// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\debug\crashMonitor\src\scmdatasave.cpp
#define __INCLUDE_REG_OFFSETS__ // for SP_R13U in nk_plat.h
#include <omap_dbg.h>
#include "arm_mem.h"
#include "nk_plat.h"
#include <omap_assp.h>
#include <scmonitor.h>
#include <scmdatasave.h>
* @file
* @internal technology
* SCMDataSave constructor
* @param aMonitor - the monitor which has caught the syetem crash this object is saving data for
* @param aFlash - the flash memory data will be written to, note the CrashFlash interface is
* rather limited and does not support partial block writes
* @param aFlashInfo - data describing the structure of the flash data
EXPORT_C SCMDataSave::SCMDataSave(Monitor* aMonitor, CrashFlash* aFlash)
: iMonitor(aMonitor)
,iWriteSelect(EWriteComm) // write data to debug port
,iWriteSelect(EWriteFlash) // write data to flash
,iPerformChecksum(ETrue) // checksum data
const TInt KCacheSize = 128;
iFlashCache = HBuf8::New(KCacheSize);
CLTRACE1("(SCMDataSave) Creating writer with cache size = %d", KCacheSize);
iWriter = new TCachedByteStreamWriter(const_cast<TUint8*>(iFlashCache->Ptr()), KCacheSize);
* Destructor
delete iFlashCache;
* Getter for the current byte count. This is the amount of data that has currently
* been written to given media for this crash log
* @return The number of bytes written already to given media
TInt SCMDataSave::GetByteCount()
return iByteCount;
* Logs the user stack for a given DThread object if it is available
* @param aThread - thread whose stack we wish to log
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogThreadUserStack(DThread* aThread, TBool aFullStack, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TUint memDumped = 0;
TUint svSp, usrSp;
iMonitor->GetStackPointers(&(aThread->iNThread), svSp, usrSp );
//first we check for a user stack...
if (aThread->iUserStackRunAddress && aThread->iUserStackSize)
//Get data together
TThreadStack usrStack;
usrStack.iStackType = TThreadStack::EUsrStack;
usrStack.iThreadId = (TUint64)aThread->iId;
//map in the user stack
TUint8* usrStart = (TUint8*)iMonitor->MapAndLocateUserStack(aThread); //What about Demand paging??
TUint8* usrEnd = (TUint8*)(usrStart + aThread->iUserStackSize);
TUint8* stackPointer = (TUint8*)usrSp;
//check the stack pointer is in the range of the stack...
if (stackPointer < usrStart || stackPointer >= usrEnd)
stackPointer = usrStart;
//log the size of the stack we are dumping
usrStack.iStackSize = aFullStack || (stackPointer == usrStart) ? usrEnd - usrStart : usrEnd - stackPointer;
TUint8* dumpFrom = aFullStack ? usrStart : stackPointer;
//write the stack
aSizeDumped+= usrStack.GetSize();
//now we dump the actual stack
//if there is a memErr when we read, there isnt much we can do - possibly a bit in the struct to say available/not available?
//-1 because we dont want to write the byte at usrEnd
MTRAPD(memErr, LogMemory(dumpFrom, usrStack.iStackSize, aThread, memDumped));
if(KErrNone != memErr)
CLTRACE("Failed to log usr stack");
aSizeDumped+= memDumped;
//write the struct
return KErrNone;
* Logs the supervisor stack for a given DThread object
* @param aThread - thread whose stack we wish to log
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the system wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogThreadSupervisorStack(DThread* aThread, TBool aFullStack, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TUint memDumped;
TUint svSp, usrSp;
iMonitor->GetStackPointers(&(aThread->iNThread), svSp, usrSp );
//now we dump the supervisor stack
TThreadStack svrStack;
svrStack.iStackType = TThreadStack::ESvrStack;
svrStack.iThreadId = (TUint64)aThread->iId;
if (aThread->iSupervisorStack && aThread->iSupervisorStackSize)
TUint8* svrStart = (TUint8*)aThread->iSupervisorStack;
TUint8* svrEnd = (TUint8*)(svrStart + aThread->iSupervisorStackSize);
TUint8* svrStackPointer = (TUint8*)svSp;
//size of stack we are to dump
svrStack.iStackSize = aFullStack || (svrStackPointer == svrStart) ? svrEnd - svrStart : svrEnd - svrStackPointer;
//check the stack pointer is in the range of the stack...
if (svrStackPointer < svrStart || svrStackPointer >= svrEnd)
svrStackPointer = svrStart;
//write struct to flash
//now we dump the actual stack
//if there is a memErr when we read, there isnt much we can do - possibly a bit in the struct to say available/not available?
MTRAPD(memErr, LogMemory(svrStart, svrStack.iStackSize, aThread, memDumped));
if(KErrNone != memErr)
CLTRACE("Failed to log supervisor stack");
//write the struct
return KErrNone;
* Takes a DProcess kernel object and logs its corrosponding code segments
* @param aProcess
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS wide error codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogCodeSegments(DProcess* aProc, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
//the code segment set for this process
TCodeSegmentSet segSet;
segSet.iPid = (TUint64)aProc->iId;
//make sure list mutex is ok
return KErrCorrupt;
//get code seg list
SDblQue queue;
aProc->TraverseCodeSegs(&queue, NULL, DCodeSeg::EMarkDebug, DProcess::ETraverseFlagAdd);
//iterate through the list
TInt codeSegCnt = 0;
for(SDblQueLink* codeSegPtr= queue.First(); codeSegPtr!=(SDblQueLink*) (&queue); codeSegPtr=codeSegPtr->iNext)
//get the code seg
DEpocCodeSeg* codeSeg = (DEpocCodeSeg*)_LOFF(codeSegPtr,DCodeSeg, iTempLink);
if(codeSegCnt == 0)
return KErrNone;
segSet.iNumSegs = codeSegCnt;
TModuleMemoryInfo memoryInfo;
//now we write each code segment
for(SDblQueLink* codeSegPtr= queue.First(); codeSegPtr!=(SDblQueLink*) (&queue); codeSegPtr=codeSegPtr->iNext)
//get the code seg
DEpocCodeSeg* codeSeg = (DEpocCodeSeg*)_LOFF(codeSegPtr,DCodeSeg, iTempLink);
TCodeSegment seg;
seg.iXip = (codeSeg->iXIP) ? ETrue : EFalse;
//Get the code seg type
seg.iCodeSegType = EExeCodeSegType;
else if(codeSeg->IsDll())
seg.iCodeSegType = EDllCodeSegType;
TInt err = codeSeg->GetMemoryInfo(memoryInfo, NULL);
if(KErrNone == err)
seg.iCodeSegMemInfo = memoryInfo;
seg.iCodeSegMemInfo.iCodeSize = 0;
// Still need to indicate it wasnt available somehow
//Get filename
seg.iNameLength = codeSeg->iFileName->Length();
seg.iName = *(codeSeg->iFileName);
//Empty this queue and clear marks
DCodeSeg::EmptyQueue(queue, DCodeSeg::EMarkDebug);
return KErrNone;
* This logs the rom version and header information to the crash media
* @param aSizeDumped amount of data occupied
* @return one of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogRomInfo(TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TRomHeaderData romData;
TRomHeader rHdr = Epoc::RomHeader();
romData.iMajorVersion = rHdr.iVersion.iMajor;
romData.iMinorVersion = rHdr.iVersion.iMinor;
romData.iBuildNumber = rHdr.iVersion.iBuild;
romData.iTime = rHdr.iTime;
TInt err = romData.Serialize(*iWriter);
if(KErrNone != err)
return err;
aSizeDumped += romData.GetSize();
return KErrNone;
* Takes a DProcess kernel object and logs to flash
* @param aProc
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS wide error codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogProcessData(DProcess* aProc, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TProcessData procData;
DCodeSeg* codeSeg = aProc->iCodeSeg;
procData.iPriority = aProc->iPriority;
procData.iPid = (TUint64)aProc->iId;
//the code segment is not always available
procData.iNamesize = codeSeg->iFileName->Length();
procData.iName = *(codeSeg->iFileName);
aSizeDumped += procData.GetSize();
return KErrNone;
* Creates meta data about the crash such as time of crash, exit reason etc. to be logged
* later on when we have log size.
* @param aCategory - crash category
* @param aReason - crash reason
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogCrashHeader(const TDesC8& aCategory, TInt aReason, TInt aCrashId, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
//the thread that crashed is the context in which we are running
DThread* crashedThread = &Kern::CurrentThread();
iCrashInf.iPid = crashedThread->iOwningProcess->iId;
iCrashInf.iTid = crashedThread->iId;
iCrashInf.iCrashTime = CrashTime();
iCrashInf.iExitType = 0; // Not yet done: Exception or Fault - should be in category
iCrashInf.iExitReason = aReason;
iCrashInf.iFlashAlign = KFlashAlignment; //record the flash alignment (word aligned for now)
iCrashInf.iCachedWriterSize = iWriter->GetCacheSize();
iCrashInf.iCategorySize = aCategory.Length();
iCrashInf.iCategory = aCategory;
iCrashInf.iCrashId = aCrashId;
iCrashInf.iFlashBlockSize = KCrashLogBlockSize;;
iCrashInf.iFlashPartitionSize = KCrashLogSize;;
TSuperPage& sp=Kern::SuperPage();
iCrashInf.iExcCode = sp.iKernelExcId;
//These will be updated with more info at end of crash
CLTRACE1("(SCMDataSave::LogCrashHeader) finished bytes written= %d", iWriter->GetBytesWritten());
return KErrNone;
* Logs meta data about a given DThread object
* @param aThread Thread to dump
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return
TInt SCMDataSave::LogThreadData(DThread* aThread, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
//struct to hold data that gets written to flash
TThreadData threadData;
threadData.iTid = (TUint64)aThread->iId;
threadData.iOwnerId = (TUint64)aThread->iOwningProcess->iId;
threadData.iPriority = aThread->iThreadPriority;
//Get the stack pointers
TUint svSp, usrSp;
iMonitor->GetStackPointers(&(aThread->iNThread), svSp, usrSp );
threadData.iUsrSP = usrSp;
threadData.iSvcSP = svSp;
//supervisor and user stack details
threadData.iSvcStack = (TInt32)aThread->iSupervisorStack;
threadData.iSvcStacksize = aThread->iSupervisorStackSize;
threadData.iUsrStack = aThread->iUserStackRunAddress;
threadData.iUsrStacksize = aThread->iUserStackSize;
//currently we can only get the kernels heap
if(aThread == &Kern::CurrentThread())
TInt32 heapLoc = 0;
TInt32 heapSz = 0;
TInt err = FindKernelHeap(heapLoc,heapSz);
if(KErrNone == err)
threadData.iSvcHeap = heapLoc;
threadData.iSvcHeapSize = heapSz;
CLTRACE("\tError: Unable to get kernel heap");
//get filename
TFileName filename;
aThread->TraceAppendFullName(filename, EFalse);
threadData.iNamesize = threadData.iName.Length();
threadData.iLastCpu = aThread->iNThread.iLastCpu;
threadData.iLastCpu = aThread->iNThread.iSpare3;
return KErrNone;
* Logs the arm exception stacks
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogExceptionStacks(TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TUint memDumped = 0;
#if defined(__EPOC32__) && !defined(__CPU_X86)
TStackInfo& stackInfo = Kern::SuperPage().iStackInfo;
TThreadStack irqStack;
irqStack.iStackType = TThreadStack::EIRQStack;
irqStack.iStackSize = stackInfo.iIrqStackSize;
//now dump the IRQ memory - not much we can do in the event of an error
MTRAPD(irqErr, LogMemory((TUint8*)stackInfo.iIrqStackBase, stackInfo.iIrqStackSize, &Kern::CurrentThread(), memDumped));
if(KErrNone != irqErr)
CLTRACE("*****Failed to log IRQ stack");
//Next, we do the FIQ stack
TThreadStack fiqStack;
fiqStack.iStackType = TThreadStack::EFIQStack;
fiqStack.iStackSize = stackInfo.iFiqStackSize;
//Now dump the stack itself
MTRAPD(fiqErr, LogMemory((TUint8*)stackInfo.iFiqStackBase, stackInfo.iFiqStackSize, &Kern::CurrentThread(), memDumped));
if(KErrNone != fiqErr )
CLTRACE("*****Failed to log FIQ stack");
return KErrNone;
* Logs the CPU Registers at the time of crash
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return system wide OS code
TInt SCMDataSave::LogCPURegisters(TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TInt32 fullSet = 37;
//meta data about the thread set
TRegisterSet threadSet;
threadSet.iNumRegisters = fullSet;
SFullArmRegSet regSet;
TArmReg* regs = (TArmReg*)®Set;
TInt32 cnt = 0;
for(cnt = 0; cnt < fullSet; cnt++)
//this is the struct to store the register value in
TRegisterValue regVal;
regVal.iType = cnt * 0x100;
regVal.iValue32 = regs[cnt];
regVal.iOwnId = Kern::CurrentThread().iId;
return KErrNone;
* This logs the registers for a given thread to the flash memory
* @param aThread - thread whose registers we want
* @param aRegType - type of register set required such as user, supervisor etc
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the OS return codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogRegisters(DThread* aThread, const TRegisterSetType& aRegType, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TArmRegSet regs;
TUint32 availableRegs;
TInt err;
//for the current thread we do things differently
if(aThread == &Kern::CurrentThread() && aRegType == EFullCPURegisters)
err = LogCPURegisters(aSizeDumped);
return err;
else if(aThread == &Kern::CurrentThread())
//only do full cpu reg for the current thread
return KErrNotSupported;
//Read the appropriate registers
case EUserRegisters :
err = ReadUserRegisters(aThread, regs, availableRegs);
case ESupervisorRegisters :
err = ReadSystemRegisters(aThread, regs, availableRegs);
default : return KErrNotSupported;
if(err != KErrNone)
return err;
//meta data about the thread set
TRegisterSet threadSet;
//to get the number of registers in advance, we need to count the number of times 1 is set in the bit field of availableRegs
TUint numR = 0;
for(TInt cnt =0; cnt< 8*sizeof(availableRegs); cnt++) //cycle through 1 bit at a time
if(0x1 & (availableRegs>>cnt))
threadSet.iNumRegisters = numR;
if(numR == 0)
return KErrNone;
aSizeDumped += threadSet.GetSize();
TInt32 currentRegister = 1;
TArmReg* reg = (TArmReg*)(®s);
for(TInt32 cnt = 0; cnt < KArmRegisterCount; cnt++)
//look at the unavailable bitmask to see current register is available
//only write the registers we have values for
if(currentRegister & availableRegs)
//this is the struct to store the register value in
TRegisterValue regVal;
//get register type as per symbian elf docs
TUint32 registerType;
err = GetRegisterType(aRegType, cnt, registerType);
if(err != KErrNone)
regVal.iType = registerType;
regVal.iOwnId = aThread->iId;
//set value
regVal.iValue32 = reg[cnt];
return KErrNone;
* This logs memory in the specified area
* @param aStartAddress - address to start from
* @param aEndAddress - address to finish
* @param aThread - process whose memory this is in
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the system wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogMemory(const TUint8* aStartAddress, TInt aLength, const DThread* aThread, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
if(aThread->iOwningProcess != &Kern::CurrentProcess())
TInt err = iMonitor->SwitchAddressSpace(aThread->iOwningProcess, ETrue);
if(KErrNone != err)
return err;
TMemoryDump memDump;
memDump.iStartAddress = (TUint32)aStartAddress;
memDump.iLength = aLength;
memDump.iPid = aThread->iOwningProcess->iId;
return KErrArgument;
TRawData theMemory;
theMemory.iData.Set(const_cast<TUint8*>(aStartAddress), aLength, aLength);
return KErrNone;
* This logs the locks held by system at time of crash
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return one of the system wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogLocks(TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
// get the mutex logs & waits & log via a TLockData object
TSCMLockData lockData;
const TInt KMaxLockCheck = 20; // so no possibility of infinite loop
TInt lockCount = 0;
// check for kernel locks -
for(TInt i=0;i<KMaxLockCheck;i++)
TBool locked = NKern::KernelLocked(i);
// found a valid lock for value i increment the clock counter
// now mutexes
DMutex* mutex = Kern::CodeSegLock();
// no mutex held set to -1
TInt err = lockData.Serialize(*iWriter);
return err;
* Writes the SCM Configuration to the start of the media
* @param aScmConfig Configuration to write
* @return one of the system wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogConfig(SCMConfiguration& aScmConfig)
TInt err = aScmConfig.Serialize(*iWriter);
if( err != KErrNone)
CLTRACE1("SCMDataSave::LogConfig failed err = %d", err);
return err;
* Reads the SCM Configuration from the media
* @param aScmConfig
* @return one of the system wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::ReadConfig(SCMConfiguration& aScmConfig)
const TInt KBufSize = 135; //Not yet done: Put in header, beside config defn
if( KBufSize < aScmConfig.GetSize())
CLTRACE2("(SCMDataSave::ReadConfig) ** ERROR Inadequate buffer actual = %d req = %d"
, KBufSize, aScmConfig.GetSize());
// try and read the configuration
TBuf8<KBufSize> buf;
iFlash->SetReadPos(0); // config always at 0
TByteStreamReader reader(const_cast<TUint8*>(buf.Ptr()));
TInt err = aScmConfig.Deserialize(reader);
if(err == KErrNotReady)
CLTRACE("(SCMDataSave::ReadConfig) no config saved - use default");
else if(err == KErrNone)
CLTRACE("(SCMDataSave::ReadConfig) Config read ok");
CLTRACE1("(SCMDataSave::ReadConfig) error reading config err = %d", err);
return err;
* This is a look up table to map the register type and number to the symbian elf definition
* of register type
* @param aSetType this is the register set type - user, supervisor etc
* @param aRegNumber this is the number of the register as per TArmRegisters in arm_types.h
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return One of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::GetRegisterType(const TRegisterSetType& aSetType, TInt32& aRegNumber, TUint32& aRegisterType)
//validate arguments
if(aRegNumber < EArmR0 || aRegNumber > EArmFlags)
return KErrArgument;
//look at what type we are using
case EUserRegisters :
aRegisterType = aRegNumber * 0x100; //for R0 to R16 (CPSR) it just increments in 0x100 from 0x0 to 0x1000
case ESupervisorRegisters :
//same as EUserRegisters except R13 and R14 are different
if(aRegNumber == EArmSp)
aRegisterType = 0x1100;
else if(aRegNumber == EArmLr)
aRegisterType = 0x1200;
aRegisterType = aRegNumber * 0x100;
default : return KErrNotSupported;
return KErrNone;
* Writes the trace buffer to the crash log.
* @param aSizeToDump Number of bytes to dump. If this is zero we attempt to write the entire buffer
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return One of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogTraceBuffer(TInt aSizeToDump, TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
TUint memDumped = 0;
TBool dumpAll = (aSizeToDump == 0) ? ETrue : EFalse;
//Because the btrace buffer is a circular one, we need to save it in two parts
//this corrosponds to how we read it
TUint8* data;
TUint sizeOfPartRead;
TInt spaceRemaining = aSizeToDump;
//This structure will be filled after the first pass and cached so by the time we ARE writing it will
//contain the data we want
//read first part
TInt err = BTrace::Control(BTrace::ECtrlCrashReadFirst,&data,&sizeOfPartRead);
while(KErrNone == err && sizeOfPartRead > 0)
TUint rawSize = 0; //how much of this read data want we to dump
rawSize = sizeOfPartRead;
else //Otherwise see what room is left for dumpage
rawSize = ((sizeOfPartRead + iTrace.iSizeOfMemory) > aSizeToDump) ? spaceRemaining : sizeOfPartRead;
//Only relevant if restricting the dump
if(spaceRemaining <= 0 && !dumpAll)
TPtrC8 ptr(data, rawSize);
err = LogRawData(ptr, memDumped);
if(KErrNone != err)
CLTRACE1("Logging Raw data failed - [%d]", err);
err = BTrace::Control(BTrace::ECtrlCrashReadNext,&data,&sizeOfPartRead);
iTrace.iSizeOfMemory += rawSize;
spaceRemaining -= rawSize;
err = BTrace::Control(BTrace::ECtrlCrashReadNext,&data,&sizeOfPartRead);
return KErrNone;
* Logs the data in a TRawData struct
* @param aData
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return One of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogRawData(const TDesC8& aData, TUint& aSizeDumped)
TRawData theData;
theData.iLength = aData.Length();
theData.iData.Set(const_cast<TUint8*>(aData.Ptr()), aData.Length(), aData.Length());
return theData.Serialize(*iWriter);
* Logs the kernels heap and returns the size dumped via aSizeDumped
* @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the data dumped
* @return
TInt SCMDataSave::LogKernelHeap(TUint& aSizeDumped)
TInt32 heapLoc = 0;
TInt32 heapSize = 0;
TInt32 err = FindKernelHeap(heapLoc, heapSize);
if(KErrNone == err)
return LogMemory((TUint8*)heapLoc, heapSize, &Kern::CurrentThread(), aSizeDumped);
CLTRACE1("\tCouldnt find the kernel heap: [%d]", err);
return err;
* Iterates the object containers and finds the kernel heap
* @param aHeapLocation Contains the memory location of the kernel heap
* @param aHeapSize Contains the size of the Heap
* @return One of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::FindKernelHeap(TInt32& aHeapLocation, TInt32& aHeapSize)
//Get process object container
DObjectCon* objectContainer = Kern::Containers()[EProcess];
if(objectContainer == NULL)
CLTRACE("\tFailed to get object container for the processes");
return KErrNotFound;
//Must check the mutex on this is ok otherwise the data will be in an inconsistent state
CLTRACE("\tChunk Container is in an inconsistant state");
return KErrCorrupt;
TInt numObjects = objectContainer->Count();
DProcess* kernelProcess = NULL;
for(TInt cnt = 0; cnt < numObjects; cnt ++)
DProcess* candidateProcess = (DProcess*)(*objectContainer)[cnt];
//Get the objects name
TBuf8<KMaxKernelName> name;
if(name == KKernelProcessName)
kernelProcess = candidateProcess;
if (!kernelProcess)
return KErrNotFound;
//Get chunk object container
objectContainer = Kern::Containers()[EChunk];
if(objectContainer == NULL)
CLTRACE("\tFailed to get object container for the chunks");
return KErrNotFound;
//Must check the mutex on this is ok otherwise the data will be in an inconsistent state
CLTRACE("\tChunk Container is in an inconsistant state");
return KErrCorrupt;
numObjects = objectContainer->Count();
for(TInt cnt = 0; cnt < numObjects; cnt ++)
DChunk* candidateHeapChunk = (DChunk*)(*objectContainer)[cnt];
//Get the objects name
TBuf8<KMaxKernelName> name;
if(name == KKernelHeapChunkName)
aHeapLocation = (TInt32)candidateHeapChunk->Base(kernelProcess);
aHeapSize = candidateHeapChunk->iSize;
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
* This logs the variant specific descriptor data to the crash log
* @param aSizeDumped records how much was dumped by this function
* @return one of the OS wide codes
TInt SCMDataSave::LogVariantSpecificData(TUint& aSizeDumped)
aSizeDumped = 0;
//Change this descriptor as required for your needs
_LIT(KVariantSpecificData, "This is the variant specific data. Put your own here");
TVariantSpecificData varData;
varData.iSize = KVariantSpecificData().Size();
TInt err = varData.Serialize(*iWriter);
if(KErrNone != err)
CLTRACE1("\tLogging variant specific data failed with code [%d]", err);
return err;
TUint rawDataSize = 0;
err = LogRawData(KVariantSpecificData(), rawDataSize);
if(KErrNone != err)
CLTRACE1("\tLogging variant specific data failed with code [%d]", err);
return err;
return KErrNone;
* This method is the callback used by MPhysicalWriterImpl interface
* if the TCachedByteStreamWriter is configured to use this interface
* the callback avoids the need for temp buffers & can interface directly with the
* flash writer methods
* @param aData - data to write
* @param aLen - length of data to write
* @param aPos - writers internal position
void SCMDataSave::DoPhysicalWrite(TAny* aData, TInt aPos, TInt aLen)
iChecksum.ChecksumBlock((TUint8*)aData, aLen);
if( this->iWriteSelect == EWriteComm)
WriteUart((TUint8*)aData, aLen);
else // EWriteFlash
Write(aData, aLen);
* Writes data to Flash
* @param aSomething Pointer to the data
* @param aSize Size of the data
void SCMDataSave::Write(const TAny* aSomething, TInt aSize)
TPtrC8 data((const TUint8 *)aSomething, aSize);
TInt written = 0;
WriteCrashFlash(iByteCount, written, data);
iByteCount+= written;
* Writes a descriptor to the crash flash
* @param aPos Position in flash to write
* @param aSize Holds the size of the data written after the call
* @param aBuffer Descriptor to write
void SCMDataSave::WriteCrashFlash(TInt aPos, TInt& aSize, const TDesC8& aBuffer)
//Set write position in the flash
//get bytes written
aSize += iFlash->BytesWritten();
if(aSize != aBuffer.Length())
CLTRACE2("(SCMDataSave::WriteCrashFlash) Over the limit aSize = %d aBuffer.Length() = %d",
aSize, aBuffer.Length());
* Writes a descriptor via serial
* @param aDes Descriptor to write
void SCMDataSave::WriteUart(const TDesC8& aDes)
WriteUart(aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Length());
* Writes data via serial
* @param aData Data to write
* @param aSize Size of data to write
void SCMDataSave::WriteUart(const TUint8* aData, TInt aSize)
OMAP* assp = ((OMAP*)Arch::TheAsic());
TOmapDbgPrt* dbg = assp->DebugPort();
if (dbg)
for(TInt i=0;i<aSize;i++)
CLTRACE("SCMDataSave::WriteUart ERROR - dbg was null");
* Setter for the current number of bytes written for this crash log
* If aByte is not word aligned, it will be rounded up to be so
* @param aByte Current bytes written
void SCMDataSave::SetByteCount(TInt aByte)
//ensure aligned
if(aByte % iWriter->GetCacheSize() == 0)
iByteCount = aByte;
iByteCount = aByte + (iWriter->GetCacheSize() - (aByte % iWriter->GetCacheSize()));
* Gets the output target selection
* @return TScmWriteSelect output target selection
* @param void
SCMDataSave::TWriteSelect SCMDataSave::GetWriteSelect()
return iWriteSelect;
* Sets the output target selection
* @return void
* @param TScmWriteSelect aWriteSelect output target selection
void SCMDataSave::SetWriteSelect(SCMDataSave::TWriteSelect aWriteSelect)
iWriteSelect = aWriteSelect;
* Gets the amount of space remaining for the media of choice
* @return
TUint SCMDataSave::SpaceRemaining()
TInt currentPosition = iWriter->GetBytesWritten() + iStartingPointForCrash;
return MaxLogSize() - currentPosition;
* To find the max size of a log for a given media
* @return the max size of a log for a given media
TUint SCMDataSave::MaxLogSize()
//see what write media is being used
case EWriteFlash:
return KMaxCrashLogSize;
case EWriteComm:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
return 0;
* Records the offset in the flash partition where this crash begins
* @param aStart Offset in flash
void SCMDataSave::SetCrashStartingPoint(TUint32 aStart)
iStartingPointForCrash = aStart;