author Slion
Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:11:42 +0100
changeset 19 f6d3d9676ee4
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 273 6a75fa55495f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Trying to figure out how to implement my WINC like compatibility layer. Going the emulation way is probably not so smart. We should not use the kernel but rather hook native functions in the Exec calls.

// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\include\usb.h
// Definitions of USB-specific constants and macros.

 @file usb.h

#ifndef __USB_H__
#define __USB_H__

// 'Chapter 9' Request Types (bmRequestType)
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DirShift   = 7;
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DirMask    = (1 << KUsbRequestType_DirShift);

const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DirToDev   = (0 << KUsbRequestType_DirShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DirToHost  = (1 << KUsbRequestType_DirShift);

const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_TypeShift  = 5;
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_TypeMask   = (3 << KUsbRequestType_TypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_TypeStd    = (0 << KUsbRequestType_TypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_TypeClass  = (1 << KUsbRequestType_TypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_TypeVendor = (2 << KUsbRequestType_TypeShift);

const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestShift  = 0;
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestMask   = (0x1f << KUsbRequestType_DestShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestDevice = (0x00 << KUsbRequestType_DestShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestIfc    = (0x01 << KUsbRequestType_DestShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestEp     = (0x02 << KUsbRequestType_DestShift);
const TUint8 KUsbRequestType_DestOther  = (0x03 << KUsbRequestType_DestShift);

// 'Chapter 9' Endpoint Zero Requests (bRequest)
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_GetStatus     = 0;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_ClearFeature  = 1;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SetFeature    = 3;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SetAddress    = 5;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_GetDescriptor = 6;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SetDescriptor = 7;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_GetConfig     = 8;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SetConfig     = 9;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_GetInterface  = 10;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SetInterface  = 11;
const TUint8 KUsbRequest_SynchFrame    = 12;

// Descriptor Types
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Device               = 1;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Config               = 2;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_String               = 3;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Interface            = 4;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Endpoint             = 5;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_DeviceQualifier      = 6;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_OtherSpeedConfig     = 7;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_InterfacePower       = 8;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Otg                  = 9;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_Debug                = 10;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_InterfaceAssociation = 11;

// Descriptor Sizes
const TUint KUsbDescSize_Device               = 18;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_Config               = 9;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_Interface            = 9;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_Endpoint             = 7;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_Otg                  = 3;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_DeviceQualifier      = 10;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_OtherSpeedConfig     = 9;
const TUint KUsbDescSize_InterfaceAssociation = 8;
const TUint KUsbDescMaxSize_String            = 255;
const TUint KUsbStringDescStringMaxSize       = 252;		// it's actually 253, but that's awkward

// Configuration Characteristics (Configuration Descriptor)
const TUint8 KUsbDevAttr_SelfPowered  = (0x01 << 6);
const TUint8 KUsbDevAttr_RemoteWakeup = (0x01 << 5);

// Descriptor Indices for String Descriptors
const TUint KUsbDescStringIndex_Manufact = 14;
const TUint KUsbDescStringIndex_Product  = 15;
const TUint KUsbDescStringIndex_Serial   = 16;
const TUint KUsbDescStringIndex_Config   = 6;

// Endpoint Attributes
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift       = 0;
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeMask        = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeControl     = (0x00 << KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeIsochronous = (0x01 << KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeBulk        = (0x02 << KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeInterrupt   = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_TransferTypeShift);

const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift           = 2;
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeMask            = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeNoSync          = (0x00 << KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeAsync           = (0x01 << KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeAdaptive        = (0x02 << KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeSync            = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_SyncTypeShift);

const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift          = 4;
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeMask           = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeDataEp         = (0x00 << KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeFeedbackEp     = (0x01 << KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeImplFbDataEp   = (0x02 << KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift);
const TUint8 KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeReserved       = (0x03 << KUsbEpAttr_UsageTypeShift);

// OTG Feature Indicators
const TUint8 KUsbOtgAttr_SrpSupp         = 0x01;
const TUint8 KUsbOtgAttr_HnpSupp         = 0x02;
const TUint8 KUsbOtgAttr_B_HnpEnable     = 0x04;
const TUint8 KUsbOtgAttr_A_HnpSupport    = 0x08;
const TUint8 KUsbOtgAttr_A_AltHnpSupport = 0x10;

// Feature Settings
const TUint KUsbFeature_EndpointHalt    = 0;
const TUint KUsbFeature_RemoteWakeup    = 1;
const TUint KUsbFeature_TestMode        = 2;
const TUint KUsbFeature_B_HnpEnable     = 3;
const TUint KUsbFeature_A_HnpSupport    = 4;
const TUint KUsbFeature_A_AltHnpSupport = 5;

// Test Mode Selectors (Set/ClearFeature)
const TUint KUsbTestSelector_Test_J            = 0x01;
const TUint KUsbTestSelector_Test_K            = 0x02;
const TUint KUsbTestSelector_Test_SE0_NAK      = 0x03;
const TUint KUsbTestSelector_Test_Packet       = 0x04;
const TUint KUsbTestSelector_Test_Force_Enable = 0x05;

// Address Masks
const TUint8 KUsbEpAddress_In       = 0x80;
const TUint8 KUsbEpAddress_Portmask = 0x0f;

// Device Status Values (GET_STATUS)
const TUint16 KUsbDevStat_SelfPowered  = (1 << 0);
const TUint16 KUsbDevStat_RemoteWakeup = (1 << 1);

// Endpoint Status Values (GET_STATUS)
const TUint16 KUsbEpStat_Halt = (1 << 0);

// USB Descriptor Handling
  USB transfers data in little-endian fashion.
  The following macros swap the byte order in
  words (16 bit) and longwords (32 bit), such that
  they are in little-endian order afterwards.
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)		  // Hitachi SuperH, Motorola 68k
#define SWAP_BYTES_16(x) \
  ((((x) >> 8) & 0x00ff) | \
   (((x) << 8) & 0xff00))
#define SWAP_BYTES_32(x) \
  ((((x) >> 24) & 0x000000ff) | \
   (((x) >> 8)  & 0x0000ff00) | \
   (((x) << 24) & 0xff000000) | \
   (((x) << 8)  & 0x00ff0000))
#else							  // ARM, Intel
#define SWAP_BYTES_16(x)  (x)
#define SWAP_BYTES_32(x)  (x)
#endif // defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)

static inline TUint8 LowByte(TUint16 aWord)
	return static_cast<TUint8>(aWord & 0x00ff);

static inline TUint8 HighByte(TUint16 aWord)
	return static_cast<TUint8>((aWord >> 8) & 0x00ff);

// Class-specific Values

// These are from the CDC (valid also for Audio Class)
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_CS_Interface = 0x24;
const TUint8 KUsbDescType_CS_Endpoint  = 0x25;

// Audio Device Class
const TUint KUsbDescSize_AudioEndpoint = KUsbDescSize_Endpoint + 2;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceClassCode                          = 0x01;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceSubclassCode_Subclass_Undefined    = 0x00;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceSubclassCode_Audiocontrol          = 0x01;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceSubclassCode_Audiostreaming        = 0x02;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceSubclassCode_Midistreaming         = 0x03;
const TUint KUsbAudioInterfaceProtocolCode_Pr_Protocol_Undefined = 0x00;

// These are defined just for convenience:
const TUint8 KEp0_Out = 0;
const TUint8 KEp0_In  = 1;
const TUint8 KEp0_Rx  = KEp0_Out;
const TUint8 KEp0_Tx  = KEp0_In;

// USB Implementers Forum, Inc (USB-IF) assigned Vendor IDs:
const TUint16 KUsbVendorId_Symbian = 0x0E22;				// Symbian Ltd. (dec. 3618)

#endif // __USB_H__