Starting to boot the kernel. We need ecust.dll now.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// x86pc\nkern\tlsf.cpp
#include <nktest/nkutils.h>
extern "C" {
extern TLinAddr RomHeaderAddress;
extern TLinAddr SuperPageAddress;
#define BLOCK_STATUS_FREE 1u // bit set if SBlock free
#define BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL 2u // bit set if this is last physical SBlock
#define BLOCK_SIZE_MASK 0xfffffffcu
struct SBlock
TUint32 size; // bits 2-31 give size, bits 0,1 are status bits
SBlock* predecessor; // previous SBlock in physical address order
struct SFreeBlock
SBlock b;
SFreeBlock* next; // next SBlock in same bucket, circular list
SFreeBlock* prev; // previous SBlock in same bucket, circular list
struct STlsfAllocator
static STlsfAllocator* Create(TAny* aBase, TUint32 aTotalSize);
TAny* Alloc(TUint32 aSize);
void Free(TAny* aCell);
TAny* ReAlloc(TAny* aCell, TUint32 aSize);
void Init(TUint32 aTotalSize);
void InsertFree(SFreeBlock* aB);
TUint32 MapSize(TUint32 aSize, TUint32* p_sli, TInt round_up);
SFreeBlock* FindFree(TUint32 aSize);
void RemoveFree(SFreeBlock* aB);
TUint32 ConsistencyCheck();
TUint32 imin_size; // minimum SBlock size
TUint32 itotal_size; // total size of allocated and free blocks
TUint32 il2min; // log2 min size
TUint32 infl; // number of first level lists
TUint32 insl; // number of second level lists
TUint32 il2nsl;
SFreeBlock** isll; // pointer to first second level list pointer for minimum size
TUint32 iflb; // first level bitmap
SBlock* iff; // first free address
TUint32 islb[1]; // second level bitmaps, one for each first level list
// second level lists follow, nsl pointers for each first level list
STlsfAllocator* TheAllocator;
NFastMutex AllocMutex;
STlsfAllocator* STlsfAllocator::Create(void* aBase, TUint32 aTotalSize)
STlsfAllocator* p = (STlsfAllocator*)aBase;
return p;
void STlsfAllocator::Init(TUint32 total_size)
TUint32 a;
imin_size = 16;
il2min = 4;
insl = 16;
il2nsl = 4;
itotal_size = total_size;
infl = __e32_find_ms1_32(total_size) - il2min + 1;
iflb = 0;
a = (TUint32)&islb[infl];
a = (a+63)&~63;
isll = (SFreeBlock**)a;
a += insl * infl * sizeof(TUint32*);
iff = (SBlock*)a;
a -= (TUint32)this;
memset(islb, 0, total_size - sizeof(STlsfAllocator) + sizeof(TUint32));
iff->size = (total_size - a) | BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL;
iff->predecessor = 0;
// size already rounded up to multiple of min_size
TUint32 STlsfAllocator::MapSize(TUint32 size, TUint32* p_sli, TInt round_up)
TUint32 sli = size >> il2min;
TUint32 fli = __e32_find_ms1_32(sli);
sli -= (1u<<fli);
if (fli > il2nsl)
TUint32 sls = (fli - il2nsl);
TUint32 sz2 = sli;
sli >>= sls;
if (round_up && ((sli << sls) < sz2) )
if (++sli == insl)
sli=0, ++fli;
*p_sli = sli;
return fli;
SFreeBlock* STlsfAllocator::FindFree(TUint32 size)
TUint32 sli;
TUint32 fli = MapSize(size, &sli, 1);
TUint32 sli2;
TUint32 fli2;
SFreeBlock** sll;
SFreeBlock* b;
TUint32 act_sz;
if ((iflb >> fli) & 1)
if ((islb[fli]>>sli)==0)
++fli, sli=0;
sli = 0;
if (fli >= infl)
return 0;
fli2 = __e32_find_ls1_32(iflb >> fli);
if ((TInt)fli2 < 0)
return 0;
fli2 += fli;
sli2 = __e32_find_ls1_32(islb[fli2] >> sli) + sli; // must find a 1
sll = &isll[(fli2 << il2nsl) | sli2];
b = *sll;
if (b->next == b)
// list now empty
*sll = 0;
if ( (islb[fli2] &= ~(1u<<sli2)) == 0 )
iflb &= ~(1u<<fli2);
*sll = b->next;
b->next->prev = b->prev;
b->prev->next = b->next;
act_sz = b->b.size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (act_sz > size)
// free the extra
SBlock* nfb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
nfb->size = (act_sz - size) | (b->b.size & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL);
nfb->predecessor = &b->b;
if (!(b->b.size & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL))
// if this isn't final SBlock, update predecessor of following SBlock
SBlock* nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + act_sz);
nb->predecessor = nfb;
b->b.size = 0; // allocated SBlock can't be final
b->b.size &= BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL;
b->b.size |= size;
return b;
void STlsfAllocator::InsertFree(SFreeBlock* b)
TUint32 size = b->b.size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
TUint32 sli;
TUint32 fli = MapSize(size, &sli, 0);
SFreeBlock** sll = &isll[(fli << il2nsl) | sli];
if (*sll)
SFreeBlock* first = *sll;
b->next = first;
b->prev = first->prev;
first->prev->next = b;
first->prev = b;
b->next = b;
b->prev = b;
islb[fli] |= (1u<<sli);
iflb |= (1u<<fli);
*sll = b;
b->b.size |= BLOCK_STATUS_FREE;
void STlsfAllocator::RemoveFree(SFreeBlock* b)
TUint32 size = b->b.size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
TUint32 sli;
TUint32 fli = MapSize(size, &sli, 0);
SFreeBlock** sll = &isll[(fli << il2nsl) | sli];
if (b->next != b)
if (*sll == b)
*sll = b->next;
b->next->prev = b->prev;
b->prev->next = b->next;
*sll = 0;
if ( (islb[fli] &= ~(1u<<sli)) == 0)
iflb &= ~(1u<<fli);
TAny* STlsfAllocator::Alloc(TUint32 size)
SFreeBlock* b;
TUint32 msm = imin_size - 1;
size = (size + sizeof(SBlock) + msm) &~ msm;
b = FindFree(size);
if (b)
return &b->next;
return 0;
void STlsfAllocator::Free(TAny* cell)
SBlock* b = ((SBlock*)cell) - 1;
// SFreeBlock* fb = (SFreeBlock*)b;
TUint32 size;
if (!cell)
size = b->size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (!(b->size & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL))
// not last SBlock
SBlock* nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
TUint32 nbs = nb->size;
// following SBlock is free
b->size = size + (nbs &~ BLOCK_STATUS_FREE); // keeps final flag from following SBlock
size = b->size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (!(nbs & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL))
nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
nb->predecessor = b;
if (b->predecessor && b->predecessor->size & BLOCK_STATUS_FREE)
// predecessor SBlock is free
TUint32 psz = b->predecessor->size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
psz += b->size; // keeps final flag if necessary
b->predecessor->size = psz;
b = b->predecessor;
if (!(psz & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL))
// need to adjust prev pointer of following SBlock
SBlock* nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + psz);
nb->predecessor = b;
TAny* STlsfAllocator::ReAlloc(TAny* cell, TUint32 newsize)
SBlock* b;
TUint32 size;
TUint32 msm;
SBlock* nb;
TAny* newcell;
if (!cell)
return (newsize>0) ? Alloc(newsize) : 0;
if (newsize == 0)
return 0;
b = ((SBlock*)cell) - 1;
size = b->size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
msm = imin_size - 1;
newsize = (newsize + sizeof(SBlock) + msm) &~ msm;
if (newsize > size)
nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
if (nb->size & BLOCK_STATUS_FREE)
// following SBlock is free
TUint32 nbs = nb->size;
if (nbs + size >= newsize)
// we can expand in place - grab the entire free SBlock for now
// it will be split if necessary in the next section of code
b->size = size + (nbs &~ BLOCK_STATUS_FREE); // keeps final flag from following SBlock
size = b->size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
if (!(nbs & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL))
SBlock* nnb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
nnb->predecessor = b;
if (newsize == size)
return cell;
if (newsize < size)
// shrinking - split SBlock
TUint32 final = b->size & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL;
SBlock* nfb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + newsize);
nfb->size = (size - newsize) | final;
nfb->predecessor = b;
if (!final)
// if this isn't final SBlock, update predecessor of following SBlock
nb = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
nb->predecessor = nfb;
b->size = newsize; // original SBlock can't be final
Free((SBlock*)nfb + 1);
return cell;
// must move SBlock to expand
newcell = Alloc(newsize);
if (newcell)
memcpy(newcell, cell, size);
return newcell;
TUint32 STlsfAllocator::ConsistencyCheck()
TUint32 a;
TUint32 szs = 0;
TUint32 size;
TUint32 total_user_size;
TUint32 total_block_size = 0;
TUint32 block_count = 0;
TUint32 flb = 0;
TUint32 slb[32];
TUint32 sli;
TUint32 fli;
TUint32 total_free = 0;
SBlock* b = iff;
SBlock* pb = 0;
memset(slb, 0, sizeof(slb));
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(imin_size == 16);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(insl == 16);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(il2min == 4);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(il2nsl == 4);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(infl == __e32_find_ms1_32(itotal_size) - il2min + 1);
a = (TUint32)&islb[infl];
a = (a+63)&~63;
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(isll == (SFreeBlock**)a);
a += insl * infl * sizeof(TUint32*);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iff == (SBlock*)a);
total_user_size = itotal_size - (a - (TUint32)this);
do {
szs = b->size;
size = szs & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(b->predecessor == pb);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(size > 0);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(size <= total_user_size);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(size == ((size >> il2min) << il2min));
total_block_size += size;
pb = b;
b = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
} while(!(szs & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL));
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint32)b == (TUint32)this + itotal_size);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(total_block_size == total_user_size);
b = iff;
do {
szs = b->size;
size = szs & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
SFreeBlock* fb = (SFreeBlock*)b;
SFreeBlock* pfb = fb;
SFreeBlock* lh;
TUint32 lhi;
TInt lh_found = 0;
TInt c = (TInt)block_count;
TUint32 fli = __e32_find_ms1_32(size) - il2min;
TUint32 sli = (size >> il2min) - (1u << fli);
TUint32 sli2;
TUint32 fli2 = MapSize(size, &sli2, 0);
(void)sli2, (void)fli2;
if (fli > il2nsl)
sli >>= (fli - il2nsl);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(fli == fli2);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(sli == sli2);
flb |= (1u << fli);
slb[fli] |= (1u << sli);
lhi = (fli << il2nsl) | sli;
lh = isll[lhi];
do {
if (fb == lh)
lh_found = 1;
pfb = fb;
fb = fb->next;
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(fb->prev == pfb);
} while ((fb != (SFreeBlock*)b) && --c>=0);
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(fb == (SFreeBlock*)b);
total_free += size;
b = (SBlock*)((TUint32)b + size);
} while(!(szs & BLOCK_STATUS_FINAL));
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(flb == iflb);
for (fli=0; fli<infl; ++fli)
__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(slb[fli] == islb[fli]);
if (!(flb & (1u<<fli)))
for (sli=0; sli<insl; ++sli)
TUint32 lhi = (fli << il2nsl) | sli;
if (!(slb[fli] & (1u<<sli)))
return total_free;
#define __E32CMN_H__
#undef EXPORT_C
#define EXPORT_C /* */
class TVersion
TInt8 iMajor;
TInt8 iMinor;
TInt16 iBuild;
class TDesC;
#include <e32rom.h>
#include "kernboot.h"
extern "C" {
void SetupMemoryAllocator()
const SSuperPageBase& sp = *(const SSuperPageBase*)SuperPageAddress;
const TRomHeader& romHdr = *(const TRomHeader*)RomHeaderAddress;
const TRomEntry* primaryEntry = (const TRomEntry*)sp.iPrimaryEntry;
const TRomImageHeader* primaryImageHeader = (const TRomImageHeader*)primaryEntry->iAddressLin;
TLinAddr stack = romHdr.iKernDataAddress + round_to_page(romHdr.iTotalSvDataSize);
TLinAddr heapbase = stack + round_to_page(primaryImageHeader->iStackSize);
TLinAddr heapsize = sp.iInitialHeapSize;
KPrintf("Heap base %08x size %08x", heapbase, heapsize);
TheAllocator = STlsfAllocator::Create((TAny*)heapbase, heapsize);
extern TBool InitialThreadDefined;
TAny* malloc(TUint32 aSize)
// __KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,DEBUGPRINT("malloc(%d)",aSize));
if (InitialThreadDefined)
TAny* p = TheAllocator->Alloc(aSize);
if (InitialThreadDefined)
return p;
void free(TAny* aCell)
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (aCell)
SBlock* b = (SBlock*)aCell;
TUint32 size = b[-1].size & BLOCK_SIZE_MASK;
memset(aCell, 0xde, size - sizeof(SBlock));
TAny* realloc(TAny* aCell, TUint32 aSize)
TAny* p = TheAllocator->ReAlloc(aCell, aSize);
return p;