changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
child 27 aadfb18aaac1
child 48 81c9bee26a45
child 52 29dbbeac905d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9cfd9a3ee49c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <e32std.h>
    17 #include <e32property.h>
    19 // LBS-specific
    20 #include <lbs.h>
    21 #include <lbs/lbsadmin.h>
    22 #include <lbs/lbslocerrors.h>
    23 #include <lbs/lbslocclasstypes.h>
    25 #include "nrhpanic.h"
    26 #include "lbsdevloggermacros.h"
    27 #include "lbsqualityprofile.h"
    29 #include "privacyandlocationrequesthandler.h"
    31 // Special 'invalid session' SessionId.
    32 const TLbsNetSessionIdInt KInvalidSessionId(TUid::Uid(0), 0);
    34 const TPositionModuleInfo::TTechnologyType KTerminalAssistedMode = (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork |
    35 																	TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted);
    37 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    38 // 
    39 // ----------------------- Class CPrivacyAndLocationHandler --------------------
    40 //
    41 // State Machine class which owns the states of the Privacy and Location Handler
    42 //
    43 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    44 //
    46 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    47 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::NewL
    48 // Description: CPrivacyAndLocationHandler static constructor 
    49 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    50 //
    51 CPrivacyAndLocationHandler* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::NewL(CNGMessageSwitch& aMessageSwitch,
    52 											CLbsAdmin& aLbsAdmin,
    53 											RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus)
    54 	{
    55 	CPrivacyAndLocationHandler* self; 
    56 	self = new (ELeave) CPrivacyAndLocationHandler(aMessageSwitch, aNetRegStatus);
    57 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    58 	self->ConstructL(&aLbsAdmin);
    59 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    60 	return(self);	
    61 	}
    63 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    64 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::CPrivacyAndLocationHandler
    65 // Description: CPrivacyAndLocationHandler constructor 
    66 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    67 //
    68 CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::CPrivacyAndLocationHandler(CNGMessageSwitch& aMessageSwitch, 
    69 													   RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& aNetRegStatus)
    70 :	iNetRegStatus(aNetRegStatus),
    71 	iMessageSwitch(&aMessageSwitch),
    72 	iNumActiveSessions(0)
    73 	{	
    74 	}
    76 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    77 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::~CPrivacyAndLocationHandler
    78 // Description: CPrivacyAndLocationHandler destructor 
    79 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    80 //
    81 CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::~CPrivacyAndLocationHandler()
    82 	{
    83 	// If iEmergencyFsm has been used by any outstanding request,
    84 	// it needs to be removed before calling ResetAndDestroy(),
    85 	// otherwise it will get double-deleted when delete iEmergencyFsm
    86 	// is called.
    88 	TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(iEmergencyFsm);
    89 	if (index >= 0)
    90 		{
    91 		iFsmArray.Remove(index);
    92 		}
    94 	iFsmArray.ResetAndDestroy();
    97 	delete iEmergencyFsm;
    98     delete iAgpsInterface;
    99     delete iPrivacyHandler;
   100 	}
   102 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   103 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::ConstructL
   104 // Description: CPrivacyAndLocationHandler second-phase constructor.
   105 //              Creates the states of the system and the Privacy Handler.
   106 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   107 //
   109 const TInt KLbsDefaultMaxNumLocationRequests   = 4;
   111 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::ConstructL(CLbsAdmin* aLbsAdmin)
   112 	{
   113 	iLbsAdmin = aLbsAdmin;
   115 	iPrivacyHandler = CPrivacyHandler::CreateL(this, *iLbsAdmin, iNetRegStatus);
   116 	iMessageSwitch->RegisterObserver(this);
   118 	// Get the behaviour mode and device gps mode capabilities
   119 	TInt err = iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingBehaviourMode, iLbsBehaviourMode);
   120 	if (err != KErrNone)
   121 		{
   122 		iLbsBehaviourMode = CLbsAdmin::ELbsBehaviourCustom1;
   123 		}
   124 	// get device mode capabilities:
   125 	err = LbsModuleInfo::GetDeviceCapabilities(KLbsGpsLocManagerUid, iDeviceGpsModeCaps);
   126 	if(err != KErrNone || (iDeviceGpsModeCaps==TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeNone))
   127 		{
   128 		// Assume module supports hybrid if it has not reported its capabilities in module info file
   129 		iDeviceGpsModeCaps = TPositionModuleInfoExtended::EDeviceGpsModeSimultaneousTATB;
   130 		}
   133 	err = iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingMaximumExternalLocateRequests, iMaxNumSessions);
   134 	if (err != KErrNone)
   135 		{
   136 		iMaxNumSessions = KLbsDefaultMaxNumLocationRequests;
   137 		}
   139 	iAgpsInterface = CAgpsInterfaceHandler::NewL(*this, *iLbsAdmin, iNetRegStatus);
   142 #ifdef NRH_UNIT_TEST
   143 	// For testing use the Uid of the dummy NG
   144 	const TInt KTestNgUidInt = 0x1028226B;
   145 	const TUid KTestNgUid = {KTestNgUidInt};
   146 	iProtocolModuleUid = KTestNgUid;
   147 #else
   148 	ReadProtocolModuleAdminSetting();
   149 #endif
   151 	iEmergencyFsm = CLbsPrivLocFsm::NewL(*this, KInvalidSessionId);
   153 	// Reserve space for FSMs. Note "+1" because a pointer to the emergency Fsm gets added to this array
   154 	iFsmArray.ReserveL(iMaxNumSessions+1);
   156 	CLbsAdmin::TSpecialFeature specialFeature(CLbsAdmin::ESpecialFeatureOff);
   157 	err = iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate, specialFeature);
   158 	if (err != KErrNone)
   159 		{
   160 		LBSLOG_ERR2(ELogP3, "Failed to get KLbsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate (err %d)", err);
   161 		}
   162 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Using KLbsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate = %d", specialFeature);
   163 	iSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate = (specialFeature == CLbsAdmin::ESpecialFeatureOn) ? ETrue : EFalse;
   164 	}
   168 /**
   169 Reads the Uid of a current Protocol Module from the Admin Settings.
   170 */
   171 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::ReadProtocolModuleAdminSetting()
   172 	{
   173 	LBSLOG(ELogP1, "CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::ReadProtocolModuleAdminSetting()");
   174 	TLbsProtocolModuleId protUid(KLbsProtocolNullModuleId);
   176 	TInt err = iLbsAdmin->Get(KLbsSettingHomeProtocolModule, protUid);
   177 	if (err != KErrNone)
   178 		{
   179 		LBSLOG_ERR2(ELogP4, "Failed to get KLbsSettingHomeProtocolModule (err %d)", err);
   180 		}
   182 	iProtocolModuleUid = protUid;
   183 	}
   185 /** Compares sessionId for RPointerArray::Find().
   186 */
   187 TBool CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::IsSessionIdEqual(
   188 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt* aSessionId,
   189 		const CLbsPrivLocFsm& aFsm)
   190 	{
   191 	return (*aSessionId == aFsm.SessionId());
   192 	}
   194 /** Compares session type for RPointerArray::Find().
   195 */
   196 TBool CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::IsSessionTypeEqual(
   197 		const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt* aSessionType,
   198 		const CLbsPrivLocFsm& aFsm)
   199 	{
   200 	return (*aSessionType == const_cast<CLbsPrivLocFsm&>(aFsm).SessionType());
   201 	}
   203 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   204 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::LookupFsm
   205 // Description: Lookup CLbsPrivLocFsm object by session ID.
   206 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   207 //
   208 CLbsPrivLocFsm* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::LookupFsm(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
   209 	{
   210 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "LookupFsm session=%d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   212 	// Standard sessions always use the standard state machines.
   213 	TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(aSessionId, IsSessionIdEqual);
   214 	if (index >= 0)
   215 		{
   216 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "LookupFsm: Existing standard FSM found");
   217 		return iFsmArray[index];
   218 		}
   219 	else
   220 		{
   221 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "LookupFsm: No standard FSM found");
   222 		return NULL;		
   223 		}
   224 	}
   226 /** Get a new state machine to use for a new request.
   228 The state machine can either be re-using an existing FSM,
   229 or allocating a new one from the heap or, for emergencies one thats was prepared earlier is used.
   230 */
   231 CLbsPrivLocFsm* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::GetNewFsm(
   232 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
   233 		TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
   234 		TBool aEmergency)
   235 	{
   236 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "LookupFsm session=%d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   238 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm(NULL);
   240 	// If this is an emergency request, use the emergency FSM  
   241 	// Note, we only have to support ONE emergency at a time
   242 	// this implies that only one Protcol module may deal with emergencies
   243 	// So we do NOT support TWO emergencies .. one from each of the PMs
   244 	// Note: only MT-LR or NI-LR requests can be emergency requests.
   245 	if (aEmergency
   246 		&& (aSessionType == MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated
   247 		|| aSessionType == MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkInduced))
   248 		{					
   249 		TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(iEmergencyFsm);
   250 		if (index >= 0)
   251 			{
   252 			iFsmArray.Remove(index);
   253 			iNumActiveSessions--;
   254 			}
   255 		// clean out Fsm
   256 		iEmergencyFsm->RefPosProcessed() = EFalse;
   257 		iEmergencyFsm->LocReqReceived() = EFalse;
   258 		iEmergencyFsm->LocationFixReceived()= EFalse;
   259 		iEmergencyFsm->TapMode() = EFalse;
   260 		iEmergencyFsm->WasPrivacyResponseReceivedStateExited() = EFalse;
   261 		iEmergencyFsm->NetSessionId()= aSessionId;
   262 		fsm = iEmergencyFsm;
   263 		}
   264 	else
   265 		{
   266 		if (iNumActiveSessions <= iMaxNumSessions)
   267 			{
   268 			// Create a new session to handle this privacy request
   269 			LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Creating FSM for new standard request %d",aSessionId.SessionNum());
   270 			TRAPD(err, fsm = CLbsPrivLocFsm::NewL(*this, aSessionId)); 
   271 			if (err != KErrNone)
   272 				{
   273 				LBSLOG_ERR2(ELogP3, "Failed to create new FSM, error code : %d", err);
   274 				}
   275 			}
   276 		else
   277 			{
   278 			LBSLOG_ERR3(ELogP3, "Session start rejected! iNumActiveSessions=%d > iMaxNumSessions=%d", iNumActiveSessions, iMaxNumSessions);
   279 			}
   280 		}
   282 	if (fsm)
   283 		{
   284 		// Add the state machine to the buffer.
   285 		iFsmArray.Append(fsm);
   287 		iNumActiveSessions++; // conceptually, a session starts when a Fsm is created for it
   289 		}
   291 	return fsm;
   292 	}
   295 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   296 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::PrivacyHandler
   297 // Description: Return a pointer to the privacy handler implementation
   298 //              (controller or notifier).
   299 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   300 //
   301 CPrivacyHandler* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::PrivacyHandler()
   302 	{
   303 	return iPrivacyHandler;
   304 	}
   306 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   307 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::MessageSwitch
   308 // Description: Return a pointer to the Network Gateway Message Switch
   309 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   310 //
   311 CNGMessageSwitch* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::MessageSwitch()
   312 	{
   313 	return iMessageSwitch;
   314 	}
   316 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   317 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::LbsAdmin
   318 // Description: Return a pointer to the Admin settings database
   319 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   320 //
   321 CLbsAdmin* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::LbsAdmin()
   322 	{
   323 	return iLbsAdmin;
   324 	}
   326 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   327 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::SetServerObserver
   328 // Description: Store a pointer to the NRH server which comunicates with the 
   329 // Privacy Controller.
   330 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   331 //
   332 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::SetServerObserver(MLbsSessionObserver* aNrhServer)
   333     {
   334     PrivacyHandler()->SetServerObserver(aNrhServer);
   335     }
   337 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   338 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest
   339 // Description: Called by the Privacy Handler to report the result of a privacy
   340 // check. Handling of the response is delegated to the current state.
   341 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   342 //
   343 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId, 
   344                             TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt aRequestResult,
   345                             TInt aResponseReason)
   346 	{
   347 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received response %d to privacy request", aRequestResult);
   348 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aRequestId);
   350 	if (NULL != fsm)
   351 		{
   352 		fsm->OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId, aRequestResult, aResponseReason);
   353 		}
   354 	else
   355 		{
   356 		LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   357 		}
   358     }
   360 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   361 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest
   362 // Description: Called by the Privacy Handler to report that a privacy check 
   363 // has been rejected. This may occur after it has already been accepted.
   364 // Handling of the response is delegated to the current state.
   365 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   366 //
   367 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId)
   368     {
   369 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received cancellation to privacy request %d", aRequestId.SessionNum());
   370 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aRequestId);
   372 	if (NULL != fsm)
   373 		{
   374 		fsm->OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId);
   375 		}
   376 	else
   377 		{
   378 		LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   379 		}
   380     }
   382 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   383 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnMTLRRequest
   384 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request to start an MTLR 
   385 // session.
   386 // Handling of the request is delegated to the current state.
   387 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   388 //
   389 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
   390 					   TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
   391 					   TBool aIsEmergency,
   392 					   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aExternalRequestInfo,
   393 					   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy)
   394 	{
   395 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received privacy request with id %d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   396 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aSessionId);
   398 	if (fsm==NULL)
   399 		{
   400 		fsm = GetNewFsm(aSessionId, aSessionType, aIsEmergency);
   401 		}
   403 	if (NULL != fsm)
   404 		{
   405 		fsm->OnMTLRRequest(aSessionId, 
   406 						   aSessionType, 
   407 						   aIsEmergency, 
   408 						   aExternalRequestInfo, 
   409 						   aNetPosRequestPrivacy);
   410 		}
   411 	else
   412 		{					
   413 		// Failed to create a state machine for this request,
   414 		// so simply reply with a privacy rejection.
   415 		iMessageSwitch->SendMTLRResponse(aSessionId, 
   416 										 TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EPrivacyResponseRejected,
   417 										 KErrGeneral, EFalse); // can't be an emergency cuase we know we have a Fsm for these!
   418 		}
   419 	}
   421 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   422 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnSessionComplete
   423 // Description: The Message Switch has reported that the session is
   424 // over (complete or aborted due to some error).
   425 // Handling of the message is delegated to the current state.
   426 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   427 //
   428 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnSessionComplete(
   429 									const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
   430 									TInt aReason)
   431 	{
   432 	LBSLOG3(ELogP3, "Received Session Complete for id %d, reason %d", aSessionId.SessionNum(), aReason);
   433 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aSessionId);
   435 	if (NULL != fsm)
   436 		{
   437 		fsm->OnSessionComplete(aSessionId, aReason);
   439 		// The session complete marks the end of a session.
   440 		TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(fsm);
   441 		if (index != KErrNotFound)
   442 			{ 
   444 			if (fsm->SessionType()== TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceSelfLocation)
   445 				{
   446 				iMolRFsm = NULL;
   447 				}
   448 			else if (fsm->SessionType()== TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceTransmitThirdParty)
   449 				{
   450 				iX3pFsm = NULL;
   451 				}
   453 			// We should never delete the emergency FSM.
   454 			iFsmArray.Remove(index);
   455 			iNumActiveSessions--;
   457 			if (fsm != iEmergencyFsm)
   458 				{
   459 				delete fsm;
   460 				}
   461 			}
   462 		}
   463 	else
   464 		{
   465 		LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   466 		}
   467 	}
   469 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   470 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnNetLocRequest
   471 // Description: The Message Switch has passed on a request for a position update
   472 // Handling of the request is delegated to the current state.
   473 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   474 //
   475 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnNetLocRequest(
   476 						const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
   477 						const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
   478 						TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
   479 						TBool aIsEmergency,
   480 						const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
   481 	{
   482 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received position update request for id %d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   484 	TLbsNetSessionIdInt sessionId;
   485 	TPositionInfo    posInfo;
   486 	TPosition		 pos;
   487 	TTime 			 timeStamp;
   488 	TInt 			 err;
   490 	TBool tapMode = EFalse;
   491 	TInt numMethods = aPosRequestMethod.NumPosMethods();
   492     if (numMethods==1)
   493     	{
   494     	TLbsNetPosMethodInt netPosMethod;
   495     	aPosRequestMethod.GetPosMethod(0,netPosMethod);
   497     	if (netPosMethod.PosMode()== (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
   498     		{
   499     		tapMode = ETrue;
   500     		}
   501     	}
   503 	// This filtering used to be in the NG Message Switch, but has been moved
   504 	// here to get an access to the ref position bus
   506 	if( (aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkLocation) && !tapMode)
   507 		{
   508 		// A Network-based location request generates a location 
   509 		// request to the network request handler, but there's no point 
   510 		// passing it any further - the AGPS manager & privacy 
   511 		// controller aren't interested.
   512 		// Simply return the saved reference location
   513 		err = iMessageSwitch->GetNetworkReferencePosition(aSessionId, posInfo);			
   514 		posInfo.GetPosition(pos);
   515 		timeStamp = pos.Time();
   516 		TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
   517 		MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(aSessionId, err, dummyQuality, posInfo, timeStamp, EFalse);
   518 		}
   519 	else
   520 		{
   521 		// we note that a self locate MoLr session can be implicitly
   522 		// cancelled by the start of a new session for a new client.
   523 		// In this case we complete the session before creating a new
   524 		// fsm for the new client 
   525 		CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aSessionId);
   526 		if (!fsm)
   527 			{
   528 			// here, we need to create a new fsm
   529 			// We note that only one self locate MolR (or X3p) is supported
   530 			// a new one will implicitly cancel any ongoing
   531 			if(aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceSelfLocation)
   532 				{
   533 				if (iMolRFsm)
   534 					{
   535 					TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(iMolRFsm);
   536 					if (index != KErrNotFound)
   537 						{ 
   538 						iFsmArray.Remove(index);
   539 						iNumActiveSessions--;
   540 						delete iMolRFsm;
   541 						iMolRFsm = NULL;
   542 						}
   543 					}
   545 				}
   546 			else if(aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceTransmitThirdParty)
   547 				{
   548 				if (iX3pFsm)
   549 					{
   550 					TInt index = iFsmArray.Find(iX3pFsm);
   551 					if (index != KErrNotFound)
   552 						{ 
   553 						iFsmArray.Remove(index);
   554 						iNumActiveSessions--;
   555 						delete iX3pFsm;
   556 						iX3pFsm = NULL;
   557 						}
   558 					}
   559 				}
   561 			fsm = GetNewFsm(aSessionId, aSessionType, aIsEmergency);
   562 			}
   564 		if (NULL != fsm)
   565 			{
   566 			if(aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceSelfLocation)
   567 				{
   568 				iMolRFsm = fsm;
   569 				}
   570 			else if(aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceTransmitThirdParty)
   571 				{
   572 				iX3pFsm = fsm;
   573 				}
   575 			fsm->OnNetLocRequest(aSessionId,
   576 					aPosRequestMethod, 
   577 			 					aSessionType, 
   578 								aIsEmergency, 
   579 								aQuality);
   580 			}			
   581 		else
   582 			{
   583 			// TODO: Return a dummy loc response with error code?
   584 			LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   585 			}
   586 		}
   587 	}
   589 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
   590 */
   591 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
   592 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
   593 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
   594 	{
   595 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received reference position update for id %d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   596 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aSessionId);
   598 	if (NULL != fsm)
   599 		{
   600 		fsm->OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(aSessionId, aPosInfo);
   601 		}
   602 	else
   603 		{
   604 		LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   605 		}	
   606 	}
   608 /** Callend when a final location arrives from the network.
   609 */
   610 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnNetLocFinalUpdate(
   611 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
   612 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
   613 	{
   614 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "Received final network position update for id %d", aSessionId.SessionNum());
   615 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* fsm = LookupFsm(aSessionId);
   617 	if (NULL != fsm)
   618 		{
   619 		fsm->OnNetLocFinalUpdate(aSessionId, aPosInfo);
   620 		}
   621 	else
   622 		{
   623 		LBSLOG_WARN(ELogP3, "Couldn't find a FSM with matching session Id");
   624 		}
   625 	}
   627 /** Callback when a GPS position update arrives from AGPS manager.
   628 */
   629 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnAgpsPositionUpdate(
   630 	TInt aReason,
   631 	const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
   632 	const TTime& aTimeStamp)
   633 	{
   634 	// Broadcast the update to all state machines.
   635 	const TInt count = iFsmArray.Count();
   636 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   637 		{
   638 		iFsmArray[i]->OnAgpsPositionUpdate(aReason, aPosInfo, aTimeStamp);
   639 		}
   640 	}
   642 /** Callback when a GPS measurement results update arrives from AGPS manager.
   643 */
   644 void CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(
   645 	TInt aReason,
   646 	const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
   647 	const TTime& aTimeStamp)
   648 	{
   649 	// Broadcast the update to all state machines
   650 	const TInt count = iFsmArray.Count();
   651 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   652 		{
   653 		iFsmArray[i]->OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(aReason, aPosInfo, aTimeStamp);
   654 		}
   655 	}
   657 /**
   658 */
   659 CAgpsInterfaceHandler* CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::AgpsHandler()
   660 	{
   661 	return iAgpsInterface;
   662 	}
   664 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   665 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::DeviceGpsModeCaps
   666 // Description: Return the device mode capabilities
   667 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   668 //
   669 TPositionModuleInfoExtended::TDeviceGpsModeCapabilities CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::DeviceGpsModeCaps()
   670 	{
   671 	return iDeviceGpsModeCaps;
   672 	}
   674 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   675 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::BehaviourMode
   676 // Description: Return the behaviour mode setting
   677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   678 //
   679 CLbsAdmin::TLbsBehaviourMode CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::BehaviourMode()
   680 	{
   681 	return iLbsBehaviourMode;
   682 	}
   684 RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::NetworkRegistrationStatus()
   685 	{
   686 	return iNetRegStatus;
   687 	}
   690 /**
   691 */
   692 MX3pStatusHandler& CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::X3pStatusHandler()
   693 	{
   694 	return *iAgpsInterface;
   695 	}
   697 /** Returns ETrue if KLbsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate is on.
   698 @return ETrue if the special feature is on, EFalse otherwise.
   699 */
   700 TBool CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::IsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdateOn()
   701 	{
   702 	return iSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate;
   703 	}
   705 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   706 // 
   707 // ----------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocStateBase --------------------
   708 //
   709 // This class is not intended for instantiation. Implemented functions are
   710 // those common to multiple derived states
   711 //
   712 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   713 //
   715 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   716 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest
   717 // Description: Pass on a received privacy request cancel to the network gateway, 
   718 // if it relates to the current session. 
   719 // This behaviour is common to states EStateWaitLocationRequest,
   720 // EStateWaitLocationUpdate and EStateWaitPrivacyResponse.
   721 // Other states ignore the event.
   722 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   723 //
   724 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
   725 	{
   726 	/* Ignore the cancel if this is an emergency request */
   727 	if(!iFsm->IsEmergency())
   728 		{
   729 		// Also ignore it if the cancel doesn't relate to this session.
   730 		if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId())
   731 			{
   732 			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController, KErrCancel);
   733 			iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, aSessionId);
   734 			}
   735 		}
   736 	}
   738 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   739 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry
   740 // Description: Handles initialisation actions which are common to multiple states. 
   741 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   742 //
   743 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry(const TPrivLocCommonParams& /* aStateParams */)
   744 	{
   745 	// Exit reason should always be explicitly set by a state, 
   746 	// otherwise OnExit() will panic
   747 	iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitReasonNone, KErrNone);
   748 	}
   751 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   752 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit
   753 // Description: Handles exit actions which are common to multiple states. 
   754 // Any exit reason not handled here is delegated to the current state.
   755 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   756 //
   757 TBool CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit()
   758 	{
   759 	TBool consumed = ETrue;
   760 	switch(iFsm->iExitData.iExitReason)
   761 		{
   762 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitSessionComplete:
   763 			{
   764 			// Tell the AGPS interface handle this location request has finished.
   765 			AgpsInterface()->StopPositioning(iFsm->SessionId());
   767 			// Tell the privacy controller this session is finished.
   768 			PrivacyHandler()->ProcessRequestComplete(iFsm->SessionId(),
   769 													 iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo);
   770 			break;
   771 			}
   773 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController:
   774 			{
   775 			// Send a cancel to the network gateway
   776 			TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
   777 			TTime dummyTime;
   778 			TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
   779 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
   780 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
   781 												dummyQuality,
   782 												dummyPosInfo,
   783 												dummyTime,
   784 												iFsm->IsEmergency());
   785 			}
   786 			break;
   788 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocReqReceived:
   789 			// No action required - request is issued on entry to next state.
   790 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitPrivacyRequestReceived:
   791 			// No action required, state moves to waiting for loc request.
   792 			{
   793 			consumed = ETrue;
   794 			break;			
   795 			}
   797 		default:
   798 			{
   799 			// Don't know what to do with it.
   800 			consumed = EFalse;
   801 			break;							
   802 			}
   803 		}
   804 	return(consumed);
   805 	}
   807 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   808 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::HandleLocRequest
   809 // Description: Common handling of a location request received while the 
   810 // Privacy and Location Handler is dealing with a session.
   811 // 
   812 // If the session type is anything but MTLR, then it is processed, otherwise
   813 // a privacy request is generated
   814 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   815 //
   816 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::HandleLocRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
   817 						 const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
   818 						 TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
   819 						 TBool aIsEmergency,
   820 						 const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
   821 	{
   822 	// MTLR.
   823 	if (aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated)
   824 		{
   825 		// An MTLR with out a prior privacy request is not supported, report error via
   826 		// RespondLocationRequest(dummy position).
   827 		TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
   828 		TTime dummyTime;
   829 		TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
   831 		MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(aSessionId,
   832 											KErrNotSupported,
   833 											dummyQuality,
   834 											dummyPosInfo,
   835 											dummyTime, aIsEmergency); 
   836 		}
   838 	// Network Induced.	
   839 	else if (aSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkInduced)
   840 		{
   841 		// If a request for a position update has been received without
   842 		// a privacy request, then there's nothing to say how the user
   843 		// should be informed or what do do if there is no response.
   844 		// The safest thing is to get the user to confirm (verify)
   845 		// the request, and in the absence of confirmation to reject the
   846 		// request. For emergency requests we notify and accept.
   848 		// Store the loc req.
   849 		iFsm->LocReqReceived() = ETrue;
   851 		iFsm->IsEmergency() = aIsEmergency;
   852 		iFsm->NetRequestQuality() = aQuality;
   853 		iFsm->PosRequestMethod() = aPosRequestMethod;
   856 		// The following notification types are chosen based on the emergency and network requests admin status.
   857 		//
   858 		// Emergency = On, Admin = Any, gives ENotifyLocationAccepted 
   859 		// Emergency = Off,	Admin = On, gives ENotifyLocationAccepted
   860 		// Emergency = Off,	Admin = OnButAlwayVerify, gives ENotifyAndVerifyLocationRejectedIfNoResponse
   861 		// Emergency = Off, Admin = Off, N/A the notifier or controller will not be called
   862 		// Emergency = Off, Admin = OffButNotify, gives ENotifyLocationRejected
   863 		TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt requestPrivacy;
   865 		requestPrivacy.SetRequestAdvice(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt::ERequestAdviceNotify);
   866 		requestPrivacy.SetRequestAction(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt::ERequestActionAllow);
   868 		// Verifications are rejected after timeout.
   869 		CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService externalLocate(CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOff);
   871 		ReadNetworkInducedAdminSetting(externalLocate);
   872 		if ((externalLocate == CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOnButAlwaysVerify) && (!aIsEmergency))
   873 			{
   874 	    	requestPrivacy.SetRequestAdvice(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt::ERequestAdviceVerify);
   875 	    	requestPrivacy.SetRequestAction(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt::ERequestActionReject);
   876 			}
   878 		// Similarly, default values have to be assigned to the external request info.
   879 		TLbsExternalRequestInfo requestInfo;
   880 		_LIT8(KUnknownExternalReqInfoField, "");
   881 		requestInfo.SetRequesterId(KUnknownExternalReqInfoField);
   882 		requestInfo.SetClientName(KUnknownExternalReqInfoField);
   883 		requestInfo.SetClientExternalId(KUnknownExternalReqInfoField);
   886 		// Process the privacy request.		
   887 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocReqReceived, KErrNone);
   889 		TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams privacyRequestParams(aSessionId, aSessionType, requestInfo, requestPrivacy, aIsEmergency);
   890 		iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitPrivacyResponse, privacyRequestParams);
   891 		}
   893 	// All other location requests.
   894 	else
   895 		{
   896 		TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams updateRequestParams(aSessionId,
   897 															aPosRequestMethod,
   898 															aSessionType,
   899 															aIsEmergency,
   900 															aQuality);
   901 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitSessionComplete, KErrCancel);
   902 		iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationUpdate, updateRequestParams);
   903 		}
   904 	}
   906 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   907 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnSessionComplete
   908 // Description: Common handling of a session complete message received other
   909 // than when it is expected as normal session completion.
   910 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   911 //
   912 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnSessionComplete(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
   913 																TInt aReason)
   914 	{
   915 	if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId())
   916 		{
   917 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitSessionComplete, aReason);
   918 		iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, aSessionId);	            
   919 		}		
   920 	}
   922 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
   923 */
   924 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
   925 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/ , 
   926 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
   927 	{
   928 	TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt sessionType = iFsm->SessionType();
   929 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((sessionType != MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone), Panic(ENrhPanicBadParamType));
   931 	if( ((sessionType == MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkInduced) || 
   932 											   (sessionType == MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated)))
   933 		{
   934 		TPositionInfo posInfo = static_cast<const TPositionInfo&>(aPosInfo);
   936 		// Set the module Id and position mode for the reference position.
   937 		// These values are not 'real' values, since this position
   938 		// came directly from the network and not one of the location
   939 		// managers within LBS.
   940 		posInfo.SetModuleId(KLbsGpsLocManagerUid);
   941 		posInfo.SetPositionMode(TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork);
   942 		posInfo.SetPositionModeReason(EPositionModeReasonNone);
   943 		posInfo.SetUpdateType(EPositionUpdateGeneral);
   945 		if (!iFsm->RefPosProcessed())
   946 			{
   947 			iFsm->RefPosProcessed() = ETrue;
   948 			PrivacyHandler()->ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(iFsm->SessionId(), posInfo);
   949 			}
   951 		}	
   952 	}
   954 /* Timer callback called when the MaxFixTime for a gps location update request has expired. 
   956 The default action is to ignore this callback. Any state interested in it must
   957 implement its own version.
   958 */
   959 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnTimerEventL(TInt /*aTimerId*/)
   960 	{
   961 	}
   964 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   965 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::ReadNetworkInducedAdminSetting
   966 // Description: Determine the external location value from the admin settings for network induced location requests.
   967 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
   968 //
   969 void CLbsPrivLocStateBase::ReadNetworkInducedAdminSetting(CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService& aExternalLocateService)
   970 	{
   971 	CLbsAdmin::TExternalLocateService serviceStatus(CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOff);
   972 	RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::TLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus netRegStatus(RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown);	
   973 	TInt err = LbsNetworkRegistrationStatus().GetNetworkRegistrationStatus(netRegStatus);
   974 	if (err == KErrNone)
   975 		{
   976 		switch (netRegStatus)
   977 			{
   978 			case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredHomeNetwork:
   979 				{
   980 				err = LbsAdmin()->Get(KLbsSettingHomeNetworkInducedLocate, serviceStatus);
   981 				break;
   982 				}
   983 			case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ERegisteredRoamingNetwork:
   984 			case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENotRegistered:
   985 				{
   986 				err = LbsAdmin()->Get(KLbsSettingRoamingNetworkInducedLocate, serviceStatus);
   987 				break;
   988 				}		
   989 			case RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus::ENetworkRegistrationUnknown:
   990 			default:
   991 				{
   992 				LBSLOG_WARN2(ELogP4, "Unrecognised TLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus (%d), defaulting to EExternalLocateOff",
   993 							 netRegStatus);
   994 				serviceStatus = CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOff;
   995 				break;
   996 				}
   997 			}
   998 		}
   999 	else
  1000 		{
  1001 		LBSLOG_WARN2(ELogP4, "Failed to get TExternalLocateService, couldn't read roaming status (err %d), defaulting to EExternalLocateOff",  
  1002 					 err);		
  1003 		}
  1005 	aExternalLocateService = serviceStatus;
  1006 	}
  1008 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1009 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::CLbsPrivLocStateBase
  1010 // Description: Constructor
  1011 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1012 //
  1013 CLbsPrivLocStateBase::CLbsPrivLocStateBase(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1014 :	iFsm(aFsm)
  1015 	{	
  1016 	}
  1017 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1018 // CLbsPrivLocStateBase::PrivacyHandler, MessageSwitch, LbsAdmin
  1019 // Description: Allows concrete states access to NRH resources passed to
  1020 // the FSM
  1021 // Returns: pointers.
  1022 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1023 //
  1024 CPrivacyHandler* CLbsPrivLocStateBase::PrivacyHandler()
  1025 	{
  1026 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().PrivacyHandler();
  1027 	}
  1028 CNGMessageSwitch* CLbsPrivLocStateBase::MessageSwitch()
  1029 	{
  1030 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().MessageSwitch();
  1031 	}
  1032 CLbsAdmin* CLbsPrivLocStateBase::LbsAdmin()
  1033 	{
  1034 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().LbsAdmin();
  1035 	}
  1036 CAgpsInterfaceHandler* CLbsPrivLocStateBase::AgpsInterface()
  1037 	{
  1038 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().AgpsHandler();
  1039 	}
  1042 TPositionModuleInfoExtended::TDeviceGpsModeCapabilities CLbsPrivLocStateBase::DeviceGpsModeCaps()
  1043 	{
  1044 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().DeviceGpsModeCaps();
  1045 	}
  1047 CLbsAdmin::TLbsBehaviourMode CLbsPrivLocStateBase::BehaviourMode()
  1048 	{
  1049 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().BehaviourMode();
  1050 	}
  1052 RLbsNetworkRegistrationStatus& CLbsPrivLocStateBase::LbsNetworkRegistrationStatus()
  1053 	{
  1054 	return iFsm->PrivLocHandler().NetworkRegistrationStatus();
  1055 	}
  1057 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1058 // 
  1059 // ----------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocIdleState --------------------
  1060 //
  1061 // Implements the Idle state of the Privacy and Location Request Handler
  1062 //
  1063 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1064 //
  1066 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1067 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::NewL
  1068 // Description: CLbsPrivLocIdleState static constructor 
  1069 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1070 //
  1071 CLbsPrivLocIdleState* CLbsPrivLocIdleState::NewL(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1072 	{
  1073 	return new (ELeave) CLbsPrivLocIdleState(aFsm);
  1074 	}
  1076 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1077 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::CLbsPrivLocIdleState
  1078 // Description: CLbsPrivLocIdleState constructor.
  1079 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1080 //
  1081 CLbsPrivLocIdleState::CLbsPrivLocIdleState(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm) 
  1082 : CLbsPrivLocStateBase(aFsm)
  1083 	{
  1084 	}
  1086 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1087 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnEntry
  1088 // Description: Carries out tasks required on entry to the state.
  1089 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1090 //
  1091 void CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnEntry(const TPrivLocCommonParams& aStateParams)
  1092 	{
  1093 	CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry(aStateParams);
  1094 	}
  1096 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1097 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnExit
  1098 // Description: Carries out tasks required on exit from the state.
  1099 // Panics if the exit reason is not handled by the base state exit
  1100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1101 //
  1102 TBool CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnExit()
  1103 	{
  1104 	TBool consumed = CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit();
  1105 	// If the exit reason wasn't handled, panic (should only happen in development)
  1106 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(consumed, Panic(ENrhPanicIdleUnknownExitReason));
  1108 	return(consumed);
  1109 	}
  1111 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1112 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnNetLocRequest
  1113 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request for a control 
  1114 // measurement.
  1115 // If the session type is anything but MTLR, then it is processed, otherwise
  1116 // a privacy request is generated
  1117 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1118 //
  1119 void CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnNetLocRequest(
  1120 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  1121 		const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  1122 		TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  1123 		TBool aIsEmergency,
  1124         const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
  1125     {
  1126     iFsm->SessionType() = aSessionType;
  1127     if(iFsm->WasPrivacyResponseReceivedStateExited())
  1128         {
  1129         // The request relates to a rejected privacy request
  1130         // or a request for this session which has already been answered. 
  1131         // In either case, it should be refused. The message is sent to the
  1132         // network gateway as apart of exit from the state, but we want to 
  1133         // remain in Idle state.
  1134         iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController, KErrAccessDenied);
  1135         iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, aSessionId);
  1136         }
  1137     else
  1138         {
  1139         TInt numMethods = aPosRequestMethod.NumPosMethods();
  1140         if (numMethods==1)
  1141             {
  1142             TLbsNetPosMethodInt netPosMethod;
  1143             aPosRequestMethod.GetPosMethod(0,netPosMethod);
  1145             if (netPosMethod.PosMode()== (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
  1146                 {
  1147                 iFsm->TapMode() = ETrue;
  1148                 }
  1149             }
  1152         if ((aSessionType != MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated) &&
  1153             (aSessionType != MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkInduced))
  1154             {
  1155             iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocReqReceived, KErrNone);
  1156             TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams updateRequestParams(aSessionId,
  1157                                                             aPosRequestMethod,
  1158                                                             aSessionType,
  1159                                                             aIsEmergency,
  1160                                                             aQuality);
  1161             iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationUpdate, updateRequestParams);
  1162             }
  1163             else
  1164             {
  1165             // It's a request for a different session. Need to find out what to do with it.
  1166             HandleLocRequest(aSessionId, aPosRequestMethod, 
  1167                                     aSessionType,aIsEmergency,
  1168                                     aQuality);
  1169             }
  1170         }
  1171     }
  1173 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1174 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnMTLRRequest
  1175 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request for a location update
  1176 // (a privacy request) 
  1177 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1178 //
  1179 void CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  1180 				TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
  1181 				TBool aIsEmergency,
  1182 				const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aExternalRequestInfo,
  1183 				const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy)
  1184 	{
  1185 	iFsm->SessionType() = aSessionType;
  1186 	iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitPrivacyRequestReceived, KErrNone);
  1187 	TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams privacyRequestParams(	aSessionId, 
  1188 													aSessionType,
  1189 													aExternalRequestInfo, 
  1190 													aNetPosRequestPrivacy,
  1191 													aIsEmergency);
  1192 	iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitPrivacyResponse, privacyRequestParams);
  1193 	}
  1195 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
  1196  * 
  1197 */
  1198 void CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
  1199 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/, 
  1200 		const TPositionInfoBase& /* aPosInfo */)
  1201 	{
  1202 	// note that the reference postion is stored by the message switch
  1203 	// so here we don't need to save it again!
  1204 	}
  1206 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1207 // 
  1208 // ----------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState --------------------
  1209 //
  1210 // Implements the Idle state of the Privacy and Location Request Handler
  1211 //
  1212 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1213 //
  1215 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1216 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::NewL
  1217 // Description: CLbsPrivLocIdleState static constructor 
  1218 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1219 //
  1220 CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState* CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::NewL(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1221 	{
  1222 	return new (ELeave) CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState(aFsm);
  1223 	}
  1225 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1226 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState
  1227 // Description: CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState constructor.
  1228 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1229 //
  1230 CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1231 : CLbsPrivLocStateBase(aFsm)
  1232 	{
  1233 	}
  1235 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1236 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnEntry
  1237 // Description: Actions performed when the state is entered.
  1238 // Unpack the parameters and issue the privacy request.
  1239 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1240 //
  1241 void CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnEntry(const TPrivLocCommonParams& aStateParams)
  1242 	{
  1243 	CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry(aStateParams);
  1244 	const TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams& params = TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams::Cast(const_cast<TPrivLocCommonParams&>(aStateParams));	
  1245 	iFsm->SessionType() = params.iSessionType;
  1246 	iFsm->IsEmergency() = params.iIsEmergency;
  1248 	PrivacyHandler()->ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(iFsm->SessionId(), 
  1249 													iFsm->SessionType(),
  1250 													params.iExternalRequestInfo, 
  1251 													params.iNetPosRequestPrivacy,
  1252 													iFsm->IsEmergency());	
  1253 	}
  1255 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1256 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnExit
  1257 // Description: Actions performed on leaving the state.
  1258 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1259 //
  1260 TBool CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnExit()
  1261 	{
  1262 	TInt consumed = EFalse;
  1263 	switch(iFsm->ExitData().iExitReason)
  1264 		{
  1265 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitPrivacyResponseReceived:
  1266 			{
  1267             // Remember that we exited the privacy response received state 
  1268 			// so that we can deny the network location requests in the idle staet.
  1270             iFsm->WasPrivacyResponseReceivedStateExited() = ETrue;
  1273 			// For the NI case a Reference position may have arrived by now
  1274 			// So we must pass this onto the privacy handler.
  1276 			if (iFsm->SessionType() == MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNetworkInduced) 
  1277 				{
  1278 				if (iFsm->PrivacyResponse() == CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::EPrivacyResponseAccepted)
  1279 					{
  1280 					TPositionInfo posInfo;
  1281 					TInt err = MessageSwitch()->GetNetworkReferencePosition(iFsm->SessionId(), posInfo);
  1282 					if (KErrNone == err)
  1283 						{
  1284 						if (!iFsm->RefPosProcessed())
  1285 							{
  1286 							iFsm->RefPosProcessed() = ETrue;
  1287 							PrivacyHandler()->ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(iFsm->SessionId(), posInfo);
  1288 							}
  1290 						}
  1292 					}
  1293 				}		
  1295 			// For MtLrs the Protcol module should not
  1296 			// send a REF position until after we have sent the Priv response to the PM 
  1298 			// Inform network of the privacy response for normal privacy requests.
  1299 			if (iFsm->SessionType() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated)
  1300 				{
  1301 				MessageSwitch()->SendMTLRResponse(iFsm->SessionId(), iFsm->PrivacyResponse(), iFsm->PrivacyResponseReason(), iFsm->IsEmergency());	
  1302 				}
  1304 			// Inform network of a rejected privacy response via a "RespondLocationRequest" for faked privacy requests (generated internaly).
  1305 			else if ((iFsm->SessionType() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkInduced) && (iFsm->PrivacyResponse() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EPrivacyResponseRejected))
  1306 				{
  1307 				// The faked privacy request was rejected, so reject the location request.
  1308 				TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
  1309 				TTime dummyTime;
  1310 				TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
  1312 				MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1313 													KErrAccessDenied,
  1314 													dummyQuality,
  1315 													dummyPosInfo,
  1316 													dummyTime,
  1317 													iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1318 				}
  1320 			consumed = ETrue;
  1321 			break;
  1322 			}
  1324 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController:
  1325 			{
  1326 			// Send a cancel to the network gateway
  1327 			iFsm->PrivacyResponse() = TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EPrivacyResponseRejected;
  1328 			iFsm->PrivacyResponseReason() = KErrCancel;
  1329 			MessageSwitch()->SendMTLRResponse(iFsm->SessionId(), iFsm->PrivacyResponse(), iFsm->PrivacyResponseReason(), iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1330 			consumed = ETrue;
  1331 			}
  1332 			break;
  1334 		default:
  1335 			{
  1336 			consumed = CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit();
  1337 			// If the exit reason wasn't handled, panic (should only happen in development)
  1338 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(consumed, Panic(ENrhPanicWaitPrivRespUnknownExitReason));
  1339 			break;
  1340 			}
  1341 		}
  1343 	iFsm->LocReqReceived() = EFalse;
  1345 	return(consumed);
  1346 	}
  1348 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1349 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest
  1350 // Description: Pass on a received privacy response to the network gateway, if
  1351 // it relates to the current session.
  1352 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1353 //
  1354 void CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(
  1355 											const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  1356 											TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt aRequestResult,
  1357 											TInt /* aResponseReason*/)
  1358 	{
  1360 	if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId())
  1361 		{
  1362 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitPrivacyResponseReceived, KErrNone);
  1363 		iFsm->PrivacyResponse() = aRequestResult;
  1364 		if(iFsm->PrivacyResponse() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EPrivacyResponseAccepted)
  1365 			{
  1366 			// Tell the AGPS handler that we are going to start a location request soon.
  1367 			AgpsInterface()->PreStartPositioning(iFsm->SessionId(), iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1369 			if(iFsm->LocReqReceived())
  1370 				{				
  1371 				TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams updateRequestParams(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1372 																iFsm->PosRequestMethod(),
  1373 																iFsm->SessionType(),
  1374 																iFsm->IsEmergency(),
  1375 																iFsm->NetRequestQuality());
  1376 				iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationUpdate, updateRequestParams);	            
  1377 				}
  1378 			else
  1379 				{
  1380 				TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams locationRequestParams(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1381 																		iFsm->IsEmergency(),
  1382 																		EFalse);
  1383 				iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationRequest, locationRequestParams);
  1384 				}
  1385 			}
  1386 		else
  1387 			{
  1388 			iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, aSessionId);
  1389 			}
  1390 		}
  1391 	}
  1393 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1394 // CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnNetLocRequest
  1395 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request for a control 
  1396 // measurement.
  1397 // If the session Id is the same as the current one, then save the parameters
  1398 // so that the request can be issued when privacy is accepted.
  1399 // Otherwise (the session Id is different) a cancel is implied and we cancel 
  1400 // the current session and start another, which may or may not require a new 
  1401 // privacy query.
  1402 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1403 //
  1404 void CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnNetLocRequest(
  1405 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  1406 		const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  1407 		TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  1408 		TBool aIsEmergency,
  1409         const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
  1410 	{	
  1411 	TInt numMethods = aPosRequestMethod.NumPosMethods();
  1412 	if (numMethods==1)
  1413 		{
  1414 		TLbsNetPosMethodInt netPosMethod;
  1415 		aPosRequestMethod.GetPosMethod(0,netPosMethod);
  1417 		if (netPosMethod.PosMode()== (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
  1418 			{
  1419 			iFsm->TapMode() = ETrue;
  1420 			}
  1421 		}
  1422 	if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId() && 
  1423 		aIsEmergency == iFsm->IsEmergency() &&
  1424 		aSessionType == iFsm->SessionType())
  1425 		{
  1426 		iFsm->PosRequestMethod() = aPosRequestMethod;
  1427 		iFsm->NetRequestQuality() = aQuality;
  1428 		iFsm->LocReqReceived() = ETrue;
  1429 		}
  1430 	else
  1431 		{
  1432 		// It's a request for different session. Need to find out what to do with it.
  1433 		HandleLocRequest(aSessionId,aPosRequestMethod, 
  1434 							aSessionType,aIsEmergency,
  1435 							aQuality);
  1436 		}
  1437 	}
  1440 void CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/,
  1441 					   TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt /*aSessionType*/, 
  1442 					   TBool /*aIsEmergency*/,
  1443 					   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& /*aExternalRequestInfo*/,
  1444 					   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& /*aNetPosRequestPrivacy*/)
  1445 	{
  1446 	// this can never happen. If the Fsm is in the WaitPrivRespState then 
  1447 	// any arrival of a MTLR request would start a new session (no implicit cancel!)
  1448 	// and the OnMTLRRequest()would be directed to that session not this one
  1449 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ENrhPanicBadParamType));
  1450 	}
  1452 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
  1453  *  
  1454 */
  1455 void CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
  1456 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/, 
  1457 		const TPositionInfoBase& /*aPosInfo*/)
  1458 	{
  1459 	// note that the reference postion is stored by the message switch
  1460 	// so here we don't need to save it again!
  1461 	}
  1464 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1465 // 
  1466 // ----------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState --------------------
  1467 //
  1468 // Implements the Wait For Location Update state of the Privacy and Location 
  1469 // Request Handler
  1470 //
  1471 // On entry, issues a location update request then starts a timer and waits for 
  1472 // a response.
  1473 //
  1474 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1475 //
  1477 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1478 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::NewL
  1479 // Description: CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState static constructor 
  1480 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1481 //
  1482 CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState* CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::NewL(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1483 	{
  1484 	CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState* self; 
  1485 	self = new (ELeave) CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState(aFsm);
  1486 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  1487 	self->ConstructL();
  1488 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  1489 	return(self);	
  1490 	}
  1492 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1493 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState
  1494 // Description: CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState constructor.
  1495 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1496 //
  1497 CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  1498 : CLbsPrivLocStateBase(aFsm)
  1499 	{
  1500 	}
  1502 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1503 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::~CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState
  1504 // Description: CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState destructor.
  1505 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1506 //
  1507 CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::~CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState()
  1508 	{
  1509 	}
  1511 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1512 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::ConstructL
  1513 // Description: CLbsPrivLocIdleState second-phase constructor.
  1514 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1515 //
  1516 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::ConstructL()
  1517 	{
  1518 	}
  1521 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1522 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnEntry
  1523 // Description: Carries out tasks required on entry to the state.
  1524 // Issues the location update request and starts a timer.
  1525 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1526 //
  1527 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnEntry(const TPrivLocCommonParams& aStateParams)
  1528 	{
  1529 	TInt err(KErrNone);
  1531 	CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry(aStateParams);
  1532 	const TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams& params = TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams::Cast(aStateParams);	
  1533 	iFsm->IsEmergency() = params.iIsEmergency;
  1534 	iFsm->SessionType() = params.iSessionType;
  1535 	iFsm->PosRequestMethod() = params.iPosRequestMethod;
  1537 	// If the network has not specified a positioning method, get the default
  1538 	// one from the admin settings.
  1539 	TLbsNetPosMethodInt netReqMethod;
  1540 	iFsm->PosRequestMethod().GetPosMethod(0, netReqMethod);		
  1541 	if (iFsm->PosRequestMethod().NumPosMethods() == 1
  1542 		&& (netReqMethod.PosMode() == TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyUnknown))
  1543 		{
  1544 		AgpsInterface()->GetDefaultPosMethod(iFsm->PosRequestMethod());
  1545 		}
  1547     // We may use two sources for the required quality for the
  1548     // new location request, either:
  1549     // 1) The quality from the network (aQuality)
  1550     // 2) The quality defined in a quality profile (which profile to
  1551     //    use depends on the service type, e.g. MT-LR or X3P)
  1552     //
  1553     // We decide which to use based on the required quality from the network.
  1554     // Any invalid/unsupplied parameter is read from the quality profile 
  1555     // for the ocation request type.
  1556    	TBool maxFixTimeRequired = params.iQuality.MaxFixTime() == 0;
  1557     TBool minVerticalAccuracyRequired = 
  1558     				Math::IsNaN(params.iQuality.MinVerticalAccuracy());
  1559     TBool minHorizontalAccuracyRequired = 
  1560     				Math::IsNaN(params.iQuality.MinHorizontalAccuracy());
  1562     if (maxFixTimeRequired || minVerticalAccuracyRequired || minHorizontalAccuracyRequired)
  1563     	{
  1564     	// Select which LbsAdmin setting to use for the
  1565     	// quality profile Id based on the type of location
  1566     	// request.
  1567 	    TLbsAdminSetting adminSetting(KLbsSettingNone);
  1568 	    switch (iFsm->SessionType())
  1569 	    	{
  1570 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated:
  1571 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkInduced:
  1572 	    		{
  1573 	    		adminSetting = KLbsSettingQualityProfileExternalLocate;
  1574 	    		break;
  1575 	    		}
  1576 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceTransmitThirdParty:
  1577 	    		{
  1578 	    		adminSetting = KLbsSettingQualityProfileTransmitLocate;
  1579 	    		break;
  1580 	    		}
  1581 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceTriggeredMolr:
  1582                 // SUPL 2.0 "Triggered MOLR" request uses Self Locate Quality Profile
  1583 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkLocation:
  1584 	    		// This type of request should only get here in the case of a TA MOLR. Treat as Self-Locate
  1585 	    	case TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceSelfLocation:
  1586 	    		{
  1587 	    		adminSetting = KLbsSettingQualityProfileSelfLocate;
  1588 	    		break;
  1589 	    		}
  1590 	    	default:
  1591 	    		{
  1592 				// We must not fail if it is an emergency request
  1593 				if (!iFsm->IsEmergency())
  1594 					{
  1595 					LBSLOG2(ELogP3, 
  1596 					"Unable to select quality profile for TLbsNetProtocolService (%d), using quality data from network instead.",
  1597 		    				iFsm->SessionType());
  1598 					__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ENrhPanicNoQualityProfile));
  1599 					}
  1600 	    		else
  1601 	    			{
  1602 	   				adminSetting = KLbsSettingQualityProfileExternalLocate;
  1603 	   				}
  1604 	    		}
  1605 	    	}
  1607 		// Retrieve the Id of the quality profile to use
  1608 	    TLbsQualityProfileId profileId(KLbsNullQualityProfileId);
  1609 	    if (adminSetting != KLbsSettingNone)
  1610 	    	{
  1611 	    	LbsAdmin()->Get(adminSetting, profileId);
  1612 	    	}
  1614 	    // Retrieve the data for the quality profile
  1615     	TQualityProfile qualityProfile;
  1616     	err = LbsQualityProfile::GetQualityProfileById(profileId, qualityProfile);
  1617     	if (err == KErrNone)
  1618     		{
  1619     		// Use the quality data from the quality profile for any missing/invalid data
  1620 			if(maxFixTimeRequired)
  1621 				{
  1622 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMaxFixTime(qualityProfile.MaxFixTime());
  1623 				}
  1624 			else
  1625 				{
  1626 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMaxFixTime(params.iQuality.MaxFixTime());
  1627 				}
  1628 			if(minHorizontalAccuracyRequired)
  1629 				{
  1630 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(qualityProfile.MinHorizontalAccuracy());
  1631 				}
  1632 			else
  1633 				{
  1634 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(params.iQuality.MinHorizontalAccuracy());
  1635 				}
  1636 			if(minVerticalAccuracyRequired)
  1637 				{
  1638 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinVerticalAccuracy(qualityProfile.MinVerticalAccuracy());
  1639 				}
  1640 			else
  1641 				{
  1642 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinVerticalAccuracy(params.iQuality.MinVerticalAccuracy());				
  1643 				}
  1644     		}
  1645 		else
  1646 			{
  1647 			// We should not fail if we are emergency
  1648 			if (!iFsm->IsEmergency())
  1649 				{
  1650 				// We couldn't find the quality profile with the given Id.
  1651 				// This is an error, so reject the location request.
  1652 				TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
  1653 				TTime dummyTime;
  1654 				TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
  1655 				MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1656 									KErrAccessDenied,
  1657 										dummyQuality,
  1658 										dummyPosInfo,
  1659 										dummyTime,
  1660 										iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1662 				// if this location request is the result of a privacy request,
  1663 				// then notify the privacy handler of the error
  1664 				if ((params.iSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated) ||
  1665 					(params.iSessionType == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkInduced))
  1666 					{
  1667 					iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitSessionComplete, KErrAccessDenied);
  1668 					}
  1669 				else
  1670 					{
  1671 					iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitBadQualityProfile, KErrNone);
  1672 					}
  1674 				// Whatever the result, this session is finished, so return to idle.
  1675 				iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, iFsm->SessionId());
  1676 				return;
  1677 				} // if (!iIsEmergency)
  1678 			else
  1679 				{
  1680 				// Just set some defaults
  1681 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeout(30000000);
  1682 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(50);
  1683 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinVerticalAccuracy(1000);
  1684 				iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMaxFixTime(timeout);
  1685 				}
  1686     		}
  1687     	}
  1688     else
  1689     	{
  1690     	// Use the quality parameters supplied with the request.
  1691     	iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(params.iQuality.MinHorizontalAccuracy());
  1692     	iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMinVerticalAccuracy(params.iQuality.MinVerticalAccuracy());
  1693     	iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().SetMaxFixTime(params.iQuality.MaxFixTime());
  1694     	}
  1697     // Check for any existing position updates in case they meet the
  1698     // MaxFixAge and quality requirements for this request.
  1699     TInt updateReason;
  1700     err = AgpsInterface()->GetPosition(updateReason, 
  1701     								   iFsm->GpsPosition(), 
  1702     								   iFsm->ActualTime());
  1703     if (err == KErrNone)
  1704     	{
  1705 		TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams locationRequestParams(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1706 																iFsm->IsEmergency(),
  1707 																EFalse,
  1708 																updateReason);
  1710     	// Check the existing update in case it meets the MaxFixAge and quality requirements for this request.
  1711     	if (params.iQuality.MaxFixAge() > 0)
  1712     		{
  1713     		TTime now;
  1714     		now.UniversalTime();
  1715     		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds age(Max((now.Int64() - iFsm->ActualTime().Int64()), TInt64(0)));
  1716     		if (updateReason == KErrNone
  1717     			&& (age <= params.iQuality.MaxFixAge())
  1718     			&& ReceivedFixIsAccurate())
  1719     			{
  1720     			// Accurate update that is within the MaxFixAge time limit,
  1721     			// so return it straight away.
  1722     			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocFixReceived, updateReason);
  1723     			iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationRequest, locationRequestParams);
  1724     			return;
  1725     			}
  1726     		}
  1729 		// Special feature behaviour!
  1730 		// If the admin setting KLbsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdate is on,
  1731 		// it means that we should check to see if a futile update has happened
  1732 		// since the first location request of this session. This might happen
  1733 		// in a hybrid session, if the GPS module sends a futile update when there
  1734 		// is no outstanding location request in the NRH. E.g. in the gap between
  1735 		// sending the response for one hybrid loc request and getting the next
  1736 		// loc request from the network.
  1737 		//
  1738 		// Note: This only really applies to hybrid of TA position modes, because
  1739 		//       in TB or autonomous you only have one location request per 
  1740 		//       session.
  1741     	else if (iFsm->IsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdateOn())
  1742     		{
  1743 		    // If this is the first request for a new sessionId, record the current session id.
  1744 		    // We need to know this for terminal assisted or hybrid requests, in case
  1745 		    // we need to check for a futile update that has happened in the gap between
  1746 		    // one location response and the next location update request.
  1747 		    if (iFsm->LastLocReqSessionId() != iFsm->SessionId())
  1748 		    	{
  1749 		    	iFsm->LastLocReqSessionId() = iFsm->SessionId();
  1750 		    	}
  1751 		    else
  1752 				{
  1753 				// Before sending the location request, see if a futile update has 
  1754 				// happened since the start of the session (in general only terminal-assisted 
  1755 				// and hybrid requests should have more than one location request
  1756 			    // per session, however the SUPL PM will have more than one for all request modes).
  1757    			    TGpsRequestMode gpsMode = AgpsInterface()->ConvertPosMethodToGpsRequestMode(iFsm->PosRequestMethod());
  1758 				if ((updateReason == KPositionCalculationFutile) && 
  1759 					((gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeTerminalAssisted) || (gpsMode == EGpsRequestModeHybrid)))
  1760 					{
  1761 					// Return last measurement straight away.
  1762 					iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocMeasurementResultsReceived, updateReason);
  1763 					iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationRequest, locationRequestParams);
  1764 		    		return;
  1765 					}
  1766 				}
  1767     		}
  1768     	}
  1771 	// Issue the request and supply pointers to the data to be updated
  1772     iFsm->LocationFixReceived() = EFalse;
  1773     iFsm->MeasurementInfoReceived() = EFalse;
  1774     err = AgpsInterface()->StartPositioning(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1775 								    		iFsm->PosRequestMethod(),
  1776 											iFsm->GpsRequestQuality(),
  1777 											iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1778 	if (KErrNone == err)
  1779 		{
  1780 		iFsm->LocationUpdateTimer().EventAfter(iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().MaxFixTime(), 1);
  1781     	iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitReasonNone, KErrNone);
  1782 		}
  1783 	else
  1784 		{
  1785 		// Error sending the location request, send a location response
  1786 		// with the error and go to Idle state.
  1787     	iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitBadLocationRequest, err);
  1788     	iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, iFsm->SessionId());
  1789 		}
  1790 	}
  1792 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1793 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnExit
  1794 // Description: Carries out tasks required on exit from the state.
  1795 // Cancels the location update request and stops the timer.
  1796 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1797 //
  1798 TBool CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnExit()
  1799 	{	
  1800 	// Cancel the update timer.
  1801 	iFsm->LocationUpdateTimer().Cancel();
  1803 	TInt consumed = EFalse;
  1804 	switch(iFsm->ExitData().iExitReason)
  1805 		{
  1806 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocFixReceived:
  1807 			{
  1808 			// Don't cancel the location request yet, but tell the AGPS interface
  1809 			// handler to put it on 'hold'. If we are in a hybrid or terminal-assisted
  1810 			// request then we are going to get another location request very shortly
  1811 			// anyway...
  1812 			AgpsInterface()->HoldPositioning(iFsm->SessionId(), KErrNone);
  1814 			// Report the position to the message switch
  1815 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1816 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
  1817             	                             	iFsm->GpsRequestQuality(),
  1818             	                             	iFsm->GpsPosition(),
  1819             	                             	iFsm->ActualTime(),
  1820             	                             	iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1822 			// For MTLR pass the data to the privacy handler 
  1823 			// in case the Privacy Controller wants it.
  1824 			if ((iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo >= KErrNone) &&
  1825 				(iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo != KPositionCalculationFutile) && 
  1826 				((iFsm->SessionType() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated) ||
  1827 				(iFsm->SessionType() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNetworkInduced)))
  1828 				{
  1829 				PrivacyHandler()->ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(iFsm->SessionId(), 
  1830 						iFsm->GpsPosition());
  1831 				}
  1833 			consumed = ETrue;
  1834 			break;
  1835 			}
  1837 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocMeasurementResultsReceived:
  1838 			{
  1839 			// Don't cancel the location request yet, but tell the AGPS interface
  1840 			// handler to put it on 'hold'. If we are in a hybrid or terminal-assisted
  1841 			// request then we are going to get another location request very shortly
  1842 			// anyway...
  1843 			AgpsInterface()->HoldPositioning(iFsm->SessionId(), KErrNone);
  1845 			// Report the measurement data to the message switch, even if we
  1846 			// didn't get any. The error code will indicate that the data
  1847 			// is rubbish in that case.
  1848 			LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState:returning with reason %d", iFsm->MeasurementInfoError());
  1850 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1851 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
  1852 												iFsm->GpsRequestQuality(),
  1853             	                             	iFsm->GpsMeasurementInfo(),
  1854             	                             	iFsm->ActualTime(),
  1855             	                             	iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1856 			break;	
  1857 			}
  1859 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitTimedOut:
  1860 			{
  1861 			// Don't cancel the location request yet, but tell the AGPS interface
  1862 			// handler to put it on 'hold'. If we are in a hybrid or terminal-assisted
  1863 			// request then we are going to get another location request very shortly
  1864 			// anyway...
  1865 			AgpsInterface()->HoldPositioning(iFsm->SessionId(), KErrNone);
  1867 			// If the request has timed out, then return whatever position 
  1868 			// data we have, but make it clear it's not what was requested.
  1869 			// If there's an error (probably KErrTimedOut) there's
  1870 			// nothing to report, so send dummy data with the error.			
  1871 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(), 
  1872 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
  1873 												iFsm->GpsRequestQuality(),
  1874 												iFsm->GpsPosition(),
  1875 												iFsm->ActualTime(),
  1876 												iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1878 			// For MTLR, pass the data to the privacy handler in case the Privacy
  1879 			// Controller wants it.
  1880 			// NB Don't send the update if the error is KErrTimedOut, as that means there's
  1881 			// nothing to report.
  1882 			if((iFsm->SessionType() == TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceMobileTerminated) &&
  1883 			    (iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo == KPositionQualityLoss))
  1884 				{
  1885 				PrivacyHandler()->ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(iFsm->SessionId(), 
  1886 						iFsm->GpsPosition());
  1887 				}
  1889 			consumed = ETrue;
  1890 			break;
  1891 			}
  1893 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController:
  1894 			{
  1895 			// Stop the location request immediately.
  1896 			AgpsInterface()->StopPositioning(iFsm->SessionId());
  1898 			// Send a SendExternalLocateCancel to NetGateWay- if the protcol module does not support this then
  1899 			// the Gateway will do nothing
  1900 			MessageSwitch()->SendExternalLocateCancel(iFsm->SessionId(), KErrCancel);
  1902 			// Send a location response with 'cancel' set to the network
  1903 			TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
  1904 			TTime dummyTime;
  1905 			TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
  1906 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1907 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
  1908 												dummyQuality,
  1909 												dummyPosInfo,
  1910 												dummyTime,
  1911 												iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1913 			consumed = ETrue;
  1914 			}
  1915 			break;
  1917 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitBadQualityProfile:
  1918 			{
  1919 			// Do nothing; we're just going back to Idle state
  1920 			consumed = ETrue;
  1921 			break;
  1922 			}
  1924 		case TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitBadLocationRequest:
  1925 			{
  1926 			// Error processing the location request - 
  1927 			// send a dummy response with an error code.
  1928 			TPositionInfo dummyPosInfo;
  1929 			TTime dummyTime;
  1930 			TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt dummyQuality;
  1931 			MessageSwitch()->SendNetLocResponse(iFsm->SessionId(),
  1932 												iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo,
  1933 												dummyQuality,
  1934 												dummyPosInfo,
  1935 												dummyTime,
  1936 												iFsm->IsEmergency());
  1938 			consumed = ETrue;
  1939 			break;
  1940 			}
  1942 		default:
  1943 			{
  1944 			consumed = CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit();
  1945 			// If the exit reason wasn't handled, panic (should only happen in development)
  1946 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(consumed, Panic(ENrhPanicWaitLocUpdateUnknownExitReason));
  1947 			}
  1948 		}
  1949 	return(consumed);
  1950 	}
  1952 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1953 // CLbsPrivLocIdleState::OnNetLocRequest
  1954 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request for a network 
  1955 // location.
  1956 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  1957 //
  1958 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnNetLocRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  1959 						const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  1960 						 TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  1961 						 TBool aIsEmergency,
  1962 						 const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
  1963 	{
  1964 	TInt numMethods = aPosRequestMethod.NumPosMethods();
  1965 	if (numMethods==1)
  1966 		{
  1967 		TLbsNetPosMethodInt netPosMethod;
  1968 		aPosRequestMethod.GetPosMethod(0,netPosMethod);
  1970 		if (netPosMethod.PosMode()== (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
  1971 			{
  1972 			iFsm->TapMode() = ETrue;
  1973 			}
  1974 		}
  1975 	if(aSessionId != iFsm->SessionId())
  1976 		{
  1977 		/* This request is for a different session. Cancel the current one 
  1978 		 * and start a new one.
  1979 		 */
  1980 		HandleLocRequest(aSessionId,aPosRequestMethod,
  1981 							aSessionType,aIsEmergency,
  1982 							aQuality);
  1983 		}
  1984 	else
  1985 		{
  1986 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnNetLocRequest: Matching SessionId.");
  1987 		TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams updateRequestParams(aSessionId,
  1988 				aPosRequestMethod,
  1989 				aSessionType,
  1990 				aIsEmergency,
  1991 				aQuality);
  1992 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocReqReceived, KErrNone);
  1993 		iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationUpdate, updateRequestParams);
  1994 		}
  1995 	}
  1998 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/,
  1999 					   TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt /*aSessionType*/, 
  2000 					   TBool /*aIsEmergency*/,
  2001 					   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& /*aExternalRequestInfo*/,
  2002 					   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& /*aNetPosRequestPrivacy*/)
  2003 	{
  2004 	// this can never happen. If the Fsm is in the WaitLocUpdateState then 
  2005 	// any arrival of a MTLR request would start a new session and not
  2006 	// implicitly cancel the ongoing MTLR and the OnMTLRRequest()
  2007 	// would be directed to that session not this one
  2009 	}
  2011 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2012 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnTimerEventL
  2013 // Description: The Location Update timer has expired.
  2014 // Cancel the request, and pass on the response if any has been received,
  2015 // otherwise report failure.
  2016 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2017 //
  2018 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnTimerEventL(TInt /*aTimerId*/)
  2019 	{	
  2020 	LBSLOG(ELogP3, "CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnTimerEventL");
  2022 	if(iFsm->MeasurementInfoReceived())
  2023 		{
  2024 		// A position fix may have been received, but it can't be accurate enough
  2025 		// (otherwise the request would have been completed before timeout), so 
  2026 		// return the most recent measurement info		
  2027 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "OnTimerEventL, measurement data received");
  2028 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocMeasurementResultsReceived, 
  2029 									 iFsm->MeasurementInfoError());
  2030 		}
  2031 	else if(iFsm->LocationFixReceived())
  2032 		{
  2033 		// position received, but not accurate enough (or request would already have been completed)
  2034 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "OnTimerEventL, inaccurate location data received");
  2035 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitTimedOut, 
  2036 									 KPositionQualityLoss);
  2037 		}
  2038 	else
  2039 		{
  2040 		// we've received no update (position / measurements)
  2041 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "OnTimerEventL, NO measurement data received");
  2042 		LBSLOG(ELogP3, "(Setting exit info KErrPositionNoGpsUpdate");
  2043 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitTimedOut, 
  2044 									 KErrPositionNoGpsUpdate);
  2045 		}
  2047 	SetExitState();	
  2048 	}
  2050 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2051 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::SetExitState
  2052 // Description: Works out the next state on the basis of the current session 
  2053 // type and whether any update has been received.
  2054 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2055 //
  2056 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::SetExitState()
  2057 	{
  2058 	TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams locationRequestParams(iFsm->SessionId(),
  2059 															iFsm->IsEmergency(),
  2060 															EFalse,
  2061 															iFsm->ExitData().iExitInfo);
  2062 	iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationRequest, 
  2063 					locationRequestParams);
  2064 	}
  2066 TBool CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::ReceivedFixIsAccurate()
  2067 	{    
  2068 	TBool fixIsAccurate = EFalse;
  2070 	// Compare the accuracy to the request values.
  2071 	// Make sure the location update is (A)GPS and not Network based.
  2072 	TPosition latestPosition;
  2073 	iFsm->GpsPosition().GetPosition(latestPosition);
  2075 	if ((latestPosition.HorizontalAccuracy() <= iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().MinHorizontalAccuracy()) &&
  2076 		(latestPosition.VerticalAccuracy() <= iFsm->GpsRequestQuality().MinVerticalAccuracy()) &&
  2077 		(iFsm->GpsPosition().PositionMode() != TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork))//Pure Reference Location
  2078 		{
  2079 		fixIsAccurate = ETrue;
  2080 		}
  2082 	return(fixIsAccurate);
  2083     }
  2085 /** Callback when a GPS position update arrives from AGPS manager.
  2086 */
  2087 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnAgpsPositionUpdate(
  2088 	TInt aReason,
  2089 	const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
  2090 	const TTime& aTimeStamp)
  2091 	{
  2092 	iFsm->GpsPosition() = aPosInfo;
  2093 	iFsm->ActualTime() = aTimeStamp;
  2094 	iFsm->LocationFixReceived() = ETrue;
  2095 	iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocFixReceived, aReason);
  2097 	if (KErrNone == aReason)
  2098 		{
  2099 		if (iFsm->TapMode())
  2100 			{
  2101 			LBSLOG(ELogP1,"TAP mode) - NOT sending position to network");	
  2102 			return; // do NOT return AGPS postions to TAP mode sessions
  2103 			}
  2104 		// See if the reported accuracy matches the specified quality.
  2105 		// If the accuracy is good enough, report the position
  2107 		// if this session is TAP then discard the position
  2109 		if(ReceivedFixIsAccurate())
  2110 			{
  2111 			SetExitState();
  2112 			}
  2113 		}
  2114 	else if ((aReason <= KErrNone) || (KPositionCalculationFutile == aReason))
  2115 		{
  2116 		// GPS Manager can't provide a location update. return what we do have.
  2117 		if(iFsm->MeasurementInfoReceived())
  2118 			{
  2119 			LBSLOG(ELogP1,"CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnPositionUpdate() - measurement received");	
  2120 			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocMeasurementResultsReceived, aReason);
  2121 			}
  2122 		else
  2123 			{
  2124 			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocFixReceived, aReason);				
  2125 			}
  2126 		SetExitState();
  2127 		}
  2128 	else if (KPositionEarlyComplete == aReason)
  2129 		{
  2130 		// Not an error. Report back what was accepted.
  2131 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocFixReceived, KErrNone);				
  2132 		SetExitState();	
  2133 		}
  2134 	else
  2135 		{
  2136 		// A real error
  2137 		SetExitState();
  2138 		}
  2139 	}
  2141 /** Callback when a GPS measurement results update arrives from AGPS manager.
  2143 Only location requests that are 'hybrid' or 'terminal assisted' should record 
  2144 the measurement results. Other types of request (autonomous, terminal based)
  2145 are only interested in the GPS position update.
  2146 */
  2147 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(
  2148 	TInt aReason,
  2149 	const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
  2150 	const TTime& /*aTimeStamp*/)
  2151 	{
  2152 	// Check that we should be listening for measurement updates.
  2154 	TBool positionCalculationPossible = aPosInfo.PositionCalculationPossible();
  2156 	const TInt methodCount = iFsm->PosRequestMethod().NumPosMethods();
  2157 	for(TInt i = 0; i < methodCount; ++i)
  2158 		{
  2159 		TLbsNetPosMethodInt posMethod;
  2160 		iFsm->PosRequestMethod().GetPosMethod(i, posMethod);
  2161 		if((posMethod.PosMode() & KTerminalAssistedMode) == KTerminalAssistedMode)
  2162 			{
  2163 			iFsm->MeasurementInfoReceived() = ETrue;
  2164 			iFsm->MeasurementInfoError() = aReason;
  2165 			iFsm->GpsMeasurementInfo() = aPosInfo;
  2167 			// don't wait until alpha2 time expires, instead
  2168 			// return measuremnts now
  2169 			if (positionCalculationPossible)
  2170 				{
  2171 				iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocMeasurementResultsReceived, 
  2172 											 iFsm->MeasurementInfoError());
  2173 				SetExitState();	
  2174 				}
  2175 			break;
  2176 			}
  2177 		}
  2178 	}
  2180 /** Callback when a GPS measurement results update arrives from AGPS manager.
  2182 Only location requests that are 'hybrid' or 'terminal assisted' should record 
  2183 the measurement results. Other types of request (autonomous, terminal based)
  2184 are only interested in the GPS position update.
  2185 */
  2186 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
  2187 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  2188 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
  2189 	{
  2190 	CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(aSessionId,aPosInfo);
  2191 	}
  2194 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2195 // 
  2196 // ----------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState --------------------
  2197 //
  2198 // Implements the Wait For Location Request state of the Privacy and Location 
  2199 // Request Handler
  2200 //
  2201 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2202 //
  2203 CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState* CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::NewL(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)
  2204 	{
  2205 	return new(ELeave)CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState(aFsm);
  2206 	}
  2208 CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState(CLbsPrivLocFsm* aFsm)	
  2209 : CLbsPrivLocStateBase(aFsm)
  2210 	{
  2211 	}
  2213 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2214 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnEntry
  2215 // Description: Carries out tasks required on entry to the state.
  2216 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2217 //
  2218 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnEntry(const TPrivLocCommonParams& aStateParams)
  2219 	{
  2220 	CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnEntry(aStateParams);
  2221 	const TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams& params = TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams::Cast(aStateParams);	
  2222 	iFsm->IsEmergency() = params.iIsEmergency;
  2223 	iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled() = params.iReqCancelled;
  2224 	iFsm->PreviousStateExitInfo() = params.iPreviousStateExitInfo;
  2225 	}
  2228 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2229 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnExit
  2230 // Description: Carries out tasks required on exit from the state.
  2231 // Panics if the exit reason is not handled by the base state exit
  2232 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2233 //
  2234 TBool CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnExit()
  2235 	{
  2236 	TBool consumed = CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnExit();
  2237 	// If the exit reason wasn't handled, panic (should only happen in development)
  2238 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(consumed, Panic(ENrhPanicWaitLocReqUnknownExitReason));
  2239 	return(consumed);
  2240 	}
  2242 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/,
  2243 					   TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt /*aSessionType*/, 
  2244 					   TBool /*aIsEmergency*/,
  2245 					   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& /*aExternalRequestInfo*/,
  2246 					   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& /*aNetPosRequestPrivacy*/)
  2247 	{
  2248 	// this can never happen. If the Fsm is in the WaitLocReqState then 
  2249 	// any arrival of a MTLR request would start a new session and the OnMTLRRequest()
  2250 	// would be directed to that session not this one
  2251 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ENrhPanicBadParamType)); 
  2252 	}
  2254 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnNetLocRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  2255 						const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  2256 						 TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  2257 						 TBool aIsEmergency,
  2258 						 const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
  2259 	{
  2260 	TInt numMethods = aPosRequestMethod.NumPosMethods();
  2261 	if (numMethods==1)
  2262 		{
  2263 		TLbsNetPosMethodInt netPosMethod;
  2264 		aPosRequestMethod.GetPosMethod(0,netPosMethod);
  2266 		if (netPosMethod.PosMode()== (TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork | TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyAssisted))
  2267 			{
  2268 			iFsm->TapMode() = ETrue;
  2269 			}
  2270 		}
  2273 	if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId())
  2274 		{
  2275 		if (iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled())
  2276 			{
  2277 			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitCancelledByPrivacyController, KErrCancel);
  2278 			TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams locationRequestParams(iFsm->SessionId(), 
  2279 																	iFsm->IsEmergency(), 
  2280 																	iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled());
  2281 			iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationRequest, locationRequestParams);
  2282 			}
  2283 		else
  2284 			{
  2285 			iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitLocReqReceived, KErrNone);
  2286 			TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams updateRequestParams(aSessionId,
  2287 																 aPosRequestMethod,
  2288 																 aSessionType,
  2289 																 aIsEmergency,
  2290 																 aQuality);
  2291 			iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateWaitLocationUpdate, updateRequestParams);
  2292 			}
  2293 		}
  2294 	else
  2295 		{
  2296 		HandleLocRequest(aSessionId,aPosRequestMethod,
  2297 							aSessionType,aIsEmergency,
  2298 							aQuality);
  2299 		}
  2300 	}
  2302 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
  2303 	{
  2304 	if (!iFsm->IsEmergency() && (aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId()))
  2305 			{
  2306 			if (!iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled() )
  2307 				{
  2308 				TLbsNetSessionIdInt sessionId = iFsm->SessionId();
  2309 				MessageSwitch()->SendExternalLocateCancel(sessionId,KErrCancel);
  2310 				}
  2311 			iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled() = ETrue;
  2312 			}
  2313 	}
  2316 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
  2317 */
  2318 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
  2319 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  2320 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
  2321 	{
  2322 	// if the MTLR is still active (has not been cancelled by the privacy handler)
  2323 	if (!iFsm->PrivacyRequestCancelled())
  2324 		{
  2325 		CLbsPrivLocStateBase::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(aSessionId, aPosInfo);
  2326 		}	
  2327 	}
  2329 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2330 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnSessionComplete
  2331 // Description: handling of a session complete message
  2332 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2333 //
  2334 void CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::OnSessionComplete(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2335 																TInt aReason)
  2336 	{
  2339 	if(aSessionId == iFsm->SessionId())
  2340 		{
  2341 		// Make sure the reason passed with the Session Complete is sent to the
  2342  		// Privacy Controller EXCEPT when the update previously passed to the 
  2343  		// network didn't meet the quality criteria. In this case use the
  2344  		// KPositionQualityLoss status.
  2345 		TInt completionReason = aReason;
  2346 		if(aReason == KErrNone)
  2347  			{
  2348  			if(KPositionQualityLoss == iFsm->PreviousStateExitInfo())
  2349  				{
  2350  				completionReason = KPositionQualityLoss;
  2351  				}
  2352  			}
  2354 		iFsm->ExitData().SetExitData(TPrivLocStateExitData::EExitSessionComplete, completionReason);
  2355 		iFsm->ChangeState(CLbsPrivLocFsm::EStateIdle, aSessionId);	            
  2356 		}		
  2357 	}
  2359 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2360 //
  2361 // Package classes
  2362 //
  2363 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2364 //
  2365 TPrivLocCommonParams::TPrivLocCommonParams()
  2366 	{	
  2367 	}
  2368 TPrivLocCommonParams::TPrivLocCommonParams(TLbsNetSessionIdInt aSessionId)
  2369 	{
  2370 	iSessionId = aSessionId;												
  2371 	}
  2373 TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams::TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams()
  2374 	{
  2375 	}
  2376 TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams::TPrivLocWaitLocationRequestParams(
  2377 			const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2378 			TBool	aIsEmergency,
  2379 			TBool   aReqCancelled,
  2380 			TInt    aPreviousStateExitInfo) :
  2381 	TPrivLocCommonParams(aSessionId),
  2382 	iIsEmergency(aIsEmergency),
  2383 	iReqCancelled(aReqCancelled),
  2384 	iPreviousStateExitInfo(aPreviousStateExitInfo)
  2385 	{
  2386 	}
  2388 TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams::TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams()
  2389 	{	
  2390 	}
  2391 TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams::TPrivLocWaitLocationUpdateParams(
  2392 			const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2393 			const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  2394 			TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt  aSessionType,
  2395 			TBool aIsEmergency,
  2396 			const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality) :
  2397 	TPrivLocCommonParams(aSessionId),
  2398 	iSessionType(aSessionType),
  2399 	iIsEmergency(aIsEmergency),
  2400 	iQuality(aQuality),
  2401 	iPosRequestMethod(aPosRequestMethod)
  2402 	{
  2403 	}
  2405 TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams::TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams()
  2406 	{
  2408 	}
  2409 TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams::TPrivLocWaitPrivResponseParams(
  2410 			const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2411 			const TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType,
  2412 			const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aExternalRequestInfo,
  2413 			const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy,
  2414 			TBool aIsEmergency) :
  2415 	TPrivLocCommonParams(aSessionId),
  2416 	iNetPosRequestPrivacy(aNetPosRequestPrivacy),
  2417 	iIsEmergency(aIsEmergency),
  2418 	iSessionType(aSessionType)
  2419 	{
  2420 	// Need to check the type of aExternalRequestInfo before 
  2421 	// copying it into this class.
  2422 	if (aExternalRequestInfo.ClassType() == EExternalRequestInfoClass)
  2423 		{
  2424 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(aExternalRequestInfo.ClassSize() == sizeof(TLbsExternalRequestInfo), 
  2425 					   Panic(ENrhPanicInvalidExternalRequestInfoType));
  2427 		Mem::Copy(&iExternalRequestInfo, 
  2428 				  &aExternalRequestInfo, 
  2429 				  sizeof(TLbsExternalRequestInfo));
  2430 		}
  2431 	else 
  2432 		{
  2433 		if (aExternalRequestInfo.ClassType() == (EExternalRequestInfoClass | EExternalRequestInfoClass2))
  2434 			{
  2435 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(aExternalRequestInfo.ClassSize() == sizeof(TLbsExternalRequestInfo2), 
  2436 						   Panic(ENrhPanicInvalidExternalRequestInfoType));
  2438 			Mem::Copy(&iExternalRequestInfo, 
  2439 					  &aExternalRequestInfo, 
  2440 					  sizeof(TLbsExternalRequestInfo2));
  2441 			}
  2442 		else
  2443 			{
  2444 			Panic(ENrhPanicInvalidExternalRequestInfoType);
  2445 			}
  2446 		}
  2447 	}
  2449 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2450 // 
  2451 // ----------------------------- Class CLbsPrivLocFsm --------------------------
  2452 //
  2453 // State Machine class which owns the states of the Privacy and Location Handler
  2454 //
  2455 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2456 //
  2458 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2459 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::NewL
  2460 // Description: CLbsPrivLocFsm static constructor 
  2461 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2462 //
  2463 CLbsPrivLocFsm* CLbsPrivLocFsm::NewL(
  2464 		CPrivacyAndLocationHandler& aPrivLocHandler,
  2465 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
  2466 	{
  2467 	CLbsPrivLocFsm* self; 
  2468 	self = new (ELeave) CLbsPrivLocFsm(aPrivLocHandler, aSessionId);
  2469 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
  2470 	self->ConstructL();
  2471 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
  2472 	return(self);	
  2473 	}
  2475 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2476 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::CLbsPrivLocFsm
  2477 // Description: CLbsPrivLocFsm constructor 
  2478 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2479 //
  2480 CLbsPrivLocFsm::CLbsPrivLocFsm(
  2481 		CPrivacyAndLocationHandler& aPrivLocHandler,
  2482 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId) :
  2483 	iPrivLocHandler(aPrivLocHandler),
  2484 	iSessionId(aSessionId),
  2485 	iIsEmergency(EFalse),
  2486 	iSessionType(TLbsNetworkEnumInt::EServiceNone),
  2487 	iRefPosProcessed(EFalse),
  2488 	iLocReqReceived(EFalse),
  2489 	iReqCancelled(EFalse),
  2490 	iWasPrivacyResponseReceivedStateExited(EFalse)
  2491 	{	
  2492 	}
  2494 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2495 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::~CLbsPrivLocFsm
  2496 // Description: CLbsPrivLocFsm destructor 
  2497 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2498 //
  2499 CLbsPrivLocFsm::~CLbsPrivLocFsm()
  2500 	{
  2501 	delete iLocationUpdateTimer;
  2502 	iStates.DeleteAll();
  2503 	iStates.Reset();
  2504 	}
  2506 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2507 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::SessionId
  2508 // Description: Get the current session Id for this FSM.
  2509 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2510 //
  2511 const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& CLbsPrivLocFsm::SessionId() const
  2512 	{
  2513 	return iSessionId;
  2514 	}
  2516 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2517 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::ConstructL
  2518 // Description: CLbsPrivLocFsm second-phase constructor.
  2519 //              Creates the states of the system and the Privacy Handler.
  2520 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2521 //
  2522 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::ConstructL()
  2523 	{
  2524 	// Create the states
  2525 	iStates.At(EStateIdle) = CLbsPrivLocIdleState::NewL(this);
  2526 	iStates.At(EStateWaitPrivacyResponse) = CLbsPrivLocWaitPrivRespState::NewL(this);
  2527 	iStates.At(EStateWaitLocationRequest) = CLbsPrivLocWaitLocReqState::NewL(this);
  2528 	iStates.At(EStateWaitLocationUpdate) = CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::NewL(this);
  2530 	iCurrentState = iStates.At(EStateIdle);
  2531     // When waiting for an update, there is a maximum duration specified by the
  2532     // LBS admin data to avoid the risk of hanging around forever in the event of 
  2533     // a problem with the A-GPS module. Create a timer to deal with this.
  2534     iLocationUpdateTimer = CLbsCallbackTimer::NewL(*this);
  2535 	}
  2538 TBool CLbsPrivLocFsm::IsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdateOn()
  2539 	{
  2540 	return PrivLocHandler().IsSpecialFeatureIntermediateFutileUpdateOn();
  2541 	}
  2543 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2544 // CPrivacyAndLocationHandler::SetServerObserver
  2545 // Description: Store a pointer to the NRH server which comunicates with the 
  2546 // Privacy Controller.
  2547 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2548 //
  2549 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::SetServerObserver(MLbsSessionObserver* aNrhServer)
  2550     {
  2551     PrivLocHandler().PrivacyHandler()->SetServerObserver(aNrhServer);
  2552     }
  2554 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2555 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest
  2556 // Description: Called by the Privacy Handler to report the result of a privacy
  2557 // check. Handling of the response is delegated to the current state.
  2558 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2559 //
  2560 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId, 
  2561                             TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsPrivacyResponseInt aRequestResult,
  2562                             TInt aResponseReason)
  2563 	{
  2564 	LBSLOG3(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest response=%d",iSessionId.SessionNum(),aRequestResult);
  2565 	iCurrentState->OnRespondNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId, aRequestResult, aResponseReason);
  2566     }
  2568 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2569 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest
  2570 // Description: Called by the Privacy Handler to report that a privacy check 
  2571 // has been rejected. This may occur after it has already been accepted.
  2572 // Handling of the response is delegated to the current state.
  2573 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2574 //
  2575 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aRequestId)
  2576     {
  2577 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest",iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2578 	iCurrentState->OnCancelNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId);
  2579     }
  2581 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2582 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnMTLRRequest
  2583 // Description: The Message Switch has forwarded a request to start an MTLR 
  2584 // session.
  2585 // Handling of the request is delegated to the current state.
  2586 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2587 //
  2588 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnMTLRRequest(const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2589 					   TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  2590 					   TBool aIsEmergency,
  2591 					   const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aExternalRequestInfo,
  2592 					   const TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacyInt& aNetPosRequestPrivacy)
  2593 	{
  2594 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnMTLRRequest",iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2595 	iCurrentState->OnMTLRRequest(aSessionId, 
  2596 								aSessionType, 
  2597 								aIsEmergency, 
  2598 								aExternalRequestInfo, 
  2599 								aNetPosRequestPrivacy);
  2600 	}
  2602 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2603 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnSessionComplete
  2604 // Description: The Message Switch has reported that the session is
  2605 // over (complete or aborted due to some error).
  2606 // Handling of the message is delegated to the current state.
  2607 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2608 //
  2609 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnSessionComplete(
  2610 									const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId,
  2611 									TInt aReason)
  2612 	{
  2613 	LBSLOG3(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnSessionComplete reason=%d",iSessionId.SessionNum(),aReason);
  2614 	iCurrentState->OnSessionComplete(aSessionId, aReason);
  2615 	}
  2617 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2618 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnNetLocRequest
  2619 // Description: The Message Switch has passed on a request for a position update
  2620 // Handling of the request is delegated to the current state.
  2621 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2622 //
  2623 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnNetLocRequest(
  2624 						const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  2625 						const TLbsNetPosRequestMethodInt& aPosRequestMethod,
  2626 						TLbsNetworkEnumInt::TLbsNetProtocolServiceInt aSessionType, 
  2627 						TBool aIsEmergency,
  2628 						const TLbsNetPosRequestQualityInt& aQuality)
  2629 	{
  2630 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnNetLocRequest",iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2631 	iCurrentState->OnNetLocRequest(aSessionId,
  2632 	 					aPosRequestMethod, 
  2633 	 					aSessionType, 
  2634 						aIsEmergency, 
  2635 						aQuality);
  2636 	}
  2638 /** Called when a reference position arrives from the network.
  2639 */
  2640 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(
  2641 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId, 
  2642 		const TPositionInfoBase& aPosInfo)
  2643 	{
  2644 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnNetLocReferenceUpdate",iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2645 	iCurrentState->OnNetLocReferenceUpdate(aSessionId, aPosInfo);	
  2646 	}
  2648 /** Callend when a final location arrives from the network.
  2650 Currently the final network position is never used by the 
  2651 state machine - it is only needed by the X3P handler. 
  2652 So this function just ignores the update.
  2653 */
  2654 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnNetLocFinalUpdate(
  2655 		const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& /*aSessionId*/, 
  2656 		const TPositionInfoBase& /*aPosInfo*/)
  2657 	{
  2658 	// Final network position not used by CLbsPrivLocFsm, so ignore it.
  2659 	}
  2661 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2662 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::ChangeState
  2663 // Description: Called by a state of the FSM when a transition is required.
  2664 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2665 //
  2666 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::ChangeState(TLocPrivacyHandlerState aNewStateId,const TPrivLocCommonParams& aStateParams)
  2667 	{
  2668 	// Tidy up the old state
  2669 	if(iCurrentState)
  2670 		{
  2671 		// coverity[unchecked_value]
  2672 		// We're not interested in whether it was consumed here
  2673 		iCurrentState->OnExit();
  2674 		}
  2676 	// Note, here the session ID has already being set when the Fsm was created (when session first came into being)
  2677 	// so no need to do this ... iSessionId = aStateParams.iSessionId;
  2679 	// Set the new state
  2680 	iCurrentState = iStates.At(aNewStateId);
  2682 	LBSLOG3(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) Entering state %d",iSessionId.SessionNum(), aNewStateId);
  2684 	// Do any initialisation for the new state.
  2685 	iCurrentState->OnEntry(aStateParams);
  2686 	}
  2688 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2689 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::ChangeState
  2690 // Description: Called by a state of the FSM when a transition is required to a 
  2691 // state which only requires the session Id
  2692 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2693 //
  2694 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::ChangeState(TLocPrivacyHandlerState aNewStateId,
  2695 											const TLbsNetSessionIdInt& aSessionId)
  2696 	{
  2697 	TPrivLocCommonParams commonParams(aSessionId);
  2698 	ChangeState(aNewStateId, commonParams);
  2699 	}
  2701 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2702 // CLbsPrivLocFsm::PrivLocHandler
  2703 // Description: Get the CPrivacyAndLocationHandler object
  2704 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2705 //
  2706 CPrivacyAndLocationHandler& CLbsPrivLocFsm::PrivLocHandler()
  2707 	{
  2708 	return iPrivLocHandler;
  2709 	}
  2711 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2712 // CLbsPrivLocWaitLocUpdateState::OnTimerEventL
  2713 // Description: The Location Update timer has expired.
  2714 // Cancel the request, and pass on the response if any has been received,
  2715 // otherwise report failure.
  2716 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  2717 //
  2718 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnTimerEventL(TInt aTimerId)
  2719 	{	
  2720 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnTimerEventL", iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2721 	iCurrentState->OnTimerEventL(aTimerId);
  2722 	}
  2724 /** Called if OnTimerEventL leaves */
  2725 TInt CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnTimerError(TInt /*aTimerId*/, TInt aError)
  2726 	{
  2727 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ENrhPanicLocationTimerError));
  2728 	return(aError);
  2729 	}
  2731 /** Callback when a GPS position update arrives from AGPS manager.
  2732 */
  2733 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnAgpsPositionUpdate(
  2734 	TInt aReason,
  2735 	const TPositionExtendedSatelliteInfo& aPosInfo,
  2736 	const TTime& aTimeStamp)
  2737 	{
  2738 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnAgpsPositionUpdate", iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2739 	iCurrentState->OnAgpsPositionUpdate(aReason, aPosInfo, aTimeStamp);
  2740 	}
  2742 /** Callback when a GPS measurement results update arrives from AGPS manager.
  2743 */
  2744 void CLbsPrivLocFsm::OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(
  2745 	TInt aReason,
  2746 	const TPositionGpsMeasurementInfo& aPosInfo,
  2747 	const TTime& aTimeStamp)
  2748 	{
  2749 	LBSLOG2(ELogP3, "FSM(%d) OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate", iSessionId.SessionNum());
  2750 	iCurrentState->OnAgpsMeasurementUpdate(aReason, aPosInfo, aTimeStamp);
  2751 	}