Fix for Bug 3387 - [GCCE] Attempt to use private members from class DDmaRequest in class TDmac
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
//! @file f32test\concur\t_csfsoak.cpp
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include "t_server.h"
#include "t_chlffs.h"
#include "t_tdebug.h"
#include "t_cfssoak.h"
#include "f32_test_utils.h"
using namespace F32_Test_Utils;
GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_CFSTEST"));
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName;
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName1;
LOCAL_D TFullName gFsName2;
LOCAL_D TFullName gOldFsName;
LOCAL_D TFullName gNewFsName;
LOCAL_D TBool gNoMedia = ETrue;
_LIT(KFsName, "DelayFS");
LOCAL_D const TInt32 KSecond = 1000000;
LOCAL_D const TInt32 KTenthS = KSecond/10;
LOCAL_D const TInt KNumBuf = 10;
LOCAL_D const TInt KBufLen = 50000;
LOCAL_D TInt KSessionWaitSlow = 50 * KTenthS;
LOCAL_D TBuf8<KBufLen> gBuff[KNumBuf];
LOCAL_D TRequestStatus gStat[KNumBuf];
LOCAL_D TChar gRemFsChr = 0;
LOCAL_D TInt gRemFsDrv = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh0 = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh1 = 0;
LOCAL_D TChar gDrvCh2 = 0;
LOCAL_D TInt gWaitTime = KSessionWaitSlow;
GLDEF_D TExtension gPrimaryExtensions[KMaxDrives];
inline void TraceError(const char* aFile, TInt aLine, const TDesC& aStr, TInt aRsp)
// 'Helper' routine to output the file and line of an error as well as a string
// and a response value.
TBuf<256> fbuf;
TPtrC8 fptr((const TUint8*)aFile);
RDebug::Print(_L("%S:%d %S: r = %d"), &fbuf, aLine, &aStr, aRsp);
#define TESTSTR(r,s,cond) if (!(cond)) { TraceError(__FILE__, __LINE__, (s), (r)); test(0); }
#define TESTLIT(r,s,cond) { _LIT(KStr,s); TESTSTR(r,KStr,cond); }
#define TESTRES(r,cond) TESTLIT(r,"ERROR",cond)
LOCAL_C TChar MountTestFileSystem(TInt aDrive)
/// Mount a new CTestFileSystem on the drive under test.
/// @param aDrive Drive number (EDriveC etc.) to be used.
TInt r;
// Check attributes
TBuf<64> b;
TChar c;
TESTLIT(r, "DriveToChar", r==KErrNone);
b.Format(_L("Mount test file system on %c:"),(TUint)c);
TESTLIT(r, "AddFileSystem", r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
TDriveInfo drv;
r = TheFs.Drive(drv, gRemFsDrv);
TESTLIT(r, "Drive()", r == KErrNone);
gNoMedia = (drv.iType == EMediaUnknown || drv.iType == EMediaNotPresent);
if (gOldFsName.Length() > 0)
r = TheFs.ExtensionName(gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iName, aDrive, 0);
if (r == KErrNone)
gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists = ETrue;
TTest::Printf(_L("Dismount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gOldFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "DismountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
if (gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists == EFalse)
TESTLIT(r, "MountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone);
r = gNewFsName.CompareF(KFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "gNewFsName.Compare", r==0);
return c;
LOCAL_C void UnmountFileSystem(TInt aDrive)
/// Dismount the filesystem and remount the original one.
/// @param aDrive Drive number (EDriveC etc.) to be unmounted.
TChar c;
TInt r=TheFs.DriveToChar(aDrive,c);
TESTLIT(r, "DriveToChar", r==KErrNone);
if (gNewFsName.Length() > 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Dismount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gNewFsName);
TESTLIT(r, "DismountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
// if there's no media present, don't try to mount it
if (gNoMedia)
TTest::Printf(_L("No media on %C: so don't remount it"), (TUint)c);
else if (gOldFsName.Length() > 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Mount %C: %S"), (TUint)c, &gOldFsName);
if (gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists == EFalse)
TESTLIT(r, "MountFileSystem", r==KErrNone);
LOCAL_C TInt TestCalibrate(TChar aDrvCh)
/// Calibrate the timing for writing the data buffers. This also sets up
/// the buffers to the appropriate length (fast file systems such as LFFS
/// and FAT need big buffers, the slow test filesystem needs small ones).
TFileName name;
RFile file;
RFs fs;
TBool fast = (aDrvCh != gRemFsChr);
TInt drive;
TInt r;
name.Format(_L("%C:\\cfstest.txt"), (TUint)aDrvCh);
r=fs.CharToDrive(aDrvCh, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "CharToDrive", r==KErrNone);
TVolumeInfo info;
r = fs.Volume(info, drive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Getting volume info"));
TTest::Printf(_L("Total space on drive %C = %ld (0x%lX)"), (TUint) aDrvCh, info.iSize, info.iSize);
TTest::Printf(_L("Free space on drive %C = %ld (0x%lX)"), (TUint) aDrvCh, info.iFree, info.iFree);
TInt buffsize;
if (fast)
TInt64 bufSize64 = info.iFree / KNumBuf;
buffsize = bufSize64 > KBufLen ? KBufLen : I64LOW(bufSize64);
buffsize = 100;
TTest::Printf(_L("Writing %d buffers of size %d"), KNumBuf, buffsize);
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
gBuff[i].Fill('*', fast ? buffsize : 100);
r = file.Replace(fs, name, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), name.Ptr());
TTime startTime;
TTime endTime;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
r = file.Write(gBuff[i]);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Printf(_L("Error writing file, r %d buffsize %d"), r, buffsize);
return r;
TInt64 dtime = timeTaken.Int64();
gWaitTime = I64LOW(dtime);
if (gWaitTime < KTenthS)
TTest::Printf(_L("Time to complete writes (%d uS) too short"), gWaitTime);
return KErrGeneral;
while (gWaitTime > 50*KSecond && buffsize > 100)
gWaitTime /= 10;
buffsize /= 10;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
gBuff[i].Fill('*', buffsize);
TTest::Printf(_L("Time to complete writes %d mS"), gWaitTime / 1000);
return KErrNone;
void PrintBufStatus()
for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
TTest::Printf(_L("Req %d r %08X\n"), i, gStat[i].Int());
LOCAL_C TInt TestClose(TChar aDrvCh, TBool aCloseFs)
/// Test what happens when a file is closed in the middle of writing it. Note
/// that this assumes that the filesystem under test has been calibrated and
/// the buffers set up already.
/// @return KErrGeneral if an error was detected, KErrNone otherwise
TFileName fsname;
TFileName name;
RFile file;
RFs fs;
TInt drive;
TInt r;
r=TheFs.CharToDrive(aDrvCh, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "CharToDrive", r==KErrNone);
r=fs.FileSystemName(fsname, drive);
TESTLIT(r, "FileSystemName", r==KErrNone);
name.Format(_L("%C:\\cfstest.txt"), (TUint)aDrvCh);
TTest::Printf(_L("Testing %S (%S)"), &name, &fsname);
r = file.Replace(fs, name, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), name.Ptr());
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
file.Write(gBuff[i], gStat[i]);
// wait for around a half of the writes to complete, then close the file
// before the others finish.
// If the media is unexpectedly slow and hasn't written a single buffer, wait a little bit longer
TInt KMaxWaitTime = Max(gWaitTime * 3, KSessionWaitSlow);
TInt totalTimeWaited = 0;
for (TInt waitTime = gWaitTime/2;
totalTimeWaited < KMaxWaitTime && gStat[0].Int() == KRequestPending;
totalTimeWaited+= waitTime, waitTime = gWaitTime / 10)
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting %d mS"), waitTime / 1000);
TTest::Printf(_L("Wait ended"));
if (aCloseFs)
TTest::Printf(_L("Closing file server session"));
TTest::Printf(_L("Closing file"));
// test what has happened
TInt nFinished = 0;
TInt nCancelled = 0;
TInt nPending = 0;
TBool bad = EFalse;
TRequestStatus tstat;
RTimer timer;
timer.After(tstat, 2 * gWaitTime);
TInt requestsCompleted = 0;
for (i = 0; i < KNumBuf; i++)
User::WaitForRequest(tstat, gStat[i]);
if (tstat != KRequestPending)
TTest::Printf(_L("Timer expired"));
r = gStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KErrNone:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d finished\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
case KErrCancel:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
#if !defined(__WINS__) // under some loads the calibration is wrong by now and no writes have finished yet
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
case KRequestPending:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d pending\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
while (i < KNumBuf)
r = gStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KErrNone:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d finished\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
case KErrCancel:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
#if !defined(__WINS__) // under some loads the calibration is wrong by now and no writes have finished yet
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
case KRequestPending:
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d pending\n"), i);
if (nCancelled > 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nCancelled > 0"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nFinished == 0)
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("nFinished == 0"));
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
if (!aCloseFs)
// If we HAVEN'T closed the file server session, we must wait for all the remaining
// requests, including the timer.
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting for %d uncompleted requests\n"), KNumBuf + 1 - requestsCompleted);
for (i = requestsCompleted ; i < KNumBuf + 1 ; ++i)
// If we have closed the session, then we need to work out if the timer went off (by
// checking if there are any writes still pending) and if not then we need to wait for it.
if (nPending == 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Waiting for timer to complete\n"));
if (aCloseFs)
TEntry entry;
r = fs.Entry(name, entry);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Entry(%S)"), &name);
TInt nWritten = entry.iSize / gBuff[0].Length();
TTest::Printf(_L("Created file %d bytes, %d complete buffers written"),
entry.iSize, nWritten);
if (nCancelled < 2)
// At present, undefined whether cancelled or left pending
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Not enough buffers (%d) cancelled"), nCancelled);
if (nPending > 0)
// At present, undefined whether cancelled or left pending
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Too many buffers (%d) still pending"), nPending);
// Get the TFileCacheFlags for this drive
TVolumeInfo volInfo; // volume info for current drive
r = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, drive);
test.Printf(_L("DriveCacheFlags = %08X\n"), volInfo.iFileCacheFlags);
// There's no point testing the numbers of buffers written if write caching enabled, as
// in this case, the write requests are completed successfully before the data is written to disk
if ((volInfo.iFileCacheFlags & EFileCacheWriteOn) && aCloseFs)
test.Printf(_L("%d write requests completed, %d of %d buffers written to disk\n"), nFinished, nWritten, KNumBuf);
test.Printf(_L("Skipping test for buffers written as write caching enabled and FS session destroyed\n"));
#if !defined(__WINS__) // timing issue as above
if (nWritten < 2)
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Not enough buffers (%d) written"), nFinished);
if (nWritten < nFinished)
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Only %d buffers written, should be %d"), nWritten, nFinished);
if (bad)
TTest::Printf(_L("Test %c: FAILED\n"), name[0]);
TTest::Printf(_L("Test %c: OK\n"), name[0]);
return (bad ? KErrGeneral : KErrNone);
LOCAL_C TInt TestCloseOperation()
/// Task to exercise the remote (special) filesystem.
TSoakRemote rem(gDrvCh1);
TInt r = KErrNone;
TBool ok = ETrue;
test.Next(_L("Mount as synchronous"));
r = TestCalibrate(gDrvCh1);
if (r == KErrNone)
test.Next(_L("Test SubSession synchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, EFalse);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Test Session synchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, ETrue);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Mount as asynchronous"));
r = TestCalibrate(gDrvCh1);
if (r == KErrNone)
test.Next(_L("Test SubSession asynchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, EFalse);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("Test Session asynchronous"));
r = TestClose(gDrvCh1, ETrue);
if (r != KErrNone)
ok = EFalse;
return (ok ? KErrNone : KErrGeneral);
LOCAL_C TInt parseCmd(TInt aArgC, TPtrC aArgV[], TChar& dr0, TChar& dr1, TChar& dr2)
/// Get drive characters from the command line.
if (aArgC > 1)
dr0 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[1][0]);
if (aArgC > 2)
dr1 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[2][0]);
if (aArgC > 3)
dr2 = User::UpperCase(aArgV[3][0]);
if (dr1 < 'A' || dr1 > 'Z')
dr1 = dr0;
return KErrNone;
GLDEF_C void CallTestsL()
/// Do all tests.
//-- set up console output
for (TInt i = 0; i < KMaxDrives; i++)
gPrimaryExtensions[i].iExists = EFalse;
// first thing, initialise local test class to make sure it gets done.
TInt r = TTest::Init();
test(r == KErrNone);
const TInt KMaxArgs = 4;
TPtrC argv[KMaxArgs];
TInt argc = TTest::ParseCommandArguments(argv, KMaxArgs);
gDrvCh0 = TTest::DefaultDriveChar();
r = parseCmd(argc, argv, gDrvCh0, gDrvCh1, gDrvCh2);
if (r != KErrNone)
gRemFsChr = gDrvCh0;
r = TheFs.CharToDrive(gRemFsChr, gRemFsDrv);
test(r == KErrNone);
PrintDrvInfo(TheFs, gRemFsDrv);
if (r != KErrNone || gRemFsDrv == EDriveZ)
test.Printf(_L("Test cannnot run on drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
TDriveInfo drv;
r = TheFs.Drive(drv, gRemFsDrv);
test(r == KErrNone);
if(Is_Automounter(TheFs, gRemFsDrv))
//-- this test tries to mount the curent drive as a synchronous one,
//-- automounter can't work on synchronous drives.
test.Printf(_L("This test can't be performed on AutoMounter FS, Skipping.\n"));
// if it's a RAM drive or no media present, use the slow FS
if (drv.iType == EMediaRam)
test.Printf(_L("Test can't run on RAM drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
if (drv.iType == EMediaUnknown || drv.iType == EMediaNotPresent)
// Mount test filesystem on that drive
test.Printf(_L("Using slow filesystem on drive %C:\n"), (TUint)gRemFsChr);
else if (argc > 2)
// two parameters, mount the test filesystem on the first
// Use the existing filesystem on the drive
gRemFsChr = 0;
// If we can do it, check whether the drive is LFFS and is OK
// !!! Disable platform security tests until we get the new APIs
// if (User::Capability() & KCapabilityRoot)
// CheckMountLFFS(TheFs, gDrvCh1);
//!!!!! Warning: MountTestFileSystem() and UnmountFileSystem() code is lousy! it always mounts back the drive as SYNCHRONOUS.
//!!!!! anyway, this code seems not to be called, because of "else if (argc > 2)"
// Do tests
r = TestCloseOperation();
// restore the original mounted drive if anything changed
test(r == KErrNone);