Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32test\server\t_csfsoakfn.cpp
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <f32dbg.h>
#include "t_server.h"
#include "t_tdebug.h"
#include "t_cfssoak.h"
/// Time value constants
LOCAL_D const TInt KSecond = 1000000;
LOCAL_D const TInt KTenthSec = KSecond / 10;
/// Time to wait before session/subsession close, to allow some writes to
/// complete but not all (1 second per write with slow FS)
LOCAL_D const TInt KSessionWaitTime = 25 * KTenthSec;
/// Number of writes we expect to have completed
LOCAL_D const TInt KSessionNumEnded = KSessionWaitTime / KSecond;
GLREF_D TExtension gPrimaryExtensions[];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
void TSoakStats::Print()
/// Print a statistics header.
TTest::Printf(_L(" Total Fail\n"));
void TSoakStats::Print(const TDesC& aTitle)
/// Print the statistics for this item (title, total executed, number executed
/// this time, total failures, failures this time) then reset the "this time"
/// values.
TTest::Printf(_L(" %-8S %8d %+8d %8d %+8d\n"),
&aTitle, iTotal, iThis, iFail, iThisF);
iThis = 0;
iThisF = 0;
void TSoakStats::Inc()
/// Increment both the total and "this time" execution numbers.
void TSoakStats::Fail()
/// Increment both the total and "this time" failure numbers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
TSoakReadOnly::TSoakReadOnly() : iDrive(-1)
/// Initialise the "read only" tests, connect the file session.
TInt r = iFs.Connect();
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("iFs connect"));
TSoakReadOnly::TSoakReadOnly(TInt aDriveCh) : iDrive(aDriveCh)
/// Initialise the "read only" tests, connect the file session, setting up
/// a drive to be excluded from the reading.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be excluded.
TInt r = iFs.Connect();
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("iFs connect"));
/// Destructor -- close the file session.
TInt TSoakReadOnly::ReadFile(const TDesC& aName, TInt aSize)
/// Read a file, expecting a certain size. No check is done on the actual
/// data, just that it can be read.
/// @param aName Name of the file.
/// @param aSize Expected file size.
TInt r = KErrNone;
RFile f;
r = f.Open(iFs, aName, EFileStreamText);
if (r == KErrNotFound || r == KErrPathNotFound)
return KErrNone;
TBuf<256> errbuf;
if (r != KErrNone)
if (r != KErrInUse)
TTest::Printf(_L("%S -- open failed %S\n"), &aName, &TTest::ErrStr(r, errbuf));
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: %S -- open failed %S\n"), &aName, &TTest::ErrStr(r, errbuf));
return r;
TBuf8<256> buf;
TInt len = 0;
while ((r = f.Read(buf)) == KErrNone && buf.Length() > 0)
len += buf.Length();
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrEof)
TTest::Printf(_L("ERROR %S -- READ FAILED %S\n"), &aName, &TTest::ErrStr(r, errbuf));
else if (len < aSize)
TTest::Printf(_L("ERROR %S -- %d READ, %d EXPECTED\n"), &aName, len, aSize);
else if (len > aSize)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: %S -- %d read, %d expected\n"), &aName, len, aSize);
return r;
TInt TSoakReadOnly::ScanDirs(TInt aDriveCh, TInt aReadInterval)
/// Scan directories on a drive, reading a selection of the files found.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be scanned.
/// @param aReadInterval Approximate number of files to be read (they are
/// read at random, so the actual number read may be
/// less than this number).
TInt r = KErrNone;
CDirScan* scanner=NULL;
TRAP(r, scanner=CDirScan::NewL(iFs));
ScanDirFunc(scanner, aDriveCh, aReadInterval);
delete scanner;
return r;
TInt TSoakReadOnly::ScanDirFunc(CDirScan* aScanner, TInt aDriveCh, TInt aReadInterval)
/// Scan directories on a drive, reading a selection of the files found.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be scanned.
/// @param aReadInterval Approximate number of files to be read (they are
/// read at random, so the actual number read may be
/// less than this number).
TInt r = KErrNone;
TBuf<8> name;
name.Format(_L("%c:\\"), aDriveCh);
// TTest::Printf(_L("Scanning %S\n"), &name);
TParse dirName;
r=iFs.Parse(name, dirName);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
CDir* entryList = NULL;
TInt nfiles = 0;
TRAP(r, aScanner->SetScanDataL(dirName.FullName(),KEntryAttDir,ESortByName));
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("SetScanData %S"), &dirName.FullName());
TRAP(r, aScanner->NextL(entryList));
if (r == KErrPathNotFound)
return KErrNone;
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan Next %S"), &dirName.FullName());
while (entryList)
for (TInt i = 0; i < entryList->Count(); i++)
TEntry e = (*entryList)[i];
if (!e.IsDir())
delete entryList;
TRAP(r, aScanner->NextL(entryList));
if (r == KErrPathNotFound)
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan Next %S"), &dirName.FullName());
TInt prob = (nfiles / aReadInterval) + 1;
TRAP(r, aScanner->SetScanDataL(dirName.FullName(),KEntryAttDir,ESortByName));
if (r == KErrPathNotFound)
return KErrNone;
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan Next %S"), &dirName.FullName());
for (;;)
TRAP(r, aScanner->NextL(entryList));
if (r == KErrPathNotFound)
return KErrNone;
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan Next %S"), &dirName.FullName());
if (entryList==NULL)
TInt count=entryList->Count();
while (count--)
TEntry e = (*entryList)[count];
TFileName path=aScanner->FullPath();
TBuf<16> attr;
for (TInt j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if ((1 << j) & e.iAtt)
attr.Append(TText("RHSVDA X "[j]));
if (e.IsDir())
// TTest::Printf(_L("%c:%-50S <DIR> %S\n"), aDriveCh, &path, &attr);
TBool read = (aReadInterval && Math::Rand(iSeed) % prob == 0);
if (read)
// TTest::Printf(_L("%-50S %8d %-8S test\n"), &path, e.iSize, &attr);
r = ReadFile(path, e.iSize);
// TTest::Printf(_L("%c:%-50S %8d %S\n"), aDriveCh, &path, e.iSize, &attr);
delete entryList;
return r;
TInt TSoakReadOnly::ScanDrives(TBool aScanDirs, TInt aReadInterval)
/// Scan all drives (except the one excluded) for directories and files.
/// @param aScanDirs If true, read subdirectories, if false don't.
/// @param aReadInterval approximate number of files to read.
TInt r = KErrNone;
TInt i;
for (i = EDriveA; i <= EDriveZ; i++)
TChar drv;
r=iFs.DriveToChar(i, drv);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
TDriveInfo info;
r=iFs.Drive(info, i);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
if (i != iDrive
&& info.iDriveAtt != 0
&& info.iType != EMediaUnknown
&& info.iType != EMediaNotPresent)
// TTest::Printf(_L("Drive %c:"), drv);
if (aScanDirs)
r = ScanDirs(drv, aReadInterval);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
return r;
TSoakReadOnly::ExcludeDrive(TInt aDriveCh)
/// Set a drive to be excluded from scanning.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be excluded.
iDrive = aDriveCh;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Initialise the fill/clean cycle.
iSeed = 186483;
TInt r = iFs.Connect();
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("iFs connect"));
TInt TSoakFill::SetDrive(TInt aDriveCh)
/// Set a drive to be stressed. The test directory is created and then it is
/// cleaned (in case anything was left over from previous tests). Note that
/// other directories on the drive are untouched.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be used.
/// @leave The drive scanning can cause the function to leave.
TInt r = KErrNone;
iDrive = aDriveCh;
if (aDriveCh)
iDrvCh = aDriveCh;
iFs.CharToDrive(iDrvCh, iDrive);
r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %C:"), aDriveCh);
iFree = iInfo.iSize;
iName.Format(_L("%c:\\SOAK\\"), iDrvCh);
r = iFs.MkDir(iName);
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrAlreadyExists)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("mkdir %S"), &iName);
r = KErrNone;
return r;
TInt TSoakFill::FillDrive()
/// Fill the drive with files and directories of random lengths.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter to be tested, or zero (absent) to use the one
/// set up with SetDrive().
/// @leave Setting up a new drive can cause this function to leave.
TInt r = KErrNone;
r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %C:"), iDrvCh);
iFree = iInfo.iFree;
r = iFs.MkDir(iName);
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrAlreadyExists && r != KErrNotSupported)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("mkdir %S"), &iName);
r = Fill(iName);
if (r == KErrDiskFull)
// TTest::Printf(_L("Disk full on %c:\n"), iDrvCh);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Filling drive %c"), iDrvCh);
r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %c:"), iDrvCh);
} while (iInfo.iFree > 0);
r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %c:"), iDrvCh);
if (iInfo.iFree > 0)
TTest::Printf(_L("Free space on %c: %S %ld KB (out of %ld KB)\n"),
I64LOW(iInfo.iFree / 1024),
I64LOW(iInfo.iSize / 1024));
return r;
TInt TSoakFill::CleanDrive()
/// Clean the test directory on the selected drive, removing all files and
/// subdirectories. Other directories on the drive are left untouched.
/// @leave Scanning the drive can cause the function to leave.
TInt r = KErrNone;
CDirScan* scanner=0;
TRAP(r, scanner=CDirScan::NewL(iFs));
if (r != KErrNone || !scanner)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("creating scanner"));
TParse dirName;
r=iFs.Parse(iName, dirName);
if (r != KErrNone)
if (r == KErrInUse || r == KErrNotFound || r == KErrPathNotFound)
// valid conditions, don't report error
r = KErrNone;
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Parse %S"), &iName);
// TTest::Printf(_L("scan %S\n"), &iName);
CDir* entryList = NULL;
TRAP(r, scanner->SetScanDataL(dirName.FullName(),KEntryAttDir,ESortByName,CDirScan::EScanUpTree));
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("SetScanDataL(%S)"), &dirName.FullName());
TRAP(r, scanner->NextL(entryList));
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrPathNotFound)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan NextL()"));
while (entryList)
for (TInt i = 0; i < entryList->Count(); i++)
TEntry e = (*entryList)[i];
TFileName path = iName;
if (path.Right(1) == _L("\\"))
// TTest::Printf(_L("remove %S\n"), &path);
TBuf<256> buf;
TInt maxInUseCount = 120;
if (e.IsDir())
if (path.Right(1) != _L("\\"))
r = iFs.RmDir(path);
r = iFs.Delete(path);
if (r == KErrInUse)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: %S deleting %S\n"), &TTest::ErrStr(r, buf), &path);
while (r == KErrInUse && maxInUseCount-- > 0);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Printf(_L("ERROR %S deleting %S\n"), &TTest::ErrStr(r, buf), &path);
delete entryList;
TRAP(r, scanner->NextL(entryList));
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Scan NextL()"));
delete scanner;
r = iFs.RmDir(iName);
if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrNotFound && r != KErrPathNotFound)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %C:"), iName[0]);
r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("volume info for %C:"), iName[0]);
if (iInfo.iFree > iFree)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: %C: changed size -- was %ld now %ld\n"),
iName[0], iFree, iInfo.iFree);
return r;
iFree = iInfo.iFree;
return r;
TInt TSoakFill::Fill(TFileName& aName, TInt aNfiles)
/// Recursively create files and subdirectories at random. If a subdirectory
/// is created, the function recurses to fill it. This generates a mixture of
/// directories and files of varying lengths.
/// @param aName Directory in which to create other stuff.
/// @param aNfiles Maximum number of files to create.
/// @return Status of last thing created, KErrDiskFull when out of space.
TInt oldlen = aName.Length();
if (oldlen + 10 > aName.MaxLength())
return KErrNone;
TInt r=iFs.Volume(iInfo, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
TInt nfiles = I64LOW(iInfo.iFree/10000) + 5;
if (aNfiles > 0 && nfiles > aNfiles)
nfiles = aNfiles;
nfiles = Math::Rand(iSeed) % nfiles + 5;
TInt filesz = I64LOW(iInfo.iFree/nfiles/256) + 5;
// TTest::Printf(_L("nfiles = %d\n"), nfiles);
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
TBool dir = (Math::Rand(iSeed) % 5 == 0);
if (dir && oldlen < 80)
r = iFs.MkDir(aName);
TInt busycount = 120;
while (busycount-- > 0)
r = iFs.MkDir(aName);
if (r == KErrDiskFull)
TTest::Printf(_L("Disk full creating %S\n"), &aName);
if (r != KErrInUse)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: KErrInUse creating %S\n"), &aName);
// TTest::Printf(_L("mkdir %S = %d\n"), &aName, r);
if (r == KErrNone || r == KErrAlreadyExists)
r = Fill(aName, nfiles - i - 2);
if (r != KErrNone)
RFile f;
TInt busycount = 120;
while (busycount-- > 0)
r = f.Replace(iFs, aName, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrInUse)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: KErrInUse creating %S\n"), &aName);
if (r == KErrNone)
// iNames.AppendL(aName);
TInt num = Math::Rand(iSeed) % filesz + 10;
TBuf8<256> buf;
buf.Fill(TText(' '), 256);
TInt wr = 0;
while (num-- > 0 && r == KErrNone)
r = f.Write(buf);
if (r == KErrNone)
wr += 256;
if (r == KErrDiskFull)
TTest::Printf(_L("Disk full writing %S\n"), &aName);
if (r != KErrNone)
// TTest::Printf(_L("creat %S = %d\n"), &aName, r);
if (r == KErrDiskFull)
TTest::Printf(_L("Disk full creating %S\n"), &aName);
return r;
TSoakRemote::TSoakRemote(TInt aDriveCh)
/// Initialise testing for 'remote' drive (special filesystem). Connects to
/// file session, initialises the drive and timer, sets up the buffers and
/// file name.
/// @param aDriveCh Drive letter for the drive to test.
TInt r = iFs.Connect();
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("iFs connect"));
iDrvCh = aDriveCh;
iSync = EFalse;
iFs.CharToDrive(iDrvCh, iDrive);
void TSoakRemote::Setup()
/// Set up the buffers and the filename to be used.
for (TInt i = 0; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
iBuff[i].Fill('_', KSoakBufLen);
iStat[i] = KErrNone;
iName.Format(_L("%c:\\SOAKTEST.FILE"), iDrvCh);
void TSoakRemote::Remount(TBool aSync)
/// Remount the test drive as (a)synchronous.
/// @param aSync If true, the drive is set as synchronous access, otherwise
/// as asynchronous.
TFileName fsname;
iSync = aSync;
TInt r = iFs.FileSystemName(fsname, iDrive);
TEST(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);
if (fsname.Length() > 0)
r = iFs.ExtensionName(gPrimaryExtensions[iDrive].iName, iDrive, 0);
if (r == KErrNone)
gPrimaryExtensions[iDrive].iExists = ETrue;
r = iFs.DismountFileSystem(fsname, iDrive);
if(r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("Dismounting file system %S"), &fsname);
TBufC<16> type = _L("asynchronous");
if (iSync)
type = _L("synchronous");
TTest::Printf(_L("Remount filesystem %c: %S as %S\n"), iDrvCh, &fsname, &type);
if (gPrimaryExtensions[iDrive].iExists == EFalse)
if (gPrimaryExtensions[aDrive].iExists == EFalse)
TInt TSoakRemote::TestSubSession()
/// Test what happens when a file is closed in the middle of writing it. Note
/// that this assumes that the filesystem under test takes a second for each
/// write operation (i.e. is the special test filesystem).
TInt r = iFile.Replace(iFs, iName, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), iName.Ptr());
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
iFile.Write(iBuff[i], iStat[i]);
// wait for a couple of writes to complete, then close the file before the
// others finish
TTest::Printf(_L("Wait ended"));
TTest::Printf(_L("Close ended"));
// test what has happened
TBool bad = EFalse;
for (i = 0; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
r = iStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KErrNone:
if (i >= KSessionNumEnded)
TTest::Printf(_L("Write %d not cancelled"), i);
bad = ETrue;
case KErrCancel:
if (i <= KSessionNumEnded)
TTest::Printf(_L("Write %d incorrectly cancelled"), i);
bad = ETrue;
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
TPtrC sbuf(iSync ? _L("sync") : _L("async"));
if (bad)
TTest::Printf(_L("TestSubSession %c: %S FAILED\n"), iName[0], &sbuf);
// Commented out for the moment as result is undefined
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("TestSubSession %c: %S FAILED\n"), iName[0], &sbuf);
TTest::Printf(_L("TestSubSession %c: %S OK\n"), iName[0], &sbuf);
return KErrNone;
TInt TSoakRemote::TestSession()
/// Test what happens when a session is closed in the middle of writing a file.
/// Note that this assumes that the filesystem under test takes a second for
/// each write operation (i.e. is the special test filesystem).
TInt r;
TInt i;
TPtrC sbuf(iSync ? _L("sync") : _L("async"));
r = iFile.Replace(iFs, iName, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), iName.Ptr());
for (i = 0; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
iFile.Write(iBuff[i], iStat[i]);
// wait for a couple of them to complete, then close the session
TTest::Printf(_L("Close FS %S"), &sbuf);
// iFs.SetDebugRegister(KFSYS | KFSERV | KTHRD);
TTest::Printf(_L("FS closed %S"), &sbuf);
// see what has happened to the writes (wait for at most another 10 seconds).
TRequestStatus tstat;
iTimer.After(tstat, 10*KSecond);
TBool busy = ETrue;
TInt file = 0;
while (tstat == KRequestPending && busy)
busy = EFalse;
for (i = file; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
r = iStat[i].Int();
switch (r)
case KRequestPending:
busy = ETrue;
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d pending\n"), i);
case KErrNone:
file = i + 1;
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d finished\n"), i);
case KErrCancel:
file = i + 1;
TTest::Printf(_L("write %d cancelled\n"), i);
file = i + 1;
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("incorrect status for write %d"), i);
TBool bad = EFalse;
if (busy)
for (i = 0; i < KSoakNumBuf; i++)
TBuf<64> buf;
r = iStat[i].Int();
if (r != KErrNone)
// We expect that the third and subsequent requests will either
// have failed with cancel or be still outstanding. If either
// of the first two have failed or are outstanding, that's an
// error.
if (i < KSessionNumEnded || (r != KErrCancel && r != KRequestPending))
TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("write %d: %S\n"), i, &TTest::ErrStr(r, buf));
bad = ETrue;
// if it's got this far, re-connect the file session
// User::After(100000);
// TTest::Printf(_L("FS closed (%S) yet?"), &sbuf);
r = iFs.Connect();
// TTest::Printf(_L("FS opened"));
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("iFs connect"));
r = iFs.Delete(iName);
for (TInt nr = 0; r == KErrInUse && nr < 100; nr++)
TTest::Printf(_L("Wait for previous session to close"));
r = iFs.Delete(iName);
if (r == KErrNotFound)
r = KErrNone;
if (r != KErrNone)
bad = ETrue;
TPtrC obuf(bad ? _L("FAIL") : _L("OK"));
TTest::Printf(_L("TestSession %c: %S %S\n"), iName[0], &sbuf, &obuf);
if (bad)
TTest::Printf(_L("Test session close %c: %S FAILED\n"), iName[0], &sbuf);
// Commented out for the moment as result is undefined
// TTest::Fail(HERE, _L("Test session close failed"));
return r;
TInt TSoakRemote::TestMount()
/// Test dismounting with a file open (should fail)
TFileName fsname;
TInt r = iFs.FileSystemName(fsname, iDrive);
TEST(r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotFound);
TPtrC sbuf(iSync ? _L("sync") : _L("async"));
r = iFile.Replace(iFs, iName, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
for (TInt nr = 0; r == KErrInUse && nr < 100; nr++)
TTest::Printf(_L("Warning: KErrInUse opening %S for writing\n"), &iName);
r = iFile.Replace(iFs, iName, EFileStreamText | EFileWrite);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("opening %S for writing"), &iName);
if (fsname.Length() > 0)
r = iFs.DismountFileSystem(fsname, iDrive);
if (r == KErrNone)
r = iFs.MountFileSystem(fsname, iDrive, iSync);
r = iFs.MountFileSystem(fsname, iDrive);
if (r != KErrNone)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("MountFileSystem(%S, %C:)"), &fsname, iDrvCh);
else if (r != KErrInUse)
TTest::Fail(HERE, r, _L("DismountFileSystem(%S, %C:)"), &fsname, iDrvCh);
TTest::Printf(_L("TestMount %c: %S OK\n"), iName[0], &sbuf);
return KErrNone;