms
	TAddressParms(TUint32 aSrcAddr=0, TUint32 aDstAddr=0, TUint aTransferCount=0)
		:iSrcAddr(aSrcAddr), iDstAddr(aDstAddr), iTransferCount(aTransferCount)

	TAddressParms(const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs)

	If any src, dst, or transfer count are zero, substitute the values from
	aTransferArgs in their place
	void Substitute(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs);

	When recieved by the test driver, src and dst
	addresses will be offsets from the dma test session's
	chunk base. They must be converted to absolute, *physical* addresses
	void Fixup(TLinAddr aChunkBase);

	Check that both the src and destination lie within the area
	defined by aStart and aSize
	TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aStart, TUint aSize);

	TAddrRange SourceRange() const;
	TAddrRange DestRange() const;

	TBool Overlaps(const TAddrRange aRange) const;
	TBool Overlaps(const TAddressParms aParm) const;

	TBool operator==(const TAddressParms& aOther) const;

	static void SelfTest();

	TUint32 iSrcAddr;
	TUint32 iDstAddr;
	TUint iTransferCount;

// These functions can be used for accessing TDmaTransferArgs in
// terms of TAddressParms. (TAddressParms would be a natural base
// class for TDmaTransferArgs but changing the production code
// is undesirable)
TAddressParms GetAddrParms(const TDmaTransferArgs&);
void SetAddrParms(TDmaTransferArgs&, const TAddressParms&);

This struct holds the arguments which can be used with TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest
struct TIsrRequeArgs : public TAddressParms
	TIsrRequeArgs(TUint32 aSrcAddr=KPhysAddrInvalidUser, TUint32 aDstAddr=KPhysAddrInvalidUser,
			TUint aTransferCount=0, TUint32 aPslRequestInfo=0,
			TBool aIsrCb=ETrue)
		: TAddressParms(aSrcAddr, aDstAddr, aTransferCount), iPslRequestInfo(aPslRequestInfo), iIsrCb(aIsrCb)

	TInt Call(TDmaChannel& aChannel);

	TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aStart, TUint aSize) const;

	TUint32 iPslRequestInfo;
	TBool iIsrCb;
class CISrRequeTest;
A collection of TIsrRequeArgs
struct TIsrRequeArgsSet

	friend class CIsrRequeTest; //TODO see line 394 t_dma2.cpp
	TIsrRequeArgsSet(TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs=NULL, TInt aCount =0)
		:iCount(aCount), iIndex(0)
		TEST_ASSERT(iCount <= MaxCount);
		for(TInt i=0; i<iCount; i++)
			iRequeArgs[i] = aRequeueArgs[i];


	TBool IsEmpty() const
		{return iCount == 0;}

	TIsrRequeArgs GetArgs();

	void Substitute(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs);
	void Fixup(TLinAddr aChunkBase);
	TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize) const;

	enum {MaxCount=6};
	TInt iCount;
	TInt iIndex;
	TIsrRequeArgs iRequeArgs[MaxCount];

class DDmaTestSession;
class RDmaSession : public RBusLogicalChannel
	friend class DDmaTestSession;
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
	TInt ChannelIsQueueEmpty(TUint aDriverCookie,TBool& aQueueEmpty)
		return DoControl(EIsQueueEmpty, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie),	&aQueueEmpty);		

	TInt ChannelIsOpened(TUint aDriverCookie,TBool &aChannelOpen)
		return DoControl(EIsOpened, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie), &aChannelOpen);		

	TInt ChannelIsrRedoRequest(TUint aDriverCookie,TUint32 aSrcAddr,TUint32 aDstAddr,TInt aTransferCount,TUint32 aPslRequestInfo,TBool aIsrCb)
		TIsrRedoReqArgs args(aDriverCookie,aSrcAddr,aDstAddr,aTransferCount,aPslRequestInfo,aIsrCb);
		TPckgC<TIsrRedoReqArgs> package(args);
		return DoControl(EIsrRedoRequest,&package);

	TInt ChannelCancelAll(TUint aDriverCookie)
		return DoControl(ECancelAllChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));

	TInt ChannelOpen(TUint aPslCookie,  TUint& aDriverCookie)
		return DoControl(EOpenChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aPslCookie), &aDriverCookie);

	TInt ChannelClose(TUint aDriverCookie)
		return DoControl(ECloseChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));

	TInt ChannelPause(TUint aDriverCookie)
		return DoControl(EPauseChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
	TInt ChannelResume(TUint aDriverCookie)
		return DoControl(EResumeChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));

	TInt ChannelCaps(TUint aDriverCookie, SDmacCaps& aChannelCaps)
		TDmacTestCaps caps;
		TInt r = ChannelCaps(aDriverCookie, caps);
		aChannelCaps = caps;
		return r;

	TInt ChannelCaps(TUint aDriverCookie, TDmacTestCaps& aChannelCaps)
		TPckg<TDmacTestCaps> package(aChannelCaps);
		return DoControl(EChannelCaps, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie), &package);
	TInt Open()
		{// TO DO: Add Info , this  class is just to test the opening of channels
		//TPckgBuf<TOpenInfo> infoBuf;
		//infoBuf().iWhat = TOpenInfo::EOpen;
		//infoBuf().U.iOpen.iId = aId;
		//infoBuf().U.iOpen.iDesCount = aDesCount;
		//infoBuf().U.iOpen.iMaxTransferSize = aMaxTransferSize;
		return DoCreate(KTestDmaLddName,TestDmaLddVersion(), 0, NULL, NULL, EOwnerThread);

	//TODO rename this (append "old")
	TInt RequestCreate(TUint aChannelCookie, TUint& aRequestCookie, TUint aMaxTransferSize=0)
		return DoRequestCreate(aChannelCookie, EFalse, aMaxTransferSize, aRequestCookie);

	//TODO rename this (get rid of "new"
	TInt RequestCreateNew(TUint aChannelCookie, TUint& aRequestCookie, TUint aMaxTransferSize=0)
		return DoRequestCreate(aChannelCookie, ETrue, aMaxTransferSize, aRequestCookie);

	TInt RequestDestroy(TUint aRequestCookie)
		return DoControl(ERequestClose, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));

	TInt RequestFragmentCount(TUint aRequestCookie)
		return DoControl(EFragmentCount, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));

	Will fragment a DMA request using the legacy API
	TInt FragmentRequestOld(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		const TFragmentArgs args(aRequestCookie, aTransferArgs, aDurationMicroSecs);
		TPckgC<TFragmentArgs> package(args);
		return DoControl(EFragmentLegacy, &package);

	Will fragment a DMA request using the new API
	TInt FragmentRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		const TFragmentArgs args(aRequestCookie, aTransferArgs, aDurationMicroSecs);
		TPckgC<TFragmentArgs> package(args);
		return DoControl(EFragment, &package);

	TInt QueueRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		//These dummy values can accept the writeback from the driver
		//if the client does not want them.
		//(TClientDataRequest can not be programmed with a NULL to
		//indicate that an argument is unwanted)
		TCallbackRecord dummyRec;
		TUint64 dummyTime=0;

		TQueueArgs args(aRequestCookie, &aStatus, aRecord ? aRecord : &dummyRec, aDurationMicroSecs ? aDurationMicroSecs : &dummyTime);
		TPckgC<TQueueArgs> package(args);
		return DoControl(EQueueRequest, &package);

	Synchronous version of QueueRequest
	TInt QueueRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		TRequestStatus status;
		TInt r = QueueRequest(aRequestCookie, status, aRecord, aDurationMicroSecs);
		return r;

	Queue a previously fragmented request.
	Additional request parameters are included in iRequeueArgs, these will be
	transferred from ISR context callback using the TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest function

	@pre Isr callback for completion must have been requested at request fragmentation time
	TInt QueueRequestWithRequeue(TUint aRequestCookie, TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs, TInt aCount, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		//These dummy values can accept the writeback from the driver
		//if the client does not want them.
		//(TClientDataRequest can not be programmed with a NULL to
		//indicate that an argument is unwanted)
		TCallbackRecord dummyRec;
		TUint64 dummyTime=0;

		TQueueArgsWithReque args(aRequeueArgs, aCount, aRequestCookie, &aStatus, aRecord ? aRecord : &dummyRec, aDurationMicroSecs ? aDurationMicroSecs : &dummyTime);
		TPckgC<TQueueArgsWithReque> package(args);
		return DoControl(EQueueRequestWithReque, &package);

	Synchronous version of QueueRequestWithRequeue
	TInt QueueRequestWithRequeue(TUint aRequestCookie, TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs, TInt aCount, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
		TRequestStatus status;
		TInt r = QueueRequestWithRequeue(aRequestCookie, aRequeueArgs, aCount, status, aRecord, aDurationMicroSecs);
		return r;

	TInt OpenSharedChunk(RChunk& aChunk)
		TUint chunkHandle = DoControl(EOpenSharedChunk);
		return aChunk.SetReturnedHandle(chunkHandle);
	TInt GetTestInfo(TDmaV2TestInfo& aInfo)
		TPckg<TDmaV2TestInfo> package(aInfo);
		return DoControl(EGetTestInfo, &package);

	static void SelfTest();
	static void ApiTest();
#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__


	TInt DoRequestCreate(TUint aChannelCookie, TBool aNewStyle, TUint aMaxTransferSize, TUint& aRequestCookie)
		TRequestCreateArgs args(aChannelCookie, aNewStyle, aMaxTransferSize);
		TPckgC<TRequestCreateArgs> package(args);
		return DoControl(ERequestOpen, &package, &aRequestCookie);

	struct TRequestCreateArgs
		TRequestCreateArgs(TUint aChannelCookie, TBool aNewStyle, TUint aMaxFragmentSize)
			:iChannelCookie(aChannelCookie), iNewStyle(aNewStyle), iMaxFragmentSize(aMaxFragmentSize)

		TUint iChannelCookie;
		TBool iNewStyle;
		TUint iMaxFragmentSize;

	struct TFragmentArgs
			:iRequestCookie(0), iTransferArgs(), iDurationMicroSecs(NULL)
		TFragmentArgs(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs = NULL)
			:iRequestCookie(aRequestCookie), iTransferArgs(aTransferArgs), iDurationMicroSecs(aDurationMicroSecs)

		const TUint iRequestCookie;
		const TDmaTransferArgs iTransferArgs;
		TUint64* const iDurationMicroSecs;

	struct TQueueArgs
		TQueueArgs(TUint aRequestCookie=0, TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL, TCallbackRecord* aCallbackRecord=NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
			:iRequestCookie(aRequestCookie), iStatus(aStatus), iCallbackRecord(aCallbackRecord), iDurationMicroSecs(aDurationMicroSecs)
		TUint iRequestCookie;
		TRequestStatus* iStatus;
		TCallbackRecord* iCallbackRecord;
		TUint64* iDurationMicroSecs;

	struct TIsrRedoReqArgs 	
		TIsrRedoReqArgs(TUint aDriverCookie=0,TUint32 aSrcAddr=0, TUint32 aDstAddr=0, TInt aTransferCount=0, TUint32 aPslRequestInfo=0,TBool aIsrCb=ETrue)
		TUint iDriverCookie;
		TUint32 iSrcAddr;
		TUint32 iDstAddr;
		TInt iTransferCount;
		TUint32 iPslRequestInfo;
		TBool iIsrCb;

	This struct is used for queing and including a set of transfers
	to be setup from ISR context callback
	struct TQueueArgsWithReque : public TQueueArgs
		TQueueArgsWithReque(TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs=NULL, TInt aCount=0,
				TUint aRequestCookie=0, TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL, TCallbackRecord* aCallbackRecord=NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
			:TQueueArgs(aRequestCookie, aStatus, aCallbackRecord, aDurationMicroSecs), iRequeSet(aRequeueArgs, aCount)

		TIsrRequeArgsSet iRequeSet;

	enum TControl
#endif // __D_DMA2_H__