Use RVCT assembler for __crash() when running armcc with the --gnu option. Fix for bug 2742.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "nonxip.h"
#include "analyse.h"
#include "obyfile.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
:iCodeSpace(0), iCurId(1), iRowBufferErrors(0), iCookBufferErrors(0), iReportMask(0)
for(std::vector<SymbolFile*>::iterator it = iSymbols.begin();it != iSymbols.end();it++)
delete *it;
void NonXIP::AddObyNames(const char* aSegName, const char* aOrigName)
iNamesMap[aSegName] = OrigName(aOrigName,iCurId++);
void NonXIP::CreateNamesMap()
for(FilesVec::const_iterator it=iObyFiles.begin();it != iObyFiles.end();it++)
ObyFile file(it->c_str());
for(FilesVec::const_iterator it_s=iSymbolFiles.begin();it_s != iSymbolFiles.end();it_s++)
iSymbols.push_back(new SymbolFile(it_s->c_str(), true));
void NonXIP::AddSegment(PC aAddress, PC aSegSize, const char *aSegName)
if (!iCodeSpace) return;
char buf[257];
for(char * p = buf;*aSegName;aSegName++,p++)
*p = tolower(*aSegName);
*p = '\0';
NamesMap::const_iterator it = iNamesMap.find(buf);
if (it == iNamesMap.end()) // not found
const char* orig_name = it->second.iName.c_str();
if(TryUnDeleteSegment(aAddress, aSegSize, orig_name))
int id = it->second.iId;
Segment seg;
seg.iSegSize = aSegSize;
seg.iName = it;
seg.iUnloaded = false;
PartitionByFunction pf(0, 0);
PartitionByDll pd(0);
MappedCodeSpace::Partition* pt;
if (Analyse::Action() == Analyse::EProfile && Analyse::Partition() == Analyse::EDll)
pt = &pd;
pt = &pf;
pt->iCodeSpace = iCodeSpace;
// loop on symbol files
for(std::vector<SymbolFile*>::iterator its = iSymbols.begin();its != iSymbols.end();its++)
if ((*its)->Parse(*pt, orig_name, aAddress, aSegSize, id)) // found
iSegData[aAddress] = seg;
void NonXIP::DeleteSegment(PC aAddress)
if (!iCodeSpace) return;
SegData::iterator it = iSegData.find(aAddress);
if (it == iSegData.end())
Segment seg(it->second);
PC high_bound = aAddress+seg.iSegSize;
// find aAddress in iCodeSpace->iMap
MappedCodeSpace::Map::iterator itm = iCodeSpace->iMap.upper_bound(aAddress);
for(;itm != iCodeSpace->iMap.end() && itm->first <= high_bound;itm++)
if (!itm->second.iUnloaded)
itm->second.iUnloaded = true;
seg.iUnloaded = true;
bool NonXIP::TryUnDeleteSegment(PC aAddress, PC aSegSize, const char *aSegName)
if (!iCodeSpace) return false;
SegData::iterator it = iSegData.find(aAddress);
if (it == iSegData.end())
return false;
Segment seg(it->second);
PC high_bound = aAddress+seg.iSegSize;
if(aSegSize != seg.iSegSize || strcmp(aSegName, seg.iName->second.iName.c_str()))
return false;
// find aAddress in iCodeSpace->iMap
MappedCodeSpace::Map::iterator itm = iCodeSpace->iMap.upper_bound(aAddress);
for(;itm != iCodeSpace->iMap.end() && itm->first <= high_bound;itm++)
if (itm->second.iUnloaded)
itm->second.iUnloaded = false;
seg.iUnloaded = false;
return true;