changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9cfd9a3ee49c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This file provides the implementation of the class that manages
    15 // assistance data during location requests.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @internalTechnology
    22  @deprecated
    23 */
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <lbs/lbsnetcommon.h>
    28 #include <lbs/lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
    29 #include <lbs/lbsassistancereferencelocation.h>
    30 #include "suplassistancedatamgr.h"
    31 #include "supldevloggermacros.h"
    33 /** Constant to identify an empty set of assistance data.
    34 */
    35 const TInt KAssistDataEmpty = 0;
    37 /** KAssistDataReportTimer
    38 Identity of timer
    39 */
    40 const TInt KAssistDataReportTimer = 0x01;
    42 /** KAssistDataReportTimerDurationInSec
    43 Timer duration for when assistance data is expected from network
    44 */
    45 const TInt KAssistDataReportTimerDurationInSec = 1;
    47 /** Static constructor.
    48 @return A new instance of the CSuplAssistanceDataManager class.
    49 */  
    50 CSuplAssistanceDataManager* CSuplAssistanceDataManager::NewL(MSuplProtocolManagerObserver& aGateway)
    51 	{
    52 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::NewL() Begin\n");
    53 	CSuplAssistanceDataManager* self = new (ELeave) CSuplAssistanceDataManager(aGateway);
    54 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    55 	self->ConstructL();
    56 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    57 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::NewL() End\n");
    58 	return self;
    59 	}
    62 /** Standard constructor.
    63 */  
    64 CSuplAssistanceDataManager::CSuplAssistanceDataManager(MSuplProtocolManagerObserver& aGateway):
    65 							iGateway(aGateway)
    66 	{
    67 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::CSuplAssistanceDataManager() Begin\n");
    68 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::CSuplAssistanceDataManager() End\n");
    69 	}
    72 /** Standard destructor.
    73 */  
    74 CSuplAssistanceDataManager::~CSuplAssistanceDataManager()
    75 	{
    76 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::~CSuplAssistanceDataManager() Begin\n");
    77 	delete iAssistDataReportTimer;
    78 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::~CSuplAssistanceDataManager() End\n");
    79 	}
    82 /** Private second-stage constructor.
    83 */  
    84 void CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ConstructL()
    85 	{
    86 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ConstructL() Begin\n");
    87 	iAssistDataReportTimer = CLbsCallbackTimer::NewL(*this);
    88 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ConstructL() End\n");
    89 	}
    92 /** Process assistance data request.
    93 This is called by the protocol manager to process an assistance data request
    94 received from LBS.
    96 The method first identifies any errors in the assistance data request mask. If any
    97 assistance data types are unsupported, this method sends a response to LBS
    98 for those types with error code KErrArgument.
   100 Then, if there are any state machines ready to handle an assistance data request, the
   101 iPendingDataMask mask is added to aDataRequestMask and then cleared. Otherwise, it is
   102 aDataRequestMask that is added to iPendingDataMask.
   104 The state machines that must receive the assitance data request are returned by this
   105 method as a mask of type MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask.
   107 @param aDataRequest The set of assistance data requested by LBS.
   108 @return aDataRequest The set of assistance data that must be requested from the state machines
   109 @return MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask the state machine that
   110 		must receive the assistance data request.
   111 */
   112 MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ProcessDataRequest(TLbsAsistanceDataGroup& aDataRequestMask)
   113 	{
   114 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ProcessDataRequest() Begin\n");
   116 	// state machines ready for assistance data requests
   117 	MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolServiceMask readyMachinesMask = MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone;
   119 	// Identify invalid parts of the request.
   120 	TLbsAsistanceDataGroup validSet = EAssistanceDataAquisitionAssistance
   121 									 | EAssistanceDataBadSatList
   122 									 | EAssistanceDataNavigationModel
   123 									 | EAssistanceDataReferenceTime
   124 									 | EAssistanceDataIonosphericModel
   125 									 | EAssistanceDataReferenceLocation
   126 									 | EAssistanceDataAlmanac
   127 									 | EAssistanceDataPositioningGpsUtcModel;
   129 	// Create a request error mask for any invalid parts of the request
   130 	TLbsAsistanceDataGroup requestErrorMask = aDataRequestMask & ~validSet;
   132 	if (requestErrorMask != 0)
   133 		{
   134 		// Send an error back to LBS for the assistance data types in the
   135 		// error mask
   136 		//
   137 		RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet dummyAssistanceData; //ignored by LBS when error is not KErrNone
   138 		iGateway.AssistanceDataInd(requestErrorMask, dummyAssistanceData, KErrArgument);
   139 		}
   141 	// Remove from the request mask any assistance data types reported to LBS
   142 	// within the last second. Those need not be requested again. Remove also
   143 	// invalid assitance data types
   144 	aDataRequestMask = aDataRequestMask & ~iReportedDataMask & validSet;
   146 	// See if there are any state machines ready to process assistance data requests
   147 	// (they must get an assistance data request even if it is empty)
   148 	if (iReadyMachinesMask != MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone)
   149 		{
   150 		// Add pending assistance data to the request and clear the pending mask;
   151 		aDataRequestMask = aDataRequestMask | iPendingDataMask;
   152 		iPendingDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   154 		// The request will be forwarded to all the ready machines. After that
   155 		// they are no longer ready for new assistance data requests (until they
   156 		// reported as ready again with MachineReadyForAssistanceDataRequest())
   157 		readyMachinesMask = iReadyMachinesMask;
   158 		iReadyMachinesMask = MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone;
   159 		}
   160 	else
   161 		{
   162 		// Add requested assistance data types to the pending ones
   163 		iPendingDataMask = iPendingDataMask | aDataRequestMask;
   164 		}
   166 	// If any machine is going to get the assistance data request, remember what 
   167 	// assistance data types are going to be retrieved by each state machine.
   168 	if (readyMachinesMask != MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceNone)
   169 		{
   170 		if (readyMachinesMask & MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceSelfLocation)
   171 			{
   172 			iMoLrRequestedDataMask = aDataRequestMask;
   173 			}
   175 		if (readyMachinesMask & MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated)
   176 			{
   177 			iMtLrRequestedDataMask = aDataRequestMask;
   178 			}
   179 		}
   180 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::ProcessDataRequest() End\n");
   181 	return readyMachinesMask;
   182 	}
   185 /** Process Assistance Data Report
   187 Called by the Protocol Manager when a state machine (aStateMachine) has reported that it
   188 has obtained assistance data. The assistance data types reported in this call are those in
   189 aDataReportMask. If the error code aReason is KErrNone, then the assistance data is be available
   190 in aAssistanceDataBuilder.
   192 The error in aReason applies to all of the assistance data types in aDataReportMask.
   194 This method sends the Assistance Data (or error indication) to LBS.
   196 If Reference Location is part of the reported set of assistance data, it is extracted,
   197 converted to the format expected by LBS and sent to LBS.
   199 @param aAssistanceData. The actual assistance data being reported when aReason is KErrNone
   200 @param aDataReportMask. The assistanced data types being reported
   201 @param aReason. If KErrNone, assistance data are being reported, otherwise, a failure to collect
   202 				the assistance data types in aDataReportMask is what is being reported in this call.
   203 @param aStateMachine. The service type of the state machine reporting the assistance data types.
   204 					Used to identify the machine. @see MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver.
   205 @param aSessionId. The unique ID of the session being conducted by the state machine that is reporting
   206 					assistance data. Used when sendig reference location back to LBS.
   207 */
   208 void CSuplAssistanceDataManager::AssistanceDataReport(const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aAssistanceData,
   209 						  const TLbsAsistanceDataGroup& aDataReportMask, TInt aReason,
   210 						  const MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolService& aStateMachine,
   211 						  const TLbsNetSessionId& aSessionId)
   212 	{
   213 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::AssistanceDataReport() Begin\n");
   215 	TLbsAsistanceDataGroup missingDataTypes = KAssistDataEmpty;
   217 	if (aReason != KErrNone)
   218 		{
   219 		// Errored assistance data should be reported to LBS.
   220 		TLbsAsistanceDataGroup reportDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   222 		if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceSelfLocation == aStateMachine)
   223 			{
   224 			// Report error on only those assistance data types that are not being
   225 			// collected by any other state machines and have not been
   226 			// reported recently
   227 			reportDataMask = aDataReportMask & ~iMtLrRequestedDataMask & ~iReportedDataMask;
   228 			iMoLrRequestedDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   229 			}
   230 		else if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated == aStateMachine)
   231 			{
   232 			// Report error on only those assistance data types that are not being
   233 			// collected by any other state machines and have not been
   234 			// reported recently
   235 			reportDataMask = aDataReportMask & ~iMoLrRequestedDataMask & ~iReportedDataMask;
   236 			iMtLrRequestedDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   237 			}
   238 		else
   239 			{
   240 			// This should not happen
   241 			ASSERT(EFalse);
   242 			}
   244 		if (reportDataMask != KAssistDataEmpty)
   245 			{
   246 			iGateway.AssistanceDataInd(reportDataMask, aAssistanceData, KErrArgument);
   247 			}
   248 		}
   249 	else
   250 		{
   251 		// Extract Reference Location from the reported assistance data if present and 
   252 		// send it to LBS as a Location Update.
   253 		//
   254 		if (EAssistanceDataReferenceLocation == (aDataReportMask & EAssistanceDataReferenceLocation))
   255 			{
   256 			RReferenceLocationBuilder* refLocBuilderPtr;
   257 			RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& data = const_cast<RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet&>(aAssistanceData);
   258 			if (KErrNone == data.GetDataBuilder(refLocBuilderPtr))
   259 				{
   260  				if (refLocBuilderPtr->IsDataAvailable())
   261 					{
   262 					// Create a Ref Loc Reader with data from the Builder
   263 		            RReferenceLocationReader refLocReader;
   264 					TInt err = KErrNone;
   265 					TRAP(err,refLocReader.OpenL());
   266 					if (KErrNone == err)
   267 						{
   268 						refLocReader.DataBuffer() = refLocBuilderPtr->DataBuffer();
   270 						// Obtain position info from the Ref Loc Reader and set it in a TPositionInfo
   271 						if(refLocReader.FieldExists(TReferenceLocation::EEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide))
   272 							{
   273 							REllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoideReader ellipsoidReader;
   274 							refLocReader.GetFieldReader(TReferenceLocation::EEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide, ellipsoidReader);
   275 							TPositionInfo positionInfo;
   276 							TPosition position;
   277 							TUint tempUint;
   278 							TInt  tempInt;
   279 							TReal64 latitudeDegrees;
   280 							TReal64 longitudeDegrees;
   281 							TReal32 altitudeMeters;
   282 							TReal aux = 0;
   283 							TReal32 uncertainty;
   285 							position.SetCurrentTime();
   286 							// Get latitude and convert to degrees
   287 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::ELatitudeSign, tempInt);
   288 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::ELatitude, tempUint);
   289 							latitudeDegrees = (tempUint * 90.0) / 8388608.0; //*90/2^23 ; ETSI TS 123.032
   290 	                        latitudeDegrees *= (tempInt == TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::ESouth)? -1: 1;
   292 							// Get longitude and convert to degreees
   293 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::ELongitude, tempInt);
   294 							longitudeDegrees = (tempInt * 45.0) / 2097152.0; //*360/2^24; ETSI TS 123.032
   296 							// Get altitude (meters) and apply sign
   297 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EAltitudeDirection, tempInt);
   298 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EAltitude, tempUint);
   299 							altitudeMeters = tempUint; // ETSI TS 123.032
   300 							altitudeMeters *= (tempInt == TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EDepth)? -1: 1;
   302 							position.SetCoordinate(latitudeDegrees, longitudeDegrees, altitudeMeters);
   304 							// Get both horizontal uncertainties, convert to meters and set Horizontal Accuracy to the largest
   305 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EUncertaintySemiMajor, tempUint);
   306 							Math::Pow(aux, 1.1, tempUint);
   307 						    uncertainty = 10*(aux - 1); // ETSI TS 123.032 : C(((1+x)^k) -1);  x = 0.1; C= 10
   308 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EUncertaintySemiMinor, tempUint);
   309 							Math::Pow(aux, 1.1, tempUint);
   310 							uncertainty = uncertainty > (10*(aux - 1))? uncertainty : (10*(aux - 1));
   312 							position.SetHorizontalAccuracy(uncertainty);
   314 							// Get vertical uncertainty, convert to meters and set Vertical Accuracy
   315 							ellipsoidReader.GetField(TEllipsoidPointAltitudeEllipsoide::EUncertaintyAltitude, tempUint);
   316 							Math::Pow(aux,1.025, tempUint);
   317 						    uncertainty = 45*(aux - 1); //ETSI TS 123.032; C(((1+x)^k) -1); C=45; x=0.025
   318 							position.SetVerticalAccuracy(uncertainty);
   320 							positionInfo.SetPosition(position);
   322 							const TPositionModuleId id = {KSuplv1UidValue};
   323 							positionInfo.SetModuleId(id);
   324 							positionInfo.SetUpdateType(EPositionUpdateGeneral);
   325 							positionInfo.SetPositionMode(TPositionModuleInfo::ETechnologyNetwork);
   326 							positionInfo.SetPositionModeReason(EPositionModeReasonNone);
   328 							refLocReader.Close();
   329 							// Send the position to LBS
   330 							iGateway.NetworkLocationInd(aSessionId, positionInfo);
   331 							}
   332 						}
   333 					}
   334 				}
   336 			}
   338 		// Check if all of the assistance data types expected from the machine sending this
   339 		// assistance data report are being reported. Send to LBS an error for the missing
   340 		// assistance data types if they are not being collected from another machine.
   341 		if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceSelfLocation == aStateMachine)
   342 			{
   343 			if (aDataReportMask != iMoLrRequestedDataMask)
   344 				{
   345 				// Some data types are missing from the report. Pick those not being
   346 				// taken care of by the MTLR state machine.
   347 				missingDataTypes = iMoLrRequestedDataMask & ~aDataReportMask & ~iMtLrRequestedDataMask;
   348 				}
   350 			// No longer expecting assistance data from this machine
   351 			iMoLrRequestedDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;			
   352 			}
   353 		else if (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated == aStateMachine)
   354 			{		
   355 			if (aDataReportMask != iMtLrRequestedDataMask)
   356 				{
   357 				// Some data types are missing from the report. Pick those not being
   358 				// taken care of by the MOLR state machine.
   359 				missingDataTypes = iMtLrRequestedDataMask & ~aDataReportMask & ~iMoLrRequestedDataMask;
   360 				}
   362 			// No longer expecting assistance data from this machine
   363 			iMtLrRequestedDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   364 			}
   366 		if (KAssistDataEmpty != missingDataTypes)
   367 			{
   368 			RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet dummyAssistanceData; //ignored by LBS when error is not KErrNone
   369 			iGateway.AssistanceDataInd(missingDataTypes, dummyAssistanceData, KErrNotFound);
   370 			}
   373 		// Send received assistance data to LBS
   374 		iGateway.AssistanceDataInd(aDataReportMask, aAssistanceData, KErrNone);
   376 		// Remember this report for one second to guard agains this report
   377 		// crossing in transit with a request from LBS which includes some
   378 		// of the assitance data types being reported.
   379 		iReportedDataMask = iReportedDataMask | aDataReportMask;
   380 		if (iAssistDataReportTimer->IsActive())
   381 			{
   382 			iAssistDataReportTimer->Cancel();
   383 			}
   384 		iAssistDataReportTimer->EventAfter(TTimeIntervalSeconds(KAssistDataReportTimerDurationInSec), KAssistDataReportTimer);
   385 		}
   386 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::AssistanceDataReport() End\n");
   387 	}
   389 /** Set a machine as able to handle assistance data requests
   391 This method is called by the Protocol Manager when it detects that a SUPL state machin
   392 has sent a Location Request to LBS (which signals the point when it must/can received
   393 an assistance data request)
   394 */
   395 void CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineReadyForAssistanceDataRequest(const MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolService& aStateMachine)
   396 	{
   397 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineReadyForAssistanceDataRequest() Begin\n");
   398 	// Add this machine to the "ready" state machines mask
   399 	iReadyMachinesMask = iReadyMachinesMask | aStateMachine;
   400 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineReadyForAssistanceDataRequest() End\n");
   401 	}
   404 /** Inform that a state machine is no longer active
   406 This method is called by the Protocol Manager when it detects that a SUPL state machine
   407 has terminated. If any assistance data were expected from this machine, an assistance data
   408 report with KErrNotFound is sent to LBS for those assistance data types.
   409 */
   410 void CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineTerminated(const MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::TLbsNetProtocolService& aStateMachine)
   411 	{
   412 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineTerminated() Begin\n");
   413 	TLbsAsistanceDataGroup orphanedDataRequestMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   415 	// Remove this machine from the "ready" state machines mask
   416 	iReadyMachinesMask = iReadyMachinesMask &  ~aStateMachine;
   418 	// If any assistance data was being collected from the machine (and not being collected from
   419 	// another machine), a failure to collect those assistance data types must be reported to LBS 
   420 	if ( (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceSelfLocation == aStateMachine)
   421 		&& (KAssistDataEmpty != iMoLrRequestedDataMask))
   422 		{
   423 		orphanedDataRequestMask = iMoLrRequestedDataMask & ~iMtLrRequestedDataMask;
   424 		}
   425 	else if ( (MLbsNetworkProtocolObserver::EServiceMobileTerminated == aStateMachine)
   426 			&& (KAssistDataEmpty != iMtLrRequestedDataMask))
   427 		{
   428 		orphanedDataRequestMask = iMtLrRequestedDataMask & ~iMoLrRequestedDataMask;
   429 		}
   431 	// Add the pending assistance data to the orphaned mask and clear the pending mask
   432 	orphanedDataRequestMask = orphanedDataRequestMask | iPendingDataMask;
   433 	iPendingDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   435 	if (KAssistDataEmpty != orphanedDataRequestMask)
   436 		{
   437 		RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet dummyAssistanceData; //ignored by LBS when error is not KErrNone
   438 		iGateway.AssistanceDataInd(orphanedDataRequestMask, dummyAssistanceData, KErrNotFound);
   439 		}
   440 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::MachineTerminated() End\n");
   441 	}
   443 /** Timer expired callback.
   444 This is used for clearing the reportedassistance
   445 data mask one second after sending the assistance
   446 data to LBS.
   447 @param aTimerId The timer event identifier.
   448 */
   449 void CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerEventL(TInt aTimerId)
   450 	{
   451 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerEventL() Begin\n");
   452 	// Perform relevant action for the expired timer
   453 	switch (aTimerId)
   454 		{
   455 		// Additional assistance data timer
   456 		case KAssistDataReportTimer:
   457 			iReportedDataMask = KAssistDataEmpty;
   458 			break;
   460 		// Ignore unknown timer events
   461 		default:
   462 			break;
   463 		};
   464 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerEventL() End\n");
   465 	}
   467 /** Timer callback error handler.
   468 This is called if the timer expiry callback leaves.
   470 @param aTimerId The timer event identifier.
   471 @param aError Error value.
   472 */
   473 TInt CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerError(TInt /*aTimerId*/, TInt aError)
   474 	{
   475 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerError() Begin\n");
   476 	SUPLLOG(ELogP1, "CSuplAssistanceDataManager::OnTimerError() End\n");
   477 	return aError;
   478 	}