Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32/include/drivers/crashflash.h
// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
#ifndef __CRASH_FLASH_H__
#define __CRASH_FLASH_H__
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32ver.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
// Crash log is stored in flash in the format:
// Crash log size (TUint), i.e. bytes stored in crash log crash sector
// Crash log signature (string KCrashLogSignature)
// Uncompressed log size (TUint), if log is compressed
// Flags (TUint8) - bits 0-3 indicate log data format, bit 4 set when log
// had to be truncated.
// If nand implementation, some white space is inserted to fill up
// the whole of the signature block/sector
// Actual log data in specified format
//*******WARNING*******: Crash log header each field must start/end on 4 byte
// boundary, otherwise NOR flash implementations will hang
/** Maximum size of a crash log.
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KMaxCrashLogSize = 0x00100000;// 1Meg of crashflash
/** The size in bytes of the Crash Log Signature
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KCrashLogSignatureBytes = 20;
/** The size in bytes of the total size of the crash log (including itself and
* the crash log signature)
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KCrashLogSizeFieldBytes = 4;
/* The crash log signature.
* @internalTechnology
_LIT8(KCrashLogSignature, "Symbian Crash Logger");
/** The size in bytes of the total size of the crash log once it has been uncompressed
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KCrashLogUncompSizeFieldBytes = 4;
/** The flags to indicate to the crash reader the data format of the log and if
* it was truncated or not. 16 MSBs used to indicate the offset of the start of the
* log data from the signature, required for NAND flash implementations where signarture
* occupyies a whole flash sector/page filling unused space with white space
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KCrashLogFlagsFieldBytes = 4;
const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagUncompr = 0x0;/** No compression performed on log */
const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagGzip = 0x1; /** Log compressed using Gzip compatible output*/
const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTypeBits = 4; /** No. of bits for the type*/
const TUint8 KCrashLogFlagTruncated = 0x10; /** The log had to be truncated*/
const TUint32 KCrashLogFlagOffShift = 16; /**place offset in 16 MSBs of flags field*/
/** Total size of the crash log header in bytes. Must be less than the size of a
* single NAND flash sector/page for current crashflashnand implementations
* @internalTechnology
const TUint KCrashLogHeaderSize = KCrashLogSignatureBytes + KCrashLogSizeFieldBytes;
const TUint KCrashLogHeaderSize = KCrashLogSignatureBytes + KCrashLogSizeFieldBytes +
KCrashLogUncompSizeFieldBytes + KCrashLogFlagsFieldBytes;
/** The string to output when the log had to be truncated
* @internalTechnology
_LIT8(KCrashLogTruncated,"\r\nLog truncated due to end of crash log partition");
/** Abstract class defining interface to all CrashFlash classes. This is used
* by the CrashLogger to log to a specific type of flash.
class CrashFlash
/** Called first. Should initialise underlying crash flash device to the
* state that it can read, write, and erase.
* @return KErrNone if successful. Else, a system wide error code.
virtual TInt Initialise()=0;
/** Called second. Allows underlying implementation to set any flags
* required to indicate that a transaction has started.
virtual void StartTransaction()=0;
/** Called third. Performs the operations necessary to erase a block of
* flash large enough to store a log of KMaxCrashLogSize.
virtual void EraseLogArea()=0;
/** Called last. Commits any buffered data and sets the flag for the
* underlying crash flash device indicating that the transaction finished
* succesfully.
virtual void EndTransaction()=0;
/** Writes aDes to the underlying crash flash device. The underlying
* implementation may buffer as required.
virtual void Write(const TDesC8& aDes)=0;
/** Writes aDes to the signature section of the underlying cras flash device.
* The descriptor should include both the signature and the length written.
virtual void WriteSignature(const TDesC8& aDes)=0;
/** Reads the next aDes.Length() characters and places them in aDes starting
* from aDes[0]. The read position is modifiable using SetReadPos(). The
* underlying implementation may buffer as required.
virtual void Read(TDes8& aDes)=0;
/** Sets the internal state such that the next read will take place at
* aPos bytes from the base address.
virtual void SetReadPos(TUint aPos) = 0;
/** Sets the internal state of the write position
* aPos bytes from the base address.
virtual void SetWritePos(const TUint aPos) = 0;
/** Returns the number of bytes written to the flash. This is used by
* reading programs to figure out how much to read back.
* @return The current total number of bytes written to flash.
virtual TUint BytesWritten()=0;
* Erases the data in a given flash block
* @param aBlock The block to be erased
virtual void EraseFlashBlock(const TUint aBlock) = 0;
/** Get the amount of space availiable for crash log data only.
Not including the space required to output the signature message
@return The number of bytes allocated to the crash log data
virtual TUint GetOutputLimit(void)=0;
/** Get the offset from the end of the signature to the log data, if any.
@return The number of bytes after the signature that the log data starts
virtual TUint GetLogOffset(void)=0;