1) Fix for Bug 3115 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DBTraceFilter2::Check(unsigned long) in linking _template_ekern.exe
2) Fix for Bug 3116 - [GCCE] Undefined reference to DKernelEventHandler::Dispatch(TKernelEvent, void *, void *) in linking _template_ekern.exe
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\math\t_roundtrip.cpp
// Tests round-trip convertibility of double->string->double
#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
//#define __ALWAYS_PRINT__
RTest test(_L("T_ROUNDTRIP"));
void PrintRealHex(const char* aTitle, const TReal& aIn)
volatile TUint32* in = (volatile TUint32*)&aIn;
TUint32 high = in[0];
TUint32 low = in[1];
TUint32 high = in[1];
TUint32 low = in[0];
TBuf<256> title;
if (aTitle)
title.Copy(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)aTitle));
test.Printf(_L("%S%08x %08x\n"), &title, high, low);
TInt RoundTrip(TReal& aOut, const TReal& aIn)
TBuf8<64> text;
TRealFormat fmt;
fmt.iType = KRealFormatExponent | KRealInjectiveLimit | KUseSigFigs | KDoNotUseTriads | KAllowThreeDigitExp;
fmt.iWidth = 32;
fmt.iPlaces = KIEEEDoubleInjectivePrecision;
fmt.iPoint = '.';
#ifdef __ALWAYS_PRINT__
PrintRealHex("Input : ", aIn);
TInt r = text.Num(aIn, fmt);
if (r<0)
test.Printf(_L("Result %d (Num)\n"), r);
return r;
#ifdef __ALWAYS_PRINT__
TBuf16<64> text16;
test.Printf(_L("Text : %S\n"), &text16);
TLex8 lex(text);
r = lex.Val(aOut);
if (r < 0)
test.Printf(_L("Result %d (Val)\n"), r);
return r;
#ifdef __ALWAYS_PRINT__
PrintRealHex("Output: ", aOut);
volatile TUint32* in = (volatile TUint32*)&aIn;
volatile TUint32* out = (volatile TUint32*)&aOut;
if (in[0]!=out[0] || in[1]!=out[1])
#ifndef __ALWAYS_PRINT__
PrintRealHex("Input : ", aIn);
TBuf16<64> text16;
test.Printf(_L("Text : %S\n"), &text16);
PrintRealHex("Output: ", aOut);
return KErrUnknown;
return KErrNone;
const TUint64 KMantissaOverflow = UI64LIT(0x20000000000000); // 2^53
const TUint64 KMantissaThreshold = UI64LIT(0x10000000000000); // 2^52
class R
enum {EMinExp=0, EMinNormExp=1, EMaxNormExp=2046, EMaxExp=2047};
R(const TReal& aIn);
TReal Value() const;
TInt Next();
TInt Prev();
TUint64 iMant; // if iExp>0 2^52<=iMant<2^53 else 0<=iMant<2^52
TInt iExp; // 0 < iExp < 2047
TInt iSign;
iMant = 0;
iExp = 0;
iSign = 0;
R::R(const TReal& aIn)
const volatile TUint32* in = (const volatile TUint32*)&aIn;
TUint32 high = in[0];
TUint32 low = in[1];
TUint32 high = in[1];
TUint32 low = in[0];
iSign = high >> 31;
iExp = (high >> 20) & EMaxExp;
iMant = MAKE_TUINT64(high, low);
iMant <<= 12;
iMant >>= 12;
if (iExp)
iMant += KMantissaThreshold;
TReal R::Value() const
TUint32 high = iSign ? 1 : 0;
high <<= 31;
high |= (iExp<<20);
TUint32 mh = I64HIGH(iMant);
mh <<= 12;
high |= (mh>>12);
TUint32 low = I64LOW(iMant);
union {TReal iReal; TUint32 iX[2];} result;
result.iX[0] = high;
result.iX[1] = low;
result.iX[0] = low;
result.iX[1] = high;
return result.iReal;
TInt R::Next()
if (iExp>0)
if (++iMant == KMantissaOverflow)
iMant >>= 1;
if (++iExp == EMaxExp)
return KErrOverflow;
return KErrNone;
if (++iMant == KMantissaThreshold)
iExp = 1;
return KErrNone;
TInt R::Prev()
if (iExp == EMaxExp)
if (iMant == KMantissaThreshold)
return KErrNone;
return KErrGeneral;
if (iExp>0)
if (--iMant < KMantissaThreshold)
if (--iExp)
iMant <<= 1;
return KErrNone;
if (iMant==0)
return KErrUnderflow;
return KErrNone;
void DoTest(R& aR, TInt& aErrorCount)
TReal out;
TInt r;
r = RoundTrip(out, aR.Value());
if (r==KErrUnknown)
R R1(aR);
R R2(aR);
if (R1.Next()==KErrNone)
r = RoundTrip(out, R1.Value());
if (r==KErrUnknown)
if (R2.Prev()==KErrNone)
r = RoundTrip(out, R2.Value());
if (r==KErrUnknown)
void DoTest(TInt aExp, TInt& aErrorCount)
R x;
x.iExp = aExp;
x.iMant = KMantissaThreshold;
if (aExp==0)
do {
x.iMant >>= 1;
DoTest(x, aErrorCount);
} while (x.iMant);
DoTest(x, aErrorCount);
void DoTestPow10(TInt aPow, TInt& aErrorCount)
TReal64 r64;
TInt r = Math::Pow10(r64, aPow);
if (r<0)
R x(r64);
DoTest(x, aErrorCount);
void DoTestRandom(TInt& aErrorCount)
static TInt64 randSeed = I64LIT(0x3333333333333333);
R x;
x.iExp = Math::Rand(randSeed) & R::EMaxExp;
x.iMant = ((TUint64)Math::Rand(randSeed) << 32) | (TUint64)Math::Rand(randSeed);
while (x.iMant > KMantissaThreshold)
x.iMant >>= 1;
x.iSign = Math::Rand(randSeed) & 0x1;
DoTest(x, aErrorCount);
TInt E32Main()
test.Start(_L("Testing conversion from double->string->double"));
TInt exp;
TInt errors = 0;
test.Next(_L("Test the conversion of powers of 2"));
for (exp = 0; exp < 2047; ++exp)
DoTest(exp, errors);
test.Next(_L("Test the conversion of powers of 10"));
for (exp = -325; exp < 325; ++exp)
DoTestPow10(exp, errors);
test.Next(_L("Test the conversion of some random numbers"));
for (exp = 0; exp < 100; ++exp)
test_Equal(0, errors);
return KErrNone;