author Tom Cosgrove <>
Fri, 28 May 2010 16:26:05 +0100
changeset 136 743008598095
parent 87 2f92ad2dc5db
child 254 1560c419b176
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug 2283 (RVCT 4.0 support is missing from PDK 3.0.h) Have multiple extension sections in the bld.inf, one for each version of the compiler. The RVCT version building the tools will build the runtime libraries for its version, but make sure we extract all the other versions from zip archives. Also add the archive for RVCT4.

// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat\fat_config.cpp
// Implementation of the class that reads FAT filesystem configuration parameters from the estart.txt file, 
// caches and provides access to them


#include <f32fsys.h>

#include "common_constants.h"
#include "sl_std.h"
#include "fat_config.h"

//-- parameters that can be defined in estart.txt file under [Drive%] section

//-- FAT volumes mounting related settings

//-- if this parameter is not 0, ScanDrive will skip finalised volume. Applicable for FAT16/32
//-- e.g:   FAT_ScanDrv_SkipFinalisedVolume 1
_LIT8(KPN_ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume,"FAT_ScanDrv_SkipFinalisedVolume");  //-- parameter key name
static const TUint32 KDef_ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume = 0; //-- parameter default value

//-- if this parameter is not 0, enables asynchronous mounting FAT32 volumes. 
//-- At present it means enabling/disabling FAT32 background scanning for free clusters. Applicable for FAT32 only
//-- e.g:   FAT_FAT32_AsynchMount=0
_LIT8(KPN_FAT32_AsynchMount, "FAT_FAT32_AsynchMount"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_AsynchMount = 1;

//-- Using FSInfo sector data during FAT32 mount to find out number of free clusters etc.
//-- e.g:   FAT_FAT32_UseFsInfo=1
_LIT8(KPN_FAT32_UseFsInfoOnMount, "FAT_FAT32_UseFsInfo"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_UseFsInfoOnMount = 1;

//-- Using FAT bit supercache for fast free cluster lookup
//-- e.g:   FAT_FAT32_UseBitSupercache 0
_LIT8(KPN_FAT32_UseFatBitSupercache, "FAT_FAT32_UseBitSupercache"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_UseFatBitSupercache = 1;

//-- if this parameter is not 0, "clean shutdown mask" bit in FAT16[1] will be used during volume finalisation.
//-- Otherwise, FAT16[1] will not be affected during finalisation
//-- e.g:   KDef_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit 0
_LIT8(KPN_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit,"FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit");  //-- parameter key name
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit = 1;           //-- parameter default value

//-- plain old FAT directory cache settings
//-- FAT_DirCache <CacheSizeKB>,<Log2(max page size)>
//-- e.g:   FAT_DirCache 16,12
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_DirCache, "FAT_DirCache"); 

static const TUint32 KDef_KDirCacheSizeKB = 16;      //-- default value for the total directory cache size, kilobytes. 16K by default
static const TUint32 KDef_MaxDirCachePageSzLog2 = 12;//-- default value for directory cache single page maximal size Log2, 2^12 (4K) by default

//-- FAT cache settings

//-- Fat16 fixed cache
//-- FAT_FAT16FixedCache <Log2(read granularity)>,<Log2(Write granularity)> 
//-- e.g:   FAT_FAT16FixedCache 12,9 
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_FAT16FixedCache, "FAT_FAT16FixedCache"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT16_FixedCache_Read_Granularity_LOG2 = 12;  //-- read granularity  Log2, 4K
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT16_FixedCache_Write_Granularity_LOG2 = 9;  //-- write granularity Log2, 512 bytes    

//-- Fat32 LRU cache
//-- FAT_FAT32LruCache <Size KB>,<Log2(read granularity)>,<Log2(Write granularity)> 
//-- e.g:   FAT_FAT32LruCache 128,12,9
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_FAT32LruCache, "FAT_FAT32LruCache"); 

static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_LruCache_SizeKB = 128;                  //-- LRU cache size, 128KB
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_LruCache_Read_Granularity_LOG2 = 12;    //-- read granularity  Log2, 4K     
static const TUint32 KDef_FAT32_LruCache_Write_Granularity_LOG2 = 9;    //-- write granularity Log2, 512 bytes      

//-- FAT leaf directory cache settings
//-- A leaf directory cache for Fat volumes
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_LeafDirCache, "FAT_LeafDirCacheSize"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_KLeafDirCacheSize = 32;    //-- default number of the most recently visited leaf dirs to be cached

//-- DP directory cache settings
//-- New directory cache uses the global cache memory manager for dynamic size allocation
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMin, "FAT_DirCacheSizeMin"); 
_LIT8(KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMax, "FAT_DirCacheSizeMax"); 
static const TUint32 KDef_DynamicDirCacheMin = 128;		// default minimum fat dir cache size in KB
static const TUint32 KDef_DynamicDirCacheMax = 256;		// default maximum fat dir cache size in KB
static const TUint32 KDef_MaxDynamicDirCachePageSzLog2 = 14;    // default value for directory cache single page 
                                                                //  maximal size Log2, 2^14 (16K) by default


    Extract a token from the comma-separated tokens string.

    @param  aSrc        source string descriptor
    @param  aTokenNo    token number to extract (the 1st token is number 0)
    @param  aToken      on success there will be extracted token
    @return ETrue on success and an extracted token in aToken
static TBool GetCSV_Token(const TDesC8& aSrc, TUint aTokenNo, TPtrC8& aToken)

    const TChar chDelim = ','; //-- token delimiter, comma
    TInt nRes;
    //-- 1. find the beginning of the token we are looking for
    TPtrC8 ptrCurrToken(aSrc);
    for(TUint i=0; i<aTokenNo; ++i)
        const TInt len = ptrCurrToken.Length();

        nRes = ptrCurrToken.Locate(chDelim);
        if(nRes == KErrNotFound)
            return EFalse; //-- did tot find the required token


    //-- 2. set the end position of the token we found

    nRes = ptrCurrToken.Locate(chDelim);
    if(nRes != KErrNotFound)

    return ETrue;

    Extract a token from the comma-separated tokens string and try to convert it into TInt

    @param  aSrc        source string descriptor
    @param  aTokenNo    token number to extract (the 1st token is number 0)
    @param  aVal        On success will contain the value represented by the token

    @return ETrue if the token is extracted and converted to TInt OK, in this case aVal contains value
static TBool GetIntTokenVal(const TDesC8& aSrc, TUint aTokenNo, TInt& aVal)
    TPtrC8      ptrToken;
    TLex8       lex;
    TInt        val;

    if(!GetCSV_Token(aSrc, aTokenNo, ptrToken))
        return EFalse;

    if(lex.Val(val) != KErrNone)
        return EFalse;

    aVal = val;
    return ETrue;

static TBool GetIntTokenVal(const TDesC8& aSrc, TUint aTokenNo, TUint16& aVal)
    TInt  val;
    if(!GetIntTokenVal(aSrc, aTokenNo, val))
        return EFalse;

    aVal = (TUint16)val;
    return ETrue;

    iInitialised = EFalse;


    reads FAT parameters from estart.txt file.
    @param  aDrvNumber a valid drive number
    @param  aForceRead if ETrue parameters will be forcedly re-read.
void TFatConfig::ReadConfig(TInt aDrvNumber, TBool aForceRead /*=EFalse*/)
        iInitialised = EFalse;


    //__PRINT1(_L("#>- TFatConfig::ReadConfig() drive:%d\n"),aDrvNumber);
    ASSERT(aDrvNumber >= EDriveA && aDrvNumber <= EDriveZ);
    //-- make a section name, like "DriveX"
    TBuf8<32> section;
    section.Format(_L8("Drive%c"), 'A'+aDrvNumber);
    //-- read values from estart.txt and cache them
    iScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume = ReadUint(section, KPN_ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume, KDef_ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume);
    iFAT32_AsynchMount          = ReadUint(section, KPN_FAT32_AsynchMount,          KDef_FAT32_AsynchMount);
    iFAT32_UseFSInfoOnMount     = ReadUint(section, KPN_FAT32_UseFsInfoOnMount,     KDef_FAT32_UseFsInfoOnMount);
    iFAT32_UseBitSupercache     = ReadUint(section, KPN_FAT32_UseFatBitSupercache,  KDef_FAT32_UseFatBitSupercache);
    iFAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit  = ReadUint(section, KPN_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit, KDef_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit);

    // If leaf dir cache is supported, read the configuration from estart.txt file
    iLeafDirCacheSize			= ReadUint(section, KPN_FAT_LeafDirCache,  			KDef_KLeafDirCacheSize);
    ProcessDynamicDirCacheParams(section);	//-- read dynamic dir cache parameters;

    ProcessDirCacheParams(section); //-- read FAT directory cache parameters
    ProcessFatCacheParams(section); //-- read FAT cache parameters

    iInitialised = ETrue;

    DumpParameters(); //-- print out parameters in debug mode

    process dynamic directory cache parameters 
    @param aSection section name, like "DriveX"
void TFatConfig::ProcessDynamicDirCacheParams(const TDesC8& aSection)
	// we have to process the data in this file as the default values are all static variables, which means
	//  their scope is limited within this file only.
    iDynamicDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2 = KDef_MaxDynamicDirCachePageSzLog2; 
    iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB = ReadUint(aSection, KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMin, KDef_DynamicDirCacheMin);
    iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB = ReadUint(aSection, KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMax, KDef_DynamicDirCacheMax);

    // if less than default values, set to default values
    if (iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB < KDef_DynamicDirCacheMin)
    	iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB = KDef_DynamicDirCacheMin;
    if (iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB < KDef_DynamicDirCacheMax)
    	iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB = KDef_DynamicDirCacheMax;

    // validate settings for those values that the default values does not apply onto them
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB <= iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB, Fault(EFatBadParameter));

    process directory cache parameters 
    @param aSection section name, like "DriveX"
void TFatConfig::ProcessDirCacheParams(const TDesC8& aSection)
    TBuf8<128>  buf;

    //-- set default values.
    iDirCacheSizeKB = KDef_KDirCacheSizeKB;
    iDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2 = KDef_MaxDirCachePageSzLog2;

    //-- read a string containing DirCache parameters
    //-- it looks like this: FAT_DirCache cacheSzKB, maxPageSzBytes
    if(!F32Properties::GetString(aSection, KPN_FAT_DirCache, buf))
    GetIntTokenVal(buf, 0, iDirCacheSizeKB);          //-- 1. extract directory cache size in KB. this is token 0
    GetIntTokenVal(buf, 1, iDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2); //-- 2. extract directory cache max page size in bytes Log2. this is token 1  

    process fat cache parameters 
    @param aSection section name, like "DriveX"
void TFatConfig::ProcessFatCacheParams(const TDesC8& aSection)
    TBuf8<128>  buf;
    //-- set default values.
    iFat16FixedCacheReadGrLog2 = KDef_FAT16_FixedCache_Read_Granularity_LOG2;
    iFat16FixedCacheWriteGrLog2 = KDef_FAT16_FixedCache_Write_Granularity_LOG2;

    iFat32LRUCacheSizeKB = KDef_FAT32_LruCache_SizeKB;
    iFat32LRUCacheReadGrLog2 = KDef_FAT32_LruCache_Read_Granularity_LOG2;
    iFat32LRUCacheWriteGrLog2 = KDef_FAT32_LruCache_Write_Granularity_LOG2;

    //-- read a string containing FAT16 fixed cache parameters
    if(F32Properties::GetString(aSection, KPN_FAT_FAT16FixedCache, buf))
        GetIntTokenVal(buf, 0, iFat16FixedCacheReadGrLog2);  //-- 1. extract Log2(FAT16 fixed cache read granularity)
        GetIntTokenVal(buf, 1, iFat16FixedCacheWriteGrLog2); //-- 2. extract Log2(FAT16 fixed cache write granularity)

    //-- read a string containing FAT32 LRU cache parameters
    if(F32Properties::GetString(aSection, KPN_FAT_FAT32LruCache, buf))
        GetIntTokenVal(buf, 0, iFat32LRUCacheSizeKB);        //-- 1. extract FAT32 LRU cache size, Kbytes
        GetIntTokenVal(buf, 1, iFat32LRUCacheReadGrLog2);    //-- 2. extract Log2(FAT32 LRU cache read granularity)
        GetIntTokenVal(buf, 2, iFat32LRUCacheWriteGrLog2);   //-- 3. extract Log2(FAT32 LRU cache write granularity)

    Just a helper method. Reads TUint32 value from the estart.txt
    @param  aSection        section name, e.g. [DriveD]
    @param  aKeyName        Key name
    @param  aDefaultValue   Default value to return in parameter isn't found
    @return a value from config file or default aDefaultValue
TUint32 TFatConfig::ReadUint(const TDesC8& aSection, const TDesC8& aKeyName, TUint32 aDefaultValue) const
    TInt32 val = aDefaultValue;
	// coverity[check_return] coverity[unchecked_value]
    F32Properties::GetInt(aSection, aKeyName, val);

    return val;

/** Debug method, prints out the parameters*/
void TFatConfig::DumpParameters() const
#ifdef _DEBUG

    __PRINT(_L("#>- TFatConfig parameters:\n"));

    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_ScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume, iScanDrvSkipFinalisedVolume);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT32_AsynchMount, iFAT32_AsynchMount);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT32_UseFsInfoOnMount, iFAT32_UseFSInfoOnMount);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT32_UseFatBitSupercache, iFAT32_UseBitSupercache);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit, iFAT16_UseCleanShutDownBit);

    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_DirCache Size, KB"), iDirCacheSizeKB);
    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_DirCache MaxPage Size Log2"), iDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2);

    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_16Cache RdGr Log2"), iFat16FixedCacheReadGrLog2);
    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_16Cache WrGr Log2"), iFat16FixedCacheWriteGrLog2);

    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_32Cache Size, KB"),  iFat32LRUCacheSizeKB);
    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_32Cache RdGr Log2"), iFat32LRUCacheReadGrLog2);
    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("FAT_32Cache WrGr Log2"), iFat32LRUCacheWriteGrLog2);

    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT_LeafDirCache,       iLeafDirCacheSize);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMin, iDynamicDirCacheSizeMinKB);
    DoDumpUintParam(KPN_FAT_DynamicDirCacheMax, iDynamicDirCacheSizeMaxKB);
    DoDumpUintParam(_L8("DynamicDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2"), iDynamicDirCacheMaxPageSizeLog2);

    __PRINT(_L("#>------ end -------<#\n\n"));


void TFatConfig::DoDumpUintParam(const TDesC8& aKeyName, TUint32 aParam) const
#ifdef _DEBUG
    TBuf<100> buf;

    buf.Insert(0,_L("#>-  "));
    buf.AppendFormat(_L(": %d"), aParam);
    (void)aKeyName; (void)aParam; //-- get rid of warning
