author hgs
Mon, 24 May 2010 18:38:55 +0100
changeset 134 95847726fe57
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\kernel\x86\ckernel.cia

#include <x86_mem.h>
#ifdef __SMP__
#include <apic.h>

 * Thread

const TLinAddr Kern_Exit_Addr = (TLinAddr)&Kern::Exit;
const TInt OFFSET_DThread_iType = _FOFF(DThread,iThreadType);
const TInt OFFSET_DThread_iFlags = _FOFF(DThread,iFlags);
const TInt OFFSET_DThread_iUserStackSize = _FOFF(DThread,iUserStackSize);
const TInt OFFSET_DThread_iNThread = _FOFF(DThread,iNThread);
const TInt OFFSET_DThread_iOwningProcess = _FOFF(DThread,iOwningProcess);
const TInt CONST_THREAD_RUNNING = DThread::EUserThreadRunning;

__NAKED__ void DThread::EpocThreadFunction(TAny*)
// Called when an EPOC thread starts running
#ifdef __SMP__
	asm("mov ebx, ebp ");
	asm("mov ebp, [esp+4] ");
	asm("cli ");	// so we don't migrate between reading APIC ID and thread pointer
	asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : : "i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
	asm("shr eax, 24 ");
	asm("mov eax, [eax*4+%0]" : : "i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
	asm("mov edx, [eax+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentThread));
	asm("sti ");
	asm("mov ebp, [esp+4] ");
	asm("mov edx, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iCurrentThread));
	asm("sub edx, %0" : : "i" (OFFSET_DThread_iNThread));
	asm("mov eax, %0" : : "i" (OFFSET_DThread_iType));
	asm("lea eax, [edx+eax] ");
	asm("cmp byte ptr [eax], 3 "); // EThreadUser
	asm("je short epoc_user_thread ");
	asm("mov eax, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadCreateInfo,iFunction));
	asm("mov ecx, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadCreateInfo,iPtr));
#ifdef __SMP__
	asm("mov esp, ebx ");
	asm("mov esp, ebp ");
	asm("add esp, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadCreateInfo,iTotalSize));
	asm("push ecx ");
	asm("call eax ");
	asm("push eax ");
	asm("mov ecx, %0" : : "i" (Kern_Exit_Addr));
	asm("call ecx ");

	asm("epoc_user_thread: ");
	asm("mov ecx, %0" : : "i" (CONST_THREAD_RUNNING));
	asm("mov [edx+%0], ecx" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iUserThreadState));
	asm("mov edi, [edx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iUserStackRunAddress));
	asm("mov ecx, %0" : : "i" (OFFSET_DThread_iUserStackSize));
	asm("mov ecx, [edx+ecx] ");
	asm("and cl, 0x0f0 ");
	asm("shr ecx, 2 ");
	asm("mov ax, %0" : : "i" (KRing3DS));
	asm("mov gs, ax ");
	asm("mov es, ax ");
	asm("mov eax, 0x29292929 ");
	asm("cld ");
	asm("rep stosd ");					// after this edi points to address after user stack
	asm("mov esi, ebp ");
	asm("add esi, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadCreateInfo,iTotalSize));
	asm("copy_create_info: ");
	asm("mov eax, [esi-4] ");
	asm("sub esi, 4 ");
	asm("mov gs:[edi-4], eax ");
	asm("sub edi, 4 ");
	asm("cmp esi, ebp ");
	asm("ja copy_create_info ");
	asm("mov esp, ebp ");
	asm("add esp, [ebp+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(SThreadCreateInfo,iTotalSize));	// restore supervisor stack balance
	asm("mov ebx, %0" : : "i" (OFFSET_DThread_iFlags));
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov esi, %0" : : "i" (OFFSET_DThread_iOwningProcess));
	asm("mov ebx, [edx+ebx] ");	// ebx = thread flags
	asm("mov ax, %0" : : "i" (KRing3DS));
	asm("mov esi, [edx+esi] ");			// esi -> owning process
	asm("push eax ");					// SS in user mode
	asm("push edi ");					// ESP in user mode	
	asm("mov eax, %0" : :"i" (0x41202));	// EAX = EFLAGS in user mode {AC=1, IOPL=1, IF=1, rest 0}
	asm("push eax ");
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov edx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(DProcess,iReentryPoint));
	asm("mov esi, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(DProcess,iCodeSeg));	// esi->process code seg
	asm("mov ax, %0" : : "i" (KRing3CS));
	asm("push eax ");					// CS in user mode
	asm("and ebx, %0" : : "i" (KThreadFlagOriginal)); // test original thread flag
	asm("setz bl ");						// BL=0 if first thread in process, 1 otherwise
	asm("jnz not_first ");
	asm("mov edx, [esi+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(DCodeSeg,iEntryPtVeneer)); // EIP in user mode = process entry point
	asm("not_first: ");
	asm("push edx ");					// EIP in user mode = process entry point or reentry point
	asm("movzx ebx, bl ");				// EBX=0 if first thread in process, 1 otherwise
	asm("mov ax, %0" : : "i" (KRing3DS));
	asm("mov ds, ax ");
	asm("mov es, ax ");
	asm("iretd ");						// jump to process entry point in user mode
										// ebx=entry reason, esp->thread creation info

#ifdef __GCC32__
#define	PUSH(x)	asm("mov eax, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,x)); asm("sub edi, 4 "); asm("mov gs:[edi], eax ");
#define	PUSH(x)	__asm mov eax, [ecx]TX86ExcInfo.x __asm sub edi, 4  __asm mov gs:[edi], eax;

__NAKED__ void __fastcall PushExcInfoOnUserStack(TX86ExcInfo*, TInt)
	// Save registers on user stack (low to high addr)
	// ExcType, iExcId, iExcErrorCode, iFaultAddress, iEax, iEcx, iEdx, iEbx, iEsp, iEbp, iEsi, iEdi,
	// iSs, iDs, iEs, iFs, iGs, iEflags, iEip, iCs
	asm("push edi ");
	asm("mov edi, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iEsp3));
	asm("sub edi, 4 ");
	asm("mov gs:[edi], edx ");
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], edi" : : "i" _FOFF(TX86ExcInfo,iEsp3));
	asm("pop edi ");
	asm("ret ");

extern "C" {

__NAKED__ void TExcTrap_Trap()
	// ecx = 'this' TExcTrap*
	// returns eax = current thread
#ifdef __SMP__
	asm("cli ");	// so we don't migrate between reading APIC ID and thread pointer
	asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : :"i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
	asm("shr eax, 24 ");
	asm("mov eax, [eax*4+%0]" : :"i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
	asm("mov eax, [eax+%0]" : :"i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentThread));
	asm("sti ");
	asm("mov eax, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iCurrentThread));
	asm("mov edx, 0");
	asm("lea edx, [edx+%0]": : "i"_FOFF(DThread,iNThread)); 
	asm("sub eax, edx"); 
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax": : "i"_FOFF(TExcTrap,iThread));
	asm("mov [eax+%0], ecx": : "i"_FOFF(DThread,iExcTrap));
	asm("mov [ecx+4], ebx");
	asm("mov [ecx+8], ebp");
	asm("mov [ecx+16], esi");
	asm("mov [ecx+20], edi");
	asm("mov [ecx+24], ds");
	asm("mov [ecx+28], es");
	asm("mov [ecx+32], fs");
	asm("mov [ecx+36], gs");

extern "C" void DefaultExcTrapHandler(TExcTrap* xt, DThread*, TAny*);
extern "C" void IpcExcHandler(TExcTrap* xt, DThread*, TAny*);
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern "C" void __FaultIpcClientNotNull();

__NAKED__ TBool TIpcExcTrap::IsTIpcExcTrap()
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov eax, %0": : "i"(&IpcExcHandler));
	__asm lea eax, IpcExcHandler
	asm("cmp eax, [ecx+%0]": : "i"_FOFF(TExcTrap,iHandler));
	asm("mov eax, 0");
	asm("sete al");

__NAKED__ TInt TIpcExcTrap::Trap(DThread*)
	// ecx=this, [esp]=return address, [esp+4]=aThread
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov eax, %0": : "i"(&IpcExcHandler));
	__asm lea eax, IpcExcHandler
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax": : "i"_FOFF(TExcTrap,iHandler));
	asm("mov eax, [esp]");
	asm("mov [ecx+0], eax");
	asm("mov eax, esp");
#ifndef __GCC32__					// MSVC __thiscall is callee-cleanup, whereas GCC isnt, and we
	 asm("add eax, 4");				// correct the saved ESP *before* the ret from TExcTrap::Exception
	asm("mov [ecx+12], eax");
	asm("call %a0": :"i"(&TExcTrap_Trap));

#ifdef _DEBUG
	asm("mov edx, [eax+%0]": : "i"_FOFF(DThread,iIpcClient));	
	asm("cmp edx, 0");
	asm("je ipcclientnull ");
	asm("jmp %a0": :"i"(&__FaultIpcClientNotNull));
	asm("ipcclientnull: ");

	asm("mov edx, [esp+4]");
	asm("mov [eax+%0], edx": : "i"_FOFF(DThread,iIpcClient));	
	asm("xor eax, eax");

EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt TExcTrap::Trap()
	// ecx=this, [esp]=return address
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov eax, %0" : : "i" (&DefaultExcTrapHandler));
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(TExcTrap,iHandler));
	__asm lea eax, DefaultExcTrapHandler
	__asm mov [ecx]this.iHandler, eax
	asm("mov eax, [esp]");			// eax = retaddr
	asm("mov [ecx+0], eax");		// iState[0] = retaddr
	asm("mov eax, esp");
	asm("mov [ecx+12], eax");
	asm("call %a0": :"i"(&TExcTrap_Trap));
	asm("xor eax, eax");

EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt TExcTrap::Trap(TExcTrapHandler /*aHandler*/)
	// ecx=this, [esp]=return address, [esp+4]=aHandler
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(TExcTrap,iHandler));
	asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
	__asm mov [ecx]this.iHandler, eax
	asm("mov eax, [esp] ");
	asm("mov [ecx+0], eax ");
	asm("mov eax, esp ");
#ifndef __GCC32__					// MSVC __thiscall is callee-cleanup, whereas GCC isnt, and we
	asm("add eax, 4");				// correct the saved ESP *before* the ret from TExcTrap::Exception
	asm("mov [ecx+12], eax");
	asm("call %a0": :"i"(&TExcTrap_Trap));
	asm("xor eax, eax");

EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void TExcTrap::Exception(TInt /*aResult*/)
	// On entry ecx=this, [esp]=return address (unused), [esp+4]=aResult
	// Need ret 4 since saved esp leaves parameter to TExcTrap::Trap on the stack
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TExcTrap,iThread));
	__asm mov edx, [ecx]this.iThread
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov [edx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iExcTrap));
	asm("mov [edx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iPagingExcTrap));
	asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+0] ");
	asm("mov ebx, [ecx+4] ");
	asm("mov ebp, [ecx+8] ");
	asm("mov esp, [ecx+12] ");
	asm("mov esi, [ecx+16] ");
	asm("mov edi, [ecx+20] ");
	asm("mov ds, [ecx+24] ");
	asm("mov es, [ecx+28] ");
	asm("mov fs, [ecx+32] ");
	asm("mov gs, [ecx+36] ");
	asm("mov [esp],edx ");
	asm("ret "); // behave as if returning from TExcTrap::Trap [with ESP already cleaned up for MSVC]

extern "C" {

__NAKED__ void TPagingExcTrap_Trap()
	// ecx = 'this' TPagingExcTrap*
#ifdef __SMP__
	asm("cli ");	// so we don't migrate between reading APIC ID and thread pointer
	asm("mov eax, ds:[%0]" : :"i" (X86_LOCAL_APIC_BASE + X86_LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_ID));
	asm("shr eax, 24 ");
	asm("mov eax, [eax*4+%0]" : :"i" (&SubSchedulerLookupTable));
	asm("mov eax, [eax+%0]" : :"i" _FOFF(TSubScheduler,iCurrentThread));
	asm("sti ");
	asm("mov eax, [%a0]" : : "i" (&TheScheduler.iCurrentThread));
	asm("mov edx, 0 ");
	asm("lea edx, [edx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iNThread)); 
	asm("sub eax, edx "); 
	asm("mov [ecx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(TPagingExcTrap,iThread));
	asm("mov [eax+%0], ecx" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iPagingExcTrap));
	asm("mov [ecx+4], ebx ");
	asm("mov [ecx+8], ebp ");
	asm("mov [ecx+16], esi ");
	asm("mov [ecx+20], edi ");
	asm("mov [ecx+24], ds ");
	asm("mov [ecx+28], es ");
	asm("mov [ecx+32], fs ");
	asm("mov [ecx+36], gs ");
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("ret ");

__NAKED__ TInt TPagingExcTrap::Trap()
	// ecx=this, [esp]=return address
	asm("mov eax, [esp] ");			// eax = retaddr
	asm("mov [ecx+0], eax ");		// iState[0] = retaddr
	asm("mov eax, esp ");
	asm("mov [ecx+12], eax ");
	asm("call %a0" : :"i" (&TPagingExcTrap_Trap));

__NAKED__ void TPagingExcTrap::Exception(TInt /*aResult*/)
	// On entry ecx=this, [esp]=return address (unused), [esp+4]=aResult
	// Need ret 4 since saved esp leaves parameter to TPagingExcTrap::Trap on the stack
#ifdef __GCC32__
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+%0]" : : "i" _FOFF(TPagingExcTrap,iThread));
	__asm mov edx, [ecx]this.iThread
	asm("xor eax, eax ");
	asm("mov [edx+%0], eax" : : "i" _FOFF(DThread,iPagingExcTrap));
	asm("mov eax, [esp+4] ");
	asm("mov edx, [ecx+0] ");
	asm("mov ebx, [ecx+4] ");
	asm("mov ebp, [ecx+8] ");
	asm("mov esp, [ecx+12] ");
	asm("mov esi, [ecx+16] ");
	asm("mov edi, [ecx+20] ");
	asm("mov ds, [ecx+24] ");
	asm("mov es, [ecx+28] ");
	asm("mov fs, [ecx+32] ");
	asm("mov gs, [ecx+36] ");
	asm("mov [esp],edx ");
	asm("ret "); // behave as if returning from TPagingExcTrap::Trap [with ESP already cleaned up for MSVC]