author Mike Kinghan <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 08:40:05 +0100
changeset 209 6035754ebf88
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 3291 - [GCCE] armcc build equated with armv5 build in f32test

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\server\t_swapfilesystem.cpp

#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>


LOCAL_D RTest test(KTestString);


LOCAL_D TChar gDriveToTest;

_LIT(KFsNameFat,      "Fat");

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_SWAPFSYS-0602
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Swap current file system with current file system
//! @SYMDEF 			DEF101639 RFs::SwapFileSystem is not tested by f32test
//! @SYMTestPriority    Medium
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Get name of the file system currently mounted on the drive
//! 					2. Swap current file system with the same one
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. Error code KErrAlreadyExists if Composite file is
//!							   current file system
//!							2. Error code KErrNotSupported if the drive is Z as on this drive,
//!							   only composite file system can be swapped only once
//!							3. Error codes KErrNone, KErrNotSupported or KErrInUse, otherwise.

LOCAL_C TInt TestSwapFSCurrent(TChar aDriveLetter)
// If no file system is mounted / error in getting file system name, skip the test
	TInt 		err = KErrNone;
	TInt 		driveNumber;
	TFileName 	curFSName;
	TFileName 	newFSName;
	test.Next(_L("\nSwap current file system with same file system"));
	test.Printf(_L("\nTest is run on drive %c"),TUint(aDriveLetter));
	err = TheFs.CharToDrive(aDriveLetter, driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nInvalid drive"));
	// Find current file system name
	err = TheFs.FileSystemName(curFSName,driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nSkipping current test as File System is NOT mounted / error in getting the name."));
		return (err);
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system currently mounted on this drive is %s"),curFSName.Ptr());
	newFSName = curFSName;
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system to be mounted on this drive is %s"),newFSName.Ptr());
	err = TheFs.SwapFileSystem(curFSName,newFSName,driveNumber);
	test.Printf(_L("\nError code is %d"),err);
	if(curFSName.CompareF(KFsNameComposite) == 0)
		// This is unique case: 
		// Swap Composite (current) with Composite (new)
		test(KErrAlreadyExists == err);
	else if(driveNumber == EDriveZ)
		// This is another such case: 
		// On Z Drive, only Swap with Composite is allowed
		test(KErrNotSupported  == err);
		// Other / generic cases
		test(KErrNone          == err || 
			 KErrNotSupported  == err ||
		     KErrInUse         == err   );
	test.Printf(_L("\nCurrent test is completed."));
	return (KErrNone);

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_SWAPFSYS-0603
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Swap current file system with FAT file system
//! @SYMDEF 			DEF101639 RFs::SwapFileSystem is not tested by f32test
//! @SYMTestPriority    Medium
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Get name of the file system currently mounted on the drive
//! 					2. Swap the current file system with FAT file system
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. Error code KErrNotSupported on drive Z
//!							2. Error codes KErrNone, KErrNotSupported or KErrInUse, otherwise
LOCAL_C TInt TestSwapFSFat(TChar aDriveLetter)
// It is always assumed that FAT is always available!!
// If no file system is mounted / error in getting file system name, skip the test
	TInt 		err = KErrNone;
	TInt 		driveNumber;
	TFileName 	curFSName;
	TFileName 	newFSName;
	test.Next(_L("\nSwap current file system with FAT File System"));
	test.Printf(_L("\nTest is run on drive %c"),TUint(aDriveLetter));
	err = TheFs.CharToDrive(aDriveLetter, driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nInvalid drive"));
	// Find current file system name
	err = TheFs.FileSystemName(curFSName,driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nSkipping current test as File System is NOT mounted / error in getting the name."));
		return (err);
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system currently mounted on this drive is %s"),curFSName.Ptr());
	newFSName = KFsNameFat;
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system to be mounted on this drive is %s"),newFSName.Ptr());
	err = TheFs.SwapFileSystem(curFSName,newFSName,driveNumber);
	test.Printf(_L("\nError code is %d"),err);
	if(driveNumber == EDriveZ)
		// This is unique case: 
		// On Z Drive, only Swap with Composite is allowed
		test(KErrNotSupported  == err);
		// Other / generic cases
		test(KErrNone          == err || 
			 KErrNotSupported  == err ||
		     KErrInUse         == err   );		
	test.Printf(_L("\nCurrent test is completed."));
	return (KErrNone);

//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_SWAPFSYS-0604
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Swap current file system with Composite File System
//! @SYMDEF 			DEF101639 RFs::SwapFileSystem is not tested by f32test
//! @SYMTestPriority    Medium
//! @SYMTestActions     1. Add Composite file system to the file server
//!						   to know its availability
//! 					2. Get the current file system name mounted on the test drive
//! 					3. Swap the current file system with Composite file system
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 1. KErrNotFound is composite file system is not available
//!							2. Error codes KErrAlreadyExists, KErrInUse or KErrNone, on drive Z
//!							3. Error codes KErrNotSupported, KErrAlreadyExists or KErrInUse, 
//!                            on other drives
LOCAL_C TInt TestSwapFSComposite(TChar aDriveLetter)
// If no file system is mounted / error in getting file system name, skip the test
	TInt 		err = KErrNone;
	TInt 		driveNumber;
	TFileName 	curFSName;
	TFileName 	newFSName;
	TBool		compFSAvailable = EFalse;
	test.Next(_L("\nSwap current file system with Composite File System"));
	test.Printf(_L("\nTest is run on drive is %c"),TUint(aDriveLetter));
	err = TheFs.CharToDrive(aDriveLetter, driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nInvalid drive"));
	err = TheFs.AddFileSystem(_L("ecomp.fsy"));
	if (KErrNone == err || KErrAlreadyExists == err)
		compFSAvailable = ETrue;
	// Find current file system name
	err = TheFs.FileSystemName(curFSName,driveNumber);
	if(KErrNone != err)
		test.Printf(_L("\nFile System NOT mounted. Quiting current test"));
		return (err);
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system currently mounted on this drive is %s"),curFSName.Ptr());
	newFSName = KFsNameComposite;
	test.Printf(_L("\nName of the file system to be mounted on this drive is %s"),newFSName.Ptr());
	err = TheFs.SwapFileSystem(curFSName,newFSName,driveNumber);
	test.Printf(_L("\nError code is %d"),err);
		//Composite is available!!
		if(driveNumber == EDriveZ)
			test(KErrAlreadyExists == err ||
				 KErrInUse         == err ||
				 KErrNone		   == err   );
			test(KErrNotSupported  == err ||
			 	 KErrAlreadyExists == err ||
			     KErrInUse         == err   );			
			//Composote NOT available!!
			test(KErrNotFound == err);		
	test.Printf(_L("\nCurrent test is completed."));
	return (KErrNone);	

LOCAL_C void ParseCommandArguments()
	TBuf<0x100> cmd;
	TLex lex(cmd);
	TPtrC token=lex.NextToken();
	TFileName thisfile=RProcess().FileName();
	if (token.MatchF(thisfile)==0)


GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
	TInt err;
	err = TheFs.Connect();
	test(KErrNone == err);
#if defined(__WINS__)
		// The emulator z: drive maps onto the PCs local file system
		// and swapping / unmounting it is not allowed.
		// Hence, skip the test on emulated Z: drive.
	if (gDriveToTest != 'Z')
	test.Printf(_L("t_swapfilesystem completed successfully"));
	return KErrNone;