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5 <title>LBS Simplified Interface Realization</title> |
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25 <div class="ObjectTitle">LBS Simplified Interface Realization : component diagram</div> |
26 <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="ObjectDetails"> |
27 <tr> |
28 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic">Created:</td> |
29 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue">7/2/2007 10:12:28 AM</td> |
30 </tr> |
31 <tr> |
32 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic">Modified:</td> |
33 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue">6/12/2009 2:32:10 PM</td> |
34 </tr> |
35 <tr style="padding-top: 10px;"> |
36 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic"><img src="../../images/plus03.gif" align="absmiddle" id="proj" onclick="parent.toggleData(this.id)" />Project:</td> |
37 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue"></td> |
38 </tr> |
39 <tr id="proj00" style="display: none;"> |
40 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic" style="padding-left: 18px;">Author:</td> |
41 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue">Symbian</td> |
42 </tr> |
43 <tr id="proj01" style="display: none;"> |
44 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic" style="padding-left: 18px;">Version:</td> |
45 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue">1.7.0</td> |
46 </tr> |
47 <tr> |
48 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic"><img src="../../images/plus03.gif" align="absmiddle" id="adv" onclick="parent.toggleData(this.id)" />Advanced:</td> |
49 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue"></td> |
50 </tr> |
51 <tr id="adv00" style="display: none;"> |
52 <td width="15%" class="ObjectDetailsTopic" style="padding-left: 18px;">ID:</td> |
53 <td width="85%" class="ObjectDetailsValue">{526B6976-38D4-42c6-B0D9-831E1B5967F6}</td> |
54 </tr> |
55 </table> |
56 <div class="ObjectDetailsNotes"><p>1.5.0 - Location Monitor added<br/></p><p>1.6.0 - NRH-AGPSMAN and LSF-AGPSMAN interfaces updated<br/></p><p>1.7.0 - LSF-NLM interfaces updated. Broadcasting of RefPos and FNP removed.<br/></p></div> |
57 |
58 </div> |
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