Working on AO support.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Tests the functionality of the run mode debug device driver.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32base_private.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32ldr.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32cmn_private.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include "t_rmdebug_dll.h"
#include <rm_debug_api.h>
#include "d_rmdebugthread2.h"
#include "t_rmdebug2.h"
#include "t_rmdebug_app.h"
#ifdef __MARM_ARMV4__
#include "d_rmdebug_step_test_armv4.h"
#ifdef __MARM_ARMV5__
#include "d_rmdebug_step_test.h"
#include "d_demand_paging.h"
#error "Cannot define both KERNEL_OOM_TESTING and USER_OOM_TESTING"
_LIT8(KCrashDummyData, "This is a sample write");
using namespace Debug;
const TVersion securityServerVersion(0,1,1);
const TVersion testVersion(2,1,0);
IMPORT_C TInt StartDebugThread(RThread& aServerThread, const TDesC& aDebugThreadName);
IMPORT_D extern TInt TestData;
IMPORT_D extern TTestFunction FunctionChooser;
IMPORT_C TInt TestFunction();
IMPORT_C void TestPagedCode();
IMPORT_C extern TInt RMDebugDemandPagingTest();
// Device driver name
LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_RMDEBUG2"));
LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_RMDEBUG2_OEM"));
LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_RMDEBUG2_OEM2"));
// CRunModeAgent constructor
RProcess thisProcess;
iFileName = thisProcess.FileName();
CRunModeAgent* CRunModeAgent::NewL()
// CRunModeAgent::NewL
CRunModeAgent* self = new(ELeave) CRunModeAgent();
return self;
// CRunModeAgent destructor
void CRunModeAgent::ConstructL()
// CRunModeAgent::ConstructL
// nothing to do here
void CRunModeAgent::SetupAndAttachToDSS()
// CRunModeAgent::SetupAndAttachToDSS
TInt err = StartDebugThread(iDebugThread, KDebugThreadName);
// get the thread id for use in the tests
iThreadID = iDebugThread.Id();
if (err != KErrNone)
User::Panic(_L("Can't start debug thread"), err);
err = iServSession.Connect(securityServerVersion);
if (err != KErrNone)
User::Panic(_L("Can't open server session"), err);
CRunModeAgent *RunModeAgent;
// helper function to check whether the listing of type aListId is supported for a scope of aListScope
TBool CRunModeAgent::ListingSupported(const TListId aListId, const TListScope aListScope)
TTag tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderList, aListId);
return (tag.iValue) & aListScope;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0426
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the list of XIP libraries
//! @SYMTestActions The XIP library list should be successfully obtained
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults The specified ldd file should be present in the obtained listing
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetXipLibrariesList()
test(ListingSupported(EXipLibraries, EScopeGlobal));
test(!ListingSupported(EXipLibraries, EScopeProcessSpecific));
test(!ListingSupported(EXipLibraries, EScopeThreadSpecific));
//allocate a very small buffer so the GetList call initially fails
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1));
TUint32 size = 0;
//get the list data
DoGetList(EXipLibraries, EScopeGlobal, buffer, size);
//search the buffer for entry corresponding to the debug kernel driver
//which should be in the rom
_LIT(KRmDebugLddName, "z:\\sys\\bin\\rm_debug.ldd");
//iterate through the buffer and set found to ETrue if we find the driver
TBool found = EFalse;
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TXipLibraryListEntry& xipLibrary = *(TXipLibraryListEntry*)ptr;
//get the name of the library
TPtr name(&xipLibrary.iName[0], xipLibrary.iNameLength, xipLibrary.iNameLength);
if(name.CompareF(KRmDebugLddName()) == 0)
//found the library but continue reading the rest of the buffer to
//check nothing bad happens towards the end
found = ETrue;
//move pointer on to next library
ptr += Align4(xipLibrary.GetSize());
//do cleanup
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0427
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the list of executables
//! @SYMTestActions The list of debuggable executable files should be obtained
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults The client exe should appear in the list
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetExecutablesList()
test(ListingSupported(EExecutables, EScopeGlobal));
test(!ListingSupported(EExecutables, EScopeProcessSpecific));
test(!ListingSupported(EExecutables, EScopeThreadSpecific));
//allocate a very small buffer so the GetList call initially fails
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1));
TUint32 size = 0;
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//get the list data
DoGetList(EExecutables, EScopeGlobal, buffer, size);
//get this process' name
RProcess thisProcess;
TFileName thisProcessName = thisProcess.FileName();
//look through the buffer and check if the target debug thread is there
TBool found = EFalse;
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TExecutablesListEntry& entry = *(TExecutablesListEntry*)ptr;
//get name
TPtr name(&entry.iName[0], entry.iNameLength, entry.iNameLength);
if( (entry.iIsActivelyDebugged != 0) && (0 == thisProcessName.CompareF(name)) )
//found this process and asserted it is being actively debugged
found = ETrue;
//move pointer on to next entry
ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
//clean up
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0428
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test error conditions for the GetList calls
//! @SYMTestActions Multiple calls to test calling GetList with bad arguments
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should fail with the appropriate error codes
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetListInvalidData()
//allocate a buffer, the size should not matter as expecting all calls to fail
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1));
TUint32 size = 0;
//test what happens if we ask for an unsupported list type globally
test(KErrNotSupported == iServSession.GetList((TListId)1234, buffer, size));
//test what happens if we ask for an unsupported list type
test(KErrNotSupported == iServSession.GetList(RThread().Id(), (TListId)1234, buffer, size));
//test what happens if we try to get a non-global libraries list
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList(RThread().Id(), EXipLibraries, buffer, size));
//test what happens if we try to get a non-global executables list
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList(RThread().Id(), EExecutables, buffer, size));
//test what happens if we try to get a non-global process list
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList(RThread().Id(), EProcesses, buffer, size));
//check that using a process id fails
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList(RProcess().Id(), EProcesses, buffer, size));
//check that specifying a non-existant thread id fails
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList((TThreadId)0x12345678, EThreads, buffer, size));
//check that specifying a non-existant process id fails
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList((TProcessId)0x12345678, EThreads, buffer, size));
//check that specifying a non-existant thread id fails
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList((TThreadId)0x12345678, ECodeSegs, buffer, size));
//check that specifying a non-existant process id fails
test(KErrArgument == iServSession.GetList((TProcessId)0x12345678, ECodeSegs, buffer, size));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0429
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the process list
//! @SYMTestActions Get the process listing
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults The process listing should be successfully obtained and the current process should be present in the list
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetProcessList()
test(ListingSupported(EProcesses, EScopeGlobal));
test(!ListingSupported(EProcesses, EScopeProcessSpecific));
test(!ListingSupported(EProcesses, EScopeThreadSpecific));
//allocate a very small buffer so the GetList call fails
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1));
TUint32 size = 0;
//get the list data
DoGetList(EProcesses, EScopeGlobal, buffer, size);
//initialise data about the target debug thread to compare the kernel's data against
RProcess thisProcess;
TFileName thisProcessName = thisProcess.FileName();
TUint32 processId = thisProcess.Id().Id();
//look through the buffer and check if the target debug thread is there
TBool found = EFalse;
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TProcessListEntry& entry = *(TProcessListEntry*)ptr;
if( (RProcess().Id().Id() == entry.iProcessId) &&
(0 == thisProcessName.CompareF(TPtr(&(entry.iNames[0]), entry.iFileNameLength, entry.iFileNameLength))) &&
(0 == thisProcess.FullName().CompareF(TPtr(&(entry.iNames[0]) + entry.iFileNameLength, entry.iDynamicNameLength, entry.iDynamicNameLength))) &&
0x4321bbbb /* Magic */ == entry.iUid3)
//if all match then we've found it
found = ETrue;
ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
//check whether the expected result happened
//clean up
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0430
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the thread list
//! @SYMTestActions Get the thread listing globally and for a specified thread or process
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults The thread listings should all be successfully obtained and the current thread should be present in all listings
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetThreadList()
test(ListingSupported(EThreads, EScopeGlobal));
test(ListingSupported(EThreads, EScopeProcessSpecific));
test(ListingSupported(EThreads, EScopeThreadSpecific));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
//test getting the global list, ETrue as should find the target debug thread
DoTestGetThreadList(ETrue, EScopeGlobal);
//test getting this thread's thread list, ETrue as should find the target debug thread
DoTestGetThreadList(ETrue, EScopeThreadSpecific, RThread().Id().Id());
//test getting this process's thread list, ETrue as should find the target debug thread
DoTestGetThreadList(ETrue, EScopeProcessSpecific, RProcess().Id().Id());
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestGetThreadList(const TBool aShouldPass, const TListScope aListScope, const TUint64 aTargetId)
//create data to pass
RBuf8 buffer;
TUint32 size = 0;
//perform the call to get the Code segs
DoGetList(EThreads, aListScope, buffer, size, aTargetId);
//initialise data about the target debug thread to compare the kernel's data against
TFileName name = iDebugThread.FullName();
RProcess thisProcess;
TUint64 processId = thisProcess.Id();
TUint64 threadId = iDebugThread.Id();
//look through the buffer and check if the target debug thread is there
TBool found = EFalse;
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TThreadListEntry* entry = (TThreadListEntry*)ptr;
TPtr entryName(&(entry->iName[0]), entry->iNameLength, entry->iNameLength);
if( (threadId == entry->iThreadId) && (processId == entry->iProcessId) && (0 == name.CompareF(entryName)) )
//if all match then we've found it
found = ETrue;
ptr += Align4(entry->GetSize());
//check whether the expected result happened
test(found == aShouldPass);
//clean up
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0431
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the code segment list
//! @SYMTestActions Get the code segment list global and for a specified thread
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults The listings should be returned successfully
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestGetCodeSegsList()
test(ListingSupported(ECodeSegs, EScopeGlobal));
test(ListingSupported(ECodeSegs, EScopeProcessSpecific));
test(ListingSupported(ECodeSegs, EScopeThreadSpecific));
// Cannot perform this test with OEM2 debug token, as the t_rmdebug2 app
// needs AllFiles, and the OEM2 debug token does not authorise this.
// It seems reasonable to suppose that it would work anyway
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//test getting the global list, ETrue as should find this process' main codeSeg
DoTestGetCodeSegsList(ETrue, EScopeGlobal);
//test getting this process' codeSegs, ETrue as should find this process' main codeSeg
DoTestGetCodeSegsList(ETrue, EScopeProcessSpecific, RProcess().Id().Id());
//test getting this thread's codeSegs, ETrue as should find this process' main codeSeg
DoTestGetCodeSegsList(ETrue, EScopeThreadSpecific, RThread().Id().Id());
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestGetCodeSegsList(const TBool aShouldPass, const TListScope aListScope, const TUint64 aTargetId)
//create data to pass
RBuf8 buffer;
TUint32 size = 0;
//perform the call to get the Code segs
DoGetList(ECodeSegs, aListScope, buffer, size, aTargetId);
//create memoryInfo to contain info about this process
RProcess thisProcess;
TModuleMemoryInfo memoryInfo;
test(KErrNone == thisProcess.GetMemoryInfo(memoryInfo));
// check whether this process came from a file in ROM so we know whether to
// expect the code seg to be XIP or not.
RFs fs;
test(KErrNone == fs.Connect());
TBool thisFileIsInRom = EFalse;
thisFileIsInRom = ETrue;
//look through the buffer to find this process' main code seg
TBool found = EFalse;
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TCodeSegListEntry* codeSeg = (TCodeSegListEntry*)ptr;
if( (codeSeg->iIsXip == thisFileIsInRom) && (0 == iFileName.CompareF(TPtr(&(codeSeg->iName[0]), codeSeg->iNameLength, codeSeg->iNameLength))) )
if( (memoryInfo.iCodeBase == codeSeg->iCodeBase) &&
(memoryInfo.iCodeSize == codeSeg->iCodeSize) &&
(memoryInfo.iConstDataSize == codeSeg->iConstDataSize) &&
(memoryInfo.iInitialisedDataBase == codeSeg->iInitialisedDataBase) &&
(memoryInfo.iInitialisedDataSize == codeSeg->iInitialisedDataSize) &&
(memoryInfo.iUninitialisedDataSize == codeSeg->iUninitialisedDataSize))
//all matched so means we've found the codeSeg we're looking for
found = ETrue;
ptr += Align4(codeSeg->GetSize());
//check whether the result was as expected
test(found == aShouldPass);
// only care about rm_debug.ldd if we have global scope (belongs to the system not this process)
if (aListScope == EScopeGlobal)
// Search for rm_debug.ldd library and check its UID3 is correct
found = EFalse;
TFileName rmdebugFilename(KRMDebugDriverFileName);
// reset the Ptr
ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
ptrEnd = ptr+size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TCodeSegListEntry* codeSeg = (TCodeSegListEntry*)ptr;
if( rmdebugFilename.CompareF(TPtr(&(codeSeg->iName[0]), codeSeg->iNameLength, codeSeg->iNameLength)))
if(codeSeg->iUid3 == 0x101f7157 /* Magic */)
//all matched so means we've found the codeSeg we're looking for
found = ETrue;
ptr += Align4(codeSeg->GetSize());
test((TUint32)found == (TUint32)ETrue);
//clean up
void CRunModeAgent::DoGetList(const TListId aListId, const TListScope aListScope, RBuf8& aBuffer, TUint32& aSize, const TUint64 aTargetId)
//close the buffer in case there's stuff allocated in it
//initialise it to be one byte big, which will guarantee data won't fit in it
test(KErrNone == aBuffer.Create(1));
aSize = 0;
//should pass this test (assuming we've passed in sensible arguments above...)
if(EScopeGlobal == aListScope)
test(KErrTooBig == iServSession.GetList(aListId, aBuffer, aSize));
else if(EScopeThreadSpecific == aListScope)
test(KErrTooBig == iServSession.GetList((TThreadId)aTargetId, aListId, aBuffer, aSize));
else if(EScopeProcessSpecific == aListScope)
test(KErrTooBig == iServSession.GetList((TProcessId)aTargetId, aListId, aBuffer, aSize));
// unknown list scope
//keep allocating larger buffers, beginning with the aSize returned by the above call,
//and hopefully we'll eventually make a large enough one
test(KErrNone == aBuffer.ReAlloc(aSize));
TInt err = KErrNone;
if(EScopeGlobal == aListScope)
err = iServSession.GetList(aListId, aBuffer, aSize);
else if(EScopeThreadSpecific == aListScope)
err = iServSession.GetList((TThreadId)aTargetId, aListId, aBuffer, aSize);
else if(EScopeProcessSpecific == aListScope)
err = iServSession.GetList((TProcessId)aTargetId, aListId, aBuffer, aSize);
// unknown list scope
if(err == KErrTooBig)
//wasn't big enough so double it
aSize = aSize << 1;
err = aBuffer.ReAlloc(aSize);
if(err != KErrNone)
//print out a message if couldn't allocate memory and quit
test.Printf(_L("Out ot memory when attempting to allocate %d bytes."), aSize);
test(KErrNone == err);
//fairly arbitrary test, we don't have a max size for these calls.
//In reality a list would have to have many thousands of elements
//to break this test which shouldn't really happen
test(aSize <= 0x4000);
test(KErrNone == err);
test(aBuffer.Length() == aSize);
//break out of the loop if the list has been successfully read in
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0432
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test reading and writing memory
//! @SYMTestActions Multiple calls to read and write memory, with various sizes and at various locations.
//! Also test that bad input values cause appropriate errors to be returned.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the target process should be left unaffected
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestMemoryAccess()
TInt err;
test.Next(_L("TestMemoryAccess - Read Memory\n"));
//initialise buffer
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&gMemoryAccessBytes[0]);
//create size for buffer that is rounded up to nearest 4 bytes if not
//already 4 byte aligned
TUint32 size = dataSize;
if(size % 4 != 0)
size += (4 - (size % 4));
RBuf8 dataBlock;
err = dataBlock.Create(size);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//suspend the thread prior to memory operations
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
for (TInt i=0; i<dataSize; i++)
test(dataBlock.Ptr()[i] == gMemoryAccessBytes[i]);
test.Next(_L("TestMemoryAccess - Write Memory\n"));
// Now reset the buffer
for (TInt i=0; i<dataSize; i++)
gMemoryAccessBytes[i] = 0;
// Write our data into the buffer
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
for (TInt i=0; i<dataSize; i++)
test(dataBlock.Ptr()[i] == gMemoryAccessBytes[i]);
//final test that everything's not been going wrong
test(gMemoryAccessBytes[5] != 0);
test.Next(_L("TestMemoryAccess - Invalid arguments\n"));
test.Printf(_L("This test may emit crash-like information. This is intended.\n"));
//test address that is not 32 bit aligned
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address + 1, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//test size that is not multiple of 4 bytes
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, size + 2, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//test size > max block size
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, (1<<15), dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//test access size == 2 bytes
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess16, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
//test access size == 1 byte
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess8, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
//test endianess == EEndBE8
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndBE8);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
//test endianess == EEndBE32
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndBE32);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
//test reading off end of memory
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, 0xffffff00, 0x00000101, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//The following three tests check that edge conditions in the range check are handled correctly.
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, 0xffffff00, 0x000000FF, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, 0xffffff00, 0x000000F0, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrBadDescriptor);
//Third range check test. Check that range check is handled correctly even when base + size wraps to 0.
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, 0xffffff00, 0x00000100, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrBadDescriptor);
//end of range check tests
//test size == 0
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, 0, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//attempt to write to address outside of process data segments,
//this address corresponds to the vectors so shouldn't be able to write
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, 0xffff0000, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test(err == KErrBadDescriptor);
//attempt to read and write to address in process code segment
//open a handle to the thread
RThread debugThread;
test(debugThread.Open(iThreadID) == KErrNone);
//get a reference to the debug process
RProcess debugProcess;
test(debugThread.Process(debugProcess) == KErrNone);
//get the memory info for the process
TProcessMemoryInfo info;
test(debugProcess.GetMemoryInfo(info) == KErrNone);
address = info.iCodeBase;
if(size <= info.iCodeSize)
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8));
test(KErrBadDescriptor == iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, address, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8));
// Some performance tests now
TUint32 bytesRead = 0;
// Allocate a data buffer
TUint32* p = (TUint32*)User::Alloc(size);
test(p != 0);
TInt nanokernel_tick_period;
HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, nanokernel_tick_period);
test (nanokernel_tick_period != 0);
static const TInt KOneMillion = 1000000;
TInt nkTicksPerSecond = KOneMillion/nanokernel_tick_period;
TUint32 stopTickCount = User::NTickCount() + nkTicksPerSecond;
while (User::NTickCount() < stopTickCount)
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, (TUint32)p, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
// Increase the count of bytes read
bytesRead += size;
test(bytesRead != 0);
iMemoryReadKbytesPerSecond = bytesRead/1024;
// write memory test
TUint32 bytesWritten = 0;
stopTickCount = User::NTickCount() + nkTicksPerSecond;
while (User::NTickCount() < stopTickCount)
err = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, (TUint32)p, size, dataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
// Increase the count of bytes read
bytesWritten += size;
test (bytesWritten != 0);
iMemoryWriteKbytesPerSecond = bytesWritten/1024;
//resume the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0433
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test suspending and resuming threads
//! @SYMTestActions Multiple calls to suspend and resume threads with and without attaching to the thread
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the target process should be left unaffected
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestSuspendResume()
TInt err;
test.Next(_L("TestSuspendResume - Suspend\n"));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
// Suspend the thread
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID);
TInt localtestdata;
localtestdata = TestData;
// Wait 3 seconds (suspends this thread) and hopefully resumes the
// thread we are controlling via the iServSession.SuspendThread request
// Now check data hasnt changed
// Resume the thread
test.Next(_L("TestSuspendResume - Resume\n"));
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
// Wait 3 seconds (suspends this thread) and hopefully resumes the
// thread we are controlling via the iServSession.SuspendThread request
// Now check that the thread being controlled has resumed and is
// updating the variable
// check that agent can resume thread which it previously detached from
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
// check that agent cannot suspend thread which it previously suspended and then detached from
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0434
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test getting the debug functionality from the driver
//! @SYMTestActions Get the size and contents of the debug functionality block
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the expected data should appear in the functionality block
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestDebugFunctionality()
TInt err;
test.Next(_L("TestDebugFunctionality - GetDebugFunctionalityBufSize\n"));
TUint32 bufsize = 0; // Safe default size
// Get functionality block size
err = iServSession.GetDebugFunctionalityBufSize(&bufsize);
test.Next(_L("TestDebugFunctionality - GetDebugFunctionality\n"));
// Ensure we have a finite buffer size
// Allocate space for the functionality data
HBufC8* dftext = HBufC8::NewLC(bufsize);
// create an empty TPtr8 refering to dftext
TPtr8 dftextPtr(dftext->Des());
// Get the functionality block
err = iServSession.GetDebugFunctionality(dftextPtr);
// Check that the first entry is correct
TTagHeader RefHdr =
// First header passed from rm_debug.ldd
TTagHeader* TestHdr = (TTagHeader*)dftextPtr.Ptr();
// Check
// this test might fail if the agent is used with a Debug Security Server different from
// the one it was compiled against. So removing it for now.
// read a value from the data to check it has come through as expected
TTagHeader* header = GetTagHdr(dftext->Des(), ETagHeaderIdApiConstants);
test(header != NULL);
TTag* tag = GetTag(header, EApiConstantsTEventInfoSize);
test(tag != NULL);
// this test might fail if the agent is used with a Debug Security Server different from
// the one it was compiled against. So removing it for now.
//test(sizeof(TEventInfo) == tag->iValue);
// Remove our temporary buffer
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0435
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test setting and clearing consecutive breakpoints
//! @SYMTestActions Set and clear consecutive breakpoints of all combinations of breakpoint types
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All breakpoints should be set and cleared without error
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestConsecutiveBreakPoints()
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
// just a temporary structure for storing info about a breakpoint
struct TBreakPoint
TBreakId iId;
TArchitectureMode iMode;
TUint32 iAddress;
inline TInt Size() { return (EArmMode == iMode) ? 4 : 2; }
//an address in the target debug thread
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&TestFunction);
// there are six orders in which three breakpoints can be set, these are looped
// through below to check setting and clearing consecutive breakpoints works
TUint8 order[6][3] =
// The following code checks that setting and clearing consecutive breakpoints works correctly:
// It checks that setting all combinations of three arm and thumb breakpoints succeeds, and check that the
// breakpoints can be set in any order, and then cleared in any order
// the 3 least significant bits of i control whether each of the three breakpoints should be arm or thumb
for(TInt i=0; i<8; i++)
// controls the order in which the breakpoints should be set
for(TInt j=0; j<6; j++)
// create the three breakpoints and set their modes
TBreakPoint bp[3];
bp[0].iMode = (i&1) ? EArmMode : EThumbMode;
bp[1].iMode = (i&2) ? EArmMode : EThumbMode;
bp[2].iMode = (i&4) ? EArmMode : EThumbMode;
// set the address of each of the breakpoints
bp[0].iAddress = address;
if(EArmMode == bp[0].iMode)
{ // if an arm breakpoint then must be on a four byte boundary
bp[0].iAddress = Align4(bp[0].iAddress);
bp[1].iAddress = bp[0].iAddress + bp[0].Size();
if(EArmMode == bp[1].iMode)
{ // if an arm breakpoint then must be on a four byte boundary
bp[1].iAddress = Align4(bp[1].iAddress);
bp[2].iAddress = bp[1].iAddress + bp[1].Size();
if(EArmMode == bp[2].iMode)
{ // if an arm breakpoint then must be on a four byte boundary
bp[2].iAddress = Align4(bp[2].iAddress);
for(TInt k=0; k<6; k++)
// set the three breakpoints in the order defined by j and then clear them in the order defined by k
test(KErrNone==iServSession.SetBreak(bp[order[j][0]].iId, iThreadID, bp[order[j][0]].iAddress, bp[order[j][0]].iMode));
test(KErrNone==iServSession.SetBreak(bp[order[j][1]].iId, iThreadID, bp[order[j][1]].iAddress, bp[order[j][1]].iMode));
test(KErrNone==iServSession.SetBreak(bp[order[j][2]].iId, iThreadID, bp[order[j][2]].iAddress, bp[order[j][2]].iMode));
// resume the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0436
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test breakpoint functionality
//! @SYMTestActions Multiple calls to set and clear breakpoints. Checking bad input produces appropriate errors.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the target debug thread should be left unaffected
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestBreakPoints()
TInt err;
test.Next(_L("TestBreakPoints - Set\n"));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//an address in the target debug thread
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&TestFunction);
* Ensure that breakpoint operations don't
* affect memory read/write by checking that reads/writes
* in locations containing breakpoints don't change behaviour
* because of the breakpoints.
RBuf8 originalDataBlock;
err = originalDataBlock.Create(size);
//suspend the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, originalDataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
// Test data block for comparison
RBuf8 testDataBlock;
err = testDataBlock.Create(size);
* set an arm breakpoint
TBreakId armBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Ensure that memory read is not corrupted
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, testDataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test (testDataBlock == originalDataBlock);
* set a thumb breakpoint
TBreakId thumbBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(thumbBreakId, iThreadID, address+4, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
* set a thumb2EE breakpoint
TBreakId thumb2EEBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(thumb2EEBreakId, iThreadID, address+8, EThumb2EEMode);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
* overlapping breakpoint (same address/threadId/mode)
TBreakId overlapBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(overlapBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrAlreadyExists);
* overlapping breakpoint (different address/same threadId/different mode)
* address - EArmBreakpoint
* address+2 - EThumbBreakpoint
TBreakId overlap2BreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(overlap2BreakId, iThreadID, address+2, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrAlreadyExists);
* Un-aligned address (arm)
TBreakId armUnalignedBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(armUnalignedBreakId, iThreadID, address+6, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrArgument);
* Un-aligned address (thumb)
TBreakId thumbUnalignedBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(thumbUnalignedBreakId, iThreadID, address+7, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrArgument);
* Invalid address (arm)
TBreakId armBadAddressBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(armBadAddressBreakId, iThreadID, 0 /* address */, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrBadDescriptor);
* Different thread, same address. Should fail for the same process, but succeed
* for a different process.
* Invalid thread
TBreakId invalidThreadBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(invalidThreadBreakId, 0xbabababa, address, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrPermissionDenied);
// Clear the ARM breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Clear the Thumb breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(thumbBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// to do : two threads at the same address
// to do : two processes at the same address
// Ensure that memory read is not corrupted after clearing the breakpoints
err = iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, size, testDataBlock, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
test (testDataBlock == originalDataBlock);
* How fast can we set breakpoints?
* Measure the time by setting/clearing breakpoints for 1 second.
TInt nanokernel_tick_period;
HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, nanokernel_tick_period);
test (nanokernel_tick_period != 0);
TInt nkTicksPerSecond = HelpTicksPerSecond();
TInt breaksPerSecond = 0;
TUint32 stopTickCount = User::NTickCount() + nkTicksPerSecond;
while (User::NTickCount() < stopTickCount)
// set the breakpoint
TBreakId armBreakId = 0;
err = iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Clear the breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Update the count of breakpoints
// Gone wrong if we wrap to negative breakpoints (cannot set 2billion/second!)
test(breaksPerSecond >0);
// Store the results for later
iBreakpointsPerSecond = breaksPerSecond;
* How many breakpoints can we set?
TBool done = EFalse;
// We assume all the breakpoints id's are issued in ascending order
TInt maxBreakPoints = 0;
// Temporary buffer
RArray<TBreakId> breakIdList;
TUint32 testAddress = address;
TBreakId breakId = 0;
// set the breakpoint
testAddress += 4; // ensure the addresses don't overlap
err = iServSession.SetBreak(breakId, iThreadID, testAddress, EArmMode);
test (err == KErrNone || err == KErrOverflow);
if (err != KErrNone)
// we've reached the limit of the number of breaks we can set
done = ETrue;
// store the id of this breakpoint
// Increase the count of breakpoints
test(maxBreakPoints > 0);
// How many breakpoints can we set?
iMaxBreakpoints = maxBreakPoints;
// now clear all those breakpoints again
while(breakIdList.Count() != 0)
// Place it into a TBreakId
TBreakId id = breakIdList[0];
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(id);
test(err == KErrNone);
// next id
// close our temporary buffers
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test (err == KErrNone);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0437
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test modifying breakpoints
//! @SYMTestActions Several calls to modify breakpoints
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Valid requests should result in the breakpoints being changed, invalid requests should return errors
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestModifyBreak()
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestModifyBreak(TBool aThreadSpecific)
test.Printf(_L("DoTestModifyBreak: aThreadSpecific: %d\n"), aThreadSpecific?1:0);
TInt err;
RProcess process;
TProcessId processId = process.Id();
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//suspend the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
//an address in the target debug thread
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&TestFunction);
//set an arm mode break point
TBreakId armBreakId = 0;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode)
: iServSession.SetProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
* Invalid thread
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, 0xbabababa, address, EArmMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, 0xbabababa, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrPermissionDenied);
* Valid address
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address+4, EArmMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address+4, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
* Invalid address
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, 0, EArmMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, 0, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrBadDescriptor);
* Thumb mode
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EThumbMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EThumbMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
* Thumb2EE mode
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EThumb2EEMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EThumb2EEMode);
test(err == KErrNotSupported);
* Arm mode
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Finally, clear the breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
//resume the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0438
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test extracting information about breakpoints
//! @SYMTestActions Several calls to get information about breakpoints
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the target process should be left unaffected
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestBreakInfo()
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestBreakInfo(TBool aThreadSpecific)
test.Printf(_L("DoTestModifyBreak: aThreadSpecific: %d\n"), aThreadSpecific?1:0);
TInt err;
RProcess process;
TProcessId processId = process.Id();
//an address in the target debug thread
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&TestFunction);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//suspend thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
//set an arm mode break point
TBreakId armBreakId = 0;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode)
: iServSession.SetProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Read back the information and check it is correct
TThreadId testThreadId = TThreadId(0);
TProcessId testProcessId = TProcessId(0);
TUint32 testAddress = 0;
TArchitectureMode testMode = EArmMode;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.BreakInfo(armBreakId,testThreadId,testAddress, testMode)
: iServSession.ProcessBreakInfo(armBreakId, testProcessId, testAddress, testMode);
test (err == KErrNone);
test (aThreadSpecific ? (testThreadId == iThreadID) : (testProcessId == processId));
test (testAddress == address);
test (testMode == EArmMode);
//change the address
TUint32 changeAddress = address + 64;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, changeAddress,EArmMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, changeAddress, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Check the address has changed
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.BreakInfo(armBreakId,testThreadId,testAddress, testMode)
: iServSession.ProcessBreakInfo(armBreakId, testProcessId, testAddress, testMode);
test (err == KErrNone);
test (testAddress == changeAddress);
// change the architecture type
TArchitectureMode checkMode = EThumbMode;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.ModifyBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address,checkMode)
: iServSession.ModifyProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, checkMode);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Check the mode has changed
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.BreakInfo(armBreakId,testThreadId,testAddress,testMode)
: iServSession.ProcessBreakInfo(armBreakId, testProcessId, testAddress, testMode);
test (err == KErrNone);
test (testMode == checkMode);
// clear the breakpoint again
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId);
test (err == KErrNone);
//resume thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
// Needed for the RunToBreak test
IMPORT_C extern void RMDebug_BranchTst1();
IMPORT_C extern void RMDebug_BranchTst2();
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0439
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test hitting various types of breakpoints
//! @SYMTestActions Several calls to register to observe breakpoints and to hit breakpoints of different types
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass and the target process should be left unaffected
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestRunToBreak()
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestRunToBreak(TBool aThreadSpecific)
test.Printf(_L("DoTestRunToBreak: aThreadSpecific: %d\n"), aThreadSpecific?1:0);
TInt err = KErrNone;
RProcess process;
TProcessId processId = process.Id();
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
// we should suspend the thread first, then set the breakpoint
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Try to set the breakpoint
TBreakId armBreakId;
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_BranchTst1);
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId,iThreadID,address,EArmMode)
: iServSession.SetProcessBreak(armBreakId, processId, address, EArmMode);
test(err == KErrNone);
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionContinue)
: iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionContinue);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Continue the thread
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test (err == KErrNone);
// wait for the breakpoint to be hit
TEventInfo info;
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the breakpoint hit event
// info should now be filled with the details
test(info.iEventType == (aThreadSpecific ? EEventsBreakPoint : EEventsProcessBreakPoint));
test(info.iThreadBreakPointInfo.iRmdArmExcInfo.iR15 == address);
// Not interested in breakpoint events any more
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionIgnore)
: iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName, EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionIgnore);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Clear the breakpoint again
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// continue the thread again
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test (err == KErrNone);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0440
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test access to target user-side registers.
//! @SYMTestActions Suspends a target thread, and reads/writes target thread register contents
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone. Should access target registers without problems.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestRegisterAccess()
TInt err;
test.Next(_L("TestRegisterAccess - Read\n"));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//suspend the thread to read registers
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID);
//we'll try to read/write registers ERegisterR0 - ERegisterCPSR and ERegisterR13_IRQ
//this way should get valid register values back, invalid ones and not supported ones, and it
//means that the register IDs are not completely contiguous
TInt firstRegister = 0;
TInt lastRegister = 17;
TInt numberOfRegisters = (lastRegister - firstRegister) + 1;
RBuf8 ids;
err = ids.Create(numberOfRegisters * sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
test(err == KErrNone);
for(TInt i=0; i<numberOfRegisters - 1; i++)
TRegisterInfo reg = (TRegisterInfo)((i + firstRegister)<<8);
ids.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(®), sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
TRegisterInfo reg = ERegisterR13Irq;
ids.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(®), sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
//create a buffer to store the register values in
RBuf8 originalValues;
err = originalValues.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
//create a buffer to store the register flags in
RBuf8 originalFlags;
err = originalFlags.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint8));
test(err == KErrNone);
//read register values
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, ids, originalValues, originalFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//create a buffer containing data to write into the registers
RBuf8 tempValues;
err = tempValues.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
TUint cpsrId = 16;
for(TUint8 i=0; i<numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint32); i++)
if(i/sizeof(TUint32) == cpsrId)
//For the CPSR we wish to write data that makes sense - for USR mode we are
//allowed change all except the mode, ie. we must stay in usr mode. We try that here
//(allowedCPSRValue[4:0] = 10000) thus not changing the mode.
TUint32 allowedCPSRValue = 0x50000010;
tempValues.Append((TUint8*)&allowedCPSRValue, 4);
i += 3;
tempValues.Append(&i, 1);
test.Next(_L("TestRegisterAccess - Write\n"));
//create a buffer to store the register flags in
RBuf8 tempWriteFlags;
err = tempWriteFlags.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint8));
test(err == KErrNone);
//write the temp data into the registers
err = iServSession.WriteRegisters(iThreadID, ids, tempValues, tempWriteFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//create another buffer to store the register flags in
RBuf8 tempReadFlags;
err = tempReadFlags.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint8));
test(err == KErrNone);
RBuf8 tempReadValues;
err = tempReadValues.Create(numberOfRegisters*sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
//read the temp data out again
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, ids, tempReadValues, tempReadFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//check values are correct
for(TInt i=0; i<numberOfRegisters; i++)
TRegisterFlag writeFlag;
err = GetFlag(tempWriteFlags, i, writeFlag);
test(err == KErrNone);
TRegisterFlag readFlag;
err = GetFlag(tempReadFlags, i, readFlag);
test(err == KErrNone);
if((writeFlag == EValid) && (readFlag == EValid))
TUint8 offset = i * sizeof(TUint32);
for(TUint j = offset; j< offset + sizeof(TUint32); j++)
test(tempValues.Ptr()[j] == tempReadValues.Ptr()[j]);
//write the original data into the registers
err = iServSession.WriteRegisters(iThreadID, ids, originalValues, originalFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//read the data out again
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, ids, tempValues, tempReadFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//check values are correct
for(TInt i=0; i<numberOfRegisters; i++)
TRegisterFlag writeFlag;
err = GetFlag(originalFlags, i, writeFlag);
test(err == KErrNone);
TRegisterFlag readFlag;
err = GetFlag(tempReadFlags, i, readFlag);
test(err == KErrNone);
if((writeFlag == EValid) && (readFlag == EValid))
TUint8 offset = i * sizeof(TUint32);
for(TUint j = offset; j< offset + sizeof(TUint32); j++)
test(tempValues.Ptr()[j] == originalValues.Ptr()[j]);
test.Next(_L("TestRegisterAccess - Invalid data\n"));
//create a buffer of max size 1
RBuf8 emptyBuffer;
//test register IDs buffer not being a multiple of sizeof(TRegisterInfo)
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, emptyBuffer, tempValues, tempReadFlags);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//test register values buffer not being a multiple of sizeof(TUint32)
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, ids, emptyBuffer, tempReadFlags);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//test flags buffer being representing different number of registers from other two
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, ids, tempValues, emptyBuffer);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//set max length to 0
//test ids buffer being of 0 max length
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, emptyBuffer, tempValues, tempReadFlags);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//do cleanup
test.Next(_L("TestRegisterAccess - Setting PC value\n"));
//create buffer containing PC register ID
RBuf8 pcId;
err = pcId.Create(sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
test(err == KErrNone);
TRegisterInfo reg1 = (TRegisterInfo)0x00000f00;
pcId.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(®1), sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
//create buffer containing desired PC value
RBuf8 pcValue;
err = pcValue.Create(sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&TestFunction);
pcValue.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&address), sizeof(TUint32));
//craete buffer for PC flag value
RBuf8 pcFlag;
err = pcFlag.Create(sizeof(TUint8));
//write the new PC value
err = iServSession.WriteRegisters(iThreadID, pcId, pcValue, pcFlag);
//get the flag and check the PC value was written ok
TRegisterFlag flag = ENotSupported;
err = GetFlag(pcFlag, 0, flag);
//if the PC value was successfully changed then resume the thread and
//the value of TestData will hopefully be changed to our specified
if(flag == EValid)
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID);
test(TestData == 0xffeeddcc);
//Make sure we cannot change the CPSR
test.Next(_L("Verifying we cannot change the CPSR mode from USR Mode"));
TUint32 disallowedCpsr = 0x50000013;
RBuf8 cpsrRegId;
err = cpsrRegId.Create(sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
TRegisterInfo cpsr = (TRegisterInfo)((cpsrId + firstRegister)<<8);
cpsrRegId.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&cpsr), sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
RBuf8 cpsrRegFlags;
err = cpsrRegFlags.Create(sizeof(TUint8));
test(err == KErrNone);
RBuf8 cpsrVal;
err = cpsrVal.Create(sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
cpsrVal.Append((TUint8*)&disallowedCpsr, 4);
//attempt to write disallowed CPSR in
err = iServSession.WriteRegisters(iThreadID, cpsrRegId, cpsrVal, cpsrRegFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
RBuf8 cpsrReadVal;
err = cpsrReadVal.Create(sizeof(TUint32));
test(err == KErrNone);
//Read back the CPSR
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(iThreadID, cpsrRegId, cpsrReadVal, cpsrRegFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
//Make sure we havent switched modes ie. its not what we wrote
TUint32* readVal = (TUint32*)cpsrReadVal.Ptr();
test(*readVal != disallowedCpsr);
//write the original values back into here
err = iServSession.WriteRegisters(iThreadID, ids, originalValues, originalFlags);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Resume the thread
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//do cleanup
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0441
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test registration/de-registration of debug interest in target exe with the Debug Security Server
//! @SYMTestActions As per description
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestAttachExecutable()
test.Next(_L("TestAttachExecutable - Attach\n"));
//attach to process passively
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, ETrue));
//make a thread id for a non-existent thread
TThreadId threadId(0x12345678);
//get a handle to the target thread
RThread targetThread;
TInt err = targetThread.Open(threadId);
test(err != KErrNone);
//not registered for this thread's process (as it doesn't exist)
//so should fail security check
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(threadId);
//try to attach to the same process (and fail)
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test.Next(_L("TestAttachExecutable - Detach\n"));
//detach from process
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//attach non-passively
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//not registered for this thread's process (as it doesn't exist)
//so should fail security check
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(0x12345678);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0442
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests single-stepping target threads.
//! @SYMTestActions Steps target thread assembly level instructions, mainly branch/change PC
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestStep()
//Dont run the test for an SMP System
if (UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSmpSupported, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestStep(TBool aThreadSpecific)
test.Printf(_L("DoTestStep: aThreadSpecific: %d\n"), aThreadSpecific?1:0);
TInt err = KErrNone;
RProcess process;
TProcessId processId = process.Id();
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//set the target thread to execute the stepping functions
test(KErrNone == SwitchTestFunction(EStepFunction));
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionContinue);
test (err == KErrNone);
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName, EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionContinue);
test (err == KErrNone);
TUint32 startAddress;
TUint32 endAddress;
* RMDebug_StepTest_Non_PC_Modifying
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Non-PC modifying\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Non_PC_Modifying);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Non_PC_Modifying_OK);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Branch
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Branch\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Branch);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Branch_1);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Branch_And_Link
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Branch_And_Link\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Branch_And_Link_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Branch_And_Link_2);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_MOV_PC
test.Next(_L("TestStep - MOV PC,X\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_MOV_PC_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_MOV_PC_2);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_LDR_PC
test.Next(_L("TestStep - LDR PC\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_LDR_PC);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_LDR_PC_1);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// thumb and interworking tests are not supported on armv4
#ifdef __MARM_ARMV5__
* RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Non_PC_Modifying
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Thumb Non PC-Modifying\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Non_PC_Modifying_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Non_PC_Modifying_2);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Thumb Branch\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch_2);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch_And_Link
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Thumb Branch_And_Link\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch_And_Link_2);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Branch_And_Link_3);
TInt muid=0;
test(HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid, muid)==KErrNone);
// check if running on ARMv7 core
if(muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapH6 || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapZoom || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_EmuBoard)
// Note: ARMv7 treats BL instructions as single 32-bit instructions
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// Note: Due to the fact that the stepper treats BL instructions
// as two instructions (as the hardware does), then we must step
// the first half instruction first)
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// Now we actually do the BL
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Back_Branch_And_Link
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Thumb Back_Branch_And_Link\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Back_Branch_And_Link_2);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_Back_Branch_And_Link_3);
// check if running on ARMv7 core
if(muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapH6 || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapZoom || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_EmuBoard)
// Note: ARMv7 treats BL instructions as single 32-bit instructions
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// Note: Due to the fact that the stepper treats BL instructions
// as two instructions (as the hardware does), then we must step
// the first half instruction first)
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// Now we actually do the BL
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_AddPC
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Thumb ADD PC, PC, R0\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_AddPC_2);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Thumb_AddPC_3);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork ARM to Thumb
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Interworking ARM to Thumb - BLX \n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork_2);
err = aThreadSpecific // nb initial breakpoint in ARM code
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,1, EFalse, processId);
* RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork Thumb to ARM
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Interworking Thumb to ARM - BLX\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork_2);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Interwork_3);
// check if running on ARMv7 core
if(muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapH6 || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_OmapZoom || muid==HAL::EMachineUid_EmuBoard)
// ARMv7 treats BLX instructions as single 32-bit instructions
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
// Stepper treats this as a two-stage instruction (just like the hardware)
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,startAddress+2,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
test(err == KErrNone);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress+2,endAddress,EThumbMode,1, EFalse, processId);
test(err == KErrNone);
#endif // __MARM_ARMV5__
* Test multiple-step of ARM code
test.Next(_L("TestStep - ARM Multiple instruction step\n"));
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_ARM_Step_Multiple);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_ARM_Step_Multiple_1);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,5)
: HelpTestStep(iThreadID,startAddress,endAddress,EArmMode,5, EFalse, processId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// stepping performance
test.Next(_L("TestStep - Steps per second\n"));
// run until we reach RMDebug_StepTest_Count_1
TBreakId stepBreakId;
startAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Count_1);
endAddress = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Count_2);
err = aThreadSpecific
? HelpTestStepSetBreak(stepBreakId,iThreadID,startAddress,EArmMode)
: HelpTestStepSetBreak(stepBreakId,iThreadID,startAddress,EArmMode,EFalse,processId);
test (err == KErrNone);
// wait until we hit the breakpoint
TEventInfo info;
err = HelpTestStepWaitForBreak(iFileName,info);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Now clear the breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(stepBreakId);
test(err == KErrNone);
// now step the code
TInt stepsPerSecond = 0;
TUint32 stopTickCount = User::NTickCount() + HelpTicksPerSecond();
while (User::NTickCount() < stopTickCount)
err = iServSession.Step(iThreadID,1);
test (err == KErrNone);
// we need to wait now until the step completes before asking for the next step
TEventInfo info;
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the breakpoint hit event
// Update the count of steps
stepsPerSecond += 1;
// Gone wrong if we do too many
test(stepsPerSecond < 10000);
iStepsPerSecond = stepsPerSecond;
test(iStepsPerSecond != 0);
// finally resume the thread
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
test (err == KErrNone);
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionIgnore);
test (err == KErrNone);
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName, EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionIgnore);
test (err == KErrNone);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0443
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests registration and occurrence of target thread event (in this case panic)
//! @SYMTestActions Registers for a panic in the target thread, causes it, and catches the panic notification.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestEvents()
TInt err = KErrNone;
TInt panicReason = 12345;
test.Printf(_L("Thread t_rmdebug.exe::DebugThread should panic with reason %d.\n"), panicReason);
//attach non-passively
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
RThread threadToPanic;
test(KErrNone == StartDebugThread(threadToPanic, _L("EventsThread")));
TThreadId threadToPanicId = threadToPanic.Id();
TEventInfo info;
// Set things up to wait for a thread kill event
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName, EEventsKillThread, EActionContinue);
// Wait for an event to occur in this process - nothing should have happened yet.
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Test Request cancellation
err = iServSession.CancelGetEvent(iFileName);
test (err==KErrNone);
// Again wait for an event to occur in our process - we will provoke the
// thread kill event by panic'ing the test thread.
// Panic the debug thread to cause a thread kill event
threadToPanic.Panic(_L("t_rmdebug panic thread test"), panicReason);
// Wait for notification of the Thread Kill event
// Check we are really recieving information about the panic
// Ignore other panic events
err = iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName, EEventsKillThread, EActionIgnore);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0444
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests registration and occurence of target thread events in separate process.
//! @SYMTestActions Registers for a hardware exception and kill thread events, and receives them.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestEventsForExternalProcess()
//Dont run the test for an SMP System
if (UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSmpSupported, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
for(TInt main=0; main<3; main++)
for(TInt extra=0; extra<3; extra++)
TestEventsWithExtraThreads((TKernelEventAction)main, (TKernelEventAction)extra, 0);
TestEventsWithExtraThreads((TKernelEventAction)main, (TKernelEventAction)extra, 2);
void CRunModeAgent::TestEventsWithExtraThreads(TKernelEventAction aActionMain, TKernelEventAction aActionExtra, TUint32 aExtraThreads)
const TInt KNumberOfTypes = 8;
struct TEventStruct
TDebugFunctionType iDebugFunctionType;
TEventType iEventType;
TEventStruct type[KNumberOfTypes] =
{EStackOverflowFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EUserPanicFunction, EEventsKillThread},
{EPrefetchAbortFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EDataAbortFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EUndefInstructionFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EDataReadErrorFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EDataWriteErrorFunction, EEventsHwExc},
{EUserExceptionFunction, EEventsSwExc},
for(TInt j=0; j<KNumberOfTypes; j++)
//RDebug::Printf("**** type: %d, main action: %d, extra action: %d, extraThreads: %d", j, (TUint32)aActionMain, (TUint32)aActionExtra, aExtraThreads);
// do this check as it seems to hard to do these cases with the current set up
if(EEventsKillThread == type[j].iEventType)
if(EActionSuspend != aActionMain)
if(aActionMain != aActionExtra)
// attach to KRMDebugTestApplication
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication, EFalse));
// Set things up to wait for the expected exception in KRMDebugTestApplication
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication, type[j].iEventType, aActionMain));
if(EActionSuspend != aActionMain)
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication, EEventsKillThread, aActionExtra));
// declare a TRequestStatus object for asynchronous calls
TRequestStatus status;
TEventInfo info;
TPtr8 infoBuffer = TPtr8((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
if(EActionIgnore != aActionMain)
iServSession.GetEvent(KRMDebugTestApplication(), status, infoBuffer);
// launch the target process to trigger the expected exception
RProcess targetProcess;
test(KErrNone == LaunchProcess(targetProcess, KRMDebugTestApplication(), type[j].iDebugFunctionType, 0, aExtraThreads));
TProcessId processId(targetProcess.Id());
if(EActionIgnore != aActionMain)
// wait for notification of the exception
test(KErrNone == status.Int());
// check that this is the event we were expecting
if(EActionSuspend == aActionMain)
// read the thread list, partly to check the call works, and partly to check the thread still exists
test(ThreadExistsForProcess(info.iThreadId, info.iProcessId));
// register to catch all the thread kills which will occur
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication, EEventsKillThread, aActionExtra));
// we specified EActionSuspend earlier so need to call resume on this thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(info.iThreadId));
// find out how many threads there are in the process and catch all the thread kill events,
// the number of kill thread events should correspond to the number of extra threads launched,
// plus one if the main thread panicked with a Sw/Hw exception
if(EActionIgnore != aActionExtra)
TInt dyingThreads = aExtraThreads + ( (type[j].iEventType != EEventsKillThread) ? 1 : 0);
for(TInt k=0; k<dyingThreads; k++)
iServSession.GetEvent(KRMDebugTestApplication(), status, infoBuffer);
// wait for notification of the kill thread
test(KErrNone == status.Int());
// check that this is the event we were expecting
if(EActionSuspend == aActionExtra)
// do some calls to check listings work ok at this stage
test(ThreadExistsForProcess(info.iThreadId, info.iProcessId));
// we specified EActionSuspend earlier so need to call resume on this thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(info.iThreadId));
// reset the thread kill event
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication(), EEventsKillThread, EActionIgnore));
// reset events for KRMDebugTestApplication
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication(), type[j].iEventType, EActionIgnore));
// finished debugging KRMDebugTestApplication so detach
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication()));
// want to validate that the process has really exited, i.e. we're not accidentally keeping a handle to it...
// wait a little while and try again, just in case the process was still being shut down when we tried the first time
// helper function to check whether a thread with id aThreadId exists in the process with id aProcessId
TBool CRunModeAgent::ThreadExistsForProcess(const TThreadId aThreadId, const TProcessId aProcessId)
TUint32 size;
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1024));
TInt err = iServSession.GetList(aProcessId, EThreads, buffer, size);
while(KErrTooBig == err)
test(KErrNone == buffer.ReAlloc(size));
err = iServSession.GetList(aProcessId, EThreads, buffer, size);
test(KErrNone == err);
//look through the buffer and check if the target debug thread is there
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TThreadListEntry& entry = *(TThreadListEntry*)ptr;
if(aThreadId.Id() == entry.iThreadId)
return ETrue;
ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
return EFalse;
// helper function to check whether a process with id aProcessId exists
TBool CRunModeAgent::ProcessExists(const TProcessId aProcessId)
TUint32 size;
RBuf8 buffer;
test(KErrNone == buffer.Create(1024));
TInt err = iServSession.GetList(EProcesses, buffer, size);
while(KErrTooBig == err)
test(KErrNone == buffer.ReAlloc(size));
err = iServSession.GetList(EProcesses, buffer, size);
test(KErrNone == err);
//look through the buffer and check if the target debug thread is there
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + size;
while(ptr < ptrEnd)
TProcessListEntry& entry = *(TProcessListEntry*)ptr;
if(aProcessId.Id() == entry.iProcessId)
return ETrue;
ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
return EFalse;
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0445
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests basic debug functions work on demand-paged target threads
//! @SYMTestActions Checks it can r/w memory, set breakpoints etc in a demand paged target.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestDemandPaging(void)
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
// get the address of a function in code that will be paged in
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&RMDebugDemandPagingTest);
const TUint32 armInstSize = 4;
// read the memory at &RMDebugDemandPagingTest to check that reading memory in demand paged code works
TUint32 demandPagedInst = 0;
TPtr8 demandPagedInstBuf((TUint8*)&demandPagedInst, armInstSize);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, armInstSize, demandPagedInstBuf, EAccess32, EEndLE8));
// this is the MOVS instruction that we expect to find in RMDebugDemandPagingTest
TUint32 expectedDemandPagedInst = 0xe1b02000;
// check that the instruction we read is as expected
test(demandPagedInst == expectedDemandPagedInst);
// set event action for break points
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(RProcess().FileName(), EEventsBreakPoint, EActionContinue));
// set an arm breakpoint on RMDebugDemandPagingTest
TBreakId armBreakId = 0;
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode));
// Ensure that after setting the breakpoint the memory read returns the correct value
TUint32 demandPagedInstWithBreakPoint = 0;
TPtr8 spinForeverInstWithBreakPointBuf((TUint8*)&demandPagedInstWithBreakPoint, armInstSize);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ReadMemory(iThreadID, address, armInstSize, spinForeverInstWithBreakPointBuf, EAccess32, EEndLE8));
test(demandPagedInst == demandPagedInstWithBreakPoint);
// switch the target thread to run the demand paging function
test(KErrNone == SwitchTestFunction(EDemandPagingFunction));
// set up event watcher to catch breakpoint being hit in demand paged code
TEventInfo info;
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,sizeof(TEventInfo));
iServSession.GetEvent(RProcess().FileName(), status, infoPtr);
// resume the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
// wait for notification of the breakpoint hit event
// info should now be filled with the details
test(info.iEventType == EEventsBreakPoint);
test(info.iThreadBreakPointInfo.iRmdArmExcInfo.iR15 == address);
// remove the break point and resume the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId));
// switch the target thread to run the default function
test(KErrNone == SwitchTestFunction(EDefaultFunction));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
// Names of some test programs used for testing security
_LIT(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName,"z:\\sys\\bin\\t_rmdebug_security0.exe"); // Debuggable
_LIT(KRMDebugSecurity1FileName,"z:\\sys\\bin\\t_rmdebug_security1.exe"); // Not debuggable
_LIT(KRMDebugSecurity2FileName,"z:\\sys\\bin\\t_rmdebug_security2.exe"); // AllFiles
_LIT(KRMDebugSecurity3FileName,"z:\\sys\\bin\\t_rmdebug_security3.exe"); // TCB AllFiles
// include the test header file here
#include "rm_debug_kerneldriver.h"
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0446
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests Debug Device Driver is locked to the SID of the Debug Security Svr.
//! @SYMTestActions Loads rm-debug.ldd and tries to open a handle to it. This should fail.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrPermissionDenied.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestDriverSecurity(void)
RRM_DebugDriver kernelDriver;
// Load the debug device driver
TInt err = User::LoadLogicalDevice( KDebugDriverFileName );
test((KErrNone == err) || (KErrAlreadyExists == err));
// we were allowed to load the driver, or its already loaded.
// Try to open a handle to the driver - this should return KErrPermissionDenied as we don't have the DSS SID
TRM_DebugDriverInfo driverInfo;
driverInfo.iUserLibraryEnd = 0;
err = kernelDriver.Open(driverInfo);
test((err == KErrInUse) || (err == KErrPermissionDenied));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0447
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests Debug driver can only be access via the DSS. Also tests DSS cannot
//! be subverted. Tests functionality of two representative OEM Debug Tokens.
//! @SYMTestActions Tries to open rm_debug.ldd (should fail). Tries to debug various processes
//! (only debuggable one should succeed).
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrPermissionDenied.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestSecurity(void)
// Things to test
// try to use debug driver directly ( should have the wrong UID/SID value!)
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Bypass Debug Security Server to Debug Device Driver - DSS running\n"));
// Things to test
// Load the debug device driver
RRM_DebugDriver kernelDriver;
TInt err = User::LoadLogicalDevice( KDebugDriverFileName );
test((KErrNone == err) || (KErrAlreadyExists == err));
// we were allowed to load the driver, or its already loaded.
// Try to open handle a to the driver - this should return KErrPermission/KErrInUse as we don't have the DSS SID
// and we expect the DSS to already be using it.
TRM_DebugDriverInfo driverInfo;
driverInfo.iUserLibraryEnd = 0;
err = kernelDriver.Open(driverInfo);
test(err == KErrInUse);
// Attach to the Debug Security Server (passive)
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to the Debug Security Server (passive)\n"));
_LIT(KSecurityServerProcessName, "z:\\sys\\bin\\rm_debug_svr.exe");
test(KErrPermissionDenied == iServSession.AttachExecutable(KSecurityServerProcessName, ETrue));
// Attach to the Debug Security Server (active)
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to the Debug Security Server (active)\n"));
test(KErrPermissionDenied == iServSession.AttachExecutable(KSecurityServerProcessName, EFalse));
// Attach to Process 0
// Target: Debuggable
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to test process 0\n"));
// Agent can debug the target app as it is marked debuggable - ie capabilities are ignored)
// Attach to Process - 1
// Target: Non-debuggable for ordinary debug agent, debuggable for OEM/OEM2 token authorised agent
// Note: This target app has no PlatSec capabilities
// Agent cannot debug the app unless it has an OEM/OEM2 Debug Token
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to test process 1\n"));
// Attach to Process - 2
// Target: Non-debuggable for ordinary debug agent, non-debuggable for OEM2 authorised agent (insufficient caps)
// Note: This target app has AllFiles capability
// Agent cannot debug the app unless it has an OEM Debug Token
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to test process 2\n"));
// Attach to Process - 3
// Target: Non-debuggable for ordinary debug agent, non-debuggable for OEM authorised agent (insufficient caps)
// Note: This target app has AllFiles and TCB and NetworkControl capabilities
test.Next(_L("TestSecurity - Attach to test process 3\n"));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0543
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Validates that a dll can be built which #include's the rm_debug_api.h header, i.e. rm_debug_api.h contains no static data.
//! @SYMTestActions Calls a dummy function in t_rmdebug_dll.dll which implies the dll has been built correctly.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestDllUsage(void)
test(KUidDebugSecurityServer == GetDSSUid());
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0812
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Writes a known data to the crash flash and validates the data written
//! using the read operation and finally erase the data. In the absence
//! of an OEM debug token, access to the crash partition should not be allowed
//! @SYMTestActions Invoke the flash write method in DSS and call the read method in DSS
//! to validate the data is written correctly and then erase the written area
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestCrashFlash(void)
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-006 Testing We cannot Erase the Crash Flash with insufficient privileges"));
TUint32 size = 0;
TInt err = iServSession.EraseCrashLog(0, 1);
test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-005 Testing We can't Write to the Crash Flash with insufficient privileges"));
err = iServSession.WriteCrashConfig(0, KCrashDummyData, size);
test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
test(size == 0);
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-008 Testing We can't Read from the Crash Flash with insufficient privileges"));
TUint32 readSize = 0x10;
RBuf8 buf;
err = buf.Create(readSize);
test(err == KErrNone);
err = iServSession.ReadCrashLog(0, buf, readSize);
test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-004 Testing Writing To an invalid location"));
TUint32 writeSize = 0;
err = iServSession.WriteCrashConfig(0xFFFFFFFF, KCrashDummyData, writeSize);
test(err == KErrPermissionDenied);
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-003 Testing Reading from an invalid location"));
err = iServSession.ReadCrashLog(0, buf, writeSize);
test(err == KErrPermissionDenied);
TInt err = KErrNone;
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-007 Testing We can Erase the Crash Flash with sufficient privileges"));
err = iServSession.EraseCrashLog(0, 1);
//For platforms without a flash partition we get KErrNotFound - this is still a pass
if(KErrNotFound == err)
test.Printf(_L("Platform has no flash partition - continue"));
test(KErrNone == err);
//Read back the start of the block to make sure its 0xFFFFFFFF
const TUint numBytesToCheck = 0x80; //We dont know the block size
TBuf8<numBytesToCheck> eraseCheck;
err = iServSession.ReadCrashLog(0, eraseCheck, numBytesToCheck);
test(err == KErrNone);
TBool dataIsOk = ETrue;
for(TUint cnt = 0; cnt < numBytesToCheck; cnt++)
if(eraseCheck[cnt] != 0xFF)
dataIsOk = EFalse;
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-002 Testing We can Write to the Crash Flash with sufficient privileges"));
TUint32 writeSize = 0;
err = iServSession.WriteCrashConfig(0, KCrashDummyData, writeSize);
test(writeSize == KCrashDummyData().Length());
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-001 Testing We can Read from the Crash Flash with sufficient privileges"));
RBuf8 buf;
err = buf.Create(writeSize);
test(err == KErrNone);
err = iServSession.ReadCrashLog(0, buf, writeSize);
test(0 == buf.Compare(KCrashDummyData));
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-004 Testing Writing To an invalid location"));
writeSize = 0;
err = iServSession.WriteCrashConfig(0xFFFFFFFF, KCrashDummyData, writeSize);
test(err == KErrArgument);
test.Next(_L("@SYMTestCaseID:DT-debug-securityserver-003 Testing Reading from an invalid location"));
err = iServSession.ReadCrashLog(0xFFFFFFFF, buf, writeSize);
test(err == KErrArgument);
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0735
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the Kill Process functionality. Only can kill a debuggable process.
//! @SYMTestActions Launches a debuggable and non-debuggable process and tries to kill both.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestKillProcess(void)
// Kill a debuggable process
// check that killing a process is supported
TTag tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderIdKillObjects, EFunctionalityKillProcess);
// check that killing a thread is not supported
tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderIdKillObjects, EFunctionalityKillThread);
// attach first!
TInt err = iServSession.AttachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication, EFalse /* Active */);
test(err == KErrNone);
// first launch a debuggable process
RProcess process;
err = LaunchProcess(process, KRMDebugTestApplication(),ESpinForever, 0, 0);
test (err == KErrNone);
// try to find the process in the list
_LIT(KRMDebugAppName, "t_rmdebug_app");
TBool found = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName);
test (found);
// program now running, so try to kill it
err = iServSession.KillProcess(process.Id(), 0 /* kill reason */);
test(err == KErrNone);
User::After(2000000); // should die within two seconds.
// can we still find it? Should be gone
found = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName);
test (!found);
// release the program again.
err = iServSession.DetachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication);
test(err == KErrNone);
// Try to kill a non-debuggable process and fail.
// first launch a non-debuggable process
RProcess process2;
err = LaunchProcess(process2, KRMDebugSecurity1FileName(),ESpinForever, 0, 0);
test (err == KErrNone);
// try to find the process in the list
_LIT(KRMDebugAppName2, "t_rmdebug_security1");
TBool found2 = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName2);
test (found2);
// program now running, so try to kill it
err = iServSession.KillProcess(process2.Id(), 0 /* kill reason */);
test(err == KErrPermissionDenied);
User::After(2000000); // should die within two seconds if it is going to die.
// can we still find it? Should be still around!
found2 = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName2);
test (found2);
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-1388
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the correct operation of the AddProcess and Remove Process
//! @SYMTestActions 1. Registers for AddProcess and Remove Process events
//! 2. Starts a test process z:\sys\bin\t_rmdebug_security0.exe
//! 3. Wait for the AddProcess event to be reported
//! 4. Kill the newly started test process
//! 5. Wait for the RemoveProcess event to be reported
//! 6. Tell the DSS it is no longer interested in AddProcess and RemoveProcess events
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestAddRemoveProcessEvents()
// attach to a process (e.g. one of the simple security test programs)
// launch the security program
// wait for the add event
// continue the program.
// wait for the remove event
// detach process
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName,EEventsAddProcess, EActionContinue));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName,EEventsRemoveProcess, EActionContinue));
// Creator thread ID of the current thread (to be creator of test application)
TInt creatorThreadId = RThread().Id();
RProcess process;
TInt err = process.Create(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName, KNullDesC, EOwnerProcess);
test (err == KErrNone);
// Rendezvous with process
TRequestStatus status;
// Start the test program
// Wait for the addprocess event
TEventInfo info;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the addprocess hit event
// Check this was the right kind of event
test(info.iEventType == EEventsAddProcess);
const TInt uid3offset = 2;
// Get UID3 for current process
TUint32 Uid3 = process.Type()[uid3offset].iUid;
// Check correct UID3 is returned from the driver
test(info.iAddProcessInfo.iUid3 == Uid3);
// Check correct creator ID for test application is returned from the driver
test(info.iAddProcessInfo.iCreatorThreadId == creatorThreadId);
// Kill the process, as we don't need it anymore
// Wait for the remove process event
// Wait for notification of the remove process hit event
// Check this was the right kind of event
test(info.iEventType == EEventsRemoveProcess);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName,EEventsRemoveProcess, EActionIgnore));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName,EEventsAddProcess, EActionIgnore));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(KRMDebugSecurity0FileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-0736
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Checks that process break points can be set, and that they can co-exist alongside thread breakpoints
//! @SYMTestActions Checks that process break points can be set, and that they can co-exist alongside thread breakpoints
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestProcessBreakPoints(void)
// check that process breakpoints are supported
TTag tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderIdBreakpoints, EBreakpointProcess);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
// Try to set the breakpoint
TBreakId breakId;
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_BranchTst1);
RProcess process;
TProcessId processId = process.Id();
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processId, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetBreak(breakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetBreak(breakId, iThreadID, address, EThumbMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processId, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processId, address, EThumbMode));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ClearBreak(breakId));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetBreak(breakId, iThreadID, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processId, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrAlreadyExists == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processId, address, EThumbMode));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ClearBreak(breakId));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-1309
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Checks that in the case of multiple low priority events (user traces in this case) we can still receive higher
//! priority events should the buffer reach a critical level
//! @SYMTestActions Run to first breakpoint in our test code. Then multiple trace events are issued. We should still be able to hit
//! the second breakpoint
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestMultipleTraceEvents(void)
//Dont run the test for an SMP System
if (UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSmpSupported, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
//attach to target debug process
test(KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(iFileName, EFalse));
//and suspend the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID));
//register interest in BP's & trace events and trace ignored events
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionSuspend));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsUserTrace, EActionContinue));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsUserTracesLost, EActionContinue));
// Try to set the breakpoints
TBreakId armBreakId;
TBreakId armBreakId2;
TUint32 address = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_BranchTst1);
TUint32 address2 = (TUint32)(&RMDebug_StepTest_Non_PC_Modifying);
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId,iThreadID,address,EArmMode));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetBreak(armBreakId2,iThreadID,address2,EArmMode));
//set the target thread to execute the trace test function
test(KErrNone == SwitchTestFunction(EMultipleTraceCalls));
// Continue the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
// wait for the breakpoint to be hit
TEventInfo info;
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the 1st breakpoint hit event
// info should now be filled with the details
test(info.iEventType == EEventsBreakPoint);
test(info.iThreadBreakPointInfo.iRmdArmExcInfo.iR15 == address);
// Continue the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
//Now we try to hit the second breakpoint. This will occur after a number of trace calls. If we hit this breakpoint it
//means many trace calls are not preventing us hitting breakpoints.
// Wait for notification of the 2nd breakpoint hit event
TBool receivedTracesLost = EFalse;
while(info.iEventType == EEventsUserTrace || info.iEventType == EEventsUserTracesLost)
//ensure we get told traces are being thrown away - we generate enough to flood the buffer
if(info.iEventType == EEventsUserTracesLost)
receivedTracesLost = ETrue;
// Wait for notification of the 2nd breakpoint hit event
//make sure we got told traces were lost
test(receivedTracesLost != EFalse);
// info should now be filled with the details of our breakpoint.
test(info.iEventType == EEventsBreakPoint);
test(info.iThreadBreakPointInfo.iRmdArmExcInfo.iR15 == address2);
//dont care for breakpoints or trace events no more
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsBreakPoint, EActionIgnore));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsUserTrace, EActionIgnore));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(iFileName,EEventsUserTracesLost, EActionIgnore));
//clear the breaks we set
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId));
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ClearBreak(armBreakId2));
// Continue the thread
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID));
//attach to target debug process
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(iFileName));
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBase-T-RMDEBUG2-2441
//! @SYMTestType
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Test clearing of a process breakpoint once the process has been killed.
//! @SYMTestActions Creates a new process then tries to set a process breakpoint and then kills the process which should clear the previously set breakpoint. Then repeat the step once again.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNone
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void CRunModeAgent::TestProcessKillBreakpoint(void)
//Dont run the test for an SMP System
if (UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSmpSupported, 0, 0) == KErrNone)
//SID retrieved, used in Define/Attach of the property
iMySid.iUid = RProcess().SecureId();
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KAllowAllPolicy);
//define a property to pass on the address from the other process we would try to debug
test ( KErrNone == RProperty::Define(iMySid, EMyPropertyInteger, RProperty::EInt, KAllowAllPolicy, KAllowAllPolicy));
//define a global semaphore to synchronise with debuggable process publishing the property
test ( KErrNone == iAddressGlobSem.CreateGlobal(_L("RMDebugGlobSem"), 0) );
// called once again
// to check if we can set the breakpoint once again after the process gets killed
//delete the property
test ( KErrNone == RProperty::Delete(iMySid, EMyPropertyInteger));
//close the semaphore
void CRunModeAgent::DoTestProcessKillBreakpoint()
TInt err = KErrNone;
// check that killing a process is supported
TTag tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderIdKillObjects, EFunctionalityKillProcess);
// check that killing a thread is not supported
tag = GetTag(ETagHeaderIdKillObjects, EFunctionalityKillThread);
// attach first!
test ( KErrNone == iServSession.AttachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication, EFalse/* Active */));
// first launch a debuggable process
RProcess processDebug;
test ( KErrNone == LaunchProcess(processDebug, KRMDebugTestApplication(),ESpinForeverWithBreakPoint, 0, 0));
// try to find the process in the list
_LIT(KRMDebugAppName, "t_rmdebug_app");
TBool found = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName);
test (found);
//search for the main thread created
_LIT(KThreadWildCard, "t_rmdebug_app*");
TProcessId processDebugId = processDebug.Id();
TThreadId threadDebugId;
TFindThread find(KThreadWildCard);
TFullName name;
found = EFalse;
while(find.Next(name)==KErrNone && !found)
RThread thread;
err = thread.Open(find);
if (err == KErrNone)
RProcess process;
if (((TUint32)process.Id() == processDebugId))
TFullName fullname = thread.FullName();
test.Printf(_L("Match Found Name %lS Process ID%ld Thread Id %ld"), &fullname, process.Id().Id(), thread.Id().Id());
found = ETrue;
threadDebugId = thread.Id();
test (found); //check if we actually found the thread we want to debug
//get the value(property) for the breakpoint address for the process to debug
TInt address;
RProperty integerProperty;
test ( KErrNone == integerProperty.Attach(iMySid, EMyPropertyInteger, EOwnerThread));
//waiting on semaphore to be sure that the property is set
test ( KErrNone == integerProperty.Get(address));
test.Printf(_L("Address retrieved to set breakpoint 0x%8x"), address);
//suspend the thread before we set a breakpoint
test ( KErrNone == iServSession.SuspendThread(threadDebugId));
//set a process breakpoint
TBreakId breakId;
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetProcessBreak(breakId, processDebugId, address, EArmMode));
test(KErrNone ==iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication,EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionContinue));
//resume the thread now
test(KErrNone == iServSession.ResumeThread(threadDebugId));
// wait for the breakpoint to be hit
static TRequestStatus status;
TEventInfo info;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&info,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the breakpoint hit event
// info should now be filled with the details
test(info.iEventType == EEventsProcessBreakPoint);
test(info.iThreadBreakPointInfo.iRmdArmExcInfo.iR15 == address);
// Not interested in breakpoint events any more
test(KErrNone == iServSession.SetEventAction(KRMDebugTestApplication, EEventsProcessBreakPoint, EActionIgnore));
// program now running, so try to kill it which should clear all the breakpoints
test(KErrNone == iServSession.KillProcess(processDebugId, 0 /* kill reason */ ));
User::After(2000000); // should die within two seconds.
// can we still find it? Should be gone
found = ProcessExists(KRMDebugAppName);
test (!found);
// release the program again
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(KRMDebugTestApplication));
void CRunModeAgent::HelpTestSecurityAttachDetachExecutable(const TDesC& aProcessName, TBool aExpectSuccess)
RProcess process;
TInt err = process.Create(aProcessName, KNullDesC, EOwnerProcess);
test (err == KErrNone);
// rendezvous with process
TRequestStatus status;
// start the test program
// attach to the program (passively)
err = iServSession.AttachExecutable(aProcessName, EFalse);
// Do we expect to successfully attach
if (aExpectSuccess)
// Yes
test(KErrNone == err);
// Now detach again
test(KErrNone == iServSession.DetachExecutable(aProcessName));
// No
test(KErrPermissionDenied == err);
// Just to be sure, try active attachment
test(KErrPermissionDenied == iServSession.AttachExecutable(aProcessName, ETrue));
// Kill the process, as we don't need it anymore
void CRunModeAgent::ReportPerformance(void)
// Reports performance metrics from all the tests
// Memory
test.Printf(_L("Memory read: %d KBytes/sec\n"),iMemoryReadKbytesPerSecond);
test.Printf(_L("Memory write: %d KBytes/sec\n"),iMemoryWriteKbytesPerSecond);
// Registers
// to do
// events
// to do
// Breakpoints
test.Printf(_L("Breakpoint set/clear: %d/sec\n"),iBreakpointsPerSecond);
test.Printf(_L("Maximum number of breakpoints: %d\n"),iMaxBreakpoints);
// Stepping
test.Printf(_L("Stepping speed: %d/sec\n"),iStepsPerSecond);
// Runtime
TInt ticks = HelpGetTestTicks();
test (ticks != 0);
TInt nkTicksPerSecond = HelpTicksPerSecond();
test (nkTicksPerSecond != 0);
test.Printf(_L("Total test runtime: %d seconds\n"),ticks/nkTicksPerSecond);
// Final sizes of executables/rom/ram etc
// to do
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Sets a breakpoint in a running thread.
* It suspends the thread, sets the breakpoint, and resumes the thread.
* @param aBreakId - Reference to a TBreakId which will be set when the breakpoint is set
* @param aThreadId - The thread id for which we should set the breakpoint.
* @param aBreakAddress - The address to set the breakpoint
* @param aMode - The architecture of the breakpoint to be set (ARM/Thumb/Thumb2EE)
* @return KErrNone if successful. One of the other system wide error codes otherwise.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTestStepSetBreak(TBreakId& aBreakId, TThreadId aThreadId, const TUint32 aBreakAddress, TArchitectureMode aMode, TBool aThreadSpecific, TProcessId aProcessId)
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Suspend the thread
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(aThreadId);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepSetBreak - Failed to suspend thread\n"));
return err;
// Set the breakpoint
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.SetBreak(aBreakId,aThreadId,aBreakAddress,aMode)
: iServSession.SetProcessBreak(aBreakId, aProcessId, aBreakAddress, aMode);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepSetBreak - Failed to set breakpoint\n"));
return err;
// Continue the thread
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(aThreadId);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepSetBreak - Failed to resume thread\n"));
return err;
return KErrNone;
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Clears a breakpoint in a running thread.
* It suspends the thread, clears the breakpoint, and resumes the thread.
* @param aBreakId - Reference to a TBreakId which will be set when the breakpoint is set
* @return KErrNone if successful. One of the other system wide error codes otherwise.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTestStepClearBreak(TBreakId aBreakId, const TThreadId aThreadId, TBool aThreadSpecific)
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Find out what thread id we need to suspend
TThreadId threadId;
TProcessId processId;
TUint32 address;
TArchitectureMode mode;
err = aThreadSpecific
? iServSession.BreakInfo(aBreakId, threadId, address, mode)
: iServSession.ProcessBreakInfo(aBreakId, processId, address, mode);
if (err != KErrNone )
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepClearBreak - failed to obtain information for breakpoint\n"));
return err;
if(aThreadSpecific && aThreadId != threadId)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepClearBreak - mismatched thread Ids\n"));
return KErrGeneral;
// Suspend the thread
err = iServSession.SuspendThread(aThreadId);
if (!(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists))
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepClearBreak - failed to suspend thread\n"));
return err;
// Clear the breakpoint
err = iServSession.ClearBreak(aBreakId);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepClearBreak - failed to clear breakpoint\n"));
return err;
// Continue the thread
err = iServSession.ResumeThread(aThreadId);
if (!(err == KErrNone || err == KErrNotFound))
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStepClearBreak - failed to resume thread\n"));
return err;
return KErrNone;
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Waits for a previously set breakpoint to be hit.
* @param aProcessName - The name of the process in which the breakpoint is set. E.g. z:\sys\bin\app.exe
* @param aEventInfo - The event information block which is filled in when the breakpoint is hit.
* @return KErrNone if successful. One of the other system wide error codes otherwise.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTestStepWaitForBreak(const TDesC& aProcessName, TEventInfo& aEventInfo)
static TRequestStatus status;
TPtr8 infoPtr((TUint8*)&aEventInfo,0,sizeof(TEventInfo));
// Wait for notification of the breakpoint hit event
if (status == KErrNone)
return KErrNone;
return KErrGeneral;
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Reads the current target PC for a given thread.
* @param aThreadId - Thread id for which to read the current target PC.
* @param aPc - Reference to a TUint32 which will be set to the current target PC.
* @return KErrNone if successful. One of the other system wide error codes otherwise.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTestStepReadPC(TThreadId aThreadId, TUint32& aPC)
TInt err = KErrNone;
//create buffer containing PC register ID
RBuf8 pcId;
err = pcId.Create(sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
if (err != KErrNone)
return err;
TRegisterInfo reg1 = (TRegisterInfo)0x00000f00;
pcId.Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(®1), sizeof(TRegisterInfo));
//create buffer containing desired PC value
TPtr8 pcValue((TUint8*)&aPC,4,4);
//create buffer for PC flag value
RBuf8 pcFlag;
err = pcFlag.Create(sizeof(TUint8));
//read the new PC value
err = iServSession.ReadRegisters(aThreadId, pcId, pcValue, pcFlag);
if (err != KErrNone)
//delete temporary buffers
return err;
//get the flag and check the PC value was read ok
TRegisterFlag flag = ENotSupported;
err = GetFlag(pcFlag, 0, flag);
if (err != KErrNone)
//delete temporary buffers
return err;
if (flag == EValid)
//delete temporary buffers
return KErrNone;
//delete temporary buffers
return err;
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Single steps a given thread from aStartAddress to aEndAddress. Note
* that it reaches aStartAddress by setting a breakpoint at that address and waiting until it is hit.
* @param aThreadId - Thread id for which to read the current target PC.
* @param aStartAddress - The target address at which stepping will start.
* @param aEndAddress - The target address at which stepping will end.
* @param aMode - The architecture of the breakpoint which must be set at the start address (ARM/Thumb/Thumb2EE).
* @return KErrNone if successful. One of the other system wide error codes otherwise.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTestStep(TThreadId aThreadId, TUint32 aStartAddress, TUint32 aEndAddress, TArchitectureMode aMode, TUint aNumSteps, TBool aThreadSpecific, TProcessId aProcessId)
TInt err = KErrNone;
// Ensure that the supplied addresses are word/half-word aligned as appropriate.
if (aMode == EArmMode)
// ARM breakpoints must be word-aligned (2 lsb must be zero)
aStartAddress &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
aEndAddress &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
else if (aMode == EThumbMode)
// Thumb breakpoints must be half-word aligned (lsb must be zero)
aStartAddress &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
aEndAddress &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
else if (aMode == EThumb2EEMode)
// Thumb2EE breakpoints are not currently supported
return KErrNotSupported;
// Set breakpoint at the start address
TBreakId tempBreakId;
TEventInfo info;
err = HelpTestStepSetBreak(tempBreakId,aThreadId,aStartAddress,aMode,aThreadSpecific,aProcessId);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Failed to set breakpoint at aStartAddress 0x%08x\n"),aStartAddress);
return err;
// wait for the breakpoint to be hit
err = HelpTestStepWaitForBreak(iFileName,info);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Failed to hit the breakpoint at aStartAddress 0x%08x\n"),aStartAddress);
return err;
// Check the PC == aStartAddress
TUint32 pc = 0;
err = HelpTestStepReadPC(aThreadId,pc);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Failed to read the PC after hitting breakpoint at aStartAddress 0x%08x\n"),aStartAddress);
return err;
if (pc != aStartAddress)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Incorrect PC value after hitting breakpoint (expected 0x%08x actual 0x%08x)\n"),aStartAddress,pc);
return KErrGeneral;
err = iServSession.Step(aThreadId,aNumSteps);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Failed to do step from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n"),aStartAddress,aEndAddress,aNumSteps);
return err;
// only one 'completed step' event in the buffer.
err = HelpTestStepWaitForBreak(iFileName,info);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Could not read breakpoint event info after stepping"));
return err;
// end
// Check PC == aEndAddress
err = HelpTestStepReadPC(aThreadId,pc);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - failed read the PC after stepping\n"));
return err;
if (pc != aEndAddress)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - Incorrect PC value after stepping (expected 0x%08x actual 0x%08x)\n"),aEndAddress,pc);
return KErrGeneral;
// Clear the breakpoint
err = HelpTestStepClearBreak(tempBreakId, aThreadId, aThreadSpecific);
if (err != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("HelpTestStep - failed to clear temporary breakpoint\n"));
return err;
return KErrNone;
* Helper code for the stepping tests. Returns the number of nanokernel ticks in one second.
* @return Number of nanokernel ticks. 0 if unsuccesful.
TInt CRunModeAgent::HelpTicksPerSecond(void)
TInt nanokernel_tick_period;
HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, nanokernel_tick_period);
ASSERT(nanokernel_tick_period != 0);
static const TInt KOneMillion = 1000000;
return KOneMillion/nanokernel_tick_period;
Given aTestNumber runs the appropriate test inside heap markers
@param aTestNumber test to run, corresponds to an entry in iTestArray
@panic Panic if aTestNumber is not in valid range
void CRunModeAgent::RunTest(TInt aTestNumber)
if( (aTestNumber<0) || (aTestNumber>=KMaxTests) )
User::Panic(_L("Test number out of range"), aTestNumber);
void CRunModeAgent::PrintVersion()
test.Printf(_L("\nt_rmdebug2.exe\nVersion: %S\n"), &(testVersion.Name()));
test.Printf(_L("Press any key...\n"));
void CRunModeAgent::PrintUsage()
test.Printf(_L("Invoke with arguments:\n"));
test.Printf(_L("-r: run specified tests in reverse order\n"));
test.Printf(_L("-h: display usage information\n"));
test.Printf(_L("-v: display version\n"));
test.Printf(_L("<number>: test number to run, can specify more than one from the following list:\n"));
test.Printf(_L("Press any key for list...\n"));
// if there are too many of these they won't fit on the screen! Stick another Getch() in if there get too many
for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxTests; i++)
test.Printf(_L("%2d: %S\n"), i, &(iTestArray[i].iFunctionName));
test.Printf(_L("Press any key...\n"));
Parse the command line, see CRunModeAgent::PrintUsage for syntax
void CRunModeAgent::ParseCommandLineL(TUint32& aMode, RArray<TInt>& aTests)
// get the length of the command line arguments
TInt argc = User::CommandLineLength();
// allocate a buffer for the command line arguments and extract the data to it
HBufC* commandLine = HBufC::NewLC(argc);
TPtr commandLineBuffer = commandLine->Des();
// reset mode
aMode = (TTestMode)0;
// create a lexer and read through the command line
TLex lex(*commandLine);
while (!lex.Eos())
// expecting the first character to be a '-'
if (lex.Get() == '-')
TChar arg = lex.Get();
switch (arg)
case 'v':
//print out the help
aMode |= EModeVersion;
case 'h':
//print out the help
aMode |= EModeHelp;
case 'r':
//store the fact that we want to run in reverse
aMode |= EModeReverse;
// unknown argument so leave
TInt testNumber;
if( (testNumber<0) || (testNumber>=KMaxTests) )
// if no tests specified then run them all
if(aTests.Count() == 0)
aMode |= EModeAll;
// do clean up
void CRunModeAgent::ClientAppL()
// Performs each test in turn
RArray<TInt> testsToRun;
TUint32 testMode = 0;
ParseCommandLineL(testMode, testsToRun);
//if help or version mode specified then just print out the relevant stuff and quit
if((testMode & EModeHelp) || (testMode & EModeVersion))
if(testMode & EModeHelp)
if(testMode & EModeVersion)
if(testMode & EModeAll)
for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxTests; i++)
// if EModeReverse specified then reverse the array elements
TInt numberOfTests = testsToRun.Count();
if(testMode & EModeReverse)
for(TInt i=0; i<(numberOfTests>>1); i++)
TInt temp = testsToRun[i];
testsToRun[i] = testsToRun[numberOfTests - (i+1)];
testsToRun[numberOfTests - (i+1)] = temp;
for(TInt i=0; i<numberOfTests; i++)
Fill the test array with pointers to each test.
void CRunModeAgent::FillArray()
iTestArray[0].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestDriverSecurity;
iTestArray[0].iFunctionName = _L("TestDriverSecurity");
iTestArray[1].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestDllUsage;
iTestArray[1].iFunctionName = _L("TestDllUsage");
iTestArray[2].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestSecurity;
iTestArray[2].iFunctionName = _L("TestSecurity");
iTestArray[3].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestAttachExecutable;
iTestArray[3].iFunctionName = _L("TestAttachExecutable");
iTestArray[4].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetExecutablesList;
iTestArray[4].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetExecutablesList");
iTestArray[5].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetProcessList;
iTestArray[5].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetProcessList");
iTestArray[6].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetXipLibrariesList;
iTestArray[6].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetXipLibrariesList");
iTestArray[7].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetThreadList;
iTestArray[7].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetThreadList");
iTestArray[8].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetCodeSegsList;
iTestArray[8].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetCodeSegsList");
iTestArray[9].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestGetListInvalidData;
iTestArray[9].iFunctionName = _L("TestGetListInvalidData");
iTestArray[10].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestMemoryAccess;
iTestArray[10].iFunctionName = _L("TestMemoryAccess");
iTestArray[11].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestDebugFunctionality;
iTestArray[11].iFunctionName = _L("TestDebugFunctionality");
iTestArray[12].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestSuspendResume;
iTestArray[12].iFunctionName = _L("TestSuspendResume");
iTestArray[13].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestBreakPoints;
iTestArray[13].iFunctionName = _L("TestBreakPoints");
iTestArray[14].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestModifyBreak;
iTestArray[14].iFunctionName = _L("TestModifyBreak");
iTestArray[15].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestBreakInfo;
iTestArray[15].iFunctionName = _L("TestBreakInfo");
iTestArray[16].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestRunToBreak;
iTestArray[16].iFunctionName = _L("TestRunToBreak");
iTestArray[17].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestRegisterAccess;
iTestArray[17].iFunctionName = _L("TestRegisterAccess");
iTestArray[18].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestStep;
iTestArray[18].iFunctionName = _L("TestStep");
iTestArray[19].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestDemandPaging;
iTestArray[19].iFunctionName = _L("TestDemandPaging");
iTestArray[20].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestEventsForExternalProcess;
iTestArray[20].iFunctionName = _L("TestEventsForExternalProcess");
iTestArray[21].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestEvents;
iTestArray[21].iFunctionName = _L("TestEvents");
iTestArray[22].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestKillProcess;
iTestArray[22].iFunctionName = _L("TestKillProcess");
iTestArray[23].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestProcessBreakPoints;
iTestArray[23].iFunctionName = _L("TestProcessBreakPoints");
iTestArray[24].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestMultipleTraceEvents;
iTestArray[24].iFunctionName = _L("TestMultipleTraceEvents");
iTestArray[25].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestAddRemoveProcessEvents;
iTestArray[25].iFunctionName = _L("TestAddRemoveProcessEvents");
iTestArray[26].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestCrashFlash;
iTestArray[26].iFunctionName = _L("TestCrashFlash");
iTestArray[27].iFunctionPtr = &CRunModeAgent::TestProcessKillBreakpoint;
iTestArray[27].iFunctionName = _L("TestProcessKillBreakpoint");
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
// Entry point for run mode debug driver test
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// client
CTrapCleanup* trap = CTrapCleanup::New();
if (!trap)
return KErrNoMemory;
RunModeAgent = CRunModeAgent::NewL();
if (RunModeAgent != NULL)
delete RunModeAgent;
delete trap;
return ret;
Helper function to get the aOffset'th value from aFlags
@param aFlags descriptor containing TRegisterFlag type flags
@param aOffset index of flag value to extract from aFlags
@param aFlagValue the flag value if function returned successfully
@return KErrNone if value was read successfully, KErrTooBig if aOffset is
greater than aFlags.Length()
TInt CRunModeAgent::GetFlag(const TDes8& aFlags, const TUint aOffset, TRegisterFlag &aFlagValue) const
//get pointer to data
const TUint8 *ptr = aFlags.Ptr();
//check aOffset is valid
TUint length = aFlags.Length();
if(aOffset >= length)
return KErrTooBig;
//get flag value
aFlagValue = (TRegisterFlag)ptr[aOffset];
return KErrNone;
Helper function to set the value of FunctionChooser in the target debug thread.
@param aTestFunction TTestFunction enum to set FunctionChooser to
@return KErrNone if the value was set correctly, or one of the other system wide error codes
TInt CRunModeAgent::SwitchTestFunction(TTestFunction aTestFunction)
//suspend the target thread
TInt suspendError = iServSession.SuspendThread(iThreadID);
if(! ( (suspendError == KErrNone) || (suspendError == KErrAlreadyExists) ) )
//the thread is not suspended so exit
return suspendError;
//get the address of FunctionChooser
TUint32 functionChooserAddress = (TUint32)&FunctionChooser;
//put the new value for FunctionChooser into a descriptor
TPtr8 functionBuf((TUint8*)&aTestFunction, sizeof(TTestFunction), sizeof(TTestFunction));
//write the new value into the target thread
TInt writeError = iServSession.WriteMemory(iThreadID, functionChooserAddress, sizeof(TTestFunction), functionBuf, EAccess32, EEndLE8);
if(KErrNone == suspendError)
//if this function suspended the target thread then we need to resume it
TInt resumeError = iServSession.ResumeThread(iThreadID);
if(KErrNone != resumeError)
//resuming failed so return the error
return resumeError;
//suspending and resuming was successful so return the error code from the WriteMemory call
return writeError;
Launch a separate process to debug.
@param aProcess the RProcess object to use to create the process
@param aFileName file name of the executable to create the process from
@param aFunctionType function that the target process should call on execution
@param aDelay delay before the new process should call the function represented by aFunctionType
@param aExtraThreads number of extra threads to create in the child process
@return KErrNone on success, or one of the other system wide error codes
TInt CRunModeAgent::LaunchProcess(RProcess& aProcess, const TDesC& aFileName, TDebugFunctionType aFunctionType, TUint32 aDelay, TUint32 aExtraThreads)
// at the moment we support two arguments, this number might have to be increased to support arguments
const TUint KMaxCommandLineLength = 32;
// create a command line buffer
RBuf commandLine;
// append the command line arguments to the buffer
_LIT(KFArg, "-f");
_LIT(KSpace, " ");
_LIT(KDArg, "-d");
_LIT(KEArg, "-e");
// create the new process, matching on file name only, not specifying uid values
TInt err = aProcess.Create(aFileName, commandLine); // owned by the process
// check that there was no error raised
if(err != KErrNone)
return err;
TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
commandLine.Close(); // after target thread starts
if(KRequestPending != status.Int())
// startup failed so kill the process
return status.Int();
// start up succeeded so resume the process
if(KErrNone != status.Int())
return status.Int();
Helper function to read a tag header from a debug functionality block
@param aDebugFunctionalityBlock block to read header from
@param aTagHdrId header type to find
@return pointer to the header, or NULL if not available
TTagHeader* CRunModeAgent::GetTagHdr(const TDesC8& aDebugFunctionalityBlock, const TTagHeaderId aTagHdrId) const
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*) aDebugFunctionalityBlock.Ptr();
TUint8* blockEnd = ptr + aDebugFunctionalityBlock.Size();
while(ptr < blockEnd)
TTagHeader* header = (TTagHeader*)ptr;
if(header->iTagHdrId == aTagHdrId)
return header;
ptr += sizeof(TTagHeader) + (header->iNumTags * sizeof(TTag));
return NULL;
Helper function to read a tag from a debug functionality block
@param aTagHdr pointer to a tag header in a debug functionality block
@param aElement element to return from the header's data
@return pointer to the tag, or NULL if not available
TTag* CRunModeAgent::GetTag(const TTagHeader* aTagHdr, const TInt aElement) const
TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)aTagHdr + sizeof(TTagHeader);
TUint8* blockEnd = ptr + (aTagHdr->iNumTags * sizeof(TTag));
while(ptr < blockEnd)
TTag* tag = (TTag*)ptr;
if(tag->iTagId == aElement)
return tag;
ptr += sizeof(TTag);
return NULL;
TTag CRunModeAgent::GetTag(const TTagHeaderId aTagHdrId, const TInt aElement)
TUint32 bufsize = 0; // Safe default size
// Get functionality block size
test(KErrNone == iServSession.GetDebugFunctionalityBufSize(&bufsize));
// Ensure we have a finite buffer size
// Allocate space for the functionality data
HBufC8* dftext = HBufC8::NewLC(bufsize);
// create an empty TPtr8 refering to dftext
TPtr8 dftextPtr(dftext->Des());
// Get the functionality block
test(KErrNone == iServSession.GetDebugFunctionality(dftextPtr));
// read a value from the data to check it has come through as expected
TTagHeader* header = GetTagHdr(dftext->Des(), aTagHdrId);
test(header != NULL);
TTag* tag = GetTag(header, aElement);
test(tag != NULL);
TTag tagToReturn = *tag;
// Remove our temporary buffer
return tagToReturn;
Helper function which returns a Boolean indicating with a process with the
specified name is currently running.
@param aProcessName - Name of the process to find
@return ETrue if found, EFalse otherwise
TBool CRunModeAgent::ProcessExists(const TDesC& aProcessName)
TInt err=KErrNone;
TBool found = FALSE;
TFindProcess find(KWildCard);
TFullName name;
RProcess process;
err = process.Open(find);
if (err == KErrNone)
if (name.Find(aProcessName) != KErrNotFound)
found = TRUE;
return found;