Another rework for Bug 2926 - add a separate bld.inf in gcce, to be used in Symbian Foundation builds
Later on, this can be the place where the EPL source for GCC runtime support is added.
?KeyDataConvTable@@YAXAAUSConvTable@@AAI1AAUSScanCodeBlockList@@AAUSKeyCodeList@@@Z @ 1 NONAME ; void __cdecl KeyDataConvTable(struct SConvTable &,unsigned int &,unsigned int &,struct SScanCodeBlockList &,struct SKeyCodeList &)
?KeyDataFuncTable@@YAXAAUSFuncTables@@@Z @ 2 NONAME ; void __cdecl KeyDataFuncTable(struct SFuncTables &)
?KeyDataSettings@@YAXAAW4TRadix@@AAW4TCtrlDigitsTermination@@AAH2@Z @ 3 NONAME ; void __cdecl KeyDataSettings(enum TRadix &,enum TCtrlDigitsTermination &,int &,int &)