* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* This file contains statically defined test cases, a pointer to each
* new test case should be entered in StaticTestArray
#include "t_dma2.h"
#include "cap_reqs.h"
const TCallbackRecord threadCallback(TCallbackRecord::EThread,1);
const TCallbackRecord isrCallback(TCallbackRecord::EIsr,1);
const TInt size = 128 * KKilo;
const TInt trans64K_1 = ((64 * KKilo) -1); // 65535
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2571
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc This test verifies the correct behavior of CancelAll API in the new DMA
//! framework
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel for a transfer.
//! 2. Queue multiple request on the DMA channel.
//! 3. Call CancelAll () on the DMA channel.
//! 4. Verify that all transfers have been cancelled.
//! 5 Open a DMA channel for a transfer. This channel should support pause and resume.
//! 6. Call Pause () on the channel.
//! 7. Queue multiple request on the DMA channel.
//! 8. Call CancelAll () on the channel.
//! 9. Verify that all transfers have been cancelled.
//! TestExpectedResults 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA queue request created and KErrNone returned.
//! 3. CancelAll () cancels all queued request.
//! 4. All queued request are cancelled
//! 5. DMA Request completes
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace CancelAllTest
const TInt size = 2 * KMega;
const TDmaTransferArgs transferArgArray[] = {
TDmaTransferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr),
TDmaTransferArgs(2 * size, 3 * size, size, KDmaMemAddr)
TResultSet noTransferExpected = TResultSet()
const TResultSet expected[] =
// Test that 2 requests can be queued on a paused channel
// then cleared using CancelAll.
// It is expected that no data will have been transferred to the
// destination buffer.
CCancelAllTest testcancelall =
CCancelAllTest(_L("CancelAllTest : Cancel and verify cancellation of requests"), 1, transferArgArray, expected, ARRAY_LENGTH(transferArgArray))
TTestCase testCase(&testcancelall,EFalse,capAboveV1,pauseRequired_skip);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2569
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc This test verifies the correct behavior of Pause and Resume API in the new DMA
//! framework
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel for a transfer.
//! 2. Setup a DMA request and time how long the transfer takes
//! 3. Pause the DMA channel
//! 4. Repeat DMA transfer (queued asynchronously)
//! 5. Resume DMA Channel
//! TestExpectedResults 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA request created and KErrNone returned.
//! 3. DMA channel Paused.
//! 4. Request queued and waits until Resume is called
//! 5. DMA Request completes
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace PauseResumeApiTest
const TInt srcAddr = 0;
const TInt desAddr = 2 * KMega;
const TInt transferSize = 1 * KMega;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TResultSet expectedResults(threadCallback);
CPauseResumeTest testPauseResume = CPauseResumeTest(_L("Pause and Resume Test"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults);
TTestCase testCasePauseResume(&testPauseResume, EFalse, capAboveV1,pauseRequired_skip);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Simple DMA transfer test using CSingleTransferTest and New DMA APIs
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel for a transfer.
//! 2. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA transfer completes with no errors.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Simple_1
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
const TResultSet expectedResults(threadCallback);
CSingleTransferTest simpleTest(_L("Simple Test - New DMA APIs"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(&simpleTest), EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(&simpleTest), ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2573
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA ISR Callback test (Isr Callback - use old request Ctor)
//! TestActions
//! 1. Setup DMA transfer to request a callback from ISR using old style DDmaRequest.
//! 2. Create single transfer test and run test
//! 3. Verify that DDmaRequest request fails
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA transfer created with no errors.
//! 3. DDmaRequest request fails.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Callback
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
const TResultSet expectedResults(isrCallback);
CSingleTransferTest isrTest(_L("Isr Callback"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults);
TTestCase testCase(&isrTest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
const TRequestResults fragmentFails = TRequestResults().
const TResultSet expectedResultsFail = TResultSet(EFalse).
PostTransferResult(1); // PostTransferResult of 1 means buffers don't match
CSingleTransferTest isrTestOldRequest = CSingleTransferTest(_L("Isr Callback - use old request Ctor"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResultsFail)
TTestCase testCaseOldRequest(&isrTestOldRequest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2574,KBASE-DMA-2575
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA ISR Reque test
//! TestActions
//! 1. Setup DMA transfer to request a callback from ISR.
//! 2. Set up ISR to requeue the DMA request on the same channel and adjust its transfer parameters.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! 4. Verify a client can queue the just completed DMA request from within an ISR callback.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! DMA transfer completes and just completed request can be requeued from within an ISR
//! callback on the same channel. Requeued DMA request completes successfully
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace ISR_Reque
const TInt size = 4 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs tferArgs(0, 2*size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 1); // request must be in a single fragment
//This case requeues 4 transfers at the end of an ISR callback
namespace endOnIsrCb
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
TIsrRequeArgs(size,3*size,size,0, ETrue),
TIsrRequeArgs(size,4*size,size,0, ETrue),
TIsrRequeArgs(0,5*size,size,0, ETrue),
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
// we expect a cb for each requeue + 1 for the original
// transfer
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EIsr, count + 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, callbackRecord);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("4 Requeues - end on isr cb"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, &KPreTransferIncrBytes, &KCompareSrcDst), ETrue, capAboveV1);
///This case requeues 4 transfers at the end of a thread callback
namespace endOnThreadCb
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
TIsrRequeArgs(size,3*size,size,0, ETrue),
TIsrRequeArgs(size,4*size,size,0, ETrue),
TIsrRequeArgs(0,5*size,size,0, EFalse),
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EThread, count + 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, callbackRecord);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("4 Requeues - end on thread cb"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, &KPreTransferIncrBytes, &KCompareSrcDst), ETrue, capAboveV1);
// This case requeues a transfer from within an thread callback after changing the transfer size
namespace changeSize
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
TIsrRequeArgs(3*size,5*size,2*size,0, EFalse),
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EThread, count + 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, callbackRecord);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("1 Requeues - change transfer size"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, &KPreTransferIncrBytes, &KCompareSrcDst), ETrue, capAboveV1);
// This case requeues a just completed request from within an ISR callback
namespace endOnRedo
// The transfer size has been made bigger than 4K so that we do not miss the second interrupt when tracing
// enabled is. This indicates the PSL's interrupt handler misses an interrupt if it occurs during the interrupt.
const TInt size = 0x10000;
TDmaTransferArgs tferArgs(0, 2*size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
TIsrRequeArgs(3*size,5*size,2*size,0, ETrue),
TIsrRequeArgs() //repeat the previous transfer
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EIsr, count + 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, callbackRecord);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("2 Requeues - Isr redo request repeated"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, &KPreTransferIncrBytes, &KCompareSrcDst), EFalse, capAboveV1);
// This case requeues a request from within an ISR callback using invalid requeue parameters
namespace invalidAddresses
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
TIsrRequeArgs(size, size)
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EIsr, 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrArgument);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrUnknown, callbackRecord);
// pre and post test would fail because of bad requeue parameters
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("Requeue with matching addresses"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, NULL, NULL), ETrue, capAboveV1);
// This case requeues a request containing more than 1 fragment from within an ISR callback
// This test case is currently caught by a FAULT instead of a return code
// as expected. Currently, the facility to return an error code to the test
// framework is not yet supported.
// It has been implemented to expect an error code of KErrGeneral as requeues for request that
// contains more than one fragments are not allowed.
namespace multipleFragments
TIsrRequeArgs requeArgs[] = {
const TInt count = ARRAY_LENGTH(requeArgs);
const TRequestResults isrequestResult(KErrNone, 2); // request contains 2 fragments
const TCallbackRecord callbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EIsr, 1).IsrRedoResult(KErrGeneral);
TRequestResults results2Fragments = TRequestResults(isrequestResult).FragmentCount(2);
const TResultSet expected(KErrNone, results2Fragments, KErrNone, callbackRecord);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CIsrRequeTest(_L("Attempt to Requeue 2 fragment request"), 1, tferArgs, requeArgs, count, expected, &KPreTransferIncrBytes, &KCompareSrcDst, size/2), ETrue, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID PBASE-DMA-FUNC-2586
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA Multiple transfer test
//! TestActions
//! 1.Setup DMA transfer to using muliple transfers.
//! 2.Create multipart transfer test and run test.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA tranfer set up with no errors.
//! 2. Multipart transfer tests completes with no issues.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Multipart
// need long transfer, to try and force adjacent
// requests to be concatinated
const TInt size = 2 * KMega;
const TDmaTransferArgs transferArgArray[] = {
TDmaTransferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr),
TDmaTransferArgs(2 * size, 3 * size, size, KDmaMemAddr)
const TResultSet expected[] =
CMultiTransferTest multipart =
CMultiTransferTest(_L("Sg request concatination"), 1, transferArgArray, expected, ARRAY_LENGTH(transferArgArray))
TTestCase testCase(&multipart, EFalse, hwDesWanted_skip);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2580
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc These tests attempt to queue ISR cb requests while the queue is not
//! empty and queing normal requests when an ISR cb is pending
//! TestActions
//! 1. Setup DMA transfer to request a callback from ISR.
//! 2. Create single transfer test and run test
//! 3. Queue another request using Queue()before ISR Callback completion
//! 4. Verify a DMA framework flags an error.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! DMA framework flags an error if ISR callback has not been executed
//! for the last time without re-queueing the initial transfer request
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace IsrAndDfc
// This test case needs a long transfer so that 1st request is still queued when the second
// one is queued. The use of Pause is recommended in order to guarantee this. For this case,
// the size has been selected to ensure that the first isr callback request in IsrBeforeDfc
// will only have one fragment
const TInt size = 0x40000;
TDmaTransferArgs dfcTransfer(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
TDmaTransferArgs isrTransfer(2*size, 3*size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
const TResultSet success = TResultSet();
TResultSet queueFailure = TResultSet().
namespace DfcBeforeIsr
const TDmaTransferArgs transferArgArray[] = {
const TResultSet expected[] =
CMultiTransferTest dfcBeforeIsr =
CMultiTransferTest(_L("DFC cb req before ISR cb req "), 1, transferArgArray, expected, ARRAY_LENGTH(transferArgArray))
TTestCase testCase(&dfcBeforeIsr, EFalse, pauseRequired_skip, capAboveV1);
namespace IsrBeforeDfc
const TDmaTransferArgs transferArgArray[] = {
TResultSet isrSuccess = TResultSet(success).CallbackRecord(isrCallback);
const TResultSet expected[] =
CMultiTransferTest dfcBeforeIsr =
CMultiTransferTest(_L("ISR cb req before DFC cb req "), 1, transferArgArray, expected, ARRAY_LENGTH(transferArgArray))
TTestCase testCase(&dfcBeforeIsr, EFalse, pauseRequired_skip, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID PBASE-DMA-FUNC-2587
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA 2D transfer test
//! TestActions
//! 1. Set up DMA transfer using TDmaTransArgs parameters specified in order to
//! rotate an image by 90 degrees clockwise.
//! 2. Verify that destination buffer gets transformed according to the DMA
//! transfer arguments after transfer.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA tranfer set up with no errors.
//! 2. Destination buffer gets transformed accordingly.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace _2D_Test
// Image @ 0x0 with 640x480 pixels and 24 bits/pixel.
TDmaTransferConfig src(
0, /*iAddr*/
3, /*iElementSize*/
6, /*iElementsPerFrame*/
4, /*iFramesPerTransfer*/
0, /*iElementSkip*/
0, /*iFrameSkip*/
KDmaMemAddr /*iFlags*/
TDmaTransferConfig dst(
0x708000, /*iAddr*/
3, /*iElementSize*/
640, /*iElementsPerFrame*/
480, /*iFramesPerTransfer*/
1437, /*iElementSkip*/
-920166, /*iFrameSkip*/
KDmaMemAddr /*iFlags*/
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs2D(src, dst);
TResultSet expectedResults; //all KErrNone
//source buffer is currently filled with increasing values
//instead of an image, but the test is still valid
CSingleTransferTest transfer2d(_L("2D Transfer"), 1, transferArgs2D, expectedResults, 0, &KCompare2D);
TTestCase testCase2d(&transfer2d, EFalse, cap_2DRequired, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2565
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA Fragmentation count test
//! TestActions
//! 1. Set up the arguments for Fragment using the setting in the test scenario table below.
//! 2. Create single transfer test and run test
//! 3. Verify that FragmentCount API returns the expected value and framework responds correctly
//! 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 above until all the settings in the scenario table below have been used.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! On calling FragmentCount (), the number of fragments (descriptors / pseudo descriptors) that
//! the transfer request has been split into is returned.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace FragmentationCount
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 128);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CSingleTransferTest test1(_L("Fragmentation Count - 128 fragments"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults, KKilo);
TTestCase testCase(new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(&test1), EFalse);
const TRequestResults requestResult2(KErrNone, 4);
const TResultSet expectedResults2(KErrNone, requestResult2, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CSingleTransferTest test2(_L("Fragmentation Count - 4 fragments"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults2, 32*KKilo);
TTestCase testCase2(new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(&test2), EFalse);
// Also specifying an element size to get the PIL to further adjust the
// fragment size(s): element size = 32, transfer length = 128KB, max
// transfer length = 6500 bytes, # of fragments expected = 21 (20 with 6496
// bytes each + 1 with 1152 bytes).
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs3(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, 0, KDmaAddrModePostIncrement, 32);
const TRequestResults requestResult3(KErrNone, 21);
const TResultSet expectedResults3(KErrNone, requestResult3, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CSingleTransferTest test3(_L("Fragmentation Count - 21 fragments"),
1, transferArgs3, expectedResults3, 6500);
TTestCase testCase3(new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(&test3), EFalse);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2584,KBASE-DMA-2585
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc DMA Benchmark tests
//! To compare the speed of request fragmentation for a given transfer
//! between the new and old frameworks on the NaviEngine platform.
//! TestActions
//! 1. Fragment a memory to memory dma transfer of 4Mb, where both source and destination are physically contiguous.
//! 2. Fragment using the default element size, and also with a 4K limit.
//! 3. Carry out for a channel using pseudo descriptors and for a scatter gather channel.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! The results obtained for both framework versions should be comparable.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Benchmark
const TInt bmIters = 10;
namespace Frag
const TInt size = 1 * KMega;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
TTestCase testCase_256K(new (ELeave) CDmaBmFragmentation(_L("1 MB transfer - 256K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 256 * KKilo), EFalse);
TTestCase testCase_8K(new (ELeave) CDmaBmFragmentation(_L("1 MB transfer - 8K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 8 * KKilo), EFalse);
namespace Transfer
namespace _4Bytes
const TInt size = 4;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest(_L("4 bytes"), bmIters, transferArgs, 0);
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse);
namespace _128K
const TInt size = 128 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
TTestCase testCase_128(new (ELeave) CDmaBmTransfer(_L("128 K - 128K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 128 * KKilo), EFalse);
TTestCase testCase_16(new (ELeave) CDmaBmTransfer(_L("128 K - 16K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 16 * KKilo), EFalse);
TTestCase testCase_4(new (ELeave) CDmaBmTransfer(_L("128 K - 4K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 4 * KKilo), EFalse);
TTestCase testCase_1(new (ELeave) CDmaBmTransfer(_L("128 K - 1K frag size"), bmIters, transferArgs, 1 * KKilo), EFalse);
namespace _4MB
const TInt size = 4 * KMega;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest(_L("4 MB"), bmIters, transferArgs, 0);
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse);
Compare time taken between queing and callback of 4 byte
request with both DFC and ISR callback
The new API calls are used
namespace CompareIsrDfcCb
const TInt iterations = 50;
namespace Dfc
TResultSet expected = TResultSet(threadCallback).
namespace _4Bytes
const TInt size = 4;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest = CDmaBmTransfer(_L("4 bytes DFC cb"), iterations, transferArgs, 0).
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
namespace _4K
const TInt size = 4 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest = CDmaBmTransfer(_L("4K DFC cb"), iterations, transferArgs, 0).
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
namespace Isr
TResultSet expected = TResultSet(isrCallback).
namespace _4Bytes
const TInt size = 4;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest = CDmaBmTransfer(_L("4 bytes Isr cb"), iterations, transferArgs, 0).
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
namespace _4K
const TInt size = 4 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr, KDmaSyncAuto, KDmaRequestCallbackFromIsr);
CDmaBmTransfer bmTest = CDmaBmTransfer(_L("4K Isr cb"), iterations, transferArgs, 0).
TTestCase testCase(&bmTest, EFalse, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2561
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new & old style fragment using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 1 - DstAddr > SrcAddr & TransferSize=32K & Location is
//! address of a memory buffer
//! TestActions
//! 1. Set up the arguments for aTransfeArgs using the settings below.
//! SrcAddr = 4 * KKilo;
//! desAddr = 64 * KKilo;
//! transferSize = 32 * KKilo;
//! iFlags = KDmaMemAddr;
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. Fragment request completes and KErrNone returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Fragment_1
const TInt srcAddr = 4 * KKilo;
const TInt desAddr = 64 * KKilo;
const TInt transferSize = 32 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs( srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 32);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("Fragment - Scenario 1"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults,KKilo));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2561
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new & old style fragment using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 3 - TransferSize=0
//! 1. Set up the arguments for aTransfeArgs using the settings below.
//! SrcAddr = 32 * KKilo;
//! desAddr = 64 * KKilo;
//! transferSize = 0
//! iFlags = KDmaMemAddr;
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. Fragment request fails and KErrArgument returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Fragment_2
const TInt srcAddr = 32 * KKilo;
const TInt desAddr = 64 * KKilo;
const TInt transferSize = 0;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs( srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize,KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 0, KErrArgument, KErrUnknown);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, TCallbackRecord::Empty());
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("Fragment - Scenario 3"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2561
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new & old style fragment using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 4 - TransferSize=1Byte
//! 1. Set up the arguments for aTransfeArgs using the settings below.
//! SrcAddr = 32K;
//! desAddr = 64K;
//! transferSize = 1 byte
//! iFlags = KDmaMemAddr;
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. Fragment request completes and KErrNone returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Fragment_3
const TInt srcAddr = 32 * KKilo;
const TInt desAddr = 64 * KKilo;
const TInt transferSize = 1;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 1);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("Fragment - Scenario 4"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2561
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new & old style fragment using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 5 - TransferSize=128KB
//! 1. Set up the arguments for aTransfeArgs using the settings below.
//! SrcAddr = 16K;
//! desAddr = 2MB;
//! transferSize = 1MB;
//! iFlags = KDmaMemAddr;
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. Fragment request completes and KErrNone returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Fragment_4
const TInt srcAddr = 16 * KKilo;
const TInt desAddr = 2 * KMega;
const TInt transferSize = 1 * KMega;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("Fragment - Scenario 5"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2560
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2561
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new & old style fragment using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 6 - TransferSize=3MB
//! 1. Set up the arguments for aTransfeArgs using the settings below.
//! SrcAddr = 16K;
//! desAddr = 4MB;
//! transferSize = 3MB
//! iFlags = KDmaMemAddr;
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. Fragment request completes and KErrNone returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace Fragment_5
const TInt srcAddr = 16 * KKilo;
const TInt desAddr = 4 * KMega;
const TInt transferSize = 3 * KMega;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(srcAddr, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("Fragment - Scenario 6"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2562
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2563
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new and old style DDmaRequest using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 1 - aMaxTransferSize=0
//! 1. Set up the DDmaRequest using aMaxTransferSize set to 0.
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. DDmaRequest constructor behaves as expected and KErrArgument returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace DDmaRequest_1
const TInt desAddr = 4 * KKilo;
const TInt transferSize = 4 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 0);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("DDmaRequest - Scenario 1"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults,0));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2562
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2563
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc Test new and old style DDmaRequest using CSingleTransferTest
//! Test Scenario 2 - aMaxTransferSize= (64K - 1) // 65535
//! 1. Set up the arguments for DDmaRequest using aMaxTransferSize set to (64K - 1).
//! 2. Setup expected result.
//! 3. Create single transfer test and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. TransfeArgs set up in DMA framework
//! 2. Expected results set up in DMA framework
//! 3. DDmaRequest constructor behaves as expected and KErrArgument returned
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace DDmaRequest_2
const TInt desAddr = 4 * KKilo;
const TInt transferSize = 4 * KKilo;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, desAddr, transferSize, KDmaMemAddr);
const TRequestResults requestResult(KErrNone, 1);
const TResultSet expectedResults(KErrNone, requestResult, KErrNone, threadCallback);
CMultiVersionTest multiVersion(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("DDmaRequest - Scenario 2"), 1, transferArgs, expectedResults, trans64K_1));
TTestCase testCase(&multiVersion, EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseConcurrent(&multiVersion, ETrue);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2585
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc SmallFrags: This test provokes the failure seen in DEF140598
//! The test checks that requests with small fragments
//! do not trigger a spurious missed interrupt clean up
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel for a transfer.
//! 2. Create single transfer test using small frags and run test
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA transfer completes with no errors.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace SmallFrags
const TInt size = 32;
TDmaTransferArgs transferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr);
const TResultSet expectedResults(threadCallback);
TTestCase testCase(
new (ELeave) CMultiVersionTest(new (ELeave) CSingleTransferTest(_L("8 * 4byte frags"), 10, transferArgs, expectedResults, 4)),
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2568
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc This test checks the correct behaviour of Close API in the new DMA framework
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel
//! 2. Open DMA Channel again
//! 3 Close the DMA channel.
//! 4 Open DMA channel to verify that the DMA channel closed.
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA Framework returns KErrInUse as channel is already open.
//! 3. DMA channel closes and KErrNone returned.
//! 4. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace CloseApiTest
COpenCloseTest testCloseApi = COpenCloseTest(_L("Close API Test"), 1).RunOpenApiTest(EFalse);
TTestCase testCaseCloseApi(&testCloseApi, EFalse, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2564
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc This test checks the correct behaviour of Open API in the new DMA framework
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a DMA channel
//! 2. Verify that channel is really open by closing DMA channel
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned
//! 2. DMA channel closes again returns KErrNone.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace OpenApiTest
COpenCloseTest testOpenApi = COpenCloseTest(_L("Open API Test"), 1).RunOpenApiTest(ETrue);
TTestCase testCaseOpenApi(&testOpenApi, EFalse, capAboveV1);
//! TestCaseID KBASE-DMA-2567
//! TestType CIT
//! TestCaseDesc This test verifies the correct behavior of TBool IsQueueEmpty() in the new DMA
//! framework and check its return value
//! TestActions
//! 1. Open a single DMA channel for a transfer.
//! 2. Setup a DMA request and Fragment the request.
//! 3. Call IsQueueEmpty().
//! 4. Queue the DMA request.
//! 5. Call IsQueueEmpty().
//! TestExpectedResults
//! 1. DMA channel opens and KErrNone returned.
//! 2. DMA request created and fragmented and KErrNone returned.
//! 3. IsQueueEmpty() returns ETrue.
//! 4. Request queued and KErrNone returned
//! 5. IsQueueEmpty() returns EFalse.
//! TestPriority High
//! TestStatus Implemented
namespace IsQueueEmptyTest
const TInt size = 2 * KMega;
const TDmaTransferArgs transferArgArray[] = {
TDmaTransferArgs(0, size, size, KDmaMemAddr),
TDmaTransferArgs(2 * size, 3 * size, size, KDmaMemAddr)
const TResultSet expected[] =
const TResultSet expectedResults(isrCallback);
CIsQueueEmptyTest isQueueEmpty =
CIsQueueEmptyTest(_L("IsQueueEmptyTest using muliple frags"), 1, transferArgArray, expected, ARRAY_LENGTH(transferArgArray))
TTestCase testCase(&isQueueEmpty,EFalse,capAboveV1,pauseRequired_skip);
static TTestCase* StaticSimpleTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticCallbackTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticIsrRequeTestArray[] = {
#ifdef _DEBUG
&ISR_Reque::invalidAddresses::testCase, // addresses only checked in UDEB
// This test case is currently caught by a FAULT instead of a return code
// as expected. Currently, the facility to return an error code to the test
// framework is not yet supported.
static TTestCase* StaticMultipartTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticIsrAndDfcTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* Static2DTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticFragmentTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticBenchmarkTestArray[] = {
// Benchmarks are only really meaningful
// on UREL builds
static TTestCase* StaticRequestTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticChannelTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticSuspendTestArray[] = {
static TTestCase* StaticQueueTestArray[] = {
//Append new test cases here
static TTestCase* StaticTestArray[] = {
#ifdef _DEBUG
&ISR_Reque::invalidAddresses::testCase, // addresses only checked in UDEB
// This test case is currently caught by a FAULT instead of a return code
// as expected. Currently, the facility to return an error code to the test
// framework is not yet supported.
#ifndef _DEBUG
// Benchmarks are only really meaningful
// on UREL builds
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArray(StaticTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayIsrAndDfc(StaticIsrAndDfcTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticIsrAndDfcTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArraySimple(StaticSimpleTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticSimpleTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayQueue(StaticQueueTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticQueueTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayChannel(StaticChannelTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticChannelTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArraySuspend(StaticSuspendTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticSuspendTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayFragment(StaticFragmentTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticFragmentTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayBenchmark(StaticBenchmarkTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticBenchmarkTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArray2DTest(Static2DTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(Static2DTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayMultiPart(StaticMultipartTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticMultipartTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayIsrReque(StaticIsrRequeTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticIsrRequeTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayCallback(StaticCallbackTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticCallbackTestArray));
RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayRequest(StaticRequestTestArray, ARRAY_LENGTH(StaticRequestTestArray));