We need a way to pass flags to rombuilds in Raptor via extension flm interfaces, so that the CPP pass
of the rom input files can be informed what toolchain we are building with and conditionally
include or exclude files depending on whether the toolchain could build them.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# hal\halcfg.pl
# Check arguments and open files
my $nargs=scalar(@ARGV);
my $xmode=0;
if ($nargs==0) {
elsif ($nargs!=3 and $nargs!=4) {
die "Invalid number of arguments. Run with no arguments for help on usage.\n";
my $arg=0;
if ($nargs==4) {
if ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-x') {
} elsif ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-s') {
} elsif ($ARGV[$arg] eq '-h') {
} else {
die "Invalid 1st argument $ARGV[0]\n";
my $headerFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
my @hdr = &read_file_strip_comments($headerFileName);
my $inputFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
my @input = &read_file_strip_comments($inputFileName);
my $outputFileName=$ARGV[$arg++];
# Parse the header file
my $line=0;
my $state=0;
my $enumName;
my %enumValues=();
my $nextValue=0;
my $bitmask=0;
my %enumList=();
foreach (@hdr) {
next if (/^\s*\#/); # ignore preprocessor directives
next if (/^\s*\/\//); # ignore comments starting with //
next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore blank lines
if ($state==0) {
if (/^\s*class\s+HALData\s*$/) {
if (/^\s*class\s+HALData\s*{/) {
if ($state==1) {
if (/^\s*{/) {
if ($state==2) {
if (/^\s*};/) {
if (/^\s*enum\s+(\w+)(.*)/) {
if ($2=~/^\s+{/) {
} else {
if (/^\s*bitmask\s+(\w+)(.*)/) {
if ($2=~/^\s+{/) {
} else {
if ($state==4) {
if (/^\s*{/) {
if ($state==5) {
if (/^\s*(\w+)(.*)/) {
my $tag=$1;
my $val=0;
my $rest=$2;
# print "$tag\n$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^\s*,/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*\=\s*(\d\w*)\s*\,/) {
unless ($val=~/^\d*$/) {
if ($val=~/^0x(\w+)$/i) {
$val=hex $1;
} else {
undef $val;
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*$/) { # ignore last one
} else {
undef $val;
unless (defined $val) {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $headerFileName\n";
# print "$tag=$val\n";
} elsif (/^\s*};/) {
if ($bitmask) {
my %temp=%enumValues;
if ($state!=3) {
die "Unexpected end of file in $headerFileName\n";
# my @keys=keys %enumList;
# foreach(@keys) {
# print "enum $_\n\t{\n";
# my $ref=$enumList{$_};
# my @tags=keys(%$ref);
# foreach(@tags) {
# my $value=$$ref{$_};
# print "\t$_=$value\n";
# }
# print "\t};\n";
# }
# Build a list of properties for each attribute
my $attribref=$enumList{'TAttribute'};
unless ($attribref) {
die "No TAttribute enum defined\n";
my @attribs=keys %$attribref;
my %attribList;
foreach (@attribs) {
my %properties;
my $enum=$_;
$enum=~s/^E/T/; # change initial E to T
if (defined $enumList{$enum}) {
my $enumRef=$enumList{$enum};
if (defined $$enumRef{'__bitmask__'}) {
my $attpropref=$enumList{'TAttributeProperty'};
my %PropTable;
if ($xmode) {
unless ($attpropref) {
die "No TAttributeProperty enum defined\n";
my @attprops=keys(%$attpropref);
foreach (@attprops) {
if (/^E(\w+)$/) {
my $propname=lc $1;
} else {
die "Invalid attribute property $_\n";
my @PropTableKeys=keys %PropTable;
# Parse the input file
foreach (@input) {
next if (/^\s*\/\//); # ignore comments starting with //
next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore blank lines
if (/^\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $attrib=$1;
my $rest=$2;
my $propRef=$attribList{$attrib};
unless (defined $propRef) {
die "Unrecognised attribute at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# print "$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^\:\s*(.*)/) { # attribute properties follow
if (!$xmode) {
die "Line $line: Properties not permitted without -x option\n";
# print "$rest\n";
while ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $prop=lc $1;
# print "$rest\n";
my $error=matchabbrev(\$prop, \@PropTableKeys);
if ($error) {
die "$error property $prop at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
if ($rest=~/^,\s*(.*)/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^=\s*(.*)/) {
} else {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif ($rest=~/^=\s*(.*)/) {
$rest=$1 # attribute value follows
} else {
die "Invalid attribute specification at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# print "$rest\n";
if ($xmode) {
# print "$rest\n";
if ($rest=~/^((\w|:)+)/) {
} else {
die "Invalid function name $rest at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif (defined $$propRef{'bitmask'}) { # bitmask value
my $enumRef=$$propRef{'enum'};
my @keys=keys %$enumRef;
my $val=0;
while ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*(.*)/) {
my $bitmaskKey=$1;
if ($bitmaskKey eq '0' or lc($bitmaskKey) eq 'none') {
last if ($val==0);
die "Inconsistent bit mask values at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
my $error=matchabbrev(\$bitmaskKey,\@keys);
if ($error) {
die "$error bit value $bitmaskKey at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
$val |= $$enumRef{$bitmaskKey};
if ($rest=~/^\+\s*(.*)/) {
} elsif ($rest=~/^\s*$/) {
} else {
die "Syntax error at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif (defined $$propRef{'enum'} and $rest!~/^\d/) { # enum value
my $enumRef=$$propRef{'enum'};
my @keys=keys %$enumRef;
if ($rest=~/^(\w+)\s*$/) {
my $enumKey=$1;
my $error=matchabbrev(\$enumKey,\@keys);
if ($error) {
die "$error enumeration value $enumKey at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else {
die "Invalid enum value $rest at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} elsif ($rest=~/^(\-?\d\w*)\s*$/) { # numeric value (decimal or hex) with optional -ve sign
my $val=$1;
unless ($val=~/^(\-?\d)\d*$/) { # First character should be an optional -ve sign followed by only digits
if ($val=~/^(\-?)0x(\w+)$/i) { # First character should be an optional -ve sign followed by only alphanumerics
my $sign=$1;
$val=hex $2;
if ($sign eq '-') {
} else {
undef $val;
unless (defined $val) {
die "Invalid attribute value $1 at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else { # invalid
die "Invalid attribute value at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
} else {
die "Unrecognised attribute at line $line in file $inputFileName\n";
# foreach (@attribs) {
# my $propRef=$attribList{$_};
# if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
# print "Attribute $_:\n";
# my @keys=keys %$propRef;
# foreach (@keys) {
# print "\t$_=$$propRef{$_}\n";
# }
# }
# }
# Sort attributes by ordinal
my @AttribsByOrdinal;
foreach (@attribs) {
my $propRef=$attribList{$_};
my $ordinal=$$propRef{'ordinal'};
my $nAttribs=scalar(@AttribsByOrdinal);
# Generate the output file
open OUT, ">$outputFileName" or die "Cannot open output file $outputFileName\n";
# binmode OUT;
# my $i=0;
# while ($i<$nAttribs) {
# my $value=0x80000000;
# my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
# if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
# $value=$$propRef{'value'};
# }
# ++$i;
# my $b3=($value>>24)&0xff;
# my $b2=($value>>16)&0xff;
# my $b1=($value>>8)&0xff;
# my $b0=$value&0xff;
# my $b0123=chr $b0;
# $b0123.=chr $b1;
# $b0123.=chr $b2;
# $b0123.=chr $b3;
# my $writeres=syswrite OUT, $b0123, 4;
# if ($writeres != 4) {
# die "Error writing output file $outputFileName\n";
# }
# }
# exit;
my @splitName=split /(:|\\)/, $outputFileName;
my $rootName=pop @splitName;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
#print "\n$hour:$min:$sec $mday-$mon-$year wday=$wday, yday=$yday, isdst=$isdst\n\n";
print OUT "// $rootName\n";
print OUT "//\n";
print OUT "// Copyright (c) 1999-$year Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).";
print OUT "// All rights reserved.\n";
print OUT "//\n";
if ($xmode!=2) {
print OUT "//\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#include <kernel/hal_int.h>\n";
if ($xmode==0) {
print OUT <<EOF;
#ifdef __CW32__
// CodeWarrior requires EXPORT_C on the definiton here, as well as the declaration (in hal_int.h)
EXPORT_C const TInt HalInternal::InitialValue[]=
EXPORT_D const TInt HalInternal::InitialValue[]=
my $i=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $value=0;
if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
print OUT "\t$value$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
} elsif ($xmode==1) {
print OUT "\n";
my $i=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "GLREF_C TInt $imp(TInt, TInt, TBool, TAny*);\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "const TUint8 HalInternal::Properties[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $properties="";
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
if (defined $$propRef{'value'}) {
my @keys=keys(%$propRef);
foreach (@keys) {
my $pConst=$PropTable{$_};
if (defined $pConst) {
if ($properties=~/^\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$properties$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
print OUT "\n#if 0\n";
print OUT "const TInt HalInternal::Offset[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
my $memOffset=0;
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$memOffset$separator\t\t// $name\n";
} else {
print OUT "\t-1$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
print OUT "\n#endif\n";
print OUT "const TInt HalInternal::HalDataSize=$memOffset;\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "const THalImplementation HalInternal::Implementation[]=\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $separator=($i<$nAttribs)?',':'';
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if (!defined $imp or $imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
print OUT "\t$imp$separator\t\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\t};\n";
} elsif ($xmode==2) {
print OUT "\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
my $setarg=' /*aSet*/';
if (defined $$propRef{'settable'}) {
$setarg=' aSet';
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "// $name\n";
print OUT "TInt $imp(TInt /*aDeviceNumber*/, TInt /*aAttrib*/, TBool$setarg, TAny* aInOut)\n";
print OUT "\t{\n";
print OUT "\treturn KErrNone;\n";
print OUT "\t}\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\n";
} elsif ($xmode==3) {
my $hdrprot='__'.uc $rootName.'__';
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#ifndef $hdrprot\n";
print OUT "#define $hdrprot\n";
while ($i<$nAttribs) {
my $propRef=$AttribsByOrdinal[$i];
my $name=$$propRef{'name'};
my $imp=$$propRef{'value'};
if ($imp=~/^\s*0\s*$/) {
undef $imp;
if (defined $imp) {
print OUT "GLREF_C TInt $imp(TInt, TInt, TBool, TAny*);\t// $name\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#endif\n";
print OUT "\n";
sub matchabbrev($$) {
my ($inref, $lref)=@_;
my @matches=grep(/$$inref/i,@$lref);
my $nmatches=scalar(@matches);
if ($nmatches==0) {
return "Unknown";
} elsif ($nmatches>1) {
my @xmatches=grep(/^$$inref$/i,@matches);
if (scalar(@xmatches)!=1) {
return "Ambiguous";
} else {
return undef;
} else {
return undef;
sub read_file_strip_comments($) {
my ($filename) = @_;
open IN, $filename or die "Cannot read file $filename\n";
my $in;
while (<IN>) {
$in .= $_;
close IN;
# Strip comments
$in =~ s/\/\*(.*?)\*\//\n/gms;
$in =~ s/\/\/(.*?)\n/\n/gms;
return split(/(\n)/, $in);
sub usage() {
"halcfg.pl is a perl script that is used by the build system to generate the\n",
"C++ source files from the Config and Values files.\n",
"There are four modes in which the Perl script halcfg.pl can be used.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl hal_data.h values.hda values.cpp\"\n",
"takes the values.hda text file and generates a table of initial values for\n",
"items stored by the HAL.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -x hal_data.h config.hcf config.cpp\"\n",
"generates three tables:\n",
" - the properties, i.e. whether valid and/or writable, for each item\n",
" - the offset of each item within the DllGlobal block\n",
" - the function implementing each item, for derived attributes. ie. those\n",
" attributes that are not simply stored by the HAL.\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -s hal_data.h config.hcf source.cpp\"\n",
"generates a source file containing skeleton code for the implementation of the\n",
"accessor function for each derived attribute\n",
"\"perl halcfg.pl -h hal_data.h config.hcf header.h\"\n",
"generates a header file containing prototypes for the accessor functions for\n",
"each derived attribute\n",
"Note that the header file hal_data.h containing the attributes and values used\n",
"by the HAL is passed on all calls to the perl script.\n";