Use the portable rom builder for Windows as well as Linux hosts.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\nkernsmp\arm\nk_plat.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#ifndef __NK_ARM_H__
#define __NK_ARM_H__
#include <nk_cpu.h>
// These macros are intended for Symbian use only.
// It may not be possible to build the kernel if any of these macros are undefined
//#define __DFC_MACHINE_CODED__
class TSubScheduler;
class TScheduler;
struct SFullArmRegSet;
struct ArmScu;
struct GicDistributor;
struct GicCpuIfc;
struct ArmLocalTimer;
struct ArmGlobalTimer;
// TSubScheduler member data
struct TSubSchedulerX
TUint32 iSSXP[3];
ArmGlobalTimer* iGlobalTimerAddr; // Address of global timer registers (also in TScheduler)
ArmScu* iScuAddr; // Address of SCU (also in TScheduler)
GicDistributor* iGicDistAddr; // Address of GIC Distributor (also in TScheduler)
GicCpuIfc* iGicCpuIfcAddr; // Address of GIC CPU Interface (also in TScheduler)
ArmLocalTimer* iLocalTimerAddr; // Address of local timer registers (also in TScheduler)
volatile TUint32 iIrqCount; // count of interrupts handled
volatile TInt iIrqNestCount; // IRQ nest count for this CPU (starts at -1)
TAny* iExcInfo; // pointer to exception info for crash debugger
volatile TInt iCrashState; // 0=normal, 1=this CPU faulted, 2=this CPU has received an NMI and halted
union {
TLinAddr iAbtStackTop; // Top of ABT stack for this CPU, also used to point to SFullArmRegSet
SFullArmRegSet* iRegs;
TLinAddr iUndStackTop; // Top of UND stack for this CPU
TLinAddr iFiqStackTop; // Top of FIQ stack for this CPU
TLinAddr iIrqStackTop; // Top of IRQ stack for this CPU
SRatioInv* volatile iNewCpuFreqRI; // set when CPU frequency has been changed
SRatioInv* volatile iNewTimerFreqRI; // set when CPU local timer frequency has been changed
SRatioInv iCpuFreqRI; // Ratio of CPU frequency to maximum possible CPU frequency
SRatioInv iTimerFreqRI; // Ratio of CPU local timer frequency to maximum possible
TUint32 iSSXP2[36];
TUint64 iSSXP3; // one 64 bit value to guarantee alignment
// TScheduler member data
struct TSchedulerX
TUint64 iTimerMax; // Maximum per-CPU timer frequency (after prescaling)
TUint32 iSXP[1];
ArmGlobalTimer* iGlobalTimerAddr; // Address of global timer registers (also in TSubScheduler)
ArmScu* iScuAddr; // Address of SCU (also in TSubScheduler)
GicDistributor* iGicDistAddr; // Address of GIC Distributor (also in TSubScheduler)
GicCpuIfc* iGicCpuIfcAddr; // Address of GIC CPU Interface (also in TSubScheduler)
ArmLocalTimer* iLocalTimerAddr; // Address of local timer registers (also in TSubScheduler)
SRatioInv iGTimerFreqRI; // ratio of global timer frequency to maximum possible
TUint64 iCount0; // global timer count at last frequency change
TUint64 iTimestamp0; // timestamp at last frequency change
TUint32 iSXP2[16];
#define CRASH_IPI_VECTOR 0x03 // would really like this to be a FIQ
#define BOOT_IPI_VECTOR 0x04 // used during boot to handshake with APs
#define INDIRECT_POWERDOWN_IPI_VECTOR 0x04 // used to trigger core power down
#define RESERVED_IPI_VECTOR_1 0x05 // reserved for future kernel functionality
#define RESERVED_IPI_VECTOR_2 0x06 // reserved for future kernel functionality
#define IDLE_WAKEUP_IPI_VECTOR 0x07 // for use of Idle handler/Wakeup handler
#if defined(__CPU_ARM11MP__)
#define TIMESLICE_VECTOR 0x1D // vector 29 is per-CPU timer interrupt
// vector 30 is per-CPU Watchdog timer when not in watchdog mode
// vector 31 is external nIRQ local interrupt pin
#elif defined(__CPU_CORTEX_A9__)
#define TIMESLICE_VECTOR 0x1D // vector 29 is per-CPU timer interrupt
// vector 30 is per-CPU Watchdog timer when not in watchdog mode
#error TIMESLICE_VECTOR not defined
//extern "C" TSubScheduler* SubSchedulerLookupTable[256]; // look up subscheduler from APIC ID
const TUint32 KNThreadContextFlagThumbBit0=1;
/** Registers saved by the scheduler
Let's just have the same stack layout for all CPUs shall we?
TEEHBR, FpExc may not be used but leave space on the stack for them.
struct SThreadReschedStack
TUint32 iFpExc; // VFP enable
TUint32 iCar; // coprocessor access register
TUint32 iTEEHBR; // Thumb2-EE Handler Base
TUint32 iRWROTID; // User RO Thread ID
TUint32 iRWRWTID; // User RW Thread ID
TUint32 iDacr; // domain access control
TUint32 iSpare;
TUint32 iSpsrSvc;
TUint32 iSPRschdFlg; // Stack pointer plus flag indicating reschedule occurred
TUint32 iR15; // return address from Reschedule()
/** Registers saved on any exception, interrupt or system call
struct SThreadExcStack
enum TType
EPrefetch =0, // prefetch abort
EData =1, // data abort
EUndef =2, // undefined instruction
EIrq =3, // IRQ interrupt
EFiq =4, // FIQ interrupt
ESvc =5, // SWI
EInit =6, // Thread has never run
EStub =7, // Stub indicating parameter block still on stack
TUint32 iR0;
TUint32 iR1;
TUint32 iR2;
TUint32 iR3;
TUint32 iR4;
TUint32 iR5;
TUint32 iR6;
TUint32 iR7;
TUint32 iR8;
TUint32 iR9;
TUint32 iR10;
TUint32 iR11;
TUint32 iR12;
TUint32 iR13usr; // always user mode R13
TUint32 iR14usr; // always user mode R14
TUint32 iExcCode;
TUint32 iR15; // return address
TUint32 iCPSR; // return CPSR
struct SThreadStackStub
TLinAddr iPBlock; // pointer to parameter block
TUint32 iExcCode; // always EStub
TUint32 iR15; // unused
TUint32 iCPSR; // unused
struct SThreadInitStack
SThreadReschedStack iR;
SThreadExcStack iX;
struct SThreadIrqStack
SThreadReschedStack iR;
TUint32 iUMGSave; // User memory guard state (if active)
TUint32 iR14svc;
SThreadExcStack iX;
class TArmContextElement;
class TArmRegSet;
/** ARM-specific part of the nano-thread abstraction.
class NThread : public NThreadBase
TInt Create(SNThreadCreateInfo& aInfo, TBool aInitial);
void Stillborn();
/** Value indicating what event caused thread to enter privileged mode.
enum TUserContextType
EContextNone=0, /**< Thread has no user context */
EContextException=1, /**< Hardware exception while in user mode */
EContextUserInterrupt, /**< Preempted by interrupt taken in user mode */
EContextUserInterruptDied, /**< Killed while preempted by interrupt taken in user mode */ // NOT USED
EContextSvsrInterrupt1, /**< Preempted by interrupt taken in executive call handler */
EContextSvsrInterrupt1Died, /**< Killed while preempted by interrupt taken in executive call handler */ // NOT USED
EContextSvsrInterrupt2, /**< Preempted by interrupt taken in executive call handler */ // NOT USED
EContextSvsrInterrupt2Died, /**< Killed while preempted by interrupt taken in executive call handler */ // NOT USED
EContextWFAR, /**< Blocked on User::WaitForAnyRequest() */
EContextWFARDied, /**< Killed while blocked on User::WaitForAnyRequest() */ // NOT USED
EContextExec, /**< Slow executive call */
EContextKernel, /**< Kernel side context (for kernel threads) */
EContextKernel1, /**< Kernel side context (for kernel threads) (NKern::Unlock, NKern::PreemptionPoint) */
EContextKernel2, /**< Kernel side context (for kernel threads) (NKern::FSWait, NKern::WaitForAnyRequest) */
EContextKernel3, /**< Kernel side context (for kernel threads) (Interrupt) */
EContextKernel4, /**< Kernel side context (for kernel threads) (Exec::WaitForAnyRequest) */
IMPORT_C static const TArmContextElement* const* UserContextTables();
IMPORT_C TUserContextType UserContextType();
void GetUserContext(TArmRegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask);
void SetUserContext(const TArmRegSet& aContext, TUint32& aRegMask);
void GetSystemContext(TArmRegSet& aContext, TUint32& aAvailRegistersMask);
TUint32 Dacr();
void SetDacr(TUint32 aDacr);
TUint32 ModifyDacr(TUint32 aClearMask, TUint32 aSetMask);
void SetCar(TUint32 aDacr);
IMPORT_C TUint32 Car();
IMPORT_C TUint32 ModifyCar(TUint32 aClearMask, TUint32 aSetMask);
#ifdef __CPU_HAS_VFP
void SetFpExc(TUint32 aDacr);
IMPORT_C TUint32 FpExc();
IMPORT_C TUint32 ModifyFpExc(TUint32 aClearMask, TUint32 aSetMask);
void CompleteContextSave();
struct SArmInterruptInfo
TLinAddr iIrqHandler;
TLinAddr iFiqHandler;
SCpuIdleHandler iCpuIdleHandler;
extern "C" SArmInterruptInfo ArmInterruptInfo;
#if defined(__ARMCC__)
#ifndef __CIA__
inline void mb()
TUint32 reg = 0;
asm("mcr p15, 0, reg, c7, c10, 5 ");
inline void arm_dsb()
TUint32 reg = 0;
asm("mcr p15, 0, reg, c7, c10, 4 ");
inline void arm_isb()
TUint32 reg = 0;
asm("mcr p15, 0, reg, c7, c5, 4 ");
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GCC32__)
#define mb() \
do { \
TUint32 reg = 0; \
__asm__ __volatile__("mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c10, 5" : : "r"(reg) : "memory"); \
} while(0)
#define arm_dsb() \
do { \
TUint32 reg = 0; \
__asm__ __volatile__("mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c10, 4" : : "r"(reg) : "memory"); \
} while(0)
#define arm_isb() \
do { \
TUint32 reg = 0; \
__asm__ __volatile__("mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c5, 4" : : "r"(reg) : "memory"); \
} while(0)
#error Unknown ARM compiler
#define smp_mb() mb()
#define wmb() mb()
#define smp_wmb() mb()
#ifdef __IN_KERNEL__
#define SCU (*TheScheduler.iSX.iScuAddr)
#define GIC_DIST (*TheScheduler.iSX.iGicDistAddr)
#define GIC_CPU_IFC (*TheScheduler.iSX.iGicCpuIfcAddr)
#define LOCAL_TIMER (*TheScheduler.iSX.iLocalTimerAddr)
#define GLOBAL_TIMER (*TheScheduler.iSX.iGlobalTimerAddr)
// End of file