Remerge gcce fixes, RVCT 4.0 support, rom.flm and (Bug 2283, Bug 2014, Bug 2149 and others)
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @SYMTestCaseDesc Symbian OS Toolchain's Paging Override and the
// Paging Policy settings
// @SYMREQ REQ6808
// @SYMTestPriority High
// @SYMTestActions
// 1. Load executables with the RProcess API and run them. Each executable has a
// different set of attributes:
// " Paging attribute: paged, unpaged or no paging attribute in MMP and/or
// OBY files
// " Compression mode: specified or not
// " Executable built in ROM as 'data' or 'file'
// " Solid binaries or aliases
// Retrieve and analyse the demand paging activity trace caused by the preceding
// action, in order to determine whether this binary is paged on demand or not.
// 2. Repeat the preceding action by loading DLLs with the RLibrary API and
// making calls to them.
// @SYMTestExpectedResults
// 1. Process complete without error. If, according to the trace data gathered,
// the main thread newly created process causes the executable to be paged in,
// then it is a proof that the executable is paged. Depending on the Paging
// Override setting and the Loader Paging Policy specified at the time the ROM was
// built, the Loader makes a decision as to whether page the binary or not,
// according to the rules listed in the Design Sketch. This is how we determine
// this, in this order:
// a. If ROM paging is disabled: not paged
// b. If executable was built in ROM as 'data': not paged
// c. If the a file compression scheme was specified at ROM build time: not paged
// d. If the Loader Paging policy is 'NOT PAGED': not paged
// e. If the Loader Paging policy is 'ALWAYS PAGE': paged
// f. If the Paging Override is 'NOT PAGED': not paged
// g. If the Paging Override is 'ALWAYS PAGE': paged
// h. If the OBY paging keyword for this executable is 'PAGED': paged
// i. If the OBY paging keyword for this executable is 'NOT PAGED': unpaged
// j. If the MMP paging keyword for this executable is 'PAGED': paged
// k. If the MMP paging keyword for this executable is 'NOT PAGED': not paged
// l. If the Paging Override is 'DEFAULT UNPAGED': not paged
// m. If the Paging Override is 'DEFAULT PAGED': paged
// n. If the Paging Policy is 'DEFAULT UNPAGED': not paged
// o. The executable must be paged
// 2. DLL is loaded. Functions are called and complete without errors. The rules
// to determine whether the binary should be paged or not are the same as in the
// preceding action.
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32ldr.h>
#include <d32btrace.h>
#include "u32std.h"
#include <f32file.h>
#include <dptest.h>
#define TEST_EQ(a,b) { if (a != b) { test.Printf(_L("%d != %d\n"), a, b); test(EFalse); } }
#define TEST_CONDITION(a) { if (!a) { test.Printf(_L("TEST FAILED at line %d\n"), __LINE__); pass = EFalse; } }
#define LE4(a) ((TUint) (*((a) + 3) << 24) + (*((a) + 2) << 16) + (*((a) + 1) << 8) + *(a))
RTest test(_L("T_DPATTR"));
RBTrace btrace;
RFs fs;
// ROM paging settings
TBool gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled;
TInt gPagingOverride;
TInt gPagingPolicy;
// This process
TUint32 gNThreadId = 0;
// Test executables attributes flags
ENone = 0,
EMMPPaged = 1 << 0, // "PAGED" keyword in MMP file
EMMPUnpaged = 1 << 1, // "UNPAGED" keyword in MMP file
EMMPCompressTarget = 1 << 2, // "COMPRESSTARGET" keyword in MMP file
EMMPNoCompressTarget = 1 << 3, // "UNCOMPRESSTARGET" keyword in MMP file
EIBYData = 1 << 4, // File included as "data" in IBY file
EIBYFile = 1 << 5, // File included as "file" in IBY file
EIBYFileCompress = 1 << 6, // File included as "file_x_" in IBY file (_x_=compression scheme)
EIBYPaged = 1 << 7, // File declared "paged" in IBY file
EIBYUnpaged = 1 << 8, // File declared "unpaged in IBY file
EIBYAlias = 1 << 9, // File name is an alias
EDLLWritableStaticData = 1 << 10 // DLL contains writable static data
// Test executables attributes
const TUint testExeAttr[] =
/* 000 - does not exist */ ENone,
/* 001 */ EIBYFile,
/* 002 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile,
/* 003 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile,
/* 004 */ EIBYFileCompress,
/* 005 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 006 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 007 */ EIBYFileCompress,
/* 008 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 009 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 010 */ EIBYFileCompress,
/* 011 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 012 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 013 */ EIBYFile | EMMPCompressTarget,
/* 014 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EMMPNoCompressTarget,
/* 015 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYFileCompress | EIBYPaged,
/* 016 */ EIBYData,
/* 017 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData,
/* 018 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData,
/* 019 */ EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 020 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 021 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 022 */ EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 023 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 024 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 025 */ EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 026 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 027 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 028 */ EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 029 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 030 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 031 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile,
/* 032 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile,
/* 033 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile,
/* 034 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 035 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 036 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 037 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 038 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 039 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 040 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 041 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 042 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 043 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EMMPCompressTarget,
/* 044 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EMMPNoCompressTarget,
/* 045 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYFileCompress | EIBYPaged,
/* 046 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData,
/* 047 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData,
/* 048 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData,
/* 049 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 050 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 051 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 052 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 053 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 054 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 055 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 056 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 057 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 058 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 059 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 060 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged
const TUint testDllAttr[] =
/* 000 - does not exist */ ENone,
/* 001 */ EIBYFile,
/* 002 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile,
/* 003 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile,
/* 004 */ EIBYFileCompress,
/* 005 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 006 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 007 */ EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 008 */ EMMPPaged | EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 009 */ EMMPUnpaged | EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 010 */ EIBYFileCompress,
/* 011 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 012 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 013 */ EIBYFile | EMMPCompressTarget,
/* 014 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EMMPNoCompressTarget,
/* 015 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYFileCompress | EIBYPaged,
/* 016 */ EIBYData,
/* 017 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData,
/* 018 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData,
/* 019 */ EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 020 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 021 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 022 */ EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 023 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 024 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 025 */ EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 026 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 027 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 028 */ EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 029 */ EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 030 */ EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 031 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile,
/* 032 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile,
/* 033 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile,
/* 034 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 035 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 036 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 037 */ EIBYAlias | EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 038 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 039 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EDLLWritableStaticData,
/* 040 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 041 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 042 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFileCompress,
/* 043 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EMMPCompressTarget,
/* 044 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EMMPNoCompressTarget,
/* 045 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYFileCompress | EIBYPaged,
/* 046 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData,
/* 047 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData,
/* 048 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData,
/* 049 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 050 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 051 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYPaged,
/* 052 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 053 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 054 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYFile | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 055 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 056 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 057 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYPaged,
/* 058 */ EIBYAlias | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 059 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPPaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged,
/* 060 */ EIBYAlias | EMMPUnpaged | EIBYData | EIBYUnpaged
void InitNThreadID()
_LIT(KThreadName, "ARandomThreadName");
btrace.SetFilter(BTrace::EThreadIdentification, ETrue);
// rename the current thread to force a ThreadID trace
TInt size;
TUint8* pDataStart;
TUint8* pCurrentRecord;
// extract the nano-kernel thread ID from the trace
while ((size = btrace.GetData(pDataStart)) != 0)
pCurrentRecord = pDataStart;
while (pCurrentRecord - pDataStart < size)
TInt extensionCount = 4 * (
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EHeader2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestampPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestamp2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EContextIdPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EPcPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EExtraPresent ? 1 : 0));
if ((pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ECategoryIndex] == BTrace::EThreadIdentification) && (pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex] == BTrace::EThreadName))
TBuf<255> threadName;
for (TUint8* j = pCurrentRecord + 12 + extensionCount; j < pCurrentRecord + *pCurrentRecord; j++)
threadName.AppendFormat(_L("%c"), *j);
if (threadName == KThreadName)
test.Printf(_L("This thread's NThread ID: %08x\n"), LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4 + extensionCount));
gNThreadId = LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4 + extensionCount);
pCurrentRecord = BTrace::NextRecord(pCurrentRecord);
void LoadExesRom()
TInt r;
TBool pass = ETrue;
r = btrace.ResizeBuffer(32768); // 32k should be large enough
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
btrace.SetFilter(BTrace::EPaging, ETrue);
btrace.SetFilter(BTrace::EThreadIdentification, ETrue);
for (TInt i = 1; i <= 60; i++)
TBuf<255> filename;
filename.Format(_L("Z:\\SYS\\BIN\\DPEXE%03d.EXE"), i);
test.Printf(_L("Loading %S... "), &filename);
TBool paged = EFalse;
TBool inRom = EFalse;
TUint32 nthreadAddr = 0;
TBuf<255> processName;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(filename) != NULL)
inRom = ETrue;
inRom = EFalse;
// Ensure that the paging live list is empty
r = DPTest::FlushCache();
if (gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled)
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNotSupported);
btrace.Empty(); // empty the BTrace buffer
RProcess proc;
r = proc.Create(filename, _L(""));
if ((testExeAttr[i] & EIBYAlias) && (testExeAttr[i] & EIBYData) && (gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled))
// There cannot be aliases mapping to "data" files since they are moved to ROFS if the ROM is paged
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNotFound);
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
// Resume the process and wait until it completes
TRequestStatus ps;
// Disable trace
TInt size;
TUint8* pDataStart;
TUint8* pCurrentRecord;
// We have a while loop here, in the unlikely case that our trace is fragmented
while ((size = btrace.GetData(pDataStart)) != 0)
pCurrentRecord = pDataStart;
while (pCurrentRecord - pDataStart < size)
// Number of bytes used by the BTrace extensions
TInt extensionCount = 4 * (
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EHeader2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestampPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestamp2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EContextIdPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EPcPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EExtraPresent ? 1 : 0));
if ((pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ECategoryIndex] == BTrace::EThreadIdentification) && (pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex] == BTrace::EProcessName))
// Process renamed
for (TUint8* j = pCurrentRecord + 12 + extensionCount; j < pCurrentRecord + *pCurrentRecord; j++)
processName.AppendFormat(_L("%c"), *j);
TBuf<255> expected;
expected.Format(_L("dpexe%03d.exe[%08x]%04x"), i, 0, 1);
if (processName == expected)
nthreadAddr = LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4 + extensionCount);
if ((pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ECategoryIndex] == BTrace::EPaging) && (LE4(pCurrentRecord + 8) == nthreadAddr))
/* The main thread of the test process tries to page in the test executable */
paged = ETrue;
pCurrentRecord = BTrace::NextRecord(pCurrentRecord); // move on to the next record
if (paged)
test.Printf(_L("not paged!\n"));
if (!gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled)
// ROM paging disabled. All files are in ROM and unpaged
test.Printf(_L("ROM Paging disabled: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EIBYData)
// data - if ROM paged, then these executables will be moved to ROFS
// these are always expected to be RAM loaded
test.Printf(_L("EXE is DATA in ROFS\n"));
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EIBYFileCompress)
// Compression format specified in the IBY file
// These are expected to be stay in ROM, but will be RAM-loaded
test.Printf(_L("EXE has own compression method: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, all executables can potentially be paged - paging policy takes precedence
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is No Paging: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is No Paging: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, paging policy is either Default Paged or Default Unpaged - paging override takes precedence
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is No Paging: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Always Page: should be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, paging policy and override are either Default Paged or Default Unpaged - IBY setting takes precedence
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EIBYPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paged keyword in OBY: should be paged\n"));
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EIBYUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Unpaged keyword in OBY: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// Next, MMP setting takes precedence
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EMMPPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paged keyword in MMP: should be paged\n"));
else if (testExeAttr[i] & EMMPUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Unpaged keyword in MMP: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// The test exe has no attribute. Paging overright default paging mode takes precedence
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Default Unpaged: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Default Paged: should be paged\n"));
// Paging policy default paging mode takes precedence
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is Default Unpaged: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is Default paged: should be paged\n"));
// ROM Paging enabled without a default paging policy - this should not happen (default policy is No Paging)
test.Printf(_L("No paging policy!\n"));
void LoadDllsRom()
TInt r;
TBool pass = ETrue;
r = btrace.ResizeBuffer(32768); // 32k should be large enough
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
btrace.SetFilter(BTrace::EPaging, ETrue);
btrace.SetFilter(BTrace::EThreadIdentification, ETrue);
for (TInt i = 1; i <= 60; i++)
TBuf<255> filename;
filename.Format(_L("Z:\\SYS\\BIN\\DPDLL%03d.DLL"), i);
test.Printf(_L("Loading %S... "), &filename);
TBool paged = EFalse;
TBool inRom = EFalse;
TUint libLoadEnd;
TInt filesize;
TUint8* addr;
if ((addr = fs.IsFileInRom(filename)) != NULL)
inRom = ETrue;
inRom = EFalse;
RFile file;
r = file.Open(fs, filename, EFileRead);
if ((testDllAttr[i] & EIBYAlias) && (testDllAttr[i] & EIBYData) && (gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled))
// There cannot be aliases mapping to "data" files since they are moved to ROFS if the ROM is paged
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNotFound);
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
r = file.Size(filesize);
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
// Ensure that the paging live list is empty
r = DPTest::FlushCache();
if (gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled)
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNotSupported);
btrace.Empty(); // empty the BTrace buffer
RLibrary lib;
r = lib.Load(filename);
libLoadEnd = User::FastCounter();
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
TLibraryFunction function1;
TLibraryFunction function2;
TLibraryFunction function3;
TLibraryFunction function4;
function1 = lib.Lookup(1);
function2 = lib.Lookup(2);
function3 = lib.Lookup(3);
function4 = lib.Lookup(4);
test(function1 != NULL);
test(function2 != NULL);
test(function3 != NULL);
test(function4 == NULL);
// Resume the process and wait until it completes
//processResumeStart = User::FastCounter();
//processResumeEnd = User::FastCounter();
// Disable trace
TInt size;
TUint8* pDataStart;
TUint8* pCurrentRecord;
// We have a while loop here, in the unlikely case that our trace is fragmented
while ((size = btrace.GetData(pDataStart)) != 0)
pCurrentRecord = pDataStart;
while (pCurrentRecord - pDataStart < size)
// Number of bytes used by the BTrace extensions
TInt extensionCount = 4 * (
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EHeader2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestampPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::ETimestamp2Present ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EContextIdPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EPcPresent ? 1 : 0) +
(pCurrentRecord[BTrace::EFlagsIndex] & BTrace::EExtraPresent ? 1 : 0));
if ((pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ECategoryIndex] == BTrace::EPaging)
&& (pCurrentRecord[BTrace::ESubCategoryIndex] == BTrace::EPagingPageInBegin)
&& (LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4) > libLoadEnd)
&& (LE4(pCurrentRecord + extensionCount) == gNThreadId)
&& (LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4 + extensionCount) >= (TUint32) addr)
&& (LE4(pCurrentRecord + 4 + extensionCount) < ((TUint32) addr) + filesize))
// If the DLL is paged in under this thread after it's been RLibrary::Load'ed, then we assume the DLL is paged
paged = ETrue;
pCurrentRecord = BTrace::NextRecord(pCurrentRecord); // move on to the next record
if (paged)
test.Printf(_L("not paged!\n"));
if (!gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled)
// ROM paging disabled. All files are in ROM and unpaged
test.Printf(_L("ROM Paging disabled: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EIBYData)
// data - if ROM paged, then these executables will be moved to ROFS
// these are always expected to be RAM loaded
test.Printf(_L("DLL is DATA in ROFS: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EIBYFileCompress)
// Compression format specified in the IBY file
// These are expected to be stay in ROM, but will be RAM-loaded
test.Printf(_L("DLL has own compression method: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, all executables can potentially be paged - paging policy takes precedence
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is No Paging: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is Always Page: should be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, paging policy is either Default Paged or Default Unpaged - paging override takes precedence
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is No Paging: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Always Page: should be paged\n"));
// from this point onwards, paging policy and override are either Default Paged or Default Unpaged - IBY setting takes precedence
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EIBYPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paged keyword in OBY: should be paged\n"));
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EIBYUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Unpaged keyword in OBY: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// Next, MMP setting takes precedence
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EMMPPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paged keyword in MMP: should be paged\n"));
else if (testDllAttr[i] & EMMPUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Unpaged keyword in MMP: shouldn't be paged\n"));
// The test exe has no attribute. Paging overright default paging mode takes precedence
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Default Unpaged: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingOverride == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging override is Default Paged: should be paged\n"));
// Paging policy default paging mode takes precedence
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is Default Unpaged: shouldn't be paged\n"));
else if (gPagingPolicy == EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged)
test.Printf(_L("Paging policy is Default paged: should be paged\n"));
// ROM Paging enabled without a default paging policy - this should not happen (default policy is No Paging)
test.Printf(_L("No paging policy!\n"));
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
TInt r;
test.Start(_L("Check environment"));
// Open the BTrace handler
r = btrace.Open();
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
// capture the NThread ID of the main thread of the current process
test(gNThreadId != 0);
gPagingPolicy = E32Loader::PagingPolicy();
gPagingOverride = -1;
r = fs.Connect();
TEST_EQ(r, KErrNone);
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\ovr_nopaging")) != NULL)
gPagingOverride = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\ovr_alwayspage")) != NULL)
gPagingOverride = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\ovr_defaultunpaged")) != NULL)
gPagingOverride = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\ovr_defaultpaged")) != NULL)
gPagingOverride = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\pcy_nopaging")) != NULL)
gPagingPolicy = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\pcy_alwayspage")) != NULL)
gPagingPolicy = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\pcy_defaultunpaged")) != NULL)
gPagingPolicy = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged;
if (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("\\pcy_defaultpaged")) != NULL)
gPagingPolicy = EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged;
gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled = (fs.IsFileInRom(_L("Z:\\SYS\\BIN\\DPEXE046.EXE")) == NULL);
test.Printf(_L("Demand Paging Enabled? %d\n"), gIsRomDemangPagingEnabled);
test.Printf(_L("PagingOverride %d\n"), gPagingOverride);
test.Printf(_L("PagingPolicy %d\n"), gPagingPolicy);
test.Next(_L("Load ROM EXEs"));
test.Next(_L("Load ROM DLLs"));
return KErrNone;