We need a way to pass flags to rombuilds in Raptor via extension flm interfaces, so that the CPP pass
of the rom input files can be informed what toolchain we are building with and conditionally
include or exclude files depending on whether the toolchain could build them.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\drivers\medata\ata.h
#include <partitions.h>
// ATA Register addresses (for primary)
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr16=0x000001F0;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr8=0x000001F0;
const TUint KAtaErrorRd8=0x000001F1;
const TUint KAtaFeaturesWr8=0x000001F1;
const TUint KAtaSectorCountRdWr8=0x000001F2;
const TUint KAtaSectorNoRdWr8=0x000001F3;
const TUint KAtaLba7_0RdWr8=0x000001F3;
const TUint KAtaCylinderLowRdWr8=0x000001F4;
const TUint KAtaLba15_8RdWr8=0x000001F4;
const TUint KAtaCylinderHighRdWr8=0x000001F5;
const TUint KAtaLba23_16RdWr8=0x000001F5;
const TUint KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8=0x000001F6;
const TUint KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8=0x000001F6;
const TUint KAtaStatusRd8=0x000001F7;
const TUint KAtaCommandWr8=0x000001F7;
// ATA Register addresses (for either contiguous I/O or memory mapped)
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr16=0x00000000;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr8=0x00000000;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWrWinBase16=0x00000400; // Memory mapped only
const TUint KAtaDataRdWrWinBase8=0x00000400; // Memory mapped only
const TUint KAtaErrorRd8=0x00000001;
const TUint KAtaFeaturesWr8=0x00000001;
const TUint KAtaSectorCountRdWr8=0x00000002;
const TUint KAtaSectorNoRdWr8=0x00000003;
const TUint KAtaLba7_0RdWr8=0x00000003;
const TUint KAtaCylinderLowRdWr8=0x00000004;
const TUint KAtaLba15_8RdWr8=0x00000004;
const TUint KAtaCylinderHighRdWr8=0x00000005;
const TUint KAtaLba23_16RdWr8=0x00000005;
const TUint KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8=0x00000006;
const TUint KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8=0x00000006;
const TUint KAtaStatusRd8=0x00000007;
const TUint KAtaCommandWr8=0x00000007;
// ATA Register addresses (for contiguous I/O or memory mapped)
const TUint KAtaDupEvenDataRdWr8=0x00000008;
const TUint KAtaDupOddDataRdWr8=0x00000009;
const TUint KAtaDupErrorRd8=0x0000000D;
const TUint KAtaDupFeaturesWr8=0x0000000D;
const TUint KAtaAltStatusRd8=0x0000000E;
const TUint KAtaDeviceCtlWr8=0x0000000E;
const TUint KAtaDriveAddressRd8=0x0000000F;
// ATA Register bit fields
// KAtaErrorRd8
const TUint8 KAtaErrorAmnf=0x01;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorAbort=0x04;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorIdnf=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorUnc=0x40;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorBbk=0x80;
// KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8
// KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadLba27_24=0x0F;
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadDrive1=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadLbaOn=0x40;
// KAtaStatusRd8
const TUint8 KAtaStatusErr=0x01;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusCorr=0x04;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDrq=0x08;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDsc=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDwf=0x20;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusRdy=0x40;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusBusy=0x80;
// KAtaDeviceCtlWr8
const TUint8 KAtaDeviceCtlIntDis=0x02;
const TUint8 KAtaDeviceCtlSwRes=0x04;
// ATA commands
const TUint8 KAtaCmdIdentifyDrive=0xEC;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdReadSectors=0x20;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdWriteSectors=0x30;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdSetFeatures=0xEF;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdRequestSense=0x03;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdFormatTrack=0x50;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdIdle=0xE3;
// Defines for Identify Drive Command
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultCylinders=2; // Offset in bytes
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultHeads=6;
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultSectorsPerTrack=12;
const TInt KAtaIdCapabilities=98;
const TUint16 KAtaIdCapLbaSupported=0x0200;
const TInt KAtaIdTranslationParams=106;
const TUint16 KAtaIdTrParamsValid=0x0001;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentCylinders=108;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentHeads=110;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentSectorsPerTrack=112;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentTotalSectors=114;
const TInt KAtaIdTotalSectorsInLba=120;
// Drive parameters
class TDriveParameters
TInt iCylinders;
TInt iHeads;
TInt iSectorsPerTrack;
TInt iSectorsPerCylinder;
TBool iSupportsLba;
TInt iTotalSectorsInLba;
const TInt KAtaSectorSize=512;
const TInt KAtaSectorSizeMinusOne=(KAtaSectorSize-1);
const TInt KAtaSectorShift=9;
const TUint KAtaSectorMask=0xFFFFFE00;
const TInt KMaxSectorsPerCmd=256; // Maximum sectors that can be transfered in single command
enum TAtaDriveSelect