Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
__12CCaptureKeys @ 1 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::CCaptureKeys(void)
CancelAllCaptureKeys__12CCaptureKeysUl @ 2 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::CancelAllCaptureKeys(unsigned long)
CancelCaptureKey__12CCaptureKeysUl @ 3 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::CancelCaptureKey(unsigned long)
Construct__12CCaptureKeys @ 4 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::Construct(void)
New__14CKeyTranslator @ 5 NONAME ; CKeyTranslator::New(void)
ProcessCaptureKeys__C12CCaptureKeysR8TKeyData @ 6 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::ProcessCaptureKeys(TKeyData &) const
SetCaptureKey__12CCaptureKeysUlRC11TCaptureKey @ 7 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::SetCaptureKey(unsigned long, TCaptureKey const &)
"_._12CCaptureKeys" @ 8 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::~CCaptureKeys(void)
AddCaptureKeyL__12CCaptureKeysRC11TCaptureKey @ 9 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::AddCaptureKeyL(TCaptureKey const &)
AddCaptureKeyL__12CCaptureKeysRC11TCaptureKeyUc @ 10 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::AddCaptureKeyL(TCaptureKey const &, unsigned char)
SetCaptureKey__12CCaptureKeysUlRC11TCaptureKeyUc @ 11 NONAME ; CCaptureKeys::SetCaptureKey(unsigned long, TCaptureKey const &, unsigned char)