Remove the experimental changes to gcce.h, and revert the widespread freezing of exports (was a suggested fix for Bug 3025)
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\server\t_mount.cpp
// Testing some issues connected with mounting/dismounting file fystems, drives finalisation etc.
#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include "t_server.h"
#include "fat_utils.h"
using namespace Fat_Test_Utils;
#ifdef __VC32__
// Solve compilation problem caused by non-English locale
#pragma setlocale("english")
RTest test(_L("T_Mount"));
static TInt gDriveNum=-1; ///< drive number we are dealing with
static TInt64 gRndSeed;
const TInt KBM_Repetitions = 5; ///< number of repetitions for BM testing
const TUint32 KCheckFileSize = 533; ///< size of the small file to be deleted
_LIT(KFileNameFirst, "\\FIRST%d.DAT");
_LIT(KFileNameMiddle, "\\MID%d.DAT");
_LIT(KFileNameLast, "\\LAST%d.DAT");
_LIT(KFileNameFiller, "\\FILL%d.DAT");
typedef void (*TStressFN)(TInt); //-- pointer to the FAT mount stress function
//-- debug bit flags that may be set in the property which controls FAT volume mounting
const TUid KThisTestSID={0x10210EB3}; ///< this EXE SID
const TUint32 KMntProp_EnableALL = 0x00000000; //-- enable all operations
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TUint32 KMntProp_DisableALL = 0xFFFFFFFF; //-- disable all operations
const TUint32 KMntProp_Disable_FsInfo = 0x00000001; //-- mask for disabling/enabling FSInfo information
const TUint32 KMntProp_Disable_FatBkGndScan = 0x00000002; //-- mask for disabling/enabling FAT background scanner
/** set a debug property value, which then wiil be read by FAT fsy */
void SetFsyDebugFlag(TInt aDriveNo, TUint32 aFlags)
TInt nRes;
nRes = RProperty::Set(KThisTestSID, aDriveNo, aFlags);
format the volume and read the boot sector
static void FormatVolume(TBool aQuickFormat)
TInt nRes;
#if 0
//-- FAT32 SPC:1; for the FAT32 testing on the emulator
#ifdef __EPOC32__
test.Printf(_L("This is emulator configuration!!!!\n"));
TFatFormatParam fp;
fp.iFatType = EFat32;
fp.iSecPerCluster = 1;
nRes = FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), ETrue, &fp); //-- always quick; doesn't matter for the emulator
nRes = FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), aQuickFormat);
Prepare FAT volume for mounting performance testing
1. quick format the drive
2. create KBM_Repetitions files in the beginning (first files)
3. create KMaxFillFiles/2 large files (they take about 40% of the volume);
4. create KBM_Repetitions files (middle files)
5. create KMaxFillFiles/2 large files (they take other 40% of the volume);
6. create KBM_Repetitions files (last files)
@return ETrue if everythis is OK
TBool PrepareVolumeForBM()
test.Printf(_L("Prepare the volume for BM testing...\n"));
TInt nRes;
TInt i;
//-- 1. quick format the drive
if(!Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
test.Printf(_L("This test requires FAT32 ! Skipping.\n"));
return EFalse;
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
//-- the files will take 80% of the drive space
const TInt KMaxFillFiles = 100;
const TUint32 KFillFileSz = (TUint32)((volInfo.iFree*8) / (10*KMaxFillFiles));
//-- 2. create KBM_Repetitions files in the very begining (occupies first FAT entries)
TBuf<64> buf;
for(i=0; i<KBM_Repetitions; ++i)
buf.Format(KFileNameFirst, i);
nRes = CreateCheckableStuffedFile(TheFs, buf, KCheckFileSize);
//-- 3. Fill the FAT with entries and cteate a file in the middle
const TInt nHalf1 = KMaxFillFiles / 2;
for(i=0; i<nHalf1; ++i)
buf.Format(KFileNameFiller, i);
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, buf, KFillFileSz);
//-- 4. create a files in the middle
for(i=0; i<KBM_Repetitions; ++i)
buf.Format(KFileNameMiddle, i);
nRes = CreateCheckableStuffedFile(TheFs, buf, KCheckFileSize);
//-- 5. fill second half FAT
for(i=nHalf1; i<KMaxFillFiles; ++i)
buf.Format(KFileNameFiller, i);
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, buf, KFillFileSz);
//-- 6. create files in the very end (occupiy last FAT entries)
for(i=0; i<KBM_Repetitions; ++i)
buf.Format(KFileNameLast, i);
nRes = CreateCheckableStuffedFile(TheFs, buf, KCheckFileSize);
return ETrue;
Mounts and dismounts FAT volume several times calculating average time taken to mount.
Also can stress FS by calling stress function that can do some work on the volume.
@param apStressFN pointer to the stressing function which can be called just after mounting. Can be NULL.
@return time in milliseconds taken to mout the volume
static TUint32 DoMeasureMountTime(TStressFN apStressFN)
TInt nRes;
TTime timeStart;
TTime timeEnd;
TInt64 usMountTime=0; //-- total time taken by "Mount"
//-- disable FAT test utils print out, it can affects measured time
for(TInt i=0; i<KBM_Repetitions; ++i)
//-- A. remount FS taking the time when mounting starts
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum, &timeStart);
//-- B. call a given stress function
//-- C. take end time
usMountTime += (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
const TUint32 msMountTime = (TUint32)usMountTime / (K1mSec*KBM_Repetitions);
EnablePrintOutput(ETrue); //-- Enable FAT test utils print out
return msMountTime;
Stress function.
Use case: read access to the first file on the volume in root dir.
static void FirstReadAccess_FirstFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameFirst, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = VerifyCheckableFile(TheFs, buf);
Stress function.
Use case: read access to the middle file on the volume in root dir.
static void FirstReadAccess_MiddleFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameMiddle, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = VerifyCheckableFile(TheFs, buf);
Stress function.
Use case: read access to the last file on the volume in root dir.
static void FirstReadAccess_LastFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameLast, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = VerifyCheckableFile(TheFs, buf);
Stress function.
Use case: Getting volume information SYNCHRONOUSLY.
static void GetVolInfo_Synch_Stress(TInt)
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
TInt nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
Stress function.
Use case: Getting volume information _ASYNCHRONOUSLY_, i.e. do not wait until
FAT32 free space scan thread finishes
static void GetVolInfo_Asynch_Stress(TInt)
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
//-- let's use special version of the RFS API
TRequestStatus rqStat;
TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum, rqStat);
Stress function.
Use case: deletes files in the beginning of the volume (or FAT table)
static void DeleteFirstFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameFirst, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = TheFs.Delete(buf);
Stress function.
Use case: deletes files in the middle of the volume (or FAT table)
static void DeleteMiddleFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameMiddle, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = TheFs.Delete(buf);
Stress function.
Use case: deletes files in the end of the volume (or FAT table)
static void DeleteLastFile_Stress(TInt aRepNo)
TBuf<64> buf;
buf.Format(KFileNameLast, aRepNo);
TInt nRes = TheFs.Delete(buf);
perform series of tests that measure and print out FAT volume mount time for different secenarios
void MeasureMountTime()
TUint32 msTime;
if(!PrepareVolumeForBM()) //-- prepare the volume for BM tests: format it, create file structure etc.
//-- 1. no stress function, measure just pure mount time
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(NULL);
test.Printf(_L("#--> Pure mount:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.1 measure mount time with a read-acess to the first file on the volume
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(FirstReadAccess_FirstFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and read access to 1st file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.2 measure mount time with a read-acess to the middle file on the volume
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(FirstReadAccess_MiddleFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and read access to middle file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.3 measure mount time with a read-acess to the last file on the volume
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(FirstReadAccess_LastFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and read access to last file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.4 measure mount time with getting a volume information
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(GetVolInfo_Synch_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and getting volInfo (synch):%d ms\n"), msTime);
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(GetVolInfo_Asynch_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and getting volInfo (Asynch):%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.4 measure mount time with deleting file in the beginning (write access to the first entries of the FAT32)
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(DeleteFirstFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and delete first file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.5 measure mount time with deleting file in the middle (write access to the middle entries of the FAT32)
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(DeleteMiddleFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and delete middle file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
//-- 2.6 measure mount time with deleting file in the end (write access to the last entries of the FAT32)
msTime = DoMeasureMountTime(DeleteLastFile_Stress);
test.Printf(_L("#--> mount and delete last file:%d ms\n"), msTime);
test.Printf(_L("---\n"), msTime);
//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_MOUNT-0521
//! @SYMTestType PT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Testing FAT volume mount performance for various scenarios
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 0 Prepare the volume by formatting it and creating 100 files to occupy the space.
//! 1 Turn OFF all mount enhancements
//! 2 Measure and print out volume mount time for the next scenarios:
//! a. simple mount
//! b. mount and read access to the media (reading the last file in the root dir.)
//! c. mount and write access to the media (writing data into the last file in the root dir)
//! d. mount getting volume information
//! 3 Turn ON using FSInfo.
//! 4 Repeat step 2 for this case.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Finishes ok.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
void TestFAT_Mounting_Performance()
test.Next(_L("\n#--> Measuring FAT volumes mount performance.\n"));
#ifndef _DEBUG
test.Printf(_L("Skipping the test in the Release build! \n"));
//-- 1. turn OFF all mount enhancements like using FSInfo, backround FAT scan etc.
test.Printf(_L("#--> ==== All mount enhancements are disabled ====\n"));
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_DisableALL);
//-- 2. Turn ON using FSInfo
test.Printf(_L("#--> ==== Enabled Using FSInfo ====\n"));
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_DisableALL & ~KMntProp_Disable_FsInfo);
//-- 2. Turn OFF using FSInfo and ON FAT32 bacground scanning
test.Printf(_L("#--> ==== Enabled FAT32 BkGnd scan, FSInfo disabled ====\n"));
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_DisableALL & ~KMntProp_Disable_FatBkGndScan);
//-- restore mounting mechanism
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_EnableALL);
#endif //_DEBUG
Check if the drive aDriveNo is finalised or not.
The "CleanShutDown" is obtained by QueryVolumeInfoExt API and by reading 2 FATs directly with checking their consistence.
@param aDriveNo drive number to query.
@return ETrue if the drive if finalised
static TBool DoCheckVolumeFinalised(TInt aDriveNo)
TInt nRes;
TPckgBuf<TBool> boolPckg;
//-- 1. get "Finalised" state by using the API
nRes = TheFs.QueryVolumeInfoExt(aDriveNo, EIsDriveFinalised, boolPckg);
//-- N.B. for FAT12 the result can be either OK or "NotSupported"
//-- If FAT12 is in explicit "finalised" state, the result will be OK
//-- if not, we can't query the volume state, because FAT12 doesn't support flags in FAT[1]
const TBool bFinalised_From_API = boolPckg() >0;
TBool bFinalised_From_FAT1 = bFinalised_From_API;
TBuf8<32> fatBuf(32);
TFatBootSector bootSec;
const TUint32 posMainBootSec = KBootSectorNum << KDefaultSectorLog2;
nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posMainBootSec, bootSec);
const TUint32 Fat1StartPos = bootSec.FirstFatSector() * bootSec.BytesPerSector();
if(bootSec.FatType() == EFat16)
{//-- FAT16
TUint16 fatEntry;
const TUint16 KClnShtdnMask = 0x8000; //-- "ClnShutBitMask", see FAT specs
//-- read "CleanShutDown" flag directly from the 1st FAT
nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, Fat1StartPos, fatBuf.Size(), fatBuf);
Mem::Copy(&fatEntry, (fatBuf.Ptr()+sizeof(fatEntry)), sizeof(fatEntry));
bFinalised_From_FAT1 = (fatEntry & KClnShtdnMask) >0;
for(TInt i=1; i<bootSec.NumberOfFats(); ++i)
//-- read a flag from the next FAT
const TUint32 currFatStartPos = (bootSec.FirstFatSector() + i*bootSec.TotalFatSectors())*bootSec.BytesPerSector();
nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, currFatStartPos, fatBuf.Size(), fatBuf);
Mem::Copy(&fatEntry, (fatBuf.Ptr()+sizeof(fatEntry)), sizeof(fatEntry));
const TBool bFinalised_From_currFAT = (fatEntry & KClnShtdnMask)>0;
test(bFinalised_From_currFAT == bFinalised_From_FAT1);
else if(bootSec.FatType() == EFat32)
{//-- FAT32
TUint32 fatEntry;
const TUint32 KClnShtdnMask = 0x08000000; //-- "ClnShutBitMask", see FAT specs
//-- read "CleanShutDown" flag directly from the 1st FAT
nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, Fat1StartPos, fatBuf.Size(), fatBuf);
Mem::Copy(&fatEntry, (fatBuf.Ptr()+sizeof(fatEntry)), sizeof(fatEntry));
bFinalised_From_FAT1 = (fatEntry & KClnShtdnMask) >0;
for(TInt i=1; i<bootSec.NumberOfFats(); ++i)
//-- read a flag from the next FAT
const TUint32 currFatStartPos = (bootSec.FirstFatSector() + i*bootSec.TotalFatSectors())*bootSec.BytesPerSector();
nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, currFatStartPos, fatBuf.Size(), fatBuf);
Mem::Copy(&fatEntry, (fatBuf.Ptr()+sizeof(fatEntry)), sizeof(fatEntry));
const TBool bFinalised_From_currFAT = (fatEntry & KClnShtdnMask) >0;
test(bFinalised_From_currFAT == bFinalised_From_FAT1);
else //-- FAT12
{//-- FAT12 doesn't have flags in FAT[1]
bFinalised_From_FAT1 = bFinalised_From_API;
test(bFinalised_From_FAT1 == bFinalised_From_API);
return bFinalised_From_API;
//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_MOUNT-0522
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc RFs::FinaliseDrive() and RFs::FinaliseDrives() API
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 0 Finalise the drive in RW mode and check the result.
//! 1 Finalise the drive in RW mode once again and check the result.
//! 2 Create a file and check that the volume has become unfinalised.
//! 3 Open a file, try to finalise the volume; it shall fail with KErrInUse
//! 4 close the file, finalise, check that the result is OK.
//! 5 "Unfinalise" the volume; check that the volume is not finalised any longer.
//! 6 Finalise the drive in RO mode and check the result.
//! 7 Try to create a file, shall fail with KErrAccessDenied
//! 8 Try to finalise into RW mode, shall fail with KErrAccessDenied
//! 9 Try to unfinalise volume, it shall remain RO
//! 10 Remount the drive, it shall become RW and finalised
//! 11 Test transition "Not finalised" -> EFinal_RW (expected: KErrNone)
//! 12 Test transition EFinal_RW -> EFinal_RO (expected: KErrNone)
//! 13 Test transition EFinal_RO -> EFinal_RW (expected: KErrAccessDenied)
//! 14 Remount the volume to reset RO flag
//! 15 test old RFs::FinaliseDrives() API by finalising all drives in the system
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults finishes if the volume finalisation works correctly. panics otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
static void TestFinaliseFS()
test.Next(_L("Testing RFs::FinaliseDrives() API\n"));
if(!Is_Fat16(TheFs, gDriveNum) && !Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
test.Printf(_L("This step requires FAT16 or FAT32 ! Skipping.\n"));
TInt nRes;
TBool bDriveFinalised;
//============= 1. finalise the drive (RW mode) and check the result
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- 1.1 finalise the drive second time EFinal_RW -> EFinal_RW shall work
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//============= 2. create a file. Shall succeed (EFinal_RW), the volume shall become unfinalised
RFile file;
_LIT(KFileName, "\\my_file1.dat");
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
test(!bDriveFinalised); //-- the volume has become "unfinalised"
//-- 2.1 open a file, try to finalise; Shall dail with KErrInUse
nRes = file.Replace(TheFs, KFileName, EFileWrite | EFileRead);
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
test(nRes==KErrInUse); //-- can't finalise drives with opened objects
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//============= 3. test "unfinalise API"
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EForceUnfinalise);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
test(!bDriveFinalised); //-- the volume has become "unfinalised"
//============= 4. test finalisation into RO mode
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RO); //-- the volume becomes RO
//-- try to write a file on RO volume; it shall fail with KErrAccessDenied
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
test(nRes == KErrAccessDenied);
//-- 4.1 try to finalise into EFinal_RW mode, shall fail with KErrAccessDenied
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
test(nRes == KErrAccessDenied);
//-- 4.2 "unfinalise" the volume, it still shall remain RO
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EForceUnfinalise);
//-- try to write a file on RO volume; it shall fail with KErrAccessDenied
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
test(nRes == KErrAccessDenied);
//-- remount FS, the drive shall become RW
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- try to write a file on RW volume, shall be OK
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//============= 5. test various finalisation modes
//-- 5.1 Not finalised -> EFinal_RW (KErrNone)
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- 5.2 EFinal_RW -> EFinal_RO (KErrNone)
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RO);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- 5.2 EFinal_RO -> EFinal_RW (KErrAccessDenied)
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
test(nRes == KErrAccessDenied);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- 5.3 restore
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum);
//============= 6. test old RFs::FinaliseDrives API
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
TheFs.FinaliseDrives(); //-- shall work as TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW) but for ALL drives
bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, 128000);
test(nRes == KErrNone);
//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_MOUNT-0523
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc testing boot and backup boot sectors on FAT32 volume
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 0 Quick format the drive
//! 1 read main and backup boot & fsinfo sectors and check their validity
//! 2 corrupt main boot sector and check that the drive can be mounted (backup boot sector is used)
//! 3 corrupt backup boot sector and check that the drive can not be mounted.
//! 4 Quick format the drive to restore test environment
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults finishes if the boot sector and backup boot sector functionality compliant with the FAT specs. panics otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
static void TestBackupBootSector()
test.Next(_L("Testing Backup Boot Sector.\n"));
TInt nRes;
//-- quick format the drive
if(!Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
test.Printf(_L("This step requires FAT32 ! Skipping.\n"));
TFatBootSector mainBootSec, backupBootSec;
TFSInfo mainFSInfo, backupFSInfo;
const TUint32 posMainBootSec = KBootSectorNum << KDefaultSectorLog2;
const TUint32 posBkBootSec = KBkBootSectorNum << KDefaultSectorLog2;
//-- read main and backup boot & fsinfo sectors and check their validity
nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posMainBootSec, mainBootSec);
//-- backup boot sector # must be 6
nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posBkBootSec, backupBootSec);
test(mainBootSec == backupBootSec);
//-- read fsinfo sectors
const TUint32 posMainFSInfo = mainBootSec.FSInfoSectorNum() << KDefaultSectorLog2;
const TUint32 posBkFSInfo = (KBkBootSectorNum + mainBootSec.FSInfoSectorNum()) << KDefaultSectorLog2;
test(posMainFSInfo != 0);
test(posBkFSInfo != 0);
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posMainFSInfo, mainFSInfo);
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posBkFSInfo, backupFSInfo);
test(mainFSInfo == backupFSInfo);
//-- corrupt main boot sector and check that the drive can be mounted
test.Printf(_L("Corrupting main boot sector...\n"));
//-- A1. corrupt main boot sector starting from the pos:0
nRes = FillMedia(TheFs, gDriveNum, posMainBootSec, posMainBootSec+KDefaultSectorSize, 0xaa);
//-- A2. remount FS, it shall be OK because of the using backup boot sector
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum);
//-- B1. corrupt BACKUP boot sector starting from the sec:6
nRes = FillMedia(TheFs, gDriveNum, posBkBootSec, posBkBootSec+KDefaultSectorSize, 0xbb);
//-- B2. remount FS, unable to mount.
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum);
test(nRes == KErrCorrupt);
//-- quick format the drive
//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_MOUNT-0524
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc testing FSInfo sector functionality.
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 0 Quick format the drive
//! 1 finalise the drive to write correct data to the FSInfo & its backup copy.
//! 2 read FSInfo sector, its backup copy and check that they are both valid, identical and contain correct data
//! 3 check that after the formatting FS info values are the same as real, obtained from the FAT scanning.
//! 4 create a random - sized file, check that after finalisation the number of free clusters is identical to the FSinfo
//! 5 Quick format the drive to restore test environment
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults finishes if the FSInfo sectors functionality compliant with the FAT specs. panics otherwise
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
static void TestFSInfoSector()
test.Next(_L("Testing FSInfo Sector.\n"));
#ifndef _DEBUG
test.Printf(_L("Skipping the test in the Release build! \n"));
TInt nRes;
//-- quick format the drive
if(!Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
test.Printf(_L("This step requires FAT32 ! Skipping.\n"));
TFatBootSector bootSec;
const TUint32 posMainBootSec = KBootSectorNum << KDefaultSectorLog2;
nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, posMainBootSec, bootSec);
const TUint32 bytesPerSector = bootSec.BytesPerSector();
const TUint32 secPerClust = bootSec.SectorsPerCluster();
//-- finalise the drive, just in case
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
//============= 1. read FSInfo sector and its backup copy and compare them
TFSInfo fsInfoSec;
//-- main FSInfo
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, KFSInfoSectorNum*bytesPerSector, fsInfoSec);
TUint32 freeClusters_FSInfo = fsInfoSec.FreeClusterCount();
TUint32 nextFree_FSInfo = fsInfoSec.NextFreeCluster();
//-- backup FSInfo
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, KBkFSInfoSectorNum*bytesPerSector, fsInfoSec);
//-- both copies must be identical
test(freeClusters_FSInfo == fsInfoSec.FreeClusterCount());
test(nextFree_FSInfo == fsInfoSec.NextFreeCluster());
//-- FAT[0] and FAT[1] are not used; FAT[2] is taken by the 1st cluster of the FAT32 Root directory.
test(nextFree_FSInfo == (2+1));
//============= 2. check that after the formatting FS info values are the same as real.
//-- 2.1 disable using FSInfo and other stuff
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_Disable_FsInfo);
//-- remount FAT; using FSInfo is disabled. FAT will be explicitly scanned.
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum);
//-- restore mounting mechanism
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_EnableALL);
//-- get free clusters number from the FSY, which in turn had counted them explicitly
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
TUint32 freeClusters = (TUint32)(volInfo.iFree / (bytesPerSector * secPerClust));
test(freeClusters == freeClusters_FSInfo);
//============= 3. create a random - sized file, check that after finalisation the number of free clusters is identical to the FSinfo
_LIT(KFileName, "\\FILE1.DAT");
const TUint32 rndClusters = 7+((TUint32)Math::Rand(gRndSeed)) % 5000;
const TUint32 fileSz = rndClusters * bytesPerSector * secPerClust;
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, fileSz);
//-- 3.1 get data from FS
nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
freeClusters = (TUint32)(volInfo.iFree / (bytesPerSector * secPerClust));
//-- 3.2 finalise the volume and get data from FSInfo
nRes =TheFs.FinaliseDrive(gDriveNum, RFs::EFinal_RW);
//-- main FSInfo
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, KFSInfoSectorNum*bytesPerSector, fsInfoSec);
freeClusters_FSInfo = fsInfoSec.FreeClusterCount();
nextFree_FSInfo = fsInfoSec.NextFreeCluster();
//-- backup FSInfo
nRes = ReadFSInfoSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, KBkFSInfoSectorNum*bytesPerSector, fsInfoSec);
//-- both copies must be identical
test(freeClusters_FSInfo == fsInfoSec.FreeClusterCount());
test(nextFree_FSInfo == fsInfoSec.NextFreeCluster());
//-- the information in FSInfo must be the same as in FAT
test(freeClusters == freeClusters_FSInfo);
TBool bDriveFinalised = DoCheckVolumeFinalised(gDriveNum);
//-- restore mounting mechanism
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_EnableALL);
#endif //_DEBUG
/** initialise test global objects */
static void InitGlobals()
TInt nRes;
//-- define a propery which will control mount process in the fsy.
//-- The property key is a drive number being tested
nRes = RProperty::Define(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum, RProperty::EInt, KTestPropPolicy, KTestPropPolicy);
test(nRes == KErrNone || nRes == KErrAlreadyExists);
nRes = RProperty::Set(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum, KMntProp_EnableALL);
gRndSeed = Math::Random();
(void)&gRndSeed; //-- get rid of warning
/** destroy test global objects */
static void DestroyGlobals()
//-- delete test property
RProperty::Delete(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum);
TVolumeInfo v;
Manual test. Requires manual removing and putting back the media.
On the emulator one can use pressing (and holding) F5 key to simulate media removal.
void Manual_TestRemount_On_MediaRemoval()
TInt nRes;
_LIT(KFileName, "\\my_file1.dat");
const TUint32 KFileSz = K1MegaByte;
//-- 1. create a file
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFileName, KFileSz);
RFile file;
nRes = file.Open(TheFs, KFileName, EFileRead | EFileWrite);
TBuf8<512> buf(512);
TVolumeInfo vi;
TKeyCode key;
nRes = file.Read(0, buf);
test.Printf(_L("Remove the media and press a key.\n"));
key = test.Getch();
if(key == EKeyEscape)
TheFs.SetDebugRegister(KFSYS | KFSERV);
nRes = file.Read(0, buf);
if(nRes != KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("ReadFile: %d!\n"), nRes);
key = test.Getch();
if(key == EKeyEscape)
nRes = TheFs.Volume(vi,gDriveNum);
test.Printf(_L("Volume: %d!\n"), nRes);
key = test.Getch();
if(key == EKeyEscape)
nRes = file.Write(0, buf);
test.Printf(_L("WriteFile: %d!\n"), nRes);
key = test.Getch();
if(key == EKeyEscape)
Wait for the request aRqStat to be completed with timeout.
@param aRqStat request status object we need to wait to complete
@param aTimeout_uS timeout in microseconds
@return ETrue if the aRqStat is completed before time is out
EFalse if aTimeout_uS has passed. And the state of the aRqStat not changed.
TBool WaitForRequestWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aRqStat, TUint32 aTimeout_uS)
TRequestStatus rqStatTimeout(KRequestPending);
RTimer tmrTimeOut;
TInt nRes;
TBool bReqCompleted;
if(aRqStat.Int() != KRequestPending)
return ETrue; //-- nothing to wait for.
//-- set up a timeout timer
nRes = tmrTimeOut.CreateLocal();
test(nRes == KErrNone);
tmrTimeOut.After(rqStatTimeout, aTimeout_uS);
User::WaitForRequest(aRqStat, rqStatTimeout);
if(aRqStat == KRequestPending)
{//-- timeout.
bReqCompleted = EFalse;
{//-- the main request has been completed, cancel timer
bReqCompleted = ETrue;
if(rqStatTimeout.Int() == KRequestPending)
return bReqCompleted;
void TestNotifyDiskSpace()
test.Next(_L("Testing NotifyDiskSpace() on asynchronous mounting\n"));
#ifndef _DEBUG
test.Printf(_L("Skipping the test in the Release build! \n"));
TInt nRes;
TRequestStatus rqStat;
TVolumeInfo volInfo;
//-- quick format the drive
if(!Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
{//-- only FAT32 supports asynch mounting;
test.Printf(_L("This test step requires FAT32!\n"));
//-- FAT32 free space threshold that is supposed to be triggered by notifiers
const TInt64 KFreeSpaceThreshold = 300*K1MegaByte;
//-- Turn OFF using FSInfo and ON FAT32 background scanning; it will cause compulsory FAT32 background free clusters scan.
//-- if FAT32 background free clusters scan is disabled in config, this test can hang on waiting for free space notifications.
test.Printf(_L("==== Enabled FAT32 BkGnd scan, FSInfo disabled ====\n"));
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_DisableALL & ~KMntProp_Disable_FatBkGndScan);
//===== create a big file in the beginning in order to avoid freeSpaceThreshold being reached too fast
nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, _L("\\big_empty_file.bin"), 10*K1MegaByte);
//===== Test that FAT32 free space scanning thread updates File Server free space notifiers
test.Printf(_L("Testing FAT32 free space scanning thread triggers notifiers..."));
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum); //-- remount FS; it must cause FAT32 free space scan in background
test.Printf(_L("Waiting for %LU bytes available on the volume...\n"), KFreeSpaceThreshold);
//-- check if we can use the notifiers at all... If free space is >= KFreeSpaceThreshold, the notifier won't be triggered
//-- get _current_ amount of free space asynchronously
TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum, rqStat);
if(volInfo.iSize <= KFreeSpaceThreshold)
test.Printf(_L("The volume is too small for %LU bytes notify ...\n"), KFreeSpaceThreshold);
test.Printf(_L("The test is inconclusive ...\n"));
if(volInfo.iFree >= KFreeSpaceThreshold)
test.Printf(_L("The volume already has %LU free bytes...\n"), volInfo.iFree);
test.Printf(_L("The test is inconclusive ...\n"));
TheFs.NotifyDiskSpace(KFreeSpaceThreshold, gDriveNum, rqStat);
//-- wait for notification for 30 seconds; If for some reason FAT32 background scanning for free clusters doesn't
//-- work (e.g. configued out in FAT), this test is inconclusive.
TBool bCompleted = WaitForRequestWithTimeout(rqStat, 30*K1Sec);
test.Printf(_L("Wait timeout! something is wrong...\n"));
//-- get _current_ amount of free space asynchronously
TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum, rqStat);
test.Printf(_L("Current amount of free space on the volume: %LU \n"), volInfo.iFree);
//===== Test that aborting FAT32 free space scanning thread will trigger notifiers
test.Printf(_L("Testing aborting FAT32 free space scanning thread..."));
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum); //-- remount FS; it must cause FAT32 free space scan in background
TheFs.NotifyDiskSpace(KFreeSpaceThreshold, gDriveNum, rqStat);
nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, gDriveNum); //-- remount FS; it will abort the scanning thread
test(rqStat.Int() != KRequestPending);
//-- get _current_ amount of free space asynchronously
TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum, rqStat);
test.Printf(_L("Current amount of free space on the volume: %LU \n"), volInfo.iFree);
//-- find out free space on the volume; it will also blocks until FAT32 free space scanning finishes.
nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo);
test.Printf(_L("free space on the volume: %LU \n"), volInfo.iFree);
//-- restore mounting mechanism
SetFsyDebugFlag(gDriveNum, KMntProp_EnableALL);
#endif //_DEBUG
void CallTestsL()
//-- set up console output
TInt nRes=TheFs.CharToDrive(gDriveToTest, gDriveNum);
//-- check if this is FAT
if(!Is_Fat(TheFs, gDriveNum) || Is_Automounter(TheFs, gDriveNum))
{//-- it doesn't make much sense to run this test under automounter+FAT. The automounter can't easily handle formatting corrupted media
//-- and the mounting permaormance measurements don't make much sense in this case as well.
test.Printf(_L("Skipping. This test requires explicitly mounted FAT file system.\n"));
//-- check this is not the internal ram drive
TVolumeInfo v;
nRes = TheFs.Volume(v);
if(v.iDrive.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttVariableSize)
test.Printf(_L("Skipping. Internal ram drive not tested.\n"));
PrintDrvInfo(TheFs, gDriveNum);
//-- manual test