author William Roberts <>
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:20:39 +0000
changeset 78 9bd66cf1e0e0
parent 0 a41df078684a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Supply prebuilt runtimes for RVCT 2.2, RVCT 3.1 and RVCT 4.0, unzipping the ones which aren't built with the current compiler (fixes Bug 2283)

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "ARM EABI LICENCE.txt"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// in kernel/eka/compsupp.
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

// This file is part of dfprvct-thunk.dll.

extern "C"
IMPORT_C double __aeabi_l2d(long long);
IMPORT_C double __aeabi_ul2d(unsigned long long);
IMPORT_C long long __aeabi_d2lz(double);
IMPORT_C unsigned long long __aeabi_d2ulz(double);
IMPORT_C float __aeabi_l2f(long long);
IMPORT_C float __aeabi_ul2f(unsigned long long);
IMPORT_C long long __aeabi_f2lz(float);
IMPORT_C unsigned long long __aeabi_f2ulz(float);

EXPORT_C double _ll_sto_d(long long val)
	return __aeabi_l2d(val);

EXPORT_C double _ll_usto_d(unsigned long long val)
	return __aeabi_ul2d(val);

EXPORT_C long long _ll_sfrom_d(double val)
	return __aeabi_d2lz(val);

EXPORT_C unsigned long long _ll_usfrom_d(double val)
	return __aeabi_d2ulz(val);

EXPORT_C float _ll_sto_f(long long val)
	return __aeabi_l2d(val);

EXPORT_C float _ll_usto_f(unsigned long long val)
	return __aeabi_ul2d(val);

EXPORT_C long long _ll_sfrom_f(float val)
	return __aeabi_d2lz(val);

EXPORT_C unsigned long long _ll_usfrom_f(float val)
	return __aeabi_d2ulz(val);

} // extern "C"