1) Fix for Bug 3115 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DBTraceFilter2::Check(unsigned long) in linking _template_ekern.exe
2) Fix for Bug 3116 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DKernelEventHandler::Dispatch(TKernelEvent, void *, void *) in linking _template_ekern.exe
?CreateLogicalDevice@@YAPAVDLogicalDevice@@XZ @ 1 NONAME
?StaticExtension@TDmaChannel@@QAEHHPAX@Z @ 2 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TDmaChannel::StaticExtension(int,void *)
?CancelAll@TDmaChannel@@QAEXXZ @ 3 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall TDmaChannel::CancelAll(void)
?Close@TDmaChannel@@QAEXXZ @ 4 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall TDmaChannel::Close(void)
?DmaTestInfo@@YAABUTDmaTestInfo@@XZ @ 5 NONAME ; struct TDmaTestInfo const & __cdecl DmaTestInfo(void)
?ExpandDesList@DDmaRequest@@QAEHH@Z @ 6 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall DDmaRequest::ExpandDesList(int)
?Fragment@DDmaRequest@@QAEHKKHIK@Z @ 7 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall DDmaRequest::Fragment(unsigned long,unsigned long,int,unsigned int,unsigned long)
?FreeDesList@DDmaRequest@@QAEXXZ @ 8 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall DDmaRequest::FreeDesList(void)
?Open@TDmaChannel@@SAHABUSCreateInfo@1@AAPAV1@@Z @ 9 NONAME ; public: static int __cdecl TDmaChannel::Open(struct TDmaChannel::SCreateInfo const &,class TDmaChannel * &)
?Queue@DDmaRequest@@QAEXXZ @ 10 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall DDmaRequest::Queue(void)
??1DDmaRequest@@UAE@XZ @ 11 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall DDmaRequest::~DDmaRequest(void)
??0DDmaRequest@@QAE@AAVTDmaChannel@@P6AXW4TResult@0@PAX@Z2H@Z @ 12 NONAME ; public: __thiscall DDmaRequest::DDmaRequest(class TDmaChannel &,void (__cdecl*)(enum DDmaRequest::TResult,void *),void *,int)