Trying to figure out how to implement my WINC like compatibility layer. Going the emulation way is probably not so smart. We should not use the kernel but rather hook native functions in the Exec calls.
// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\e32test.h
@file e32test.h
#ifndef __E32TEST_H__
#define __E32TEST_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32base_private.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <e32ver.h>
#include <e32kpan.h>
#include <cpudefs.h>
#include <e32debug.h>
#include <e32def_private.h>
#include <e32event_private.h>
Test console.
The class creates a console window to which test results can be logged
through the various overloads of the operator().
class RTest
IMPORT_C RTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aThrowaway,const TText* anOtherThrowaway);
IMPORT_C RTest(const TDesC &aTitle,TInt aThrowaway);
IMPORT_C RTest(const TDesC &aTitle);
IMPORT_C void Close();
IMPORT_C void Title();
IMPORT_C void Start(const TDesC &aHeading);
IMPORT_C void Next(const TDesC &aHeading);
IMPORT_C void End();
IMPORT_C void operator()(TInt aResult,TInt aLineNum,const TText* aFileName);
IMPORT_C void operator()(TInt aResult,TInt aLineNum);
IMPORT_C void operator()(TInt aResult);
IMPORT_C void Panic(TInt anError,TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...);
IMPORT_C void Panic(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...);
IMPORT_C void Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...);
IMPORT_C TKeyCode Getch();
inline static const TAny* String(TInt aSel,const TText8 *aBuf1,const TText16 *aBuf2);
inline CConsoleBase* Console() const;
inline void SetConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole);
inline TBool Logged() const;
inline void SetLogged(TBool aToLog);
inline void HandleError(TInt aError, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName);
inline void HandleNull(TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName);
inline void HandleNotEqual(TInt aExpected, TInt aActual, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName);
inline void HandleFailedCompare(TInt aLeft, const TText* aComp, TInt aRight, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName);
inline void HandleValue(TInt aValue, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName);
IMPORT_C static TInt CloseHandleAndWaitForDestruction(RHandleBase& aH); /**< @internalTechnology */
void CheckConsoleCreated();
void DisplayLevel();
inline void Push();
inline void Pop();
enum {EMaxStack=0x100,EMaxBuffer=0x100};
TInt iTest;
TInt iCheck;
TInt iLevel;
TBool iLogging;
CConsoleBase *iConsole;
TBuf<0x40> iTitle;
TInt iStack[EMaxStack];
TText iBuf[EMaxBuffer];
Gets the console.
@return A pointer to the console object.
inline CConsoleBase* RTest::Console() const
{ return(iConsole); }
Utility function that returns a pointer to the specified TText8* argument
or the TText16* argument depending on the value of the aSel argument.
@param aSel An integer containing the size of a TText8 type or TText16 type.
@param aBuf1 A pointer to 8-bit text.
@param aBuf2 A pointer to 16-bit text.
@return A pointer to aBuf1, if the value of aSel is the size of a TText8 type,
otherwise a pointer to aBuf2.
inline const TAny *RTest::String(TInt aSel,const TText8 *aBuf1,const TText16 *aBuf2)
{ return(aSel == sizeof(TText8) ? (TAny *)aBuf1 : (TAny *)aBuf2); }
inline void RTest::Push()
{ iStack[iLevel++] = iTest; iTest = 0; }
inline void RTest::Pop()
{ iTest = iStack[--iLevel]; }
Sets the console.
@param aConsole A pointer to the console object to be used.
inline void RTest::SetConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
{ iConsole = aConsole; }
Tests whether the logging flag is set.
If the logging flag is set, console output is also written to
the debug output as represented by a RDebug object.
@return True, if the logging flag is set, false otherwise.
inline TBool RTest::Logged() const
{ return(iLogging); }
Sets the logging flag.
If the logging flag is set, console output is also written to
the debug output as represented by a RDebug object.
@param aToLog ETrue, if the logging flag is to be set, EFalse, otherwise.
inline void RTest::SetLogged(TBool aToLog)
{ iLogging = aToLog; }
// test equivalent of _L
#define _TL(a) (S*)RTest::String(sizeof(S),(TText8*)a,(TText16*)L ## a)
// the next two, slightly confusing, macros are necessary in order
// to enable proper string merging with certain compilers.
#define __test(x,l,f) test(x,l,_S(f))
#define test(x) __test(x,__LINE__,__FILE__)
#ifdef __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
#define __S(f) _S(f)
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if x is less then zero (Indicating an error code).
#define test_NotNegative(x) { TInt _r = (x); if (_r < 0) test.HandleError(_r, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if x is not equal to KErrNone.
#define test_KErrNone(x) { TInt _r = (x); if (_r !=KErrNone) test.HandleError(_r, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if the trapped statement/block x leaves.
#define test_TRAP(x) { TRAPD(_r, x); if (_r != KErrNone) test.HandleError(_r, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if x is not equal to NULL.
#define test_NotNull(x) { TAny* _a = (TAny*)(x); if (_a == NULL) test.HandleNull(__LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if e (expected) is not equal to a (actual).
#define test_Equal(e, a) { TInt _e = TInt(e); TInt _a = TInt(a); if (_e != _a) test.HandleNotEqual(_e, _a, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message if the comparison specified with operator b, between a and c, is EFalse.
#define test_Compare(a,b,c) {TInt _a = TInt(a); TInt _c = TInt(c); if (!(_a b _c)) test.HandleFailedCompare(_a, __S(#b), _c, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Panics and displays an appropriate error message displaying v, if the expression e is false.
#define test_Value(v, e) if (!(e)) test.HandleValue(v, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__));
If expression e is false, statement s is executed then a Panic is raised.
#define test_Assert(e,s) if(!(e)) {s; test.operator()(EFalse, __LINE__,__S(__FILE__)); }
Prints a failure message, including an error code at the console and raises a panic.
@param aError The error code to be printed in the failure massage.
@param aLineNum A line number that is printed in the failure message.
@param aFileName A file name that is printed in the failure message.
@panic USER 84 Always.
inline void RTest::HandleError(TInt aError, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName)
RDebug::Printf("RTEST: Error %d at line %d", aError,aLine);
Printf(_L("RTEST: Error %d\n"), aError);
operator()(EFalse, aLine, aFileName);
Prints a failure message indicating null was encountered, at the console and raises a panic.
@param aLineNum A line number that is printed in the failure message.
@param aFileName A file name that is printed in the failure message.
@panic USER 84 Always.
inline void RTest::HandleNull(TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName)
RDebug::Printf("RTEST: Null value at line %d", aLine);
Printf(_L("RTEST: Null value\n"));
operator()(EFalse, aLine, aFileName);
Prints a failure message indicating that two value (also printed) where not equal, at the console and raises a panic.
@param aExpected The value that is to be printed as expected.
@param aActual The value that is to be printed as being actually received.
@param aLineNum A line number that is printed in the failure message.
@param aFileName A file name that is printed in the failure message.
@panic USER 84 Always.
inline void RTest::HandleNotEqual(TInt aExpected, TInt aActual, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName)
RDebug::Printf("RTEST: Expected 0x%x (%d) but got 0x%x (%d) at line %d", aExpected,aExpected,aActual,aActual,aLine);
Printf(_L("RTEST: Expected 0x%x (%d) but got 0x%x (%d)\n"), aExpected,aExpected,aActual,aActual);
operator()(EFalse, aLine, aFileName);
Prints a failure message indicating that a comparison between two values (also printed) resulted in EFalse,
at the console and raises a panic.
@param aLeft The left value of the comparison.
@param aComp A string representing the comparison operator.
@param aRight The right value of the comparison.
@param aLineNum A line number that is printed in the failure message.
@param aFileName A file name that is printed in the failure message.
@panic USER 84 Always.
inline void RTest::HandleFailedCompare(TInt aLeft, const TText* aComp, TInt aRight, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName)
RDebug::Printf("RTEST: (0x%x (%d) %s 0x%x (%d)) == EFalse at line %d", aLeft,aLeft,aComp,aRight,aRight,aLine);
Printf(_L("RTEST: (0x%x (%d) %s 0x%x (%d)) == EFalse\n"), aLeft,aLeft,aComp, aRight,aRight);
operator()(EFalse, aLine, aFileName);
Prints a failure message indicating that aValue was not an expected value, at the console and raises a panic.
@param aValue The value that is to be printed as not being an expected value.
@param aLineNum A line number that is printed in the failure message.
@param aFileName A file name that is printed in the failure message.
@panic USER 84 Always.
inline void RTest::HandleValue(TInt aValue, TInt aLine, const TText* aFileName)
Printf(_L("RTEST: %d (0x%x) was not an expected value.\n"), aValue, aValue);
operator()(EFalse, aLine, aFileName);
#define CLOSE_AND_WAIT(h) ((void)(RTest::CloseHandleAndWaitForDestruction(h) && (User::Panic(KLitCloseAndWait,__LINE__),1)))