author Mike Kinghan <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 14:39:21 +0000
changeset 303 9b85206a602c
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
We need a way to pass flags to rombuilds in Raptor via extension flm interfaces, so that the CPP pass of the rom input files can be informed what toolchain we are building with and conditionally include or exclude files depending on whether the toolchain could build them.

// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// improvised boot loader mechanism


#include <e32const.h>
#include <e32const_private.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
#include "bootloader_variantconfig.h"
#include <nkern/nk_trace.h>
#include <e32twin.h>

#define FILE_ID	0x594D555D
#include "bootldr.h"

void CloseAndDeleteFile();
RFs TheFs;

// Extra stuff to determine inner compression from the ROM header
#include <e32rom.h>
extern TInt memcmp1(const TUint8* aTrg, const TUint8* aSrc, TInt aLength);

const TPtrC filePath=_L("d:\\");

#if defined(__SUPPORT_UNZIP__)
const TBool ZipIsSupported = ETrue;
const TBool ZipIsSupported = EFalse;

#if defined(__SUPPORT_FLASH_REPRO__)
const TBool FlashIsSupported = ETrue;
const TBool FlashIsSupported = EFalse;

typedef struct 
	TPtrC filename;
	TBool Zip;        // set to ETrue if this file is a ZIP file
	TBool Flash;      // set to ETrue if this file is to be written to flash
	TBool BootLoader; // set to ETrue if this file is to be flashed to the BootLoader address
	TBool Delete;     // set to ETrue if this file is to be deleted after loading into RAM

TFileTypes supportedFileTypes [] =
		// Name              Zip     Flash   BootLoader  Delete
		{_L("FLASHLDR.ZIP"), ETrue,  ETrue,  ETrue,      ETrue   },
		{_L("FLASHLDR.BIN"), EFalse, ETrue,  ETrue,      ETrue   },

		{VARIANT_ZIP,        ETrue,  EFalse, EFalse,     EFalse  },
		{VARIANT_BIN,        EFalse, EFalse, EFalse,     EFalse  },

		{_L("SYS$ROM.ZIP"),  ETrue,  EFalse, EFalse,     EFalse  },
		{_L("SYS$ROM.BIN"),  EFalse, EFalse, EFalse,     EFalse  },

        {_L("FLASHIMG.ZIP"), ETrue,  ETrue,  EFalse,     EFalse  },
		{_L("FLASHIMG.BIN"), EFalse, ETrue,  EFalse,     EFalse  },
        {_L("BOOTLDR.ZIP"),  ETrue,  ETrue,  ETrue,      EFalse  },
		{_L("BOOTLDR.BIN"),  EFalse, ETrue,  ETrue,      EFalse  },

		{_L("COREIMG.BIN"),  EFalse, EFalse, EFalse,     ETrue   },

		{_L(""),0} // Last Entry - this empty row is used in code to detect table end

GLDEF_C TBool SearchDrivesRaw()
	// Scan local drives directly (i.e. via TLocalDrv rather than RFS)
	PrintToScreen(_L("Checking local drives directly.\r\n"));
	TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
	TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();
	LocDrvChg = EFalse;
	LocDrvPos = 0;
	TInt LocalDriveNum = KErrNotFound;
	TInt r = KErrNone;
	TInt n=0;
	for ( ; n<KMaxLocalDrives && LocalDriveNum == KErrNotFound; n++)
		r = LocDrv.Connect(n, LocDrvChg);

		if(r != KErrNone)
			RDebug::Print(_L("\nDrive %d: TBusLocalDrive::Connect() failed %d"), n, r);

	    TLocalDriveCapsV5Buf capsBuf;
	    TLocalDriveCapsV5& caps = capsBuf();
		r = LocDrv.Caps(capsBuf);
		if(r != KErrNone)
			RDebug::Print(_L("\nDrive %d: TBusLocalDrive::Caps() failed %d"), n, r);
			PrintToScreen(_L("Found Drive %d OK\r\n"),n);
			RDebug::Print(_L("\nDrive %d: %S"), n, &di.iDriveName[n]);
			RDebug::Print(_L("PartitionType %X"), caps.iPartitionType);
			RDebug::Print(_L("PartitionSize %ld"), caps.iSize);
			// Check that drive is labelled as MMC or SDIO, 
			// note that this is a platform specific label...
			if ((di.iDriveName[n].MatchF(_L("MultiMediaCard0")) == KErrNone) ||
			    (di.iDriveName[n].MatchF(_L("SDIOCard0")) == KErrNone))
				if (caps.iPartitionType == KPartitionTypeROM)
					RDebug::Print(_L("- ROM Partition"));
					LocalDriveNum = n;
					FileSize = caps.iSize;
	if (LocalDriveNum == KErrNotFound)
		RDebug::Print(_L("No ROM Partitions found"));
		return EFalse;
		RDebug::Print(_L("Query ROM in drive %d"), LocalDriveNum);
	RDebug::Print(_L("Determine the compression"));
    r = GetInnerCompression(ImageDeflated, RomLoaderHeaderExists);
    if(KErrNone != r)
        PrintToScreen(_L("Unable to determine the compression!\r\n"));
    	// Put position back to start
    	LocDrvPos = 0;
	return ETrue;

TInt ReadFromLocalDrive(TUint8* aDest, TInt& aLength)
	// construct as TPtr8(TUint8 *aBuf, TInt aMaxLength);
	// .. because TBusLocalDrive.Read only understands descriptors
	TPtr8 d(aDest, aLength);
	TInt r = LocDrv.Read(LocDrvPos,aLength,d);
	if (LocDrvPos >= FileSize)
		// ROM read completely
		r = KErrEof;
	return r;

void CloseLocalDrive()

GLDEF_C TBool SearchDrives()
	// set up the list of files to look for -- this code will search through
	// all available drives until it finds one of these files in a root
	// directory

	PrintToScreen(_L("Checking local drives.\r\n"));

	// search for files
	TInt r = TheFs.Connect();
	if (r != KErrNone)
		RDebug::Print(_L("FAULT: Connecting RFs returned %d\r\n"),r);

	TFindFile finder(TheFs);

	// for each file in the list
	TInt NrChecked = 0;
	r = KErrNotFound;

	while ( (*(supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].filename.Ptr()) != 0) && (r == KErrNotFound))
		if (  (!ZipIsSupported && (supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].Zip))
		   || (!FlashIsSupported && (supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].Flash))
			//skip ZIP/FLASH file types if they aren't supported
			TPtrC thisFile = supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].filename;
			r = finder.FindByDir(thisFile, filePath);

			if (r == KErrNone)
				PrintToScreen(_L("Found %s\r\n"), thisFile.Ptr());

	// if found
	if (r == KErrNone)
		// setup some flags 
		LoadFile=--NrChecked; // predecrement since this was incremented at the end of the last loop

		const TPtrC bootFileName = finder.File();

		PrintToScreen(_L("Opening: %s\r\n"), supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].filename.Ptr());

		r = bootFile.Open(TheFs, bootFileName, EFileRead);

		if (r != KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("Bootfile failed to open - err %d.\r\n"),r);


		ImageZip         = supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].Zip;
		LoadToFlash      = supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].Flash;
		FlashBootLoader  = supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].BootLoader;
		CloseInputFunction = supportedFileTypes[NrChecked].Delete ? CloseAndDeleteFile : CloseFile;

        if( !ImageZip)
            r = GetInnerCompression(ImageDeflated, RomLoaderHeaderExists);
            if(KErrNone != r)
                PrintToScreen(_L("Unable to determine the compression!\r\n"));
            	// Move file pos back to the beginning
            	TInt pos = 0;
                r = bootFile.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);

		r = bootFile.Size(FileSize);

		if (r == KErrNone)
			PrintToScreen(_L("Opened, size: %d bytes.\r\n"), FileSize);
    			PrintToScreen(_L("ROM Image is deflated.\r\n"));    
			PrintToScreen(_L("Unable to read file size\r\n"));

		// Found image - return true
		return ETrue;

	// else NOT FOUND
	return EFalse;

TInt ReadFromFile(TUint8* aDest, TInt& aLength)
	// construct as TPtr8(TUint8 *aBuf, TInt aMaxLength);
	// .. because RFile.Read only understands descriptors
	TPtr8 d(aDest, aLength);

	TInt r = bootFile.Read(d);

	if (d.Length() < aLength) // may happen at the end of a file
		aLength = d.Length();

	if (d.Length() == 0)	// indicates end of file
		if (FileSize-aLength == ImageReadProgress)
			return KErrEof;
			// this will drop through to the error code below and will fault
			return KErrGeneral;

	return r;

void CloseFile()

void CloseAndDeleteFile()
	TFileName fileName;
	TInt r = bootFile.FullName(fileName);
	if (r != KErrNone)
		PrintToScreen(_L("CloseAndDeleteFile() RFile::FullName returned %d"), r);


	r = TheFs.Delete(fileName);
	PrintToScreen(_L("Deleted file fileName %S"), &fileName);

#define BUFFER_SIZE         (TROM_LOADER_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(TRomHeader))

TInt GetInnerCompression(TBool &aImageDeflated, TBool &aRomLoaderHeaderExists )
    TInt r = KErrNone;
    TUint8 buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    TInt   bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
    const TUint8 * romLoaderSignature1 = (const TUint8*)"EPOC";
    const TUint8 * romLoaderSignature2 = (const TUint8*)"ROM";
    r = ReadInputData((TUint8*)&buffer, bufferSize);
	if( KErrNone!=r)
		PrintToScreen(_L("Unable to read loader headers... (size:%d)\r\n"), bufferSize);
    	// Check headers
    	TRomHeader* romHeader= (TRomHeader *) &buffer;
    	aRomLoaderHeaderExists = EFalse;
    	if( !memcmp1(buffer, romLoaderSignature1, 4) && !memcmp1(&buffer[8], romLoaderSignature2, 3) )
            // We have TRomLoaderHeader skip it
            romHeader = (TRomHeader *) (&buffer[TROM_LOADER_HEADER_SIZE]);
            aRomLoaderHeaderExists = ETrue;
        if(romHeader->iCompressionType == 0 )
             RDebug::Print(_L("Image is NOT Compressed"));
             aImageDeflated = EFalse;
             FileSize = romHeader->iUncompressedSize;
             PrintToScreen(_L("ROMSIZE:%d\r\n"), romHeader->iUncompressedSize);
             RDebug::Print(_L("ROMSIZE:%d"), romHeader->iUncompressedSize);
         	if (romHeader->iPageableRomStart > 0)
         		PrintToScreen(_L("Paged ROM FOUND\r\n"));
         		RDebug::Print(_L("Paged ROM FOUND"));
         		FileSize = romHeader->iPageableRomStart;
         		RDebug::Print(_L("Unpaged ROMSIZE:%d"), romHeader->iPageableRomStart);
        else if (romHeader->iCompressionType == KUidCompressionDeflate )
            RDebug::Print(_L("Image is Compressed\r\n"));
            aImageDeflated = ETrue;
            FileSize = romHeader->iUnpagedUncompressedSize;
            RDebug::Print(_L("Compressed ROMSIZE:%d\r\n"), romHeader->iUnpagedUncompressedSize);       
            RDebug::Print(_L("Not supported compression method:0x%08x\r\n"), romHeader->iCompressionType);
            PrintToScreen(_L("Not supported compression method:0x%08x\r\n"), romHeader->iCompressionType);
            r = KErrNotSupported;
	return r;        