// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\euser\epoc\x86\uc_utl.cia
#include <u32exec.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32rom.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>
// Dummy so we can use same DEF file as WINS
EXPORT_C void BootEpoc(TBool)
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void RFastLock::Wait()
asm("lock sub dword ptr [ecx+4], 1");
asm("jnc fast_lock_wait_sem");
asm("mov eax, %0": : "i"(EExecSemaphoreWait));
asm("mov ecx, [ecx]");
asm("xor edx, edx");
asm("int 0x21");
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TInt RFastLock::Poll()
asm("xor eax, eax ");
asm("xor edx, edx ");
asm("dec edx ");
/* if ([ecx+4]==0) { [ecx+4]=-1; ZF=1;} else {eax=[ecx+4]; ZF=0;} */
asm("lock cmpxchg [ecx+4], edx ");
asm("jz short fastlock_poll_done ");
asm("mov eax, %0": : "i"(KErrTimedOut));
asm("fastlock_poll_done: ");
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void RFastLock::Signal()
asm("lock add dword ptr [ecx+4], 1");
asm("jne fast_lock_signal_sem");
asm("mov eax, %0": : "i"(EExecSemaphoreSignal1));
asm("mov ecx, [ecx]");
asm("int 0x21");
__NAKED__ EXPORT_C void Mem::Swap( TAny* /*aPtr1*/, TAny* /*aPtr2*/, TInt /*aLength*/ )
Swaps a number of bytes of data between two specified locations.
The source and target areas can overlap.
@param aPtr1 A pointer to the first location taking part in the swap.
@param aPtr2 A pointer to second location taking part in the swap.
@param aLength The number of bytes to be swapped between the two locations.
This value must not be negative.
@panic USER 94 In debug builds only, if aLength is negative.
// Swap the contents of *aPtr1 with *aPtr2.
// NB We assume ES=DS on entry.
asm("push esi");
asm("push edi");
asm("mov edi,[esp+12]");// aPtr1 address into edi
asm("mov esi,[esp+16]");// aPtr2 address into esi
asm("mov ecx,[esp+20]");// byte count into ecx
asm("test ecx,ecx"); //
asm("jz short memswap0");// if length=0, nothing to do
asm("cld"); // go forwards through array
asm("cmp ecx,7"); // if length<7 don't bother with alignment check
asm("jc short memswap1");//
asm("mov edx,ecx"); // length into edx
// number of bytes to align aPtr1 = 4-(edi mod 4)
asm("mov ecx,4");
asm("sub ecx,edi"); //
asm("and ecx,3"); // into ecx
asm("jz short memswap2");// if aligned, proceed with dword swap
asm("sub edx,ecx"); // subtract number of bytes from length
asm("mov al,[edi]"); // al = *aPtr1
asm("mov ah,[esi]"); // ah = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],al"); // *aPtr2=al
asm("mov [edi],ah"); // *aPtr1=ah
asm("inc esi"); // aPtr2++
asm("inc edi"); // aPtr1++
asm("dec ecx"); //
asm("jnz short memswap3");// loop ecx times - edi is now dword aligned
asm("push ebx"); // preserve ebx
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length back into ecx
asm("mov ah,cl"); // save lower two bits of dword count in ah bits 3,2
asm("add ecx,12"); // divide dword count by 4, rounding to next higher integer
asm("shr ecx,4"); // this gives loop count for unfolded loop
asm("shl ah,4"); // lower two bits of dword count into ah bits 7,6
asm("sahf"); // and into SF,ZF
asm("jns short memswap8");// branch if lower two bits of dword count = 0 or 1
asm("jz short memswap5");// if lower two bits = 3, miss out first unfolding of loop
asm("jnz short memswap6"); // if lower two bits = 2, miss out first two unfoldings
asm("jz short memswap7");// if lower two bits = 1, miss out first three unfoldings
asm("mov eax,[edi]"); // eax = *aPtr1
asm("mov ebx,[esi]"); // ebx = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],eax"); // *aPtr2=eax
asm("mov [edi],ebx"); // *aPtr1=ebx
asm("add edi,4"); // aPtr1++
asm("add esi,4"); // aPtr2++
asm("mov eax,[edi]"); // eax = *aPtr1
asm("mov ebx,[esi]"); // ebx = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],eax"); // *aPtr2=eax
asm("mov [edi],ebx"); // *aPtr1=ebx
asm("add edi,4"); // aPtr1++
asm("add esi,4"); // aPtr2++
asm("mov eax,[edi]"); // eax = *aPtr1
asm("mov ebx,[esi]"); // ebx = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],eax"); // *aPtr2=eax
asm("mov [edi],ebx"); // *aPtr1=ebx
asm("add edi,4"); // aPtr1++
asm("add esi,4"); // aPtr2++
asm("mov eax,[edi]"); // eax = *aPtr1
asm("mov ebx,[esi]"); // ebx = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],eax"); // *aPtr2=eax
asm("mov [edi],ebx"); // *aPtr1=ebx
asm("add edi,4"); // aPtr1++
asm("add esi,4"); // aPtr2++
asm("dec ecx");
asm("jnz short memswap4"); // loop ecx times to do main part of swap
asm("mov ecx,edx"); // length back into ecx
asm("pop ebx"); // restore ebx
asm("and ecx,3"); // number of remaining bytes to move
asm("jz short memswap0");// if zero, we are finished
asm("memswap1:"); // *** come here for small swap
asm("mov al,[edi]"); // al = *aPtr1
asm("mov ah,[esi]"); // ah = *aPtr2
asm("mov [esi],al"); // *aPtr2=al
asm("mov [edi],ah"); // *aPtr1=ah
asm("inc esi"); // aPtr2++
asm("inc edi"); // aPtr1++
asm("dec ecx"); //
asm("jnz short memswap1"); // loop ecx times - edi is now dword aligned
asm("pop edi");
asm("pop esi");
// Hash an 8 bit string at aPtr, length aLen bytes.
__NAKED__ TUint32 DefaultStringHash(const TUint8* /*aPtr*/, TInt /*aLen*/)
asm("push esi");
asm("mov esi, [esp+8]");
asm("mov ecx, [esp+12]");
asm("xor eax, eax");
asm("sub ecx, 4");
asm("jb lt4");
asm("xor eax, [esi]");
asm("add esi, 4");
asm("mov edx, 0x9E3779B9");
asm("mul edx");
asm("sub ecx, 4");
asm("jae ge4");
asm("add ecx, 4");
asm("jz done");
asm("xor edx, edx");
asm("cmp ecx, 2");
asm("jbe le2");
asm("mov dl, [esi+2]");
asm("shl edx, 16");
asm("cmp ecx, 2");
asm("jb onemore");
asm("mov dh, [esi+1]");
asm("mov dl, [esi]");
asm("xor eax, edx");
asm("mov edx, 0x9E3779B9");
asm("mul edx");
asm("pop esi");
// Hash a 16 bit string at aPtr, length aLen bytes.
__NAKED__ TUint32 DefaultWStringHash(const TUint16* /*aPtr*/, TInt /*aLen*/)
asm("push esi");
asm("mov esi, [esp+8]");
asm("mov ecx, [esp+12]");
asm("xor eax, eax");
asm("sub ecx, 8");
asm("jb lt8");
asm("mov edx, [esi+4]");
asm("xor eax, [esi]");
asm("add esi, 8");
asm("rol edx, 8");
asm("xor eax, edx");
asm("mov edx, 0x9E3779B9");
asm("mul edx");
asm("sub ecx, 8");
asm("jae ge8");
asm("add ecx, 8");
asm("jz done_defwstrhash");
asm("xor edx, edx");
asm("cmp ecx, 4");
asm("jbe le4");
asm("mov dx, [esi+4]");
asm("rol edx, 8");
asm("xor eax, edx");
asm("xor edx, edx");
asm("cmp ecx, 4");
asm("jb onemore_defwstrhash");
asm("mov dx, [esi+2]");
asm("shl edx, 16");
asm("mov dx, [esi]");
asm("xor eax, edx");
asm("mov edx, 0x9E3779B9");
asm("mul edx");
asm("pop esi");
Calculate a 32 bit hash from a 32 bit integer.
@param aInt The integer to be hashed.
@return The calculated 32 bit hash value.
EXPORT_C __NAKED__ TUint32 DefaultHash::Integer(const TInt& /*aInt*/)
asm("mov edx, [esp+4]");
asm("mov eax, 0x9E3779B9");
asm("mul dword ptr [edx]");