Trying to figure out how to implement my WINC like compatibility layer. Going the emulation way is probably not so smart. We should not use the kernel but rather hook native functions in the Exec calls.
Write__5RPipeRC6TDesC8i @ 1 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Write(TDesC8 const &, int)
CancelSpaceAvailable__5RPipe @ 2 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::CancelSpaceAvailable(void)
CancelWait__5RPipe @ 3 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::CancelWait(void)
Close__5RPipe @ 4 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Close(void)
Create__5RPipeiR5RPipeT210TOwnerTypeT4 @ 5 NONAME ; RPipe::Create(int, RPipe &, RPipe &, TOwnerType, TOwnerType)
Define__5RPipeRC7TDesC16i @ 6 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Define(TDesC16 const &, int)
Define__5RPipeRC7TDesC16iRC15TSecurityPolicy @ 7 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Define(TDesC16 const &, int, TSecurityPolicy const &)
Destroy__5RPipeRC7TDesC16 @ 8 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Destroy(TDesC16 const &)
Flush__5RPipe @ 9 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Flush(void)
HandleType__C5RPipe @ 10 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::HandleType(void) const
Init__5RPipe @ 11 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Init(void)
MaxSize__5RPipe @ 12 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::MaxSize(void)
NotifyDataAvailable__5RPipeR14TRequestStatus @ 13 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::NotifyDataAvailable(TRequestStatus &)
NotifySpaceAvailable__5RPipeiR14TRequestStatus @ 14 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::NotifySpaceAvailable(int, TRequestStatus &)
Open__5RPipeG12RMessagePtr2i10TOwnerType @ 15 NONAME ; RPipe::Open(RMessagePtr2, int, TOwnerType)
Open__5RPipeRC7TDesC16Q25RPipe5TMode @ 16 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Open(TDesC16 const &, RPipe::TMode)
Open__5RPipei10TOwnerType @ 17 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Open(int, TOwnerType)
ReadBlocking__5RPipeR5TDes8i @ 18 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::ReadBlocking(TDes8 &, int)
Read__5RPipeR5TDes8i @ 19 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Read(TDes8 &, int)
Size__5RPipe @ 20 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Size(void)
Wait__5RPipeRC7TDesC16R14TRequestStatus @ 21 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::Wait(TDesC16 const &, TRequestStatus &)
WriteBlocking__5RPipeRC6TDesC8i @ 22 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::WriteBlocking(TDesC8 const &, int)
CancelDataAvailable__5RPipe @ 23 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::CancelDataAvailable(void)
WaitForReader__5RPipeRC7TDesC16R14TRequestStatus @ 24 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::WaitForReader(TDesC16 const &, TRequestStatus &)
WaitForWriter__5RPipeRC7TDesC16R14TRequestStatus @ 25 NONAME R3UNUSED ; RPipe::WaitForWriter(TDesC16 const &, TRequestStatus &)