Pull rom.pl updates into rom_sbs.pl. to complete the fix for bug 3358
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\drivers\medata\ata.h
#include <partitions.h>
// ATA Register addresses (for primary)
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr16=0x000001F0;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr8=0x000001F0;
const TUint KAtaErrorRd8=0x000001F1;
const TUint KAtaFeaturesWr8=0x000001F1;
const TUint KAtaSectorCountRdWr8=0x000001F2;
const TUint KAtaSectorNoRdWr8=0x000001F3;
const TUint KAtaLba7_0RdWr8=0x000001F3;
const TUint KAtaCylinderLowRdWr8=0x000001F4;
const TUint KAtaLba15_8RdWr8=0x000001F4;
const TUint KAtaCylinderHighRdWr8=0x000001F5;
const TUint KAtaLba23_16RdWr8=0x000001F5;
const TUint KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8=0x000001F6;
const TUint KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8=0x000001F6;
const TUint KAtaStatusRd8=0x000001F7;
const TUint KAtaCommandWr8=0x000001F7;
// ATA Register addresses (for either contiguous I/O or memory mapped)
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr16=0x00000000;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWr8=0x00000000;
const TUint KAtaDataRdWrWinBase16=0x00000400; // Memory mapped only
const TUint KAtaDataRdWrWinBase8=0x00000400; // Memory mapped only
const TUint KAtaErrorRd8=0x00000001;
const TUint KAtaFeaturesWr8=0x00000001;
const TUint KAtaSectorCountRdWr8=0x00000002;
const TUint KAtaSectorNoRdWr8=0x00000003;
const TUint KAtaLba7_0RdWr8=0x00000003;
const TUint KAtaCylinderLowRdWr8=0x00000004;
const TUint KAtaLba15_8RdWr8=0x00000004;
const TUint KAtaCylinderHighRdWr8=0x00000005;
const TUint KAtaLba23_16RdWr8=0x00000005;
const TUint KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8=0x00000006;
const TUint KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8=0x00000006;
const TUint KAtaStatusRd8=0x00000007;
const TUint KAtaCommandWr8=0x00000007;
// ATA Register addresses (for contiguous I/O or memory mapped)
const TUint KAtaDupEvenDataRdWr8=0x00000008;
const TUint KAtaDupOddDataRdWr8=0x00000009;
const TUint KAtaDupErrorRd8=0x0000000D;
const TUint KAtaDupFeaturesWr8=0x0000000D;
const TUint KAtaAltStatusRd8=0x0000000E;
const TUint KAtaDeviceCtlWr8=0x0000000E;
const TUint KAtaDriveAddressRd8=0x0000000F;
// ATA Register bit fields
// KAtaErrorRd8
const TUint8 KAtaErrorAmnf=0x01;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorAbort=0x04;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorIdnf=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorUnc=0x40;
const TUint8 KAtaErrorBbk=0x80;
// KAtaSelectDriveHeadRdWr8
// KAtaDriveLba27_24RdWr8
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadLba27_24=0x0F;
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadDrive1=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaDrvHeadLbaOn=0x40;
// KAtaStatusRd8
const TUint8 KAtaStatusErr=0x01;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusCorr=0x04;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDrq=0x08;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDsc=0x10;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusDwf=0x20;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusRdy=0x40;
const TUint8 KAtaStatusBusy=0x80;
// KAtaDeviceCtlWr8
const TUint8 KAtaDeviceCtlIntDis=0x02;
const TUint8 KAtaDeviceCtlSwRes=0x04;
// ATA commands
const TUint8 KAtaCmdIdentifyDrive=0xEC;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdReadSectors=0x20;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdWriteSectors=0x30;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdSetFeatures=0xEF;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdRequestSense=0x03;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdFormatTrack=0x50;
const TUint8 KAtaCmdIdle=0xE3;
// Defines for Identify Drive Command
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultCylinders=2; // Offset in bytes
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultHeads=6;
const TInt KAtaIdDefaultSectorsPerTrack=12;
const TInt KAtaIdCapabilities=98;
const TUint16 KAtaIdCapLbaSupported=0x0200;
const TInt KAtaIdTranslationParams=106;
const TUint16 KAtaIdTrParamsValid=0x0001;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentCylinders=108;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentHeads=110;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentSectorsPerTrack=112;
const TInt KAtaIdCurrentTotalSectors=114;
const TInt KAtaIdTotalSectorsInLba=120;
// Drive parameters
class TDriveParameters
TInt iCylinders;
TInt iHeads;
TInt iSectorsPerTrack;
TInt iSectorsPerCylinder;
TBool iSupportsLba;
TInt iTotalSectorsInLba;
const TInt KAtaSectorSize=512;
const TInt KAtaSectorSizeMinusOne=(KAtaSectorSize-1);
const TInt KAtaSectorShift=9;
const TUint KAtaSectorMask=0xFFFFFE00;
const TInt KMaxSectorsPerCmd=256; // Maximum sectors that can be transfered in single command
enum TAtaDriveSelect