Trying to figure out how to implement my WINC like compatibility layer. Going the emulation way is probably not so smart. We should not use the kernel but rather hook native functions in the Exec calls.
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\u32std.h
#ifndef __U32STD_H__
#define __U32STD_H__
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32cmn_private.h>
#include <e32hal.h>
#include <e32lmsg.h>
#include <e32event.h>
#include <e32ldr.h>
#include <e32power.h>
#include <e32shbufcmn.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <u32property.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
#include <cpudefs.h>
#ifdef __MARM__
asm("tst pc, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)0) )
struct TUnicodeDataSet; // forward declaration
struct TCollationDataSet; // forward declaration
The LCharSet structure is used in Unicode builds to supply locale-specific
character attribute and collation data.
The structure is defined in both builds to avoid having to have a dummy ExecHandler::GetLocaleCharSet function
with a different signature in the 8-bit build.
struct LCharSet
const TUnicodeDataSet* iCharDataSet; // if non-null, character data overriding standard Unicode data
const TCollationDataSet* iCollationDataSet; // if non-null, locale-specific collation data
extern const LCharSet* GetLocaleCharSet();
/** @internalTechnology */
const TInt KNumLocaleExports = 22;
// The bits in the type table (non-Unicode build only)
#ifndef _UNICODE
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __U=0x01; // Uppercase letter
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __L=0x02; // Lowercase letter
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __D=0x04; // Decimal digit
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __S=0x08; // Space
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __P=0x10; // Punctuation
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __C=0x20; // Control character
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __X=0x40; // Hex digit
/** @internalTechnology */
const TUint __B=0x80; // A blank character
// Time set mode parameters for setting system time and offset
enum TTimeSetMode
ETimeSetTime = 1, // set the time to the value given, else leave it unchanged
ETimeSetOffset = 2, // set the offset to the value given, else leave it unchanged
ETimeSetAllowTimeReversal = 4, // allow time to go backwards
ETimeSetNoTimeUpdate = 8, // Don't restart second queue or notify changes - not valid with ESetTime, used early in boot only
ETimeSetLocalTime = 16, // Set time in local time, instead of UTC
ETimeSetSecure = 32, // use when setting the secure hardware clock
enum TMatchType {EMatchNormal,EMatchFolded,EMatchCollated};
// Constants for descriptor implementation code
enum TDesType {EBufC,EPtrC,EPtr,EBuf,EBufCPtr};
const TUint KMaskDesLength=0xfffffff;
const TInt KShiftDesType=28;
// Constants for iFlags in DProcess and DThread
const TUint KThreadFlagProcessCritical = 0x00000001; // thread panic panics process
const TUint KThreadFlagProcessPermanent = 0x00000002; // thread exit of any kind causes process to exit (=main)
const TUint KThreadFlagSystemCritical = 0x00000004; // thread panic reboots entire system
const TUint KThreadFlagSystemPermanent = 0x00000008; // thread exit of any kind reboots entire system
const TUint KThreadFlagOriginal = 0x00000010;
const TUint KThreadFlagLastChance = 0x00000020;
const TUint KThreadFlagRealtime = 0x00000040; // thread will be panicked when using some non-realtime functions
const TUint KThreadFlagRealtimeTest = 0x00000080; // non-realtime functions only warn rather than panic
const TUint KThreadFlagLocalThreadDataValid = 0x00000100; // thread has valid local thread data
const TUint KProcessFlagPriorityControl = 0x40000000;
const TUint KProcessFlagJustInTime = 0x80000000;
const TUint KProcessFlagSystemCritical = KThreadFlagSystemCritical; // process panic reboots entire system
const TUint KProcessFlagSystemPermanent = KThreadFlagSystemPermanent; // process exit of any kind reboots entire system
const TUint KThreadHandle=0x40000000;
struct SPtrC8 {TInt length;const TUint8 *ptr;};
struct SBufC8 {TInt length;TUint8 buf[1];};
struct SPtr8 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;TUint8 *ptr;};
struct SBuf8 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;TUint8 buf[1];};
struct SBufCPtr8 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;SBufC8 *ptr;};
struct SPtrC16 {TInt length;const TUint16 *ptr;};
struct SBufC16 {TInt length;TUint16 buf[1];};
struct SPtr16 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;TUint16 *ptr;};
struct SBuf16 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;TUint16 buf[1];};
struct SBufCPtr16 {TInt length;TInt maxLength;SBufC16 *ptr;};
// Flags used for IPC copy functions
const TInt KChunkShiftBy0=0;
const TInt KChunkShiftBy1=KMinTInt;
const TInt KIpcDirRead=0;
const TInt KIpcDirWrite=0x10000000;
class TChunkCreate
// Attributes for chunk creation that are used by both euser and the kernel
// by classes TChunkCreateInfo and SChunkCreateInfo, respectively.
enum TChunkCreateAtt
ENormal = 0x00000000,
EDoubleEnded = 0x00000001,
EDisconnected = 0x00000002,
ECache = 0x00000003,
EMappingMask = 0x0000000f,
ELocal = 0x00000000,
EGlobal = 0x00000010,
EData = 0x00000000,
ECode = 0x00000020,
EMemoryNotOwned = 0x00000040,
// Force local chunk to be named. Only required for thread heap
// chunks, all other local chunks should be nameless.
ELocalNamed = 0x000000080,
// Paging attributes for chunks.
EPagingUnspec = 0x00000000,
EPaged = 0x80000000,
EUnpaged = 0x40000000,
EPagingMask = EPaged | EUnpaged,
EChunkCreateAttMask = EMappingMask | EGlobal | ECode |
ELocalNamed | EPagingMask,
TUint iAtt;
TBool iForceFixed;
TInt iInitialBottom;
TInt iInitialTop;
TInt iMaxSize;
TUint8 iClearByte;
enum TChunkRestrictions
// Keep this in sync with definitions in RChunk
EChunkPreventAdjust = 0x01, // Disallow Adjust, Commit, Allocate and Decommit
class TChannelDoCreate
TVersion iVer;
const TDesC *iName;
const TDesC *iPhysicalDevice;
const TDesC8 *iInfo;
class TCreateSession
TVersion iVer;
TInt iMessageSlots;
enum TObjectType
ENumObjectTypes, // number of DObject-derived types
EIpcMessageD=0x20, // lookup IPC message handle, allow disconnect
EIpcMessage=0x21, // lookup IPC message handle, don't allow disconnect
EIpcClient=0x22, // lookup IPC message client, don't allow disconnect
class TObjectOpenInfo
TObjectType iObjType;
TBool isReadOnly;
class TChannelCreateInfo
TVersion iVersion;
TInt iUnit;
const TDesC* iPhysicalDevice;
const TDesC8* iInfo;
#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__)
class TChannelCreateInfo8
TVersion iVersion;
TInt iUnit;
const TDesC8* iPhysicalDevice;
const TDesC8* iInfo;
typedef TChannelCreateInfo TChannelCreateInfo8;
const TInt KMaxThreadCreateInfo = 256;
struct SThreadCreateInfo
TAny* iHandle;
TInt iType;
TThreadFunction iFunction;
TAny* iPtr;
TAny* iSupervisorStack;
TInt iSupervisorStackSize;
TAny* iUserStack;
TInt iUserStackSize;
TInt iInitialThreadPriority;
TPtrC iName;
TInt iTotalSize; // Size including any extras (must be a multiple of 8 bytes)
enum TThreadCreationFlags
ETraceHeapAllocs = 0x00000001,
EMonitorHeapMemory = 0x00000002,
EThreadCreateFlagPaged = 0x00000004,
EThreadCreateFlagUnpaged = 0x00000008,
EThreadCreateFlagPagingUnspec = 0x00000000,
EThreadCreateFlagPagingMask = EThreadCreateFlagPaged | EThreadCreateFlagUnpaged,
EThreadCreateFlagMask = ETraceHeapAllocs | EMonitorHeapMemory | EThreadCreateFlagPagingMask,
struct SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo : public SThreadCreateInfo
: iFlags(0) // Must be clear on creation.
RAllocator* iAllocator;
TInt iHeapInitialSize;
TInt iHeapMaxSize;
TUint iFlags;
#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__)
struct SThreadCreateInfo8
TAny* iHandle;
TInt iType;
TThreadFunction iFunction;
TAny* iPtr;
TAny* iSupervisorStack;
TInt iSupervisorStackSize;
TAny* iUserStack;
TInt iUserStackSize;
TInt iInitialThreadPriority;
TPtrC8 iName;
TInt iTotalSize; // size including any extras
struct SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo8 : public SThreadCreateInfo8
: iFlags(0) // Must be clear on creation.
RAllocator* iAllocator;
TInt iHeapInitialSize;
TInt iHeapMaxSize;
TUint iFlags;
typedef SThreadCreateInfo SThreadCreateInfo8;
typedef SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo SStdEpocThreadCreateInfo8;
struct SIpcCopyInfo
TUint8* iLocalPtr;
TInt iLocalLen;
TInt iFlags;
enum TChunkAdjust
enum TMemModelAttributes
EMemModelTypeMask=0xf, // bottom 4 bits give type of memory model
EMemModelTypeDirect=0, // direct memory model on hardware
EMemModelTypeMoving=1, // moving memory model on hardware
EMemModelTypeMultiple=2, // multiple memory model on hardware
EMemModelTypeEmul=3, // emulation using single host process
EMemModelTypeFlexible=4, // flexible memory model on hardware
EMemModelAttrRomPaging=0x10, // Demand paging of XIP ROM
EMemModelAttrCodePaging=0x20, // Demand paging of RAM loaded code
EMemModelAttrDataPaging=0x40, // Demand paging of all RAM
EMemModelAttrPagingMask=0xf0, // Mask for demand paging attributes
EMemModelAttrNonExProt=(TInt)0x80000000,// accesses to nonexistent addresses are trapped
EMemModelAttrKernProt=0x40000000, // accesses to kernel memory from user mode are trapped
EMemModelAttrWriteProt=0x20000000, // addresses can be marked as read-only; writes to these are trapped
EMemModelAttrVA=0x10000000, // system supports virtual addresses
EMemModelAttrProcessProt=0x08000000, // accesses to other processes' memory are trapped
EMemModelAttrSameVA=0x04000000, // different processes map the same virtual address to different physical addresses
EMemModelAttrSupportFixed=0x02000000, // 'fixed' processes are supported
EMemModelAttrSvKernProt=0x01000000, // unexpected accesses to kernel memory within an executive call are trapped
EMemModelAttrIPCKernProt=0x00800000, // accesses to kernel memory via IPC are trapped
EMemModelAttrIPCFullProt=0x00400000, // accesses via IPC have same protection as user mode
EMemModelAttrRamCodeProt=0x00200000, // RAM-loaded code is only visible to processes which have loaded it
/** @test */
enum TKernelHeapDebugFunction {EDbgMarkStart,EDbgMarkCheck,EDbgMarkEnd,EDbgSetAllocFail,EDbgSetBurstAllocFail,EDbgCheckFailure};
/** @test */
class TKernelHeapMarkCheckInfo
TBool iCountAll;
const TDesC8* iFileName;
TInt iLineNum;
class TTrapHandler;
class CActiveScheduler;
class TLocale;
// Handler below is used by test prints to trucate rather than panic the caller.
#if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__)
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TestOverflowTruncate) : public TDes16Overflow
virtual void Overflow(TDes16 &aDes);
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TestOverflowTruncate) : public TDes8Overflow
virtual void Overflow(TDes8 &aDes);
* Thread local storage entry
struct STls
TInt iHandle;
TInt iDllUid;
TAny* iPtr;
const TInt KDllUid_Default = 0; // for ROM DLLs and direct calls to UserSvr::DllTls
const TInt KDllUid_Special = -1; // used on emulator to instruct the kernel to get the DLL UID from the module handle
* Entry point call values
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonProcessInit =0; // Process start
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonThreadInit =1; // Start new thread
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonProcessAttach =2; // Process attach (init static data)
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonProcessDetach =3; // Process detach (destroy static data)
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonException =4; // Handle exception
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonVariantInit0 =-3; // Call variant static constructors
/** @publishedPartner
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit0 =-2; // Extension early initialisation check
/** @publishedPartner
const TInt KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit1 =-1; // Extension initialisation
Flags returned by Exec::KernelConfigFlags()
enum TKernelConfigFlags
EKernelConfigIpcV1Available = 1<<0,
EKernelConfigPlatSecEnforcement = 1<<1,
EKernelConfigPlatSecDiagnostics = 1<<2,
EKernelConfigPlatSecProcessIsolation = 1<<3,
EKernelConfigPlatSecEnforceSysBin = 1<<4,
// paging policy values use by 2-bit code and data paging policy enums...
EKernelConfigPagingPolicyNoPaging = 0,
EKernelConfigPagingPolicyAlwaysPage = 1,
EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged = 2,
EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultPaged = 3,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyShift = 5,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyMask = 3<<5,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyNoPaging = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyNoPaging<<5,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyAlwaysPage = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyAlwaysPage<<5,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged<<5,
EKernelConfigCodePagingPolicyDefaultPaged = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultPaged<<5,
EKernelConfigPlatSecLocked = 1<<7, // Primarily used by __PLATSEC_UNLOCKED__ (q.v.) test code
EKernelConfigCrazyScheduling = 1<<8, // Enables thread priority/timeslice craziness
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyShift = 9,
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyMask = 3<<9,
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyNoPaging = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyNoPaging<<9,
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyAlwaysPage = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyAlwaysPage<<9,
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultUnpaged<<9,
EKernelConfigDataPagingPolicyDefaultPaged = EKernelConfigPagingPolicyDefaultPaged<<9,
EKernelConfigSMPUnsafeCompat = 1<<12, // Enables compatibility mode for SMP-unsafe processes
EKernelConfigSMPUnsafeCPU0 = 1<<13, // Slow compatibility mode: all SMP-unsafe processes run on CPU 0 only
EKernelConfigSMPCrazyInterrupts = 1<<14, // Enables CPU target rotation for HW Interrupts.
EKernelConfigDisableAPs = 1u<<30,
EKernelConfigTest = 1u<<31, // Only used by test code for __PLATSEC_UNLOCKED__
If __PLATSEC_UNLOCKED__ is not defined, these flags must always
be considered to be set. See KernelConfigFlags() in kern_priv.h.
@see KernelConfigFlags()
#define __PLATSEC_FORCED_FLAGS__ (EKernelConfigPlatSecEnforcement|EKernelConfigPlatSecProcessIsolation|EKernelConfigPlatSecEnforceSysBin)
enum TGlobalUserData
typedef void (*TGlobalDestructorFunc)(void);
// This must not conflict with any possible valid TLS keys
const TInt KGlobalDestructorTlsKey = -1;
GLREF_C void ExitCurrentThread(TExitType, TInt, const TDesC8*);
class TPlatSecDiagnostic
enum TType
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic();
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, const SSecurityInfo& aCaps);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt, const TDesC8& aString, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, const TDesC8& aString1, const TDesC8& aString2, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2);
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1);
inline const TDesC8* String1();
inline const TDesC8* String2();
TType iType;
TInt iArg1;
TInt iArg2;
const char* iContextText;
TInt iContextTextLength;
SSecurityInfo iSecurityInfo;
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic()
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType)
: iType(aType)
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType,TInt aInt1)
: iType(aType), iArg1(aInt1)
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps)
: iType(aType), iArg1(aInt1), iArg2(aInt2), iContextText(0)
iSecurityInfo.iSecureId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iVendorId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iCaps = aCaps;
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, const SSecurityInfo& aInfo)
: iType(aType), iArg1(aInt1), iArg2(ECapability_None), iContextText(0), iSecurityInfo(aInfo)
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt, const TDesC8& aString, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps)
: iType(aType), iArg1(aInt), iArg2((TInt)&aString), iContextText(0)
iSecurityInfo.iSecureId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iVendorId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iCaps = aCaps;
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, const TDesC8& aString1, const TDesC8& aString2, const SCapabilitySet& aCaps)
: iType(aType), iArg1((TInt)&aString1), iArg2((TInt)&aString2), iContextText(0)
iSecurityInfo.iSecureId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iVendorId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iCaps = aCaps;
inline TPlatSecDiagnostic::TPlatSecDiagnostic(TType aType, TInt aInt1, TInt aInt2)
: iType(aType), iArg1(aInt1), iArg2(aInt2)
iSecurityInfo.iSecureId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iVendorId = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iCaps[0] = 0;
iSecurityInfo.iCaps[1] = 0;
inline const TDesC8* TPlatSecDiagnostic::String1()
{ return (const TDesC8*)iArg1; }
inline const TDesC8* TPlatSecDiagnostic::String2()
{ return (const TDesC8*)iArg2; }
inline TInt PlatSec::LoaderCapabilityViolation(const TDesC8& aImporterName, const TDesC8& aFileName, const SCapabilitySet& aMissingCaps)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::ELoaderCapabilityViolation2,aImporterName,aFileName,aMissingCaps);
return EmitDiagnostic(d, NULL);
#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(const DProcess* aViolatingProcess, TCapability aCapability, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EProcessCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)aViolatingProcess,(TInt)aCapability);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(const DThread* aViolatingThread, TCapability aCapability, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EThreadCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)aViolatingThread,(TInt)aCapability);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::SecureIdCheckFail(const DProcess* aViolatingProcess, TSecureId aSid, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EKernelSecureIdCheckFail,(TInt)aViolatingProcess,(TInt)aSid);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::PolicyCheckFail(const DProcess* aProcess, const SSecurityInfo& aMissingSecurityInfo, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EKernelObjectPolicyCheckFail,(TInt)aProcess,(const SSecurityInfo&)aMissingSecurityInfo);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::PolicyCheckFail(const DThread* aThread, const SSecurityInfo& aMissingSecurityInfo, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EKernelObjectPolicyCheckFail,(TInt)aThread,(const SSecurityInfo&)aMissingSecurityInfo);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::ProcessIsolationFail(const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EKernelProcessIsolationFail);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::ProcessIsolationIPCFail(RMessageK* aMessage, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EKernelProcessIsolationIPCFail,(TInt)aMessage);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
#else // !__KERNEL_MODE__
inline TInt PlatSec::LoaderCapabilityViolation(RProcess aLoadingProcess, const TDesC8& aFileName, const SCapabilitySet& aMissingCaps)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::ELoaderCapabilityViolation1,aLoadingProcess.Handle(),aFileName,aMissingCaps);
return EmitDiagnostic(d, NULL);
inline TInt PlatSec::CreatorCapabilityCheckFail(TCapability aCapability, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::ECreatorCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)0,aCapability);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CreatorCapabilityCheckFail(const TCapabilitySet& aMissingCaps, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::ECreatorCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)0,ECapability_None,(const SCapabilitySet&)aMissingCaps);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(TInt aHandle, TCapability aCapability, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EHandleCapabilityCheckFail,aHandle,aCapability);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(TInt aHandle, const TCapabilitySet& aMissingCaps, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EHandleCapabilityCheckFail,aHandle,ECapability_None,(const SCapabilitySet&)aMissingCaps);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::PolicyCheckFail(TInt aHandle, const SSecurityInfo& aMissingSecurityInfo, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EHandleCapabilityCheckFail,aHandle,(const SSecurityInfo&)aMissingSecurityInfo);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(RMessagePtr2 aMessage, TCapability aCapability, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EMessageCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)aMessage.Handle(),aCapability);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CapabilityCheckFail(RMessagePtr2 aMessage, const TCapabilitySet& aMissingCaps, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EMessageCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)aMessage.Handle(),ECapability_None,(const SCapabilitySet&)aMissingCaps);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::PolicyCheckFail(RMessagePtr2 aMessage, const SSecurityInfo& aMissing, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::EMessageCapabilityCheckFail,(TInt)aMessage.Handle(),(const SSecurityInfo&)aMissing);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
inline TInt PlatSec::CreatorPolicyCheckFail(const SSecurityInfo& aMissing, const char* aContextText)
TPlatSecDiagnostic d(TPlatSecDiagnostic::ECreatorPolicyCheckFail,(TInt)0,(const SSecurityInfo&)aMissing);
return EmitDiagnostic(d,aContextText);
#endif //__KERNEL_MODE__
const TInt KTlsArrayGranularity=2;
class TLocalThreadData
void Close();
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
TAny* DllTls(TInt aHandle, TInt aDllUid);
TInt DllSetTls(TInt aHandle, TInt aDllUid, TAny* aPtr);
void DllFreeTls(TInt aHandle);
RAllocator* iHeap; ///< The thread's current heap
CActiveScheduler* iScheduler; ///< The thread's current active scheduler
TTrapHandler* iTrapHandler; ///< The thread's current trap handler
RAllocator* iTlsHeap; ///< The heap that the DLL TLS data is stored on
RArray<STls> iTls; ///< DLL TLS data
const TInt KLocalThreadDataSize = _ALIGN_UP(sizeof(TLocalThreadData), 8);
#ifdef __WINS__
enum TWin32RuntimeReason
// Same values as passed to DllMain
EWin32RuntimeProcessAttach = 1,
EWin32RuntimeThreadAttach = 2,
EWin32RuntimeThreadDetach = 3,
EWin32RuntimeProcessDetach = 4,
typedef TBool (*TWin32RuntimeHook)(TWin32RuntimeReason);
struct SAtomicOpInfo64
TAny* iA;
TAny* iQ;
TUint64 i1;
TUint64 i2;
TUint64 i3;
struct SAtomicOpInfo32
TAny* iA;
TAny* iQ;
TUint32 i0;
TUint32 i1;
TUint32 i2;
#endif //__U32STD_H__