Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
_ZN3HAL3GetEN7HALData10TAttributeERi @ 1 NONAME ; HAL::Get(HALData::TAttribute, int&)
_ZN3HAL3SetEN7HALData10TAttributeEi @ 2 NONAME ; HAL::Set(HALData::TAttribute, int)
_ZN3HAL6GetAllERiRPNS_6SEntryE @ 3 NONAME ; HAL::GetAll(int&, HAL::SEntry*&)
_ZN3HAL3GetEiN7HALData10TAttributeERi @ 4 NONAME ; HAL::Get(int, HALData::TAttribute, int&)
_ZN3HAL3SetEiN7HALData10TAttributeEi @ 5 NONAME ; HAL::Set(int, HALData::TAttribute, int)
_ZN11HalInternal12InitialValueE @ 6 NONAME DATA 428