1) Fix for Bug 3115 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DBTraceFilter2::Check(unsigned long) in linking _template_ekern.exe
2) Fix for Bug 3116 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DKernelEventHandler::Dispatch(TKernelEvent, void *, void *) in linking _template_ekern.exe
file1 =\base\dual_drive_env.ini
name =file
name =file1
name =file2
name =fileMan
name =fileMan2
name =fileMan1
name =format1
name =format2
name =rfs
name =rfs1
name =rfs2
name =tEntry1
name =tEntry2
name =cdir1
name =cdir2
name =cdirScan1
name =cdirScan2
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test2\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test3\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test4\
entry =tEntry1
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test\
entry =tEntry1
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test2\
entry =tEntry1
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test3\
entry =tEntry1
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test4\
expected =true
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test2\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test3\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath1}test4\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test2\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test3\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test4\
entry =tEntry2
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test\
entry =tEntry2
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test2\
entry =tEntry2
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test3\
entry =tEntry2
name ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test4\
expected =true
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test2\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test3\
dir ={Drives, DriveTestPath2}test4\
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
RFs =rfs1
drive ={Drives, DrivePath1}
format =EHighDensity|EQuickFormat
RFs =rfs2
drive ={Drives, DrivePath2}
format =EHighDensity|EQuickFormat
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}USBLOAD.ZIP
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
rfsObject =rfs1
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
rfileObject =file1
operation =0
async =false
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
rfileObject =file1
operation =0
async =false
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
issetatt =true
setattmask =KEntryAttNormal
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
issetatt =true
setattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
clearmask =KEntryAttNormal
operation =ERecurse
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
name={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
name={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}USBLOAD.ZIP
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
rfsObject =rfs2
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
rfileObject =file2
operation =0
async =false
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
rfileObject =file2
operation =0
async =false
name ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
issetatt =true
setattmask =KEntryAttNormal
name ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
issetatt =true
setattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
filename ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
clearmask =KEntryAttNormal
operation =ERecurse
filename ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\USBLOAD.ZIP
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
drive_old_password =test
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
store =FALSE
drive_old_password =test
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
store =FALSE
drive_old_password =test
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
drive_old_password =test
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
file_mode =EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
datawrite=Open test
file_mode =EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
expected_string=Open test
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
file_mode=EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
rfileObject =file2
operation =0
async =false
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\test.txt
rfileObject =file1
operation =0
async =false
datawrite=Open test
file_mode=EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
file_mode=EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
file_mode=EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
rfsObject =rfs1
rfsObject =rfs2
expected_string=Open test
name={Drives, DriveChar2}:\test.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
rfsObject =rfs1
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Test1.txt
rfileObject =file1
operation =0
async =false
rfsObject =rfs1
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Renamed.txt
oldname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Test1.txt
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Renamed.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Renamed.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
rfsObject =rfs2
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Test1.txt
rfileObject =file2
operation =0
async =false
rfsObject =rfs2
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Renamed.txt
oldname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Test1.txt
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Renamed.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
name={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Renamed.txt
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\
dir ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\
rfsObject =rfs1
filefrom ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Renamed.txt
fileto ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
filefrom ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Renamed.txt
fileto ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
filename ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
name={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\Renamed.txt
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Copy\
dir ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Copy\
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
save_in_instance =TRUE
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
volume_label =Test
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
volume_label =Test
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
save_in_instance =TRUE
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
volume_label =Test
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
volume_label =Test
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
rfsObject =rfs1
filefrom ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
fileto ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\Test1.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
fileto ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}
filefrom ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\Test1.txt
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
dir ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Move\
rfsObject =rfs2
filefrom ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test2.txt
fileto ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Move\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Move\Test2.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
fileto ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}
filefrom ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Move\Test2.txt
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test2.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
dir ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\Move\
dir ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
rfsObject =rfs1
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test2.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test3.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
dir ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\TempDir\
rfsObject =rfs1
path ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
attmask =KEntryAttNormal
sortkey =ESortByName
dirObject =cdir1
expected ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
expected =4
element_number =0
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =test.txt
element_number =1
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =Test1.txt
element_number =2
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =Test2.txt
element_number =3
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =Test3.txt
dir ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\TempDir\
filename ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\*.*
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
path ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
async =false
dir ={Drives, DrivePath1}dirscan\
dir ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
rfsObject =rfs2
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test2.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test3.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
newname ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
dir ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\TempDir\
rfsObject =rfs2
path ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
attmask =KEntryAttNormal
sortkey =ESortByName
dirObject =cdir2
expected ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
expected =4
element_number =0
entryObject =tEntry2
expectedName =test.txt
element_number =1
entryObject =tEntry2
expectedName =Test1.txt
element_number =2
entryObject =tEntry2
expectedName =Test2.txt
element_number =3
entryObject =tEntry2
expectedName =Test3.txt
dir ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\TempDir\
filename ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\*.*
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
path ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
async =false
dir ={Drives, DrivePath2}dirscan\
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}big.txt
RFs =rfs2
file_mode =EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
file ={Drives, DrivePath2}big.txt
rfsObject =rfs2
newname ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\big.txt
rfileObject =file2
operation =0
async =false
name ={Drives, DriveChar2}:\big.txt
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}big.txt
rfsObject =rfs1
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\big.txt
rfileObject =file1
operation =0
async =false
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\big.txt
async =false
time =00000000:
setmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
operation =ERecurse
name={Drives, DriveChar1}:\big.txt
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
rfsObject =rfs1
filefrom ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}
fileto ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
fileto ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}
filefrom ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
file ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}
RFs =rfs1
file_mode =EFileShareAny
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\Move\
finaliseDrvMode =EFinal_RW
drive ={Drives, Drive1}
finaliseDrvMode =EFinal_RW
drive ={Drives, Drive2}
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
rfsObject =rfs1
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test1.txt
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test2.txt
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}Test3.txt
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
oldname ={Drives, SystemDriveTestPath}test.txt
newname ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
async =false
operation =0
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\TempDir\
rfsObject =rfs1
path ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
attmask =KEntryAttReadOnly|KEntryAttMatchExclusive
sortkey =ESortByName
dirObject =cdir1
expected ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
expected =2
element_number =0
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =Test1.txt
element_number =1
entryObject =tEntry1
expectedName =Test2.txt
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\TempDir\
filename ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\*.*
async =false
operation =EOverWrite
dir ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\
clearattmask =KEntryAttNormal
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\Test1.txt
setattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
clearattmask =KEntryAttNormal
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\Test2.txt
setattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
clearattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\Test1.txt
setattmask =KEntryAttNormal
clearattmask =KEntryAttReadOnly
name ={Drives, DriveChar1}:\dirscan\Test2.txt
setattmask =KEntryAttNormal